phpseclib - SSH_AUTH_SOCK not found - sftp

I work with another company that is moving from regular FTP to SFTP for their connections. They have informed me that my existing username and password are the same, but that I now need to connect via SFTP on port 22. I have a couple of PHP scripts that do some basic things, like connect to their site, get a directory listing, and upload and download a file each day. Those all work fine on FTP, so I need to just swap out the protocol to SFTP.
After doing some research, the consensus seems to be that phpseclib is the easiest and most robust way to perform SFTP using PHP. My server is running Linux and Apache. I downloaded the library and tried to run just the basic example given by phpseclib, but I get an error:
Notice: SSH_AUTH_SOCK not found in System/SSH/Agent.php on line 244
When I look at Agent.php, I see that the script is looking for SSH_AUTH_SOCK to be defined in either $_SERVER or $_ENV. I must be missing something obvious, but I have no idea how to get past this error.

You are trying to connect to SSH authentication agent (ssh-agent).
When the agent is run, it exports the SSH_AUTH_SOCK environment variable.
What is obviously not happening in your case.
But you didn't tell us, why are you trying to use the agent, if at all. And what did you do to set it up, if anything. So it's difficult to give you a more concrete advice.
See also How is SSH_AUTH_SOCK setup and used by ssh-agent?

Run the bellow command:
eval ssh-agent -s
It works fine for me.


Disable internet access when calling java -jar

I'm testing six distinct .jar-files that all need to handle the possibility of no online access.
Unfortunately, I am on a network disc, so disabling the network connection or pulling the ethernet cable does not work unless I move all the files to /tmp or /scratch and change my $HOME environment variable, all of which I'd rather not have to do as it ends up being a lot of work.
Is there a way to invoke java -jar and disable the process from accessing the internet? I have not found any such flag in the man-pages. Is there perhaps a UNIX-way of doing this, as in:
disallowinternetaccess java -jar Foo.jar
Tell your Java program to access the network through a proxy. For all internet access this would be a SOCKS5 proxy.
java MyMain
I believe that if no proxy is running you should get an appropriate exception in your program. If you need full control of what is happening, you can look into - and possibly modify -
See for details.
Note: You can do this without any native Unix stuff, so this question fits perfectly fine on SO.
You need just turn on SecurityManager:
see details -
With this solution you can even handle which resource you want to show and which to hide.

R - Connect via ssh and execute a command

I would like to connect via ssh to certain equipment in a network.
The requisites are:
It must run a command and capture the output of the ssh session in R (or in bash, or any other programming language, but I would prefer it in R language)
It must enter a plain-text password (as this equipment hasn't been accessed before, and can't be changed with a rsa keypair), so the ssh.utils package doesn't meet this requirement
sshpass can't be used, as I have noticed that it doesn't work for some devices I tested.
I've read all this posts but I can't find an effective way to perform it: link 1, link 2, link 3, link 4
I know the requirements are hard to accomplish, but thank you for your effort!
Sorry if I didn't make myself understandable. I mean I work locally in R and I want to connect to +3000 devices in all of my network via ssh. It is Ubiquiti equipment, and the only open ports are 80 and 22.
If ssh doesn't work, I will use the RSelenium package for R and extract info from port 80. But first I will try with ssh pory 22 as it is a lot more efficient than opening an emulated browser.
The big problem in all these Ubiquiti equipment is that they have a password to log in. That's why requisite No.2 is needed. When I must enter a server that I know, I spend time setting up the rsa keypair so that I don't have to enter a password everytime I connect to a specific server, but it's impossible (or at least, for me it's impossible) to configure all +3000 Ubiquiti equipment with these keypairs.
That's why I don't use snmp, for example, as this equipment maybe they have it activated or not, or the snmp configuration is mistaken. I mean, I have to use something that's activated by default, and in a way, ordered. And only port 80 and port 22 are activated and I know all the user's and password's equipment.
And sshpass is an utility in UNIX/Linux like this link explains that works for servers but doesn't work for Ubiquiti equipment, as long as I've tested it. So I can't use it.
The command I need to extract the output from is mca-status. Simply by entering that into the console makes it print some stats I will like to get from the Ubiquiti equipment.
Correct me, please, if I am wrong in something I've posted. Thanks.
I think you have this wrong. I also have no idea what you are trying to say in point 2, and I have not idea what point 3 is supposed to say.
Now: ssh is a authentication mechanism allowing you (trusted) access to another machine and the ability to run a command. This can be as simple as
edd#max:~$ ssh bud Rscript -e '2+2'
[1] 4
where I invoke R (or rather, Rscript) on the machine 'bud' (my desktop) from a session on the machine 'max' (my server). That command could be anything including something which writes to temporary or permanent files. You can then retrieve those files via scp.
Authentication is handled independently -- on Unix we often use ssh-agent which run in the background and against you authenticate on login.
Finally I solved it using the rPython package and the python's paramiko module, as there was no way to do it purely via R.
python.exec(python.code = c("import paramiko",
"ssh = paramiko.SSHClient()",
sprintf('ssh.connect("%s", username="USER", password="PASSWORD") ', IP),
'stdin, stdout, stderr = ssh.exec_command("mca-status")',
'stats = stdout.readlines()'))

