Passing parameters of dynamics ax - axapta

On Dynamics AX 2012,Passing between two step form a parameter that I would use to change the data source of the second form;
how you pass a parameter from the init form to init the data source?

I hope I have understood the question
If you wanto to pass a parameter between forms, you have multiway.
One solution.
In Form - A override a method clicked() control Button
void clicked()
Args args;
FormRun formRun;
args = new Args();;
formRun=new FormRun(args);;
So , in the SecondForm - Form - B
override method init()
public void init()
if(element.args() && element.args().record() &&element.args().record().TableId == tableNum(nameSourceRecords))
nameTableSourceRecords = element.args().record() ;
You have to insert in Designs node Form-B a one StringEdite (set AutoDeclaration YES) in Properties.
Now, you open Form-A select a record, click on control Button -> will Open Form-B and you have set a value in your StringEdit control.
I hope to help you.

Get the parameter in the form.init(), save it to a variable in your form's classdeclaration, then override the datasource's init() method and manually create a FormDataSource object using the passed in parameter to determine the datasource.
Although I'm not sure how you're going to show this on form controls...the controls will expect the datasource to be what it is set up as. There's probably a better way to achieve whatever you're trying to do.

One solution of this is to use EnumTypeParameter and EnumParameter property on menuitem of child form. Set these parameter value on parent form and on child form init you just need an if clause then. like:
if (args.parmEnumType() == yourEnum && args.parmEnum() == 'yourEnumValue')
//set the desired datasource
these links may help you:
opening a form on basis of menuitem


initialize value of edit method in init method of form

I want to initialize a value of an edit method inside the init method of form, i wrote this:
public class foo extends FormRun
str paymTermId;
public void init()
CustTable custTable = CustTable::find("DE-001");
paymTermId = custTable.paymTermId;
edit str edtpaymTermId(boolean set, str _paymTermId)
if (set)
paymTermId= _paymTermId;
return paymTermId ;
But when i open the form the control remains empty.
any suggestions?
I tried to reproduce the issue, but was not successful. For me, when opening the form, the control shows a value.
A possible reason why it is not working for you could be that you open the form in the wrong company. In your code, you retrieve the value to display in the control from the payment term of customer DE-001. This customer exists in company USMF in the Contoso demo data and has payment term Net10. If the form is opened in this company, the value is shown in the control. If you are in another company (e.g. DAT), no value is shown.
I see 2 things that are wrong:
You are setting the value BEFORE super(). It should be after.
You SHOULDN'T initialize the value via field, you should do it calling edit method. Edit methods have a boolean SET parameter which can simulate a call for setting a value.

Where to place validation code

I've created a simple form with an enum field on a grid, dragged from the DataSource CompanyImage:
Table CompanyImage has an Index on this field named Brand in my example and AllowDuplicates is set to No :
And here is the form:
I've overridden the close() method of the form like this:
public void close()
An error is displayed when I close it saying that
"Cannot create a record in CompanyImage(CompanyImage). Legal entities: Example1.
The record already exists."
That's fine but I would like a way to stop closing the window when this happens. A validateWrite() would be nice but I am not really able to figure out where and what to write in order to accomplish this behavior.
I mean, how to check that new row is added and it contains a field that already exists in the table ?
You shouldn't have to force the write() method. Closing the form should already do it.
If you wish to check something to allow the form to be closed, the close() method is too late in execution. You should leverage the canClose() method.
You could override the validate method of the grid column. You would need to write some validation logic in that method but that would prevent the column from saving at all if validation failed.
public boolean validate()
boolean ret;
// write your own validation logic
if (validation logic is true)
ret = true;
return ret;

Initialize values in AX 2012 Wizard controls....

