AWS Auto Scaling Launch Configuration Encrypted EBS Cloud Formation Example - encryption

I am creating cloud formation script, which will have ELB. In Auto Scaling launch configuration, I want to add encrypted EBS volume. Couldn't find an encrypted property withing blockdevicemapping. I need to encrypt volume. How can I attach an encrypted EBS volume to an EC2 instance through auto scaling launch configuration?

There is no such property for some strange reason when using launch configurations, however it is there when using blockdevicemappings with simple EC2 instances. See
launchconfig-blockdev vs ec2-blockdev
So you'll either have to use simple instances instead of autoscaling groups, or you can try this workaround:
SnapshotIds are accepted for launchconf blockdev too, and as stated here "Snapshots that are taken from encrypted volumes are automatically encrypted. Volumes that are created from encrypted snapshots are also automatically encrypted."
Create a snapshot from an encrypted empty EBS volume and use it in the CloudFormation template. If your template should work in multiple regions then of course you'll have to create the snapshot in every region and use a Mapping in the template.

As Marton says, there is no such property (unfortunately it often takes a while for CloudFormation to catch up with the main APIs).
Normally each encrypted volume you create will have a different key. However, when using the workaround mentioned (of using an encrypted snapshot) the resulting encrypted volumes will inherit the encryption key from the snapshot and all be the same.
From a cryptography point of view this is a bad idea as you potentially have multiple, different volumes and snapshots with the same key. If an attacker has access to all of these then he can potentially use differences to infer information about the key more easily.
An alternative is to write a script that creates and attaches a new encrypted volume at the boot time of a instance. This is fairly easy to do. You'll need to give the instance permissions to create and attach volumes and either have installed the AWS CLI tool or a library for your preferred scripting language. One you have that you can, from the instance that is booting, create a volume and attach it.
You can find a starting point for such a script here:

There is an AutoScaling EBS Block Device type which provides the "Encrypted" option:
Hope this helps!

AWS recently announced Default Encryption for New EBS Volumes. You can enable this per region via
EC2 Console > Settings > Always encrypt new EBS volumes


Check if azure databricks mount point exists from .NET

I work on an app which does some kind of data engineering and we use Azure ADLS for data storage and Databricks for data manipulation. There are two approaches in order to retrieve the data, the first one uses the Storage Account and Storage account secret key and the other approach uses mount point. When I go with the first approach, I can successfully check, from .NET, whether the Storage account and it's corresponsive Secret key correspond to each other and return a message whether the credentials are right or not. However, I need to do the same thing with the mount point i.e. determine whether the mount point exists in dbutils.fs.mounts() or anywhere in the storage (I don't know how mount point exactly works and if it stores data in blob).
The flow for Storage account and Secret key is the following:
Try to connect using the BlobServiceClient API from Microsoft;
If it fails, return a message to the user that the credentials are invalid;
If it doesn't fail, proceed further.
I'm not that familiar with /mnt/ and stuff because I mostly do .NET but is there a way to check from .NET whether a mount point exists or not?
Mount point is just a kind of reference to the underlying cloud storage. dbutils.fs.mounts() command needs to be executed on some cluster - it's doable, but it's not fast & cumbersome.
The simplest way to check that is to use List command of DBFS REST API, passing the mount point name /mnt/<something> as path parameter. If it doesn't exist, you'll get error message RESOURCE_DOES_NOT_EXIST:
"error_code": "RESOURCE_DOES_NOT_EXIST",
"message": "No file or directory exists on path /mnt/test22/."

