I have creating this treetable
Now I want to sum up th children values and show the result in the parent cell under the related column. For example for Function 7 in column 2 and row 2 I want to right 2.0, and for Function 11 column 4 row 4 right 1.0 (function 12 + function 13)
Here is the code which produces the treetable.
Set<String> combinedKeys = new HashSet<>(dc.getCombiFunc().keySet());
Set<String> funcAllKeys = new HashSet<>(dc.getSortedfuncAll().keySet());
for (List<String> value : dc.getCombiFunc().values()) {
for (String valueremained : funcAllKeys) {
ArrayList<String> tempNameId = new ArrayList<>();
// all elements which are not in combined functions (They are all
// orphan)
root.getChildren().add(new TreeItem<String>(tempNameId.get(0)));
// Getting Keys that have children//////
Set<String> keyFromcombined = new HashSet<>();
List<String> valueOfCombined = new ArrayList<String>();
for (Entry<String, List<String>> ent : dc.getCombiFunc().entrySet()) {
for (int i = 0; i < ent.getValue().size(); i++)
List<String> rootKeyList = new ArrayList<>();
for (String key : combinedKeys) {
if (!valueOfCombined.contains((key))) {
String[] rootKeys = rootKeyList.toArray(new String[rootKeyList.size()]);
// ////////////////treetable////////////////////////////
rootKey -> root.getChildren().add(
createTreeItem(dc.getCombiFunc(), rootKey)));
// ////////////////First column/////////////////////////
TreeTableColumn<String, String> firstColumn = new TreeTableColumn<>("");
treeTable.getColumns().add(firstColumn);// Tree column
.setCellValueFactory(new Callback<CellDataFeatures<String, String>, ObservableValue<String>>() {
public ObservableValue<String> call(
CellDataFeatures<String, String> p) {
return new ReadOnlyStringWrapper(p.getValue()
// //////////////////Rest Columns////////////////////////
for (Entry<String, String> ent : dc.getSortedAssignedOrg().entrySet()) {
TreeTableColumn<String, ArrayList<String>> col = new TreeTableColumn<>();
Label label = new Label(ent.getValue());
label.setTooltip(new Tooltip(label.getText()));// tooltip for column
// headers
// cell Value Factory////////////////////////
col.setCellValueFactory(new Callback<TreeTableColumn.CellDataFeatures<String, ArrayList<String>>, ObservableValue<ArrayList<String>>>() {
public ObservableValue<ArrayList<String>> call(
CellDataFeatures<String, ArrayList<String>> param) {
TreeMap<String, List<String>> temp = (TreeMap<String, List<String>>) dc
ArrayList<String> result = new ArrayList<>();
for (int i = 0; i < dc.getFuncTypeOrg().size(); i++) {
List<String> list = temp.firstEntry().getValue();
String key = temp.firstEntry().getKey();
if (list.get(1).equals(param.getValue().getValue())
&& !list.get(5).equals(label.getText())) {
if (!root.isLeaf()) {
if (list.get(1).equals(param.getValue().getValue())
&& list.get(5).equals(label.getText())) {
result.add(0, list.get(2));// weight
if (list.size() > 6) {
result.add(1, list.get(list.size() - 1));// color
result.add(2, list.get(6));// App component
// result.add("white");
} else
return new ReadOnlyObjectWrapper<ArrayList<String>>(result);
}); // end cell Value Factory
// //////////////cellfactory/////////////////////////
col.setCellFactory(new Callback<TreeTableColumn<String, ArrayList<String>>, TreeTableCell<String, ArrayList<String>>>() {
public TreeTableCell<String, ArrayList<String>> call(
TreeTableColumn<String, ArrayList<String>> param) {
return new TreeTableCell<String, ArrayList<String>>() {
public void updateItem(ArrayList<String> item,
boolean empty) {
super.updateItem(item, empty);
if (item == null || empty) {
} else if (item.contains("Green")) {
float weightInt = Float.parseFloat(item.get(0));
float res = weightInt * 1;
String resString = Float.toString(res);
setTooltip(new Tooltip(item.get(2)));
} else if (item.contains("yellow")) {
setTooltip(new Tooltip(item.get(2)));
} else if (item.contains("white")) {
this.setStyle("-fx-background-color:linear-gradient(black, white); ");
// setText("DD");
} else if (item.contains("parent")) {
for (int i = 0; i < dc.getFuncTypeOrg().size(); i++) {
String text = param.getCellData(root).get(0);
// setText(text);
});// end cell factory
}//end for loop col
TreeMap temp clones dc.getFuncTypeOrg(). In this TreeMap I have value for each child (color and the number). then in cellfactory i multiply value in color ( green = 1 and yellow = 0). Outside the loop I thought to make a treemap containg each parent as key and all it's children as value. Then I can sum up children values together and make a treemap in which first key is parent and as value the required value(or just string ArrayList ). After that I can check the name of cell in cellFactory and if it is a parent just right the value in the cell. I have been told how i can get treeitem values, and i am now here :
//after col loop ends
TreeMap<String, List<TreeItem<String>>> mytreemap = new TreeMap<>();
TreeMap<String, List<String>> parChild = new TreeMap<>();
for(TreeItem node: root.getChildren()){
mytreemap.put(node.getValue().toString(), node.getChildren());
for(Entry<String, List<TreeItem<String>>> ent: mytreemap.entrySet()){
for(TreeItem myItem : ent.getValue()){
// how can i fill parChild with parent as key and all its children as value?