I have created a wizard in Ax 2012 using wizard>wizard and i am calling this wizard from Custtablelistpage form... now, i have put some controls in this wizard like CustAccount, and i need to initialize value in this control from selected record in Custtablelistpage form....
I am trying to perform this using Args class, but it is not working, please suggest some solutions..
please create one wizard in AX 2012 using tools>wizard>wizard
then, please put menu item of this wizard somewhere on custtablelistpage.
After that, please put one field named Customer account on welcome tab of wizard.
Now, if you any record that is displayed in custtablelistpage form, please select that.
My task is to display the Account num of selected record to my wizard when i am clicking the menu item button which i have put on custtablelistpage.
Actually, i have written some code,, which is is working absolutely fine for normal forms. but it is not working for Wizard and i am not getting value to initialize in my control on wizard.
Ok, I took some time to try this out and I have two possible solutions for you.
You can do it by using unbound controls and pass in the selected record
Or you could use a datasource on the wizard form and filter on the selected values
First let's try and do it by using a simple unbound control. Start by adding a CustTable member variable and parameter method to your wizard class.
public class MyTestWizardWizard extends SysWizard
CustTable mySelectedCustomer;
public CustTable parmMySelectedCustomer(CustTable _mySelectedCustomer = mySelectedCustomer)
mySelectedCustomer = _mySelectedCustomer;
return mySelectedCustomer;
Then in your form, you can overwrite the init method and do the following :
void init()
int controlid;
FormStringControl fsControl;
if (element.Args().caller())
sysWizard = element.Args().caller();
// Get the control id of the CustomerId control
controlid = element.controlId(formControlStr(MyTestWizardWizard, CustomerId));
// Check if we actually have a form string control
if(element.control(controlid) is FormStringControl)
// Cast to the FormStringControl type
fsControl = element.control(controlid) as FormStringControl;
// Now fill in the field value
MyTestWizardWizard::main(new args());
So what you actually do here is just fetch the selected record stored in you wizard class. Then we check if the control we want to assign values to is actually the right control to put the value in.
Though this is working, I would prefer a second method. That would be to use a datasource on the form and put a range on the selected record like this. Just put the CustTable as a datasource on the form and place your control as you would normally do.
Then, make sure the init method is performing the super() call at the bottom to make sure initialisation is done before calling the datasource methods:
void init()
// make sure the sysWizard is already initialized before the super to make sure the init on the datasource has an instance of sysWizard
if (element.Args().caller())
sysWizard = element.Args().caller();
MyTestWizardWizard::main(new args());
Then overwrite the init method on the datasource to put a range on the recId field of the custTable.
Please mind the you could assign the value of the range in the ExecuteQuery method, but for this case, I just do it here.
public void init()
SysQuery::findOrCreateRange(this.query().dataSourceTable(tableNum(CustTable)), fieldNum(CustTable, RecId)).value(queryValue(SysWizard.parmMySelectedCustomer().RecId));
Now when your wizard is run, the args passes the record to your wizard class, the form picks it up on the init of the datasource and puts a range on the record that you have selected. All the rest of the magic is normal Ax behavior with bound data controls.
So I hope this is what you needed. Please let me know if you have further questions.

How to trigger an action from a NSTableCellView in view based NSTableView when using bindings

