Will Dijkstra or A* work correctly with cost a function of full path? - path-finding

What I'm considering is this: when a node becomes the current node, compute "on the fly" the cost to each neighbor, where the cost is a function of the complete path to arrive at the current node. I can't think how this would break the assumptions of the algorithm, but I have a feeling it might.
I'm doing the on the fly computation for storage reasons anyway, but the new thing would be having the costs be a function of more than the two nodes involved. Could it work?

As far as I see, it doesn't break the assumptions of the Dijsktra algorithm, i.e. you can still continue to use it. However, when you want to do so, it does require you to completely refigure your graph.
More detailed, you can't simply use Node-Indices {1,...,N} anymore, but then your state rather needs to be something like {(1,all-ways-to-get-there), ... , (N,all-ways-to-get-there)}. This will bring in a bad exponential scaling.
The reason for this is that the Dijkstra algorithm -- like Dynamic programming -- relies on the fact that the problem can be split in parts and solved there, which is not the case here.
Here is an example why it can't be done by "normal" Dijkstra: say your function which assigns a cost to a given way {node_1, node_2, ..., node_N} is called f and is assumed arbitrary. Then it is completely irrelevant what your current best costs or best path {node_1, ..., node_{N-1}} is at the moment, as you can't make any implication on that -- all you can do is to work out each possible path, which grows exponentially and is hopeless for large graphs.
In case your function fulfills some requirements, however, there might be better things to do. For example, in the simplest case when your function is linear, f({path1} + {path2}) = f({path1}) + f({path2})], the "original" Dijkstra algorithm is recovered.

If it's possible to pre-compute the cost of travelling between each pair of nodes, then there is absolutely no reason you can't use Dijkstra or A*, as long as none of your edge weights can be negative.
If it's not possible to pre-compute the cost, then it's likely that you're doing something wrong in your pathfinding, as it likely depends on the state of the search. :)


Find the first root and local maximum/minimum of a function

I want to find
The first root
The first local minimum/maximum
of a black-box function in a given range.
The function has following properties:
It's continuous and differentiable.
It's combination of constant and periodic functions. All periods are known.
(It's better if it can be done with weaker assumptions)
What is the fastest way to get the root and the extremum?
Do I need more assumptions or bounds of the function?
What I've tried
I know I can use root-finding algorithm. What I don't know is how to find the first root efficiently.
It needs to be fast enough so that it can run within a few miliseconds with precision of 1.0 and range of 1.0e+8, which is the problem.
Since the range could be quite large and it should be precise enough, I can't brute-force it by checking all the possible subranges.
I considered bisection method, but it's too slow to find the first root if the function has only one big root in the range, as every subrange should be checked.
It's preferable if the solution is in java, but any similar language is fine.
I want to calculate when arbitrary celestial object reaches certain height.
It's a configuration-defined virtual object, so I can't assume anything about the object.
It's not easy to get either analytical solution or simple approximation because various coordinates are involved.
I decided to find a numerical solution for this.
For a general black box function, this can't really be done. Any root finding algorithm on a black box function can't guarantee that it has found all the roots or any particular root, even if the function is continuous and differentiable.
The property of being periodic gives a bit more hope, but you can still have periodic functions with infinitely many roots in a bounded domain. Given that your function relates to celestial objects, this isn't likely to happen. Assuming your periodic functions are sinusoidal, I believe you can get away with checking subranges on the order of one-quarter of the shortest period (out of all the periodic components).
Maybe try Brent's Method on the shortest quarter period subranges?
Another approach would be to apply your root finding algorithm iteratively. If your range is (a, b), then apply your algorithm to that range to find a root at say c < b. Then apply your algorithm to the range (a, c) to find a root in that range. Continue until no more roots are found. The last root you found is a good candidate for your minimum root.
Black box function for any range? You cannot even be sure it has the continuous domain over that range. What kind of solutions are you looking for? Natural numbers, integers, real numbers, complex? These are all the question that greatly impact the answer.
So 1st thing should be determining what kind of number you accept as the result.
Second is having some kind of protection against limes of function that will try to explode your calculations as it goes for plus or minus infinity.
Since we are touching the limes topics you could have your solution edge towards zero and look like a solution but never touch 0 and become a solution. This depends on your margin of error, how close something has to be to be considered ok, it's good enough.
I think for this your SIMPLEST TO IMPLEMENT bet for real number solutions (I assume those) is to take an interval and this divide and conquer algorithm:
Take lower and upper border and middle value (or approx middle value for infinity decimals border/borders)
Try to calculate solution with all 3 and have some kind of protection against infinities
remember all 3 values in an array with results from them (3 pair of values)
remember the current best value (one its closest to solution) in seperate variable (a pair of value and result for that value)
STEP FORWARD - repeat above with 1st -2nd value range and 2nd -3rd value range
have a new pair of value and result to be closest to solution.
clear the old value-result pairs, replace them with new ones gotten from this iteration while remembering the best value solution pair (total)
Repeat above for how precise you wish to get and look at that memory explode with each iteration, keep in mind you are gonna to have exponential growth of values there. It can be further improved if you lets say take one interval and go as deep as you wanna, remember best value-result pair and then delete all other memory and go for next interval and dig deep.