Web.Config transforms for Multi-Tenant deployment of WebForms app in docker over AWS ECS

ASP.NET WebForms app over IIS
Docker container host
AWS ECS hosting platform
Each client hosting its own copy of the app with private database connection string
In the non-docker environment, each copy is a virtual directory under IIS, and thus have their own individual web.config pointing to dedicated databases. The underlying codebase is the same for each client, with no client-specific customization involved. The route becomes / here.
In the docker environment (one container per client), each copy goes over as a central root application.
Since the root image is going to be the same, how to have the web.config overridden for each client deployment.
We shouldn't create multiple images (one per client) as that will mean having extra deployment jobs and losing out on centralization. The connection strings should ideally be stored in some kind of dictionary storage applicable at ECS level which can provide client-specific values upon loading of corresponding containers.
Presenting the approach we used to solve this issue. Hope it may help others struck in similar cases.
With the problem statement tied to having a single root image and having any customization being applied at runtime, we knew that there needs to be a transformation of web.config at time of loading of the corresponding containers.
The solution was to use a PowerShell script that will read the web.config and get replace the specific values which were having a custom prefix embedded to the key. The values got passed from custom environmental variables within ECS and the web.config also got updated to have the keys with the prefix added.
Now since the docker container can have only a single entry point, a new base image was created which instantiated an IIS server and called a PowerShell script as startup. The called script called this transformation script and then set the ServiceMonitor on the w3cwp.
Thanks a lot for this article
I would use environment variables as the OP suggests for this with a start up transform, however I want to make the point that you do not want sensitive information in ENV variables, like DB passwords, in your ECS task definition.
For that protected information, you should use ECS secrets coupled with Parameter Store in Systems Manager. These values can be stored encrypted in the Parameter Store (using a KMS key) and the ECS Agent will 'inject' them as ENV variables on task startup.
For me, to simplify matters, I simply use secrets for everything although you can choose to only encrypt the sensitive information and leave the others clear.
I dynamically add the secrets for the given application into my task definitions at deploy time by looking up the 'secrets' for the given app by 'namespace' (something that Parameter Store supports). Then, if I need to add a new parameter, I can just add a new secret to the store in the given namespace and re-deploy the app. It will pick up and inject into the task definition any newly defined secrets automatically (or remove ones that have been retired).
Sample ruby code for creating task definition:
params = ssm_client.get_parameters_by_path(path: '/production/my_app/').parameters
secrets ={ |p| { name:"/")[-1], value_from: p.arn } }
task_def.container_definitions[0].secrets = secrets
This last transform injects the secrets such that the secret 'name' is the ENV variable name... which ends up looking like this:
"secrets": [
"valueFrom": "arn:aws:ssm:us-east-1:578610029524:parameter/production/my_app/DB_HOSTNAME",
"name": "DB_HOSTNAME"
"valueFrom": "arn:aws:ssm:us-east-1:578610029524:parameter/production/my_app/DB_PASSWORD",
"name": "DB_PASSWORD"
You can see there are no values now in the task definition. They are retrieved and injected when ECS starts up your task.
More information:

Can you FTP into an EC2 instance if you opted out of creating a key pair when you generated it?

I followed this AWS tutorial to get a Wordpress site up and running but it instructed me not to use the keypair option so now I can not follow those instructions to FTP and make simple CSS etc. changes.
Before I blow up the whole instance, am I missing an approach that can make FTP possible?
If you skipped creating key pair during instance launch, you can't connect to it. The only way to connect to that instance with (S)FTP now is to put a working key on the disk:
Stop the instance.
Detach the EBS volume and attach it to the instance that you can connect to.
Mount the volume and put a public key in ./ssh folder in the home directory of the user named bitnami.
Dismount the volume, detach it and attach back to the original instance.
Seem like it's easier to just recreate the instance, this time with a private key.

How to migrate Wordpress between Compute Engine instances

I have recently created a very small Google Compute Engine instance, naively thinking it's one of those easily scalable things Google people keep raving about.
I used the quick deployment feature of Wordpress and it all installed itself nicely, so I started configuring and adding data etc.
However, I then found out that I can't scale an existing instance (i.e. it won't allow me to change the instance type to a bigger one. I don't get why not, but there you go.), so it looks like I need to find a way to migrate my Wordpress installation to a new instance.
Will I simply be able to create a new instance and point it at the persistent disk my small instance currently uses, et voila, Bob's your uncle?
Or do I need to manually get the files and MySql data off the first instance and re-import into an empty new instance?
What's the easiest way?
Any advise or helpful links would be appreciated.
P.S.: Btw, should I try to use the Google Cloud SQL store instead of a local MySql installation?
In order to upgrade your VM:
access the VM's settings in the Developers Console (your project -> Compute -> Compute Engine -> VM instances -> click on the VM's name)
Scroll down to the "Disks" section, and un-check "Delete boot disk when instance is deleted"
Delete the VM in question. Take note that the disk, named after the instance, will remain.
Create a new VM, selecting "Existing disk" under Boot disk - Boot source. In the next box down, select the disk from point 3 above, as well as a bigger machine type.
The resulting new instance will use the existing disk from the old one, with improved hardware / performance.
As for using Cloud SQL in lieu of a VM-installed database, it's perfectly feasible, and allows to adjust the Cloud SQL instance to match your actual use. A few consideration when setting up this kind of instance:
limit the IPs allowed to connect to your Cloud SQL instance to your frontend's IP, and perhaps the workstation's IP or subnet from which you maintain the database out of.
configure Cloud SQL to use SSL certificates.
Sammy's answer covers the important stuff I just wanted to clarify how your files are arranged on the two disks that are attached to your instance:
The data disk contains /var/www/ which is all of the wordpress files. It's mounted on the instance at /wordpress
The boot disk contains everything else, including the MySQL database that was created for the Wordpress installation.

What's the best method for passing AWS credentials as user data to an EC2 instance?

