Add New Input Field in Wordpress Post Entry - wordpress

I am hoping someone can help with this.
I am a Wordpress newbie, and I have heard about how great Wordpress nowadays.
I have a quick question, how do I add or modify the Post form entry so that I can add more input fields like drop down, checkboxes, or radio buttons to the Post form page.
Any guidance or references that I can look into will be greatly appreciated.

you can use custom post field for plugin for this purpose
download this Here after that you can fetch the input field with
get_post_meta($post->ID,'field name');


Advanced custom field with short codes

Can i display the data which are in the advanced custom fields using shortcodes without editing theme codes, in my web page front end. If the answer is yes, how can i do this? If not are there any methods to do that easily without deep coding knowledge.
chatGPT says yes but I couldn’t.
Yes, you can. There is an ACF shortcode. See here:
[acf field="field_name"]
You can also pass a post id to get the field of another post:
[acf field="field_name" post_id="123"]
However, this does not work for all field types. But there is a Wordpress plugin with which you can display the custom fields called ACF Views:

Displaying a post containing a form in front of the blog list

Is there anyway you can display a post containing a form in front of the blog list? We can certainly display the excerpt and show it in the blog list. I am having hard time displaying a post containing a form. I wanted to display the form in front rather than clicking and go to the individual post
Your help will be much appreciated
You can install some plugin,
Like this:
When install and create a form, you can used plugin shortcode in your posts and display wath you need.

CMB Metabox and custom fields

Sorry, I hope this is simple, but does Web Dev Studios Custom Metabox feature ( need to save the data to the custom fields?
Basically I have it installed and it works but none of the data entered is appearing in the custom fields box like on another site I have, is this going to cause an issue?
sorry I dont have experience with that one. Use Advanced Custom Fields plugin. It'll be lot easier for you. you can even include it to your theme.
Nope, CMB Automatically save the data and retrieve. you may made any mistake, please switch on wp-debug (wp-config.php) and see if you can see any error.
Advance custom field is an alternate solution which has Graphical User Interface. you can also use it.

Create an RSS feed for Wordpress using custom meta for custom post types

I'm trying to find information on creating my own custom rss feed for my custom post types in Wordpress.
The way I have set up my custom post types mean that the 'title' can be duplicated (although I fixed this for tags before anyone mentions it!).
Anyway, what I'm looking for is to display my title and custom meta for each of the feed's items but I just can't find any info.
Can anyone give me any ideas?
I actually found the answer quite easily...
Create a new template (i.e. feeds/my-new-feed.php)
Copy the code from wp-includes/feed-rss2.php into this new template
Do whatever it is you need to do to display whatever you want to.
Create a new page which uses that template
Hope this helps someone else.

Page Template Custom Options

I have a little question. I am making a wordpress template that uses custom page templates. Now i ran into a problem. I want to create a page with a intro text and blog posts that come from a certain category. When a user creates a new page, I want them to be able to select the category from witch the posts are shown. Kinda like a drop down box with category's from where they can select the category they want. Does anyone maby knows a tutorial where I could learn how to do this ?
I mean something like this:
I already searched google but I could only find tutorials on how to make a template options page.
Thanks in advance,
You would want to create a Meta Box to save the category as a custom field entry within Pages. In here you could list the categories within a select box. You could then use this in the page template to pull in the posts from that category as you wish. I'll see if I can dig out a decent tutorial for this.
I did a quick search and found the following plugin for WordPress that may be of use...