How to quantitatively measure how simplified a mathematical expression is

I am looking for a simple method to assign a number to a mathematical expression, say between 0 and 1, that conveys how simplified that expression is (being 1 as fully simplified). For example:
eval('x+1') should return 1.
eval('1+x+1+x+x-5') should returns some value less than 1, because it is far from being simple (i.e., it can be further simplified).
The parameter of eval() could be either a string or an abstract syntax tree (AST).
A simple idea that occurred to me was to count the number of operators (?)
EDIT: Let simplified be equivalent to how close a system is to the solution of a problem. E.g., given an algebra problem (i.e. limit, derivative, integral, etc), it should assign a number to tell how close it is to the solution.
The closest metaphor I can come up with it how a maths professor would look at an incomplete problem and mentally assess it in order to tell how close the student is to the solution. Like in a math exam, were the student didn't finished a problem worth 20 points, but the professor assigns 8 out of 20. Why would he come up with 8/20, and can we program such thing?
I'm going to break a stack-overflow rule and post this as an answer instead of a comment, because not only I'm pretty sure the answer is you can't (at least, not the way you imagine), but also because I believe it can be educational up to a certain degree.
Let's assume that a criteria of simplicity can be established (akin to a normal form). It seems to me that you are very close to trying to solve an analogous to entscheidungsproblem or the halting problem. I doubt that in a complex rule system required for typical algebra, you can find a method that gives a correct and definitive answer to the number of steps of a series of term reductions (ipso facto an arbitrary-length computation) without actually performing it. Such answer would imply knowing in advance if such computation could terminate, and so contradict the fact that automatic theorem proving is, for any sufficiently powerful logic capable of representing arithmetic, an undecidable problem.
In the given example, the teacher is actually either performing that computation mentally (going step by step, applying his own sequence of rules), or gives an estimation based on his experience. But, there's no generic algorithm that guarantees his sequence of steps are the simplest possible, nor that his resulting expression is the simplest one (except for trivial expressions), and hence any quantification of "distance" to a solution is meaningless.
Wouldn't all this be true, your problem would be simple: you know the number of steps, you know how many steps you've taken so far, you divide the latter by the former ;-)
Now, returning to the criteria of simplicity, I also advice you to take a look on Hilbert's 24th problem, that specifically looked for a "Criteria of simplicity, or proof of the greatest simplicity of certain proofs.", and the slightly related proof compression. If you are philosophically inclined to further understand these subjects, I would suggest reading the classic Gödel, Escher, Bach.
Further notes: To understand why, consider a well-known mathematical artefact called the Mandelbrot fractal set. Each pixel color is calculated by determining if the solution to the equation z(n+1) = z(n)^2 + c for any specific c is bounded, that is, "a complex number c is part of the Mandelbrot set if, when starting with z(0) = 0 and applying the iteration repeatedly, the absolute value of z(n) remains bounded however large n gets." Despite the equation being extremely simple (you know, square a number and sum a constant), there's absolutely no way to know if it will remain bounded or not without actually performing an infinite number of iterations or until a cycle is found (disregarding complex heuristics). In this sense, every fractal out there is a rough approximation that typically usages an escape time algorithm as an heuristic to provide an educated guess whether the solution will be bounded or not.

Find solution minimum spanning tree (with conditions) when extending graph

I have a logic question, therefore chose from two explanations:
I have a undirected weighted complete graph over 2-14 nodes. The nodes always come in pairs (startpoint to endpoint). For this I already have the minimum spanning tree, which considers that the pairs startpoint always comes before his endpoint. Now I want to add another pair of nodes.
Real life explanation:
I already have a optimal taxi route for 1-7 people. Each joins (startpoint) and leaves (endpoint) at different places. Now I want to find the optimal route when I add another person to the taxi. I have already the calculated subpaths from each point to each point in my database (therefore this is a weighted graph). All calculated paths are real value, not heuristics.
Now I try to find the most performant solution to solve this. My current idea:
Find the point nearest to the new startpoint. Add it a) before and b) after this point. Choose the faster one.
Find the point nearest to the new endpoint. Add it a) before and b) after this point. Choose the faster one.
Ignoring the case that the new endpoint comes before the new start point, this seams feasible.
I expect that the general direction of the taxi is one direction, this eliminates the following edge case.
Is there any case I'm missing in which this algorithm wouldn't calculate the optimal solution?
There are definitely many cases were this algorithm (which is a First Fit construction heuristic) won't find the optimal solution. Given a reasonable sized dataset, in my experience, I would guess to get improvements of 10-20% by simply taking that result and adding metaheuristics (or other optimization algo's).
If you have multiple taxis with a limited person capacity, it has an inherit bin packing problem, which is NP-complete (which is proven to be suboptimally solved by all known construction heuristics in P).
But even if you have just 1 taxi, it is similar to TSP: if you have the optimal solution for 10 locations and add 1 location, it can create a snowball effect in the optimal solution to make the optimal solution look completely different. (sorry, no visual image of this yet)
And if you need to any additional constraints on top of that later on, you need to be aware of these false assumptions.