how to post scripts to networkmanager's dispatcher.d directory

Ubuntu 10.10 64bit athalon, gnome
My basic scenario is I'm connecting to a VPN service (via newtworkmanager pptp protocol) and I'm transferring private data (hence VPN). The service goes down intermittantly and that's alright, probably due to my ISP/OS/VPN. What is not good is that my applications will then continue to transmit data via the eth0 default route and thats not cool. After some looking around I'm suspecting the best way to deal with this is to post scripts into /etc/NetworkManager/dispatcher.d. In short, the networkmanager service will execute scripts in this directory (and pass arguments to the scripts) when anything about the network changes.
My problem is that I can't get any of my scripts to execute. They all have, per the manpage, 0755 permissions and owned by root, but when I change the network state by unplugging ethernet cable, my scripts don't execute. I can execute them from the command line, but not automatically via the dispatcher....
an example script:
#!/bin/sh -e
exec /usr/bin/wmctrl -c qBittorrent
exit 0
This script is intentionally simple for testing purposes..
I can post whatever else would be helpful.
i'm using the syntax killall -9 any_application_name_here and that's working just fine. I imagine the script didn't have access to the binary wmctrl. I think that bash interpreter in this case will only execute bash binaries.
So, in a nutshell, if you want to control your VPN traffic based on network events, one way is to post scripts to /etc/NetworkManager/dispatcher.d and use binaries that are in bash's default path.

ftp quote site list of available options- Execute commands

I was looking for list of available options for ftp quote site which will allow to do lot of stuff like executing commands on the target system. Like the below one can be used to submit jobs on mainframes.
quote site filetype=jes
put filetoexecute.jcl
I know that there are similar options for unix environment as well. Is there any list of available options for this quote command for unix, mainframes (windows also if available) environments.
Also below is an extra question based on these.
Is there any way to execute ca7 commands from this ftp? If not I was looking into one rexx example which will execute the ca7 commands passed as arguments. But this is failing with "CA-7 RECEIVER NOT FOUND" error.
Also the below command is failing with the same failure.
I have checked ca7 manual and don't know how to make sure that CA7 environment is configured to execute the above commands.
Can you please help?
The IBM FTP server supports HELP SITE; this gives you all of the operands that the SITE command supports. You can issue STAT to get the current SITE values.
This is specific to the IBM FTP server. Each FTP server is different, and they may or may not implement the SITE command. I suggest looking at the doc for the FTP server to find if they support SITE and STAT, or similar.

What is the best way to change a user-password remotely in Unix?

What is the best way to change a user-password remotely in Unix?
This must be performed by the user, in a Web-app or Windows-App, without using SSH or any direct connection between the user and the server (direct command line not allowed).
Webmin seemed to be a good application to do that, but I found it extremely hard to configure it right. My Unix users are unable to login to Webmin or Usermin.
Do you know any other alternatives to Webmin and Usermin?
Use Webmin (more specifically the UserMin module).
Webmin provides a mini webserver, so you just need to install and configure it slightly. You'll get a lot more than just password-changing, and you can remove functionality you don't want the user to have.
#Rich Bradshaw
Just make sure you don't introduce security issues. The solution should use https encryption (the password should be never sent in clear text). It should be protected against shell injection attacks (strip any newlines from input, escape it properly etc). More details depend on choosen implementation.
I've done this in the past to change passwords on several servers at once by using a script written in Expect. It's perfect for the job but you will need the servers to be listening via SSH.
Once written, the script will execute on your local workstation and will connect to the remote host, do the interaction you've scripted, and then you should be gold. All the while, using the encryption you're already trusting if you're running SSH. Just don't save the passwords in your script: you should be able to prompt yourself for them (even taking them by command line argument is generally considered poor practice.)
Expect is a great language too: lots of fun!
You could write a server side script that ran passwd, you could do that in any language that allows shell commands to be run.
