Add roles in FOSUserBundle - symfony

I feel the same as a forum user who posted this:
I implemented FOSUserBundle, and I want to add to RegisrationFormType roles that are taken from a table. When I had it like this:
->add('roles', 'choice', array('label' => 'Rol', 'required' => true,
'ROLE_USER' => 'USUARIO'), 'multiple' => true))
And it works! But they must leave the BD, I can not put the Entity field because roles should be an array, not an object. How I can generate the array with the roles taken from a table? In FosUSerbundle as you would add roles?
Thanks ....
I write because that user had no answer. I followed [the steps of official documentation] ( and adding the above lines in the register of FOSUserBundle works, but I want to work this from the database.
And then I used to create groups this. Two additional tables were created and even now joined a group or role in the list, but not how to show the login to register a new user.
Has anyone solved it?

So you have the roles in a table? You could inject the EntityManager in the form type and use it to fetch the choices.
->add('roles', 'choice', array(
'label' => 'Rol',
'choices' => $this->getRoles(),
'multiple' => true,
'required' => true,
Then create a method which gives you the data the way you need.
Something like:
public function getRoles()
$roles = array();
$er = $this->em->getRepository('AppBundle:Role');
$results = $er->createQueryBuilder('r')
// conditions here
// process the array?
foreach ($results as $role) {
$roles[$role->getId()] = $role->getLabel();
return $roles;


How to prefill field of type EntityType from PHP

In my form, I have a field of type EntityClass:
'required' => false,
'label' => 'User',
'placeholder' => 'Please choose',
'choice_label' => 'email',
'choice_value' => 'id',
'class' => 'AppBundle:User',
This field works fine - until I try to pre-fill it from my PHP code. Then it stays empty, and only shows "Please choose".
Pre-filling looks like this:
$user = $this->userRepository->find(...);
But it also does not work if I call ->setData($user->getId()), or even ->setData($user->getEmail()).
So how do I prefill a field of type EntityType?
You should not prefill Form, you should prefill Model, if you need it.
$user = $this->userRepository->find(...);
$entity = new YourEntity();
$form = $this->createForm(YourEntity::class, $entity);
And it's not about EntityType. It's about any Type in Symfony - there is no way to bind a default value for them. Data is binded on Model.
UPD from comment: It's not true, that Form could be used without Model. It could be used without Doctrine Entity or any other ORM (or not ORM) Entity. But they still operate with data, i.o. with model.
\Symfony\Component\Form\FormFactoryInterface has definition
public function create($type = 'form', $data = null, array $options = array());
So some kind of $data is always present when you're using Form Component.

Symfony2, Sonata, FormMapper, add hidden field to be handled in PrePersist/PreUpdate

I actually did some tricks so i could be able to persist a user if its ID is passed by an url parameter. (Custom action from user list).
I actually could not find how to send the user entity returned by a findByOne(array('id' => $user_id)) so i guess i'll need to pass the $user_id through a hidden field and handle its value in a PrePersist
Otherwise passing the id that way
->add('user', 'hidden', array('data' => $user_id))
will return an error :
This value is not valid.
Object(Symfony\Component\Form\Form).children[user] = 7
Caused by:
Compound forms expect an array or NULL on submission.
This is my first attempt that is not working :
$container = $this->getConfigurationPool()->getContainer();
$request = $container->get('request');
$user_id = $request->get('user');
$em = $this->getModelManager()->getEntityManager($this->getClass());
$user = $em->getRepository('ApiBundle:User')->findOneBy(array('id' => $user_id));
->with('User', array('description' => '<strong>User : </strong>'.$user->getDisplayName()))
->add('user', 'hidden', array('data' => $user_id))
// this of course doesn't work as explained above. How can i have my own hidden input not related to any property
So how would i do that? Any better solution is welcomed.
Well this is the best trick i found. I wish 'sonata_type_model_hidden' has more options. I guess i could do my own custom field to be able to do that. But i'm not sure how and anyway this solution is fast to implement.
->with('Guide', array('description' => '<strong>Guide : </strong>'.$guide->getDisplayName()))
->add('guide', 'sonata_type_model_autocomplete', array(
'property' => array('firstname', 'lastname', 'username', 'email'),
'data_class' => null, // IMPORTANT
'data' => $guide,
'attr' => array('class' => 'sonata-autocomplete-hidden'), // custom class
'label_attr' => array('class' => 'sonata-autocomplete-hidden'), // custom class
To hide the field :
If you have any better solutions, you're welcome.

Symfony: how to add a sub set of items from big collection to entity type?

