Writing blog using playframework - wordpress

I have a system build using playframework 2.0. I want to have blog to run on with the system. Is there a way i can do that?, something like plugins available for use or can I use word press to do that?

Here's a blog engine for Play Framework: https://github.com/jroper/erqx.

Well you can create a new installation of wordpress, If you want to have 1 database for your playframework and wordpress then on the installation page it will ask you for a database, just enter the same database details that you have for playframework. Wordpress uses mysql so make sure you are using mysql for your playframework.
Its always better to have a different database but if you need to have some kind of integration between the two then it would be much better if you have them both on the same database.
Now in the sitename you can add something like
Which ever you prefer. Once installed login to your wordpress admin area, install a blog theme and start creating your new blog posts. And in your main playframework website, create a new menu item and add this link to it.
I dont know of any plugins for playframework, but there is a plugin in wordpress that makes it work as an api, https://wordpress.org/plugins/json-api/. And then there is an addon to this plugin called https://github.com/mattberg/wp-json-api-auth.
You can install these 2 plugins in your wordpress and then from your playframework's registeration code make simple REST calls to the api. This will will be used to automatically register/login user's in wordpress. So when they login to playframework they will automatically get logged in to wordpress as well.


I can't create new project in WordPress

I am new to WordPress. And I can not find the project section from where I can manage multiple projects. But currently, I am just stuck with this project and can not create other projects simultaneously. And there is a difference in the dashboard of others on the internet.
My WordPress Dashboard
support help (internet source)
Other's WordPress dashboard
From what I can see, just the dashboard you want is being modified by some plugin. This means that you currently have a clean version of wordpress, without any plugins, and the dashboard you want is the result of installing some plugin. In this case it is a WP Data Access plugin. I think after you install this plugin you will get what you want :)
Link to this plugin: Click here

Is there a way to migrate custom wordpress post types?

I'm trying to export some custom post types from my local Wordpress environment so that other developers are able to use them without having to go through the process of adding them themselves through CPT UI and Custom Fields.
Everything I've found so far has just been about exporting posts with custom post types, but that's not what I'm looking for. I want something like being able to tell Vagrant to create a WP instance that already has a custom post type and associated custom fields already installed.
Is this doable? If yes, how?
I would just create a copy of your local WP installation and install on developing server with https://wordpress.org/plugins/duplicator/.
It should take about 3-4 minutes to create a copy on the server from your localhost with this plugin.

Would like to integrate Cakephp project with Wordpress. Wordpress should be used for login/description of the another system

Would like to integrate Cakephp project with Wordpress. Any ideas how to do it best?
It should be my created information system which several pages could be launched from the Wordpress website.
Would like to have everything under one domain - Wordpress website blog (for describing the system) and the system itself.
At the moment I have my information system and bought a Wordpress theme also. Need Wordpress functionality to enrich my current information system based on CakePHP.
The need is to use Wordpress as the login, description, documentation mechanism. That's why I'm not sure how to do it under one domain the best way. Just need consulatancy how to make these two systems with their own databases to work together withinn one domain name.
If more specific - one of the Wordpress page should be the login page of my information system which is handled by the CakePHP MVC. Is that possible?
Maybe it could be done similarly to this approach:
Or maybe here is almost what I need:
Any better ideas?

Wordpress site user accounts

I am new to web development. I am trying to build a site using wordpress as a cms. As such i want to know whether there is any way to create user accounts, so that people can register with the site and login. We would have an online store and we would like users to be able to save and view orders.
I have seen buddy press, but it only works with some themes. Is there any other option available?
Thanks in advance,
You can add one of the free plugins such as "Login Logout". This is the one I am currently using and it lets new users register for accounts.
You need to search for it in your plugins tab in wordpress, then install and activate it. Then you need to go to your Widgets tab and include it. Then it should run on your website.
Yes, Wordpress has user management, I suggest you play around with wordpress to understand how it works. Download a few e-commerce plugins or user management plugins and see how it all works.
Buddy press just uses the same user management that wordpress has.
I'm sure the wordpress documentation is a good place to look for more information.

How to use wordpress to make a commerical/non blog website

I have managed to setup a blog on localhost quickly using wordpress. But what is ivolved in setting up a commercial website that is not a blog?
Also, should learning to use wordpress be more diffcult than learning Asp.Net or php? I can use these languages to create a website more quickly than using wordpress it seems. I'm guessing it should be possible to create a basic php website and then somehow hook it up to the admin functionality of wordpress to publish content and update it?
Any comments and suggestions will be appreciated.
A few thoughts on this.
First, Wordpress is based on PHP. So if you know your way around in PHP you are able to change anything within wordpress, you can build customized plugins, templates, etc.
However, using Wordpress has nothing to do with the programming languages you know. The fact that you are struggling with it is probably more because you don't understand yet what the features of Wordpress are or what you can use them for.
You can easily use Wordpress to create a simple non-blog website by setting up pages instead of posts. So you would be using Wordpress not as a blog engine but more as what's usually called a content management system CMS (not that using it as a blog engine wouldn't make Wordpress a CMS, but I'm talking about the general usage of those wordings).
A simple Google search might help you find more information about how to accomplish it in your specific case.
Hope this helps!
You need experience with PHP, HTML and CSS to configure WordPress to run like a non-blog website. Is it easier? Maybe, you get what you want but you won't understand what is going on.
If you are creating a static web page, say like a company's web site with little to none dynamic content, use pages (not posts) and create a static front page.
If you wish to use WordPress like a generic CMS, you can either use the Pods plugin or the newly introduced custom post types and taxonomies (new in Wordpress 3.0). You still need knowledge of PHP/MySQL to configure the Wordpress Loop (which is used to display blog posts and other dynamic content) and Wordpress Theme tags (to display name of the current logged in user).
Some plugins help with customizing the site for a non-blog look. Theme My Login and Theme my Profile blends the log-in page and profile page with your theme. However, if you need to customize the appearance, or add new logic, you pretty much need programming.
In short, you would need knowledge of PHP and MySQL; CSS too, if possible. Get your hand dirty building some sites, then what Wordpress offer and does for you with its API will be more relevant.
