How to check if a function is anonymous in R - r

I want to write a function that distinguishes if a function is being sourced from a package or set up anonymously in a case where these are the only 2 possibilities (constraints of a one-liner).
If it's the latter - let's call it a variable anonymous.function - I'd want to 'get it out' of the (function(parameters){inner_workings}) closure as function(){} by eval(parse(text = call(anonymous.function()))
typeof(package::function) returns "closure"
typeof((function(parameters) {inner_workings})) likewise returns "closure"
Should I distinguish the two by comparing environment, or namespace?
environment(package::function) returns <environment: namespace:package>
environment((function)parameters) {inner_workings})) returns <environment: R_GlobalEnv>
I'm hesitant to say that I'll only assume it's anonymous if environment is GlobalEnv, as the stack could be traversed below Global if I understand correctly in some situations, e.g. if I'm running this function within a function, so I'd check if environment is a namespace.
Can anyone tell me how I can check for a namespace? I can see it in the reported string as <environment: namespace:...> but can't seem to access that distinction. The only distinction I can see is that a namespace environment isn't hashed - that's only observed upon failing to run env.profile() for an unhashed environment...
Surely there's a simple way to check for anonymous functions without a try/catch statement! :-) Advice would be greatly appreciated, the R documentation seems to run dry at this level.
Edit ideally accessing the data structure, i.e. without grepling a string!

Does packageName work for you? I was unsure about the desired output of a function like f1 <- mean. See below for my version.
is_package_fun <- function(fun)
# defining functions
f1 <- mean
f2 <- function(x) mean(x)
# checking
## [1] TRUE
is_package_fun(f1) # not sure about desired output...
## [1] TRUE
## [1] FALSE


Why/how some packages define their functions in nameless environment?

In my code, I needed to check which package the function is defined from (in my case it was exprs(): I needed it from Biobase but it turned out to be overriden by rlang).
From this SO question, I thought I could use simply environmentName(environment(functionname)). But for exprs from Biobase that expression returned empty string:
# [1] ""
After checking the structure of environment(exprs) I noticed that it has .Generic member which contains package name as an attribute:
# [1] "exprs"
# attr(,"package")
# [1] "Biobase"
So, for now I made this helper function:
pkgparent <- function(functionObj) {
functionEnv <- environment(functionObj)
envName <- environmentName(functionEnv)
if (envName!="")
return(envName) else
It does the job and correctly returns package name for the function if it is loaded, for example:
# Error in environment(functionObj) : object 'exprs' not found
# [1] "Biobase"
# The following object is masked from ‘package:Biobase’:
# exprs
# [1] "rlang"
But I still would like to learn how does it happen that for some packages their functions are defined in "unnamed" environment while others will look like <environment: namespace:packagename>.
What you’re seeing here is part of how S4 method dispatch works. In fact, .Generic is part of the R method dispatch mechanism.
The rlang package is a red herring, by the way: the issue presents itself purely due to Biobase’s use of S4.
But more generally your resolution strategy might fail in other situations, because there are other reasons (albeit rarely) why packages might define functions inside a separate environment. The reason for this is generally to define a closure over some variable.
For example, it’s generally impossible to modify variables defined inside a package at the namespace level, because the namespace gets locked when loaded. There are multiple ways to work around this. A simple way, if a package needs a stateful function, is to define this function inside an environment. For example, you could define a counter function that increases its count on each invocation as follows:
counter = local({
current = 0L
function () {
current <<- current + 1L
local defines an environment in which the function is wrapped.
To cope with this kind of situation, what you should do instead is to iterate over parent environments until you find a namespace environment. But there’s a simpler solution, because R already provides a function to find a namespace environment for a given environment (by performing said iteration):
pkgparent = function (fun) {
nsenv = topenv(environment(fun))

Set the environment of a function placed outside the .GlobalEnv

I want to attach functions from a custom environment to the global environment, while masking possible internal functions.
Specifically, say that f() uses an internal function g(), then:
f() should not be visible in .GlobalEnv with ls(all=TRUE).
f() should be usable from .GlobalEnv.
f() internal function g() should not be visible and not usable from .GlobalEnv.
First let us create environments and functions as follows:
assign('ep', value=new.env(parent=.BaseNamespaceEnv), envir=.BaseNamespaceEnv)
assign('e', value=new.env(parent=ep), envir=ep)
assign('g', value=function() print('hello'), envir=ep)
assign('f', value=function() g(), envir=ep$e)
## character(0)
Should I run now:
## Error in ep$e$f() (from #1) : could not find function "g"
In fact, the calling environment of f is:
environment(get('f', envir=ep$e))
## <environment: R_GlobalEnv>
where g is not present.
Trying to change f's environment gives an error:
environment(get('f', envir=ep$e))=ep
## Error in environment(get("f", envir = ep$e)) = ep :
## target of assignment expands to non-language object
Apparently it works with:
Now, as desired, only f() is usable from .GlobalEnv, g() is not.
[1] "hello"
## Error: could not find function "g" (intended behaviour)
Also, neither f() nor g() are visible from .GlobalEnv, but unfortunately:
## [1] "ep"
Setting the environment associated with f() to ep, places ep in .GlobalEnv.
Cluttering the Global environment was exactly what I was trying to avoid.
Can I reset the parent environment of f without making it visible from the Global one?
From your feedback, you suggest to build a package to get proper namespace services.
The package is not flexible. My helper functions are stored in a project subdir, say hlp, and sourced like source("hlp/util1.R").
In this way scripts can be easily mixed and updated on the fly on a project basis.
(Added new enumerated list on top)
An almost complete solution, which does not require external packages, is now here.
Either packages or modules do exactly what you want. If you’re not happy with packages’ lack of flexibility, I suggest you give ‘box’ modules a shot: they elegantly solve your problem and allow you to treat arbitrary R source files as modules:
Just mark public functions inside the module with the comment #' #export, and load it via
This fulfils all the points in your enumeration. In particular, both pieces of code make f, but not g, available to the caller. In addition, modules have numerous other advantages over using source.
On a more technical note, your code results in ep being inside the global environment because the assignment environment(ep$e$f)=ep creates a copy of ep inside your global environment. Once you’ve attached the environment, you can delete this object. However, the code still has issues (it’s more complex than necessary and, as Hong Ooi mentioned, you shouldn