I have a job processing architecture based on AWS that requires EC2 instances query S3 and SQS. In order for running instances to have access to the API the credentials are sent as user data (-f) in the form of a base64 encoded shell script. For example:
$ cat
export AWS_ACCOUNT_NUMBER='1111-1111-1111'
export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID='0x0x0x0x0x0x0x0x0x0'
$ zip -P 'secret-password'
$ openssl enc -base64 -in
Many instances are launched...
$ ec2run ami-a83fabc0 -n 20 -f
Each instance decodes and decrypts using the 'secret-password' which is hard-coded into an init script. Although it does work, I have two issues with my approach.
'zip -P' is not very secure
The password is hard-coded in the instance (it's always 'secret-password')
The method is very similar to the one described here
Is there a more elegant or accepted approach? Using gpg to encrypt the credentials and storing the private key on the instance to decrypt it is an approach I'm considering now but I'm unaware of any caveats. Can I use the AWS keypairs directly? Am I missing some super obvious part of the API?
You can store the credentials on the machine (or transfer, use, then remove them.)
You can transfer the credentials over a secure channel (e.g. using scp with non-interactive authentication e.g. key pair) so that you would not need to perform any custom encryption (only make sure that permissions are properly set to 0400 on the key file at all times, e.g. set the permissions on the master files and use scp -p)
If the above does not answer your question, please provide more specific details re. what your setup is and what you are trying to achieve. Are EC2 actions to be initiated on multiple nodes from a central location? Is SSH available between the multiple nodes and the central location? Etc.
Have you considered parameterizing your AMI, requiring those who instantiate your AMI to first populate the user data (ec2-run-instances -f user-data-file) with their AWS keys? Your AMI can then dynamically retrieve these per-instance parameters from
OK, here goes a security-minded comparison of the various approaches discussed so far:
Security of data when stored in the AMI user-data unencrypted
clear-text data is accessible to any user who manages to log onto the AMI and has access to telnet, curl, wget, etc. (can access clear-text
you are vulnerable to proxy request attacks (e.g. attacker asks the Apache that may or may not be running on the AMI to get and forward the clear-text
Security of data when stored in the AMI user-data and encrypted (or decryptable) with easily obtainable key
easily-obtainable key (password) may include:
key hard-coded in a script inside an ABI (where the ABI can be obtained by an attacker)
key hard-coded in a script on the AMI itself, where the script is readable by any user who manages to log onto the AMI
any other easily obtainable information such as public keys, etc.
any private key (its public key may be readily obtainable)
given an easily-obtainable key (password), the same problems identified in point 1 apply, namely:
the decrypted data is accessible to any user who manages to log onto the AMI and has access to telnet, curl, wget, etc. (can access clear-text
you are vulnerable to proxy request attacks (e.g. attacker asks the Apache that may or may not be running on the AMI to get and forward the encrypted, ulteriorly descrypted with the easily-obtainable key)
Security of data when stored in the AMI user-data and encrypted with not easily obtainable key
the encrypted data is accessible to any user who manages to log onto the AMI and has access to telnet, curl, wget, etc. (can access encrypted
an attempt to decrypt the encrypted data can then be made using brute-force attacks
Security of data when stored on the AMI, in a secured location (no added value for it to be encrypted)
the data is only accessible to one user, the user who requires the data in order to operate
e.g. file owned by user:user with mask 0600 or 0400
attacker must be able to impersonate the particular user in order to gain access to the data
additional security layers, such as denying the user direct log-on (having to pass through root for interactive impersonation) improves security
So any method involving the AMI user-data is not the most secure, because gaining access to any user on the machine (weakest point) compromises the data.
This could be mitigated if the S3 credentials were only required for a limited period of time (i.e. during the deployment process only), if AWS allowed you to overwrite or remove the contents of user-data when done with it (but this does not appear to be the case.) An alternative would be the creation of temporary S3 credentials for the duration of the deployment process, if possible (compromising these credentials, from user-data, after the deployment process is completed and the credentials have been invalidated with AWS, no longer poses a security threat.)
If the above is not applicable (e.g. S3 credentials needed by deployed nodes indefinitely) or not possible (e.g. cannot issue temporary S3 credentials for deployment only) then the best method remains to bite the bullet and scp the credentials to the various nodes, possibly in parallel, with the correct ownership and permissions.
I wrote an article examining various methods of passing secrets to an EC2 instance securely and the pros & cons of each.
The best way is to use instance profiles. The basic idea is:
Create an instance profile
Create a new IAM role
Assign a policy to the previously created role, for example:
"Statement": [
"Sid": "Stmt1369049349504",
"Action": "sqs:",
"Effect": "Allow",
"Resource": ""
Associate the role and instance profile together.
When you start a new EC2 instance, make sure you provide the instance profile name.
If all works well, and the library you use to connect to AWS services from within your EC2 instance supports retrieving the credentials from the instance meta-data, your code will be able to use the AWS services.
A complete example taken from the boto-user mailing list:
First, you have to create a JSON policy document that represents what services and resources the IAM role should have access to. for example, this policy grants all S3 actions for the bucket "my_bucket". You can use whatever policy is appropriate for your application.
Next, you need to create an Instance Profile in IAM.
import boto
c = boto.connect_iam()
instance_profile = c.create_instance_profile('myinstanceprofile')
Once you have the instance profile, you need to create the role, add the role to the instance profile and associate the policy with the role.
role = c.create_role('myrole')
c.add_role_to_instance_profile('myinstanceprofile', 'myrole')
c.put_role_policy('myrole', 'mypolicy', BUCKET_POLICY)
Now, you can use that instance profile when you launch an instance:
ec2 = boto.connect_ec2()
ec2.run_instances('ami-xxxxxxx', ..., instance_profile_name='myinstanceprofile')
I'd like to point out that it is not needed to supply any credentials to your EC2 instance anymore. Using IAM, you can create a role for your EC2 instances. In these roles, you can set fine-grained policies that allow your EC2 instance to, for example, get a specific object from a specific S3 bucket and no more. You can read more about IAM Roles in the AWS docs:
Like others have already pointed out here, you don't really need to store AWS credentials for an EC2 instance, by using IAM Roles -
I will add that you can employ the same method also for securely storing NON-AWS credentials for you EC2 instance, like say if you have some db credentials you want to keep secure. You save the non-aws credentials on a S3 Bukcet, and use IAM role to access that bucket.
you can find more detailed information on that here -