Prolog Accumulators. Are they really a "different" concept?

I am learning Prolog under my Artificial Intelligence Lab, from the source Learn Prolog Now!.
In the 5th Chapter we come to learn about Accumulators. And as an example, these two code snippets are given.
To Find the Length of a List
without accumulators:
len([_|T],N) :- len(T,X), N is X+1.
with accumulators:
accLen([_|T],A,L) :- Anew is A+1, accLen(T,Anew,L).
I am unable to understand, how the two snippets are conceptually different? What exactly an accumulator is doing different? And what are the benefits?
Accumulators sound like intermediate variables. (Correct me if I am wrong.) And I had already used them in my programs up till now, so is it really that big a concept?
When you give something a name, it suddenly becomes more real than it used to be. Discussing something can now be done by simply using the name of the concept. Without getting any more philosophical, no, there is nothing special about accumulators, but they are useful.
In practice, going through a list without an accumulator:
foo([H|T]) :-
The head of the list is left behind, and cannot be accessed by the recursive call. At each level of recursion you only see what is left of the list.
Using an accumulator:
bar([], _Acc).
bar([H|T], Acc) :-
bar(T, [H|Acc]).
At every recursive step, you have the remaining list and all the elements you have gone through. In your len/3 example, you only keep the count, not the actual elements, as this is all you need.
Some predicates (like len/3) can be made tail-recursive with accumulators: you don't need to wait for the end of your input (exhaust all elements of the list) to do the actual work, instead doing it incrementally as you get the input. Prolog doesn't have to leave values on the stack and can do tail-call optimization for you.
Search algorithms that need to know the "path so far" (or any algorithm that needs to have a state) use a more general form of the same technique, by providing an "intermediate result" to the recursive call. A run-length encoder, for example, could be defined as:
rle([], []).
rle_1(Rest, First, 1, Encoded).
rle_1([], Last, N, [Last-N]).
rle_1([H|T], Prev, N, Encoded) :-
( dif(H, Prev)
-> Encoded = [Prev-N|Rest],
rle_1(T, H, 1, Rest)
; succ(N, N1),
rle_1(T, H, N1, Encoded)
Hope that helps.
TL;DR: yes, they are.
Imagine you are to go from a city A on the left to a city B on the right, and you want to know the distance between the two in advance. How are you to achieve this?
A mathematician in such a position employs magic known as structural recursion. He says to himself, what if I'll send my own copy one step closer towards the city B, and ask it of its distance to the city? I will then add 1 to its result, after receiving it from my copy, since I have sent it one step closer towards the city, and will know my answer without having moved an inch! Of course if I am already at the city gates, I won't send any copies of me anywhere since I'll know that the distance is 0 - without having moved an inch!
And how do I know that my copy-of-me will succeed? Simply because he will follow the same exact rules, while starting from a point closer to our destination. Whatever value my answer will be, his will be one less, and only a finite number of copies of us will be called into action - because the distance between the cities is finite. So the total operation is certain to complete in a finite amount of time and I will get my answer. Because getting your answer after an infinite time has passed, is not getting it at all - ever.
And now, having found out his answer in advance, our cautious magician mathematician is ready to embark on his safe (now!) journey.
But that of course wasn't magic at all - it's all being a dirty trick! He didn't find out the answer in advance out of thin air - he has sent out the whole stack of others to find it for him. The grueling work had to be done after all, he just pretended not to be aware of it. The distance was traveled. Moreover, the distance back had to be traveled too, for each copy to tell their result to their master, the result being actually created on the way back from the destination. All this before our fake magician had ever started walking himself. How's that for a team effort. For him it could seem like a sweet deal. But overall...
So that's how the magician mathematician thinks. But his dual the brave traveler just goes on a journey, and counts his steps along the way, adding 1 to the current steps counter on each step, before the rest of his actual journey. There's no pretense anymore. The journey may be finite, or it may be infinite - he has no way of knowing upfront. But at each point along his route, and hence when ⁄ if he arrives at the city B gates too, he will know his distance traveled so far. And he certainly won't have to go back all the way to the beginning of the road to tell himself the result.
And that's the difference between the structural recursion of the first, and tail recursion with accumulator ⁄ tail recursion modulo cons ⁄ corecursion employed by the second. The knowledge of the first is built on the way back from the goal; of the second - on the way forth from the starting point, towards the goal. The journey is the destination.
see also:
Technical Report TR19: Unwinding Structured Recursions into Iterations. Daniel P. Friedman and David S. Wise (Dec 1974).
What are the practical implications of all this, you ask? Why, imagine our friend the magician mathematician needs to boil some eggs. He has a pot; a faucet; a hot plate; and some eggs. What is he to do?
Well, it's easy - he'll just put eggs into the pot, add some water from the faucet into it and will put it on the hot plate.
And what if he's already given a pot with eggs and water in it? Why, it's even easier to him - he'll just take the eggs out, pour out the water, and will end up with the problem he already knows how to solve! Pure magic, isn't it!
Before we laugh at the poor chap, we mustn't forget the tale of the centipede. Sometimes ignorance is bliss. But when the required knowledge is simple and "one-dimensional" like the distance here, it'd be a crime to pretend to have no memory at all.
accumulators are intermediate variables, and are an important (read basic) topic in Prolog because allow reversing the information flow of some fundamental algorithm, with important consequences for the efficiency of the program.
Take reversing a list as example
nrev([H|T], R) :- nrev(T, S), append(S, [H], R).
rev(L, R) :- rev(L, [], R).
rev([], R, R).
rev([H|T], C, R) :- rev(T, [H|C], R).
nrev/2 (naive reverse) it's O(N^2), where N is list length, while rev/2 it's O(N).