System.out.println(ent.getKey()+" "+myItem.getValue());
return treeTable; }
Here at setCellFactory
else if (item.contains("parent")) {
for (int i = 0; i < dc.getFuncTypeOrg().size(); i++) {
i can get the roots. Is there a way to do a recursion (up to the number of children and subchildren for that root cell) and add their value together and setText the parent cell to that value?
You can use onEditCommit method to add all childern values and show them in parent cell. For example
column1.setOnEditCommit((evt) -> {
//finalsing value of the cell
//Returns all the sibblings of the current cell
ObservableList<TreeItem> children = evt.getRowValue().getParent().getChildren();
int parentValue = 0;
for (TreeItem<> child : children) {
parentValue = parentValue + Integer.valueOf(child.getValue().getCellValue());
I have a smg file that contains different articles. Now I would like to use prefix tree data structure to establish baseline word counts for the entire corpus of documents. A sample of the file can be found below:
OLDID="5544" NEWID="1">
<DATE>26-FEB-1987 15:01:01.79</DATE>
Some text here.
Any advice on how to establish the baseline word counts?
use trie data structure to load strings and retrieve suggestions faster
public class Trie
public struct Letter
public const string Chars = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ";
public static implicit operator Letter(char c)
c = c.ToString().ToUpper().ToCharArray().First();
return new Letter() { Index = Chars.IndexOf(c) };
public int Index;
public char ToChar()
return Chars[Index];
public override string ToString()
return Chars[Index].ToString();
public class Node
public string Word;
public bool IsTerminal { get { return Word != null; } }
public Dictionary<Letter, Node> Edges = new Dictionary<Letter, Node>();
public Node Root = new Node();
public Trie(string[] words)
for (int w = 0; w < words.Length; w++)
var word = words[w];
var node = Root;
for (int len = 1; len <= word.Length; len++)
var letter = word[len - 1];
Node next;
if (!node.Edges.TryGetValue(letter, out next))
next = new Node();
if (len == word.Length)
next.Word = word;
node.Edges.Add(letter, next);
node = next;
public List<string> GetSuggestions(string word, int max)
List<string> outPut = new List<string>();
var node = Root;
int i = 0;
foreach (var l in word)
Node cNode;
if (node.Edges.TryGetValue(l, out cNode))
node = cNode;
if (i == word.Length - 1)
return outPut;
GetChildWords(node, ref outPut, max);
return outPut;
public void GetChildWords(Node n, ref List<string> outWords, int Max)
if (n.IsTerminal && outWords.Count < Max)
foreach (var item in n.Edges)
GetChildWords(item.Value, ref outWords, Max);
I have a table on database (code, composant, parent) where each node has a parent (a parent is also a component code), I need to fill a treeView dynamically from a select
private TreeView tree;//declaration of the treeView
HashMap<Integer, composant> node = new HashMap<>(); //for child nodes
HashMap<Integer, composant> pere = new HashMap<>(); //for parent nodes
composant c; //object from component class
private void fillTree(String idSys) {
String query = "SELECT * FROM composant WHERE id=?";
try {
ps = cnx.prepareStatement(query);
ps.setString(1, idSys);
rs = ps.executeQuery();
while (rs.next()) {
int code = rs.getInt("code");
String composant = rs.getString("composant");
int parent = rs.getInt("parent");
String niveau = rs.getString("niveau");
int id = rs.getInt("id");
c = new composant(code, composant, niveau, parent, id);
node.put(code, c);
pere.put(parent, c);
} catch (Exception e) {
System.err.println("Error" + e);
TreeItem<String> system = new TreeItem<>(sys);
//brows and fill parents node
for (Integer k : pere.keySet()) {
composant p = pere.get(k);
TreeItem<String> parent = new TreeItem<>();
//brows and fill child hashmap
for (Integer i : node.keySet()) {
composant c = node.get(i);
TreeItem<String> noeud = new TreeItem<>();
if (c.getParent() == k) {
//if the parent = 1 it must attach to the root node
if (k == 1) {
} else {
when compiling nothing appear on the window
this is what I've got
I'm almost sure the logic of creating the tree structure is wrong.
It's best if you simply create the TreeItems and store them by code in a map. Then iterate over the map and add every child to it's parent:
Map<Integer, TreeItem<String>> itemById = new HashMap<>();
Map<Integer, Integer> parents = new HashMap<>();
while (rs.next()) {
int code = rs.getInt("code");
String composant = rs.getString("composant");
int parent = rs.getInt("parent");
String niveau = rs.getString("niveau");
int id = rs.getInt("id");
itemById.put(code, new TreeItem<>(composant));
parents.put(code, parent);
TreeItem<String> root = null;
for (Map.Entry<Integer, TreeItem<String>> entry : itemById.entrySet()) {
Integer key = entry.getKey();
Integer parent = parents.get(key);
if (parent.equals(key)) {
// in case the root item points to itself, this is it
root = entry.getValue();
} else {
TreeItem<String> parentItem = itemById.get(parent);
if (parentItem == null) {
// in case the root item has no parent in the resultset, this is it
root = entry.getValue();
} else {
// add to parent treeitem
Note that the above code assumes there is a unique root stored in the table. in case the query returns a forest where each root should be added to the root item of the TreeView, simply initialize root with a item instead
TreeItem<String> root = new TreeItem<>();
and add the items to root instead of setting the root
// root = entry.getValue();
I have a TableView with a list of items (Transaction) and want it to sort, so that all positive values are above the negative ones. This is the only requirement.
What I have until now:
new Callback<TableView<Transaction>, Boolean>() {
public Boolean call(TableView<Transaction> param) {
Comparator<Transaction> c = (a, b) -> {
if (a.getValue().contains("-") ^ b.getValue().contains("-")) { //getValue() returns a String
return a.getValue().contains("-") ? 1 : -1;
return 0;
FXCollections.sort(expensesTableView.getItems(), c);
return true;
This wasn't my idea, I found this on the net, so don't ask if it looks like a strange way to achieve that. The real problem is, that the table doesn't sort on its own when a new item is added/edited/deleted. I need to click the header 3 times and then it does what I want.
How can I have a list that is always sorted correctly?
I tried adding a ChangeListener and sort on change. But besides that this is an ugly way to do that, it didn't even work... I'm at the end of ideas.
The bitwise OR in the comparator didn't work in my tests, so I've changed it to a normal one, and it's also not checking for change in the value of items from the list.
I wonder if it might be more efficient to do a numeric check rather than a String check, negatives could still sort out below, but I guess the conversion might cost more?
My first idea with SortedList in the comments was actually related to keeping the original sorted order, to be restored after the user has changed the sort, so was off the mark.
Edited to add: Just to clarify, it's the act of keeping the source list sorted that keeps the table list sorted.
public class TestApp extends Application {
private int c;
private ObservableList<TestTransaction> sortedOL;
private final Comparator<TestTransaction> comp = (TestTransaction a, TestTransaction b) -> {
if (a.getValue().contains("-") || b.getValue().contains("-")) {
return a.getValue().contains("-") ? 1 : -1;
return 0;
private TableView<TestTransaction> tableView;
public void start(Stage primaryStage) {
ArrayList<TestTransaction> rawList = new ArrayList<>();
for (int i = 1; i < 20; i++) {
int v = i * 3;
if (v % 2 > 0) {
v = v * -1;
c = i;
rawList.add(new TestTransaction(Integer.toString(v), "Item " + c));
sortedOL = FXCollections.observableArrayList(rawList);
sortedOL.addListener((ListChangeListener.Change<? extends TestTransaction> c1) -> {
if (c1.next() && (c1.wasAdded() || c1.wasRemoved())) {
FXCollections.sort(sortedOL, comp);
FXCollections.sort(sortedOL, comp);
tableView = new TableView<>(sortedOL);
TableColumn<TestTransaction,String> valCol = new TableColumn<>("Value");
valCol.setCellValueFactory(new PropertyValueFactory("value"));
TableColumn<TestTransaction,String> nameCol = new TableColumn<>("Name");
nameCol.setCellValueFactory(new PropertyValueFactory("name"));
tableView.getColumns().setAll(valCol, nameCol);
BorderPane tpane = new BorderPane();
Button btnAdd = new Button("Add");
btnAdd.setOnAction(a -> {addTransaction();});
ToolBar tb = new ToolBar(btnAdd);
tpane.setPrefSize(600, 600);
Scene scene = new Scene(tpane, 600, 600);
private void addTransaction() {
int v = (int) Math.floor(Math.random() * 50);
if (v % 2 > 0) {
v = v * -1;
sortedOL.add(new TestTransaction(Integer.toString(v), "New Item " + c));
* #param args the command line arguments
public static void main(String[] args) {
public class TestTransaction {
private String value;
private String name;
public TestTransaction(String value, String name) {
this.value = value;
this.name = name;
* #return the value
public String getValue() {
return value;
* #return the name
public String getName() {
return name;
If you want to use SortedList, meaning you could inline the comparator:
sortedOL = FXCollections.observableArrayList(rawList);
SortedList sorted = new SortedList(sortedOL, comp);
tableView = new TableView<>(sorted);
I have a class called Result (data that I want to show in my table) with several attributes.
