Videogular CSS not working - UI distorted - css

I am using Videogular, it is absolutely good there is no doubt about that but works only with http:/ calls as its theme is in
But my application work only on secure https. Problem with http and https cross calls. So i decided to download the content of videogular css and try to implement manually. But it seems it doesnt work.
Can any one help please?
either by letting me know how to integrate videogular css manually to project or if there is any https support available from videogular.

I don't know if you still haven't solved this problem...
Can you be more specific?
the only thing that you need to do is to import the css from your server like(using relative path):
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/yourpathtocss/css/videogular.css">
and make sure that you can access this resource. Them you need to make a div with class:videogular-container and put the videogular tags inside like:
<div ng-controller="YourCtrl as controller" class="videogular-container">
<videogular vg-theme="controller.config.theme.url">
<vg-media vg-src="controller.config.source"> </vg-media>


CSS styling missing when website viewed through DDNS

I was able to get to point to my local computer successfully. Unfortunately, only the text shows up. All of the CSS styling is missing, and same with the images. If I go to another virtual host that points to the same folder on my computer, everything displays perfectly.
Any idea on why the CSS styling and images are missing ONLY when coming in through the dynamic DNS service offered by ?
It sounds like you have a <base> tag rewriting all your urls to something not related. Remove the base tag from your page HEAD, and your CSS and JS will start to load correctly:
<base href='...' />
Read more about the base tag here.

Shopify: Can't load external stylesheet from another server
I'm trying to develop my first shopify theme. I'm trying to load a stylesheet which is hosted on another server, but the CSS is not loading. If I copy and paste that CSS directly into a file in the shopify theme, it works.
<link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="" />
What am I doing wrong at the above URL, and why isn't the css loading?
Can you load your CSS file over both http and https? If so, change your tag to look like this:
<link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="//" />
That way whether a user visits using or, they'll get the stylesheet served using the protocol they're on (and you won't get any mixed content warnings).
A little more background:
Under IE7 and IE8, using this in a <link> tag will result in your content being fetched twice.
Change your link tag to use a secure URL:
<link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="" />
The URL you're using now works fine on its own, but since you're browsing to the Shopify store over SSL, many web browsers are going to be hesitant to load the CSS over an unsecured connection.
I just checked and pagodabox serves the CSS file just fine over SSL.
In normal HTML documents one can load stylesheets from anywhere, as long as they exist and you're able to load them by typing the URL in (which I can).
I see the page as two navigation bars with a logo on the left hand side. There are hover states with transitions to a colour background on each item. Although, when I loaded the page, Chrome warned me not to load supposedly insecure content. Before this is loaded I just see text in Times New Roman. I think this is you problem.
I use themes with WordPress and style-sheets come with them (mostly). I don't see why you couldn't just put the style-sheet in with the rest of the theme.
Overall, the answer is yes (normally) but in this case browsers may regard it as un-safe and therefore not load it.
Yes you can! But it is faster to host the stylesheet on your server/where the other files reside. If you plan to include a stylesheet from elsewhere, you could run into problems of that server being down/busy and hence your theme will not display as required. As #Blieque mentioned, some browsers may question external content causing unnecessary warning popups to a user/user-agent.

How to Prevent Browsers from Caching CSS Files?

When I make a page, link it to a CSS file, and open it in a browser, it works fine.
But if a make a change and refresh the page again between very short time periods, the change is not reflected. But after sometime, when i refresh the page again, the changes appear.
So, somehow the browser keeps the CSS file cached and expires it after sometime. How to make the browser cache no CSS or HTML file.
It would be better if i can block it on a particular domain.
I'm on Ubuntu, using Chrome and Firefox, trying to prevent browsers from caching CSS files on 'localhost'... How to do it...
Something as simple as this should work:
<link rel="stylesheet" src="/css/screen.css?v={CURRENT_TIMESTAMP}">
Just replace {CURRENT_TIMESTAMP} with the actual timestamp in your server side code. This makes the browser think it's a new file because of the query string and it will be downloaded again. You could also use the actual modification time of the file (filemtime('/path/to/css/screen.css') if you're using PHP) which should prevent unnecessary downloads.
You can open Developer Tools by pressing Ctrl+Shift+J and then you'll find a cog icon in bottom right. When you click on it you should see an option to disable caching.
It would help to know how the website is hosted, as you can configure this in most web servers.
Also, it's a good idea to introduce a cache busting mechanism which would modify the links to the CSS files in question when you change the CSS files' contents. Browsers would then reload the CSS file because the HTML refers to a different URL.
A good example of a cache busting mechanism is the ruby on rails 3.1 asset pipeline which also minifies files and gzips them if the browser supports them:
Rails 3 - Asset Pipeline -- What does it mean to me?
The seemingly-inelegant but rock solid approach is to give the asset a new name, when the content changes. This solves the problem for all your users, not just you:
<link rel="stylesheet" src="/css/screen_034.css">
<link rel="stylesheet" src="/css/screen_035.css">
<link rel="stylesheet" src="/css/screen_036.css">
Or maybe (but it's more of a pain to change in an IDE, and sometimes causes unrelated problems with caching):
<link rel="stylesheet" src="/css/screen.css?pretend_version_number=034">
Nothing else works quite as well in large scale production environments, where millions of copies of an older css file may be sitting in various intermediate or browser caches. Some clients ignore cache control headers, and you don't really want caching subverted anyway, at least not in production.
In development you can press Ctrl+Shift+J (Chrome) and turn off caching.

HTTPS and how to reference files and images

How should I reference my css file (which is in the non-secure area) from a webpage in the secure area. I've considered duplicating it (moving one in to the secure area) but this seems very inefficient.
Any advice much appreciated.
(p.s. there will most likely be a few follow up questions ha ha)
You can always avoid the issue by using a relative/rooted path:
<link rel="stylesheet" href="/css/screen.css">
If you must use a full URL, I'm not sure why you can't use the https protocol (which is the correct solution), but there's one more option: don't specify a protocol at all.
<link rel="stylesheet" href="//">
If the browser is viewing that current page in through HTTPS, then it'll request that asset with the HTTPS protocol, otherwise it'll typically* request it with HTTP. This prevents that awful "This Page Contains Both Secure and Non-Secure Items" error message in IE, keeping all your asset requests within the same protocol.
Caveat: When used on a <link> or #import for a stylesheet, IE7 and IE8 download the file twice. All other uses, however, are just fine.
So if you must specify a full URL, the best/proper way is this:
<link rel="stylesheet" href="">
There's really no alternative. Relative paths to images and resources in the CSS file itself should work just fine with either approach, and won't trigger the security error. If you need absolute URLs in the CSS file, then you can use the same trick.

How do tools like the web dev toolbar get the entire css file of a site?

The web dev toolbar for Firefox is quite an impressive tool.
What I am completely clueless about is how does this tool get the css stylesheet file of a site? This is hosted on a host which is secure etc. I am completely stumped.
I must be thinking about this in all the wrong way.
The client (in this case Firefox) has to download the CSS file in order to render the page correctly. The plugin (in this case Firebug) simply requests the proper URL and the browser it gets it--most likely from the cache. There is no real mystery here.
In every HTML file, there's a link to the CSS stylesheet, or else the browser wouldn't know where to find it, thus losing the ability to render the page correctly.
It's in the form of <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="theme.css">,
I'd like to add that regardless of whether the host is 'secure' or not, it still is presenting the file to the client.
Unless, of course, you're looking at a XML file. Then you need to consult the XSL which'll tell you where the stylesheet is.