Function point to kloc ratio as a software metric... the "Name That Tune" metric?

What do you think of using a metric of function point to lines of code as a metric?
It makes me think of the old game show "Name That Tune". "I can name that tune in three notes!" I can write that functionality in 0.1 klocs! Is this useful?
It would certainly seem to promote library usage, but is that what you want?
I think it's a terrible idea. Just as bad as paying programmers by lines of code that they write.
In general, I prefer concise code over verbose code, but only as long as it still expresses the programmers' intention clearly. Maximizing function points per kloc is going to encourage everyone to write their code as briefly as they possibly can, which goes beyond concise and into cryptic. It will also encourage people to join adjacent lines of code into one line, even if said joining would not otherwise be desirable, just to reduce the number of lines of code. The maximum allowed line length would also become an issue.
KLOC is tolerable if you strictly enforce code standards, kind of like using page requirements for a report: no putting five statements on a single line or removing most of the whitespace from your code.
I guess one way you could decide how effective it is for your environment is to look at several different applications and modules, get a rough estimate of the quality of the code, and compare that to the size of the code. If you can demonstrate that code quality is consistent within your organization, then KLOC isn't a bad metric.
In some ways, you'll face the same battle with any similar metric. If you count feature or function points, or simply features or modules, you'll still want to weight them in some fashion. Ultimately, you'll need some sort of subjective supplement to the objective data you'll collect.
"What do you think of using a metric of function point to lines of code as a metric?"
Don't get the question. The above ratio is -- for a given language and team -- a simple statistical fact. And it tends toward a mean value with a small standard deviation.
There are lots of degrees of freedom: how you count function points, what language you're using, how (collectively) clever the team is. If you don't change those things, the value stays steady.
After a few projects together, you have a solid expectation that 1200 function points will be 12,000 lines of code in your preferred language/framework/team organization.
KSloc / FP is a bare statistical observation. Clearly, there's something else about this that's bothering you. Could you be more specific in your question?
The metric of Function Points to Lines of Code is actually used to generate the language level charts (actually, it is Function Points to Statements) to give an approximate sense of how powerful a programming language is. Here is an example: http://web.cecs.pdx.edu/~timm/dm/functionpoints.html
I wouldn't recommend using that ratio for anything else, except high level approximations like the language level chart.
Promoting library usage is a good thing, but the other thing to keep in mind is you will lose in the ratio when you are building the libraries, and will only pay it off with dividends of savings over time. Bean-counters won't understand that.
I personally would like to see a Function point to ABC metric ratio -- as I am curious about how the ABC metric (which indicates size and includes complexity as part of the info) would relate - perhaps linear, perhaps exponential, etc... www.softwarerenovation.com/ABCMetric.pdf
All metrics suck. My theory has always been that if you have to have them, then use the easiest thing you can to gather them and be done with it and onto important things.
That generally means something along the lines of
grep -c ";" *.h *.cpp | awk -F: '/:/ {x += $2} END {print x}'
If you are looking for a "metric" to track code efficency, don't. If you insist, again try something stupid but easy like source file size (see grep command above, w/o the awk pipe) or McCabe (with a counter program).