public class Result
private final SimpleStringProperty object;
private List<SimpleStringProperty> listObject= new ArrayList<SimpleStringProperty>();
private final Util util = new Util();
public Result(String object, String[] listObject)
this.object= new SimpleStringProperty(object);
this.objectList= util.transformar(listObject);
public String getObject()
return this.object.get();
public void setObject(String object)
public String[] getListObject()
return util.transformar2(this.listObject);
public void setListObject(String[] listObject)
this.listObject= transformar(listObject);
And I have my controller where I have an empty table and I add the columns and the objetcs Result. The controller has the attribute:
private TableView tablaResultado;
The method were I do that is:
private List<TableColumn> load()
List<TableColumn> listColumn = new ArrayList<TableColumn>();
Object2 object2= new Object2();
List<Result> listaResultado = object2.getResultado();
ObservableList<Result> prueba = FXCollections
TableColumn<Result, String> object= new TableColumn<Result, String>("object");
new PropertyValueFactory<Result, String>(
List<TableColumn<Result, String>> listObject = new ArrayList<TableColumn<Result, String>>();
for (int i = 0; i < ((Result) listaResultado
.get(0)).getListObject().length; i++)
TableColumn<Result, String> columna = new TableColumn<Result, String>(
new PropertyValueFactory<Result, String>(
"listObject[" + i + "]"));
ObservableList<TableColumn<Result, String>> prueba2 = FXCollections
for (int i = 0; i < prueba2.size(); i++)
return listColumn ;
The result is the columns with their names and the data in the column object but the data in the columns listObject is empty. It has to be a list or something because I don't know the size of listObject.
If I change:
columna.setCellValueFactory(new PropertyValueFactory<Result, String ("listObject[" + i + "]"));
and I write:
columna.setCellValueFactory(new PropertyValueFactory<Result, String ("listObject"));
I got something like Ljava.lang.String;#bda3303 in that columns.
final int index = i ;
columna.setCellValueFactory(cellData ->
new SimpleStringProperty(cellData.getValue().getListObject()[index]));
PropertyValueFactory does not "evaluate" an expression. It just tries to access a property of the table item. The default TableCells will use the toString method to get the text to display, which is why you get something like Ljava.lang.String;#bda3303 in the third version, see Java arrays printing out weird numbers, and text .
However you can write your own cellValueFactory:
public class Result
public StringProperty listObjectProperty(int index) {
return listObject.get(index);
final int columnIndex = i;
columna.setCellValueFactory(cellData -> cellData.getValue().listObjectProperty(columnIndex));
Alternatively simply create a ObservableValue<String> with a constant value for the column value:
final int columnIndex = i;
columna.setCellValueFactory(cellData -> Bindings.createStringBinding(() -> cellData.getValue().getListObject()[columnIndex]));
I have following error in this code: Cannot infer type arguments for ReadOnlyListWrapper<>
How should my return type look like? I need to save arraylist for each node in all columns. But I can not return it.
for (Entry<String, String> ent : dc.getSortedOrgAll().entrySet()) {
TreeTableColumn<String, ArrayList<String>> col = new TreeTableColumn<>(
col.setCellValueFactory(new Callback<TreeTableColumn.CellDataFeatures<String, ArrayList<String>>, ObservableValue<ArrayList<String>>>() {
public ObservableValue<ArrayList<String>> call(
CellDataFeatures<String, ArrayList<String>> param) {
TreeMap<String, List<String>> temp = (TreeMap<String, List<String>>) dc
ArrayList<String> result = new ArrayList<>();
for (int i = 0; i < temp.size(); i++) {
List<String> list = temp.firstEntry().getValue();
String key = temp.firstEntry().getKey();
// root.getChildren();
if (list.get(1).equals("Papier")) {
if (list.get(1).equals(param.getValue().getValue())
&& list.get(5).equals(col.getText())) {
else result.add("White");
} else {
// result = null;
return new ReadOnlyListWrapper<>(result);
ReadOnlyListWrapper<T> implements ObservableValue<ObservableList<T>>, which isn't what you need, as you declared the callback to return an ObservableValue<ArrayList<T>> (T is just String here).
So I think you just need
return new ReadOnlyObjectWrapper<ArrayList<String>>(result);
and you can probably omit the generic type:
return new ReadOnlyObjectWrapper<>(result);
Just a comment: I think you could make your life much easier by defining some actual data model classes, instead of trying to force your data into various collections implementations.