I'm facing a problem with a view-based NSTableView running on 10.8 (target is 10.7, but I think this is not relevant).
I'm using an NSTableView, and I get content values for my custom NSTableCellView through bindings. I use the obejctValue of the NSTableCellView to get my data.
I added a button to my cell, and I'd like it to trigger some action when clicked. So far I have only been able to trigger an action within the custom NSTableCellView's subclass.
I can get the row that was clicked like this, using the chain:
NSButton *myButton = (NSButton*)sender;
NSTableView *myView = (NSTableView*)myButton.superview.superview.superview;
NSInteger rowClicked = [myView rowForView:myButton.superview];
From there I don't know how to reach my App Delegate or controller where the action is defined.
As I am using cocoa bindings, I do not have a delegate on the NSTableView that I could use to trigger my action.
Do you have any idea how I could talked back to controller ?
Many thanks in advance!
Although you are using bindings you can still set your controller as the delegate for your tableview in the interface builder.
I see that you already are able to access the table view from inside your cell. The next task must be simple, just set the table view delegate as the target for your button's action.
Thanks for your question, I also will be triggering an action from a button on a NSTableView. Your question helped to put me on the correct path.
First to address the your solution to finding which row number my NSTableView is on. I was able to find it without knowing the button, in my custom NSTableView I installed the following as a first attempt:
- (NSInteger)myRowNumber
return [(NSTableView*)self.superview.superview rowForView:self];
this works fine, however it is less than robust. It only works if you already know specifically how deep you are in the view hierarchy. A more robust and universal solution is:
- (NSInteger)myRowNumber
NSTableView* tableView = nil;
NSView* mySuperview = self;
NSView* nextSuper = mySuperview.superview;
if (nextSuper == nil)
NSException *exception =
[NSException exceptionWithName:#"NSTableView not found."
reason:[NSString stringWithFormat:#"%# search went too deep.",
NSStringFromSelector(_cmd)] userInfo:nil];
#throw exception;
if ([nextSuper isKindOfClass:[NSTableView class]])
tableView = (NSTableView*)nextSuper;
mySuperview = mySuperview.superview;
} while (tableView == nil);
return [tableView rowForView:self];
this not only works at the NSTableView level, but works with anything installed at any level above it, no matter how complex the view hierarchy.
As to the unanswered part of your question, I established an IBOutlet in my class and using interface builder tied if to my files owner (in my case my document class). Once I had a reference to the class I was sending my message to, and the row number, I call the function. In my case the call required that I pass the row number it originates from.
[self.myDoc doSomethingToRow:self.myRowNumber];
I tested this and it works at various levels of the view hierarchy above NSTableView. And it functions without having to have the row selected first (which appears to be assumed in Apples documentation).
Regards, George Lawrence Storm, Maltby, Washington, USA
Use rowForView: and the responder chain
To respond to a control's action embedded within an NSTableCellView, the control should issue the action to the First Responder. Alternatively, File Owner is possible but this is more tightly coupled.
Use rowForView: within the action method to determine which row's control issued the action:
- (IBAction)revealInFinder:(id)sender {
NSInteger row = [self.tableView rowForView:sender];
The action is implemented within any of the responder chain classes. Most likely, this will be your subclassed NSWindowController instance. The responder could also be the application delegate; assuming the delegate has a means to talk to the NSTableView.
See Apple's example TableViewPlayground: Using View-Based NSTableView and NSOutlineView to see this in action.
Suhas answer helped me.
func tableView(_ tableView: NSTableView, viewFor tableColumn: NSTableColumn?, row: Int) -> NSView? {
if let cell = tableView.makeView(withIdentifier: NSUserInterfaceItemIdentifier(rawValue: "EDIT_CELL_VIEW"), owner: self) as? SymbolManagerCell {
if let editButton = cell.subviews[0] as? NSButton { = cell // this is required to trigger action
return cell
return nil

Cannot use GetLocalResourceObject inside InstantiateIn

I'd like to localize my aspx-page.
This should include dynamically created LinkButtons in a GridView inside of InstantiateIN
(amendment 1: implementation of the System.Web.UI.ITemplate.InstantiateIN method to manipulate the appearance of a GridView)
(amendment 2: first six lines of code added to better indicate location of other code)
But inside InstantiateIN I cannot use (see) the method GetLocalResourceObject
Solution: use a Session-Variable
Question: Why can't I use GetLocalResourceObject inside InstantiateIN?
the following happens inside InstantiateIN
public class DynamicTemplateGridViewSearch : ITemplate
public void InstantiateIn(System.Web.UI.Control Container)
switch (ItemType)
case ListItemType.Item:
switch (InfoType)
case "Command":
LinkButton search_button = new LinkButton();
search_button.ID = "search";
search_button.CommandName = "Edit";
//following line does not work. Error is:
//The name 'GetLocalResourceObject' does not exist in the current context
search_button.Text = GetLocalResourceObject("SearchButtonResource1.Text").ToString();
//so I have to create a Session-String in Page_Load
//which is referenced here
search_button.Text = (string)new Page().Session["SearchText"]; // "Search";
search_button.Click += new EventHandler(search_button_Click);
You haven't told where exactly InstantiateIn method is located - is it inside an custom control?
Regardless, you can use container.Page property to get reference to page object and invoke the method on it. For example,
search_button.Text = Container.Page.GetLocalResourceObject("SearchButtonResource1.Text").ToString();
BTW, session object reference can be obtained similarly or you may use current HttpContext. For example, Container.Page.Session["SearchText"] OR HttpContext.Current.Session["SearchText"]
