Footer won't clear float content - css-float

Having issues with my footer clearing these columns.
You can view the source code here:
Thanks in advance!

remove the position: absolute; on your footer


Website scrolling to the right on certain pages

I have created as you can see on the home page the site fits perfectly without giving excess blank space on the right but on the rest of the pages i get excess space on the right. Can some one help me sort this problem as i dont think there is a problem in the css.
reolaces the existing CSS declarations for id address2 with this.
#address2 {
position: absolute;
/* width: 100%; */
height: 29px;
z-index: 3;
left: 21%;
top: 1526px;
The div with the id of address2 is the problem. If you remove the width: 100% it will fix this problem
You can fix this by adding html {overflow-x:hidden;} to you CSS.
This tells the browser to crop anything out of view that is out of the 100% width on the right or left.
Another option is to add html {width:100%;} to your CSS.
This tells the browser to move all elements into the 100% visible width. It would eliminate scrolling left or right, but may disposition elements if your site is not responsive.
Hope this helped!

Why the footer is not sticked to bottom?

I noticed the glitch that i can't remove somehow, on all pages of the website the grey footer is not sticked to the bottom of the screen...
Here is the small page:
As i can see the white space under footer belongs to <body> tag but i can't fix this.
I tried:
position: absolute;
But in did not help, also as changing padding, margin styles of body, content or footer.
Help please.
You seem to have a button there.
Find the following line:
<button id="authorize-button" style="visibility: hidden">Authorize</button>
and remove it, or do something about it. Perhaps move it up
The problem I'm finding has to do with the line-height property set on your body tag. Removing that property seems to fix the issue.
I would recommend using line-height only where necessary (ex. If you need to use it on your nav or in your content tag, do it).
Hope that helps!
EDIT: Setting position: absolute will work if its parent container is position: relative.
I got it to work like so:
.b-footer {
position: absolute;
width: 100%;
and you want to add position: relative to your .b-content container so the absolute works. I see it working in Chrome right now.

Issue with height: 100% and nested div

I know that is a popular problem, but I really ca't find a solution..
here my jsfiddle
As you can see, the
div id="layoutdueColonne"
go outside the
div id="content"
Thank you very much!
You don't need the height and min-height in content and layoutdueColonne. When you remove them and add
background-color: white;
overflow: hidden;
You will see both sq1 and sq2 inside content.
The float left and right for sq1 and sq2 causes this problem. As workaround, try to combine the two tables into one table or just accept the two tables to be vertically arranged.
Does adding
to your content div solve the problem, or am I missing something else?

Don't move other content CSS

I have a div, it needs to have position:relative;. I want that div to not push other content out of the way, so bascially I want the content in the same places as if the div wasn't there, without having to use position:absolute;. How can I do this?
img {
position: absolute;

Making an img sticky to the bottom of a div?

I'm trying to place an img to the bottom of the outer div.
Sadly it is not working as the default styles from wordpress are making it impossible...
My Project
The img I'm talking about is the small image on the left next to the big main one...
I would appreciate any help as this is already driving me crazy for hours!
Any help is appreciated!
Here's a picture of what it should look like later:
It would help if you posted a picture of what you want the end result to be, but to put an element at the bottom of a container the usual way is setting it's style to something like position: absolute; bottom: 0 you can put a small value in bottom: to offset it a bit to match, you can then use left or rightto set the offset with the other limits of the container.
Edit: I tried this code in the img tag with firebug, seemed to work like in your picture: {
bottom: 90px;
position: absolute;
right: 350px;