A car machine oil is applicable to several car models, but in my case, there are hundreds of car models in our system, I don't want to load them all to a page, then , let a user to choose specific car models, it would be better to use ajax call to get car model by car brand , car series. the user choose a sub collection of items , post these selected to server.
In the form type ,I add a form field like this below, as we know, if I don't set its option choices as empty array, the entity field will get all car models , which will result in huge performance penalty.
->add('applicableModels', 'entity', array(
'class' => 'VMSP\CarBundle\Entity\CarModel',
'property_path' => "modelName",
'label' => 'vmsp_product.product.form.applicable_model',
So, how do you add a sub set of items from a big collection , and assign these selected items to entity type?
The simple answer is that you can define a custom query builder for each element, you add to the form, i.e.
$data = $builder->getData();
->add('applicableModels', 'entity', array(
'class' => 'VMSP\CarBundle\Entity\CarModel',
'multiple' => true,
'property_path' => "modelName",
'label' => 'vmsp_product.product.form.applicable_model',
'query_builder' => function (EntityRepository $er) use ($data) {
$qb = $er->createQueryBuilder('e')
->where('e.manufacturer IN (:manufacturer)')
->setParameter('manufacturer', $data['manufacturer']);
return $qb->orderBy('');
So you may have a sort of a "wizard" where user select a manufacturer, the page reloads, and the cars shown are only a subset.
In a very similar situation I ended up doing things a little differently, though. In the form, the choices are set to an empty array. On frontend, the options are filled via Ajax calling a separate API. Then on the form "pre-submit" event, I fill the field with the selected option.
FormEvents::PRE_SUBMIT, function (FormEvent $event) {
$form = $event->getForm();
$data = $event->getData();
if (!empty($data['applicable_model'])) {
$form->add('applicable_model', 'entity', array(
'class' => 'VMSP\CarBundle\Entity\CarModel',
'query_builder' => function (EntityRepository $er) use ($data) {
$qb = $er->createQueryBuilder('e')
->where(' IN (:applicable_model)')
->setParameter('applicable_model', $data['applicable_model']);
return $qb;
Update: I learned that the addEventListener part can probably be replaced by a DataTransforme instead, see

Save form data temporary

The user has the ability to filter a list of data. For this use case i build a form type "UserFilterType", which look like this.
public function buildForm(FormBuilderInterface $builder, array $options)
$builder->add('firstName', 'text', array('attr' => array('maxlength' => 255)))
->add('roles', 'entity', array(
'class' => 'ApplicationUserBundle:Role',
'property' => 'name',
'label' => false,
'multiple' => false,
'expanded' => false,
'empty_value' => 'msg.role.all',
'translation_domain' => 'role', 'required' => false)
So far everything works very well. The user can filter the output. But if the user wants to sort the output, eg by first name. A get request executed and filter options lost. I will save the filter options temporary, maybe in a session.
I try the following option:
$session = $this->getRequest()->getSession();
$session->set('userFilter', serialize($form->getData());
The form fields are filled out correctly, but if i execute the filter again with a post request i get the following error message
"Entities passed to the choice field must be managed. Maybe persist them in the entity manager?"
Does anyone have any idea how I should proceed? I hope I could describe my problem understandable.
Instead of field type 'entity', you might want to use 'choice' and set the querybuilder for the choicelist in the form.
This is caused by the fact, that 'entity' type field expects an Entity as a value. When you unserialize the data, even if it was an Entity from the database, the EntityManager doesn't know this(the unserialized object is just an instance of ApplicationUserBundle:Role, it might not be in the database yet) so this is not a "managed" entity.
You can also add the EntityManager that you found a "lost lamb" and add it back to the manager by:
$filters = unserialize($session->set('userFilter'));
$roles = $filters['roles'];
This way you tell the EntityManager that this object is already persisted(through ->persist) and EntityManager should treat it as an object fetched from the database
but you need to test it

How to validate two instances of the same entity?

Use case
I am learning Symfony2 and am creating a Table Tennis tracking app to learn the framework. I have configured my entities as follows.
Player 1..n Result n..1 Match
On my form I'd like to validate that the scores for a match are correct.
Match has an ArrayCollection() of results.
My MatchType and ResultType forms contain the following.
// Form\MatchType
$builder->add('matchType', 'entity', array(
'class' => 'PingPongMatchesBundle:MatchType',
'property' => 'name',
->add('results', 'collection', array(
'type' => new ResultType(),
'allow_add' => true,
'by_reference' => false,
// Form\ResultType
$builder->add('player', 'entity', array(
'class' => 'PingPongPlayerBundle:Player',
'query_builder' => function(EntityRepository $er) {
return $er->createQueryBuilder('p')
->orderBy('p.firstName', 'ASC');
I need to be able to validate the scores. However I'm not sure how to approach this type of validation as I need to compare two instances of my Result#score in order to know if they are valid or not.
Is anyone able to suggest a method or approach that I could use in order to be able to compare Result#score between the two different instances? Can I validate the ArrayCollection in the Match entity for example?
You could creat a custom validator constraint on Match entity.
Take a look in Callback constraint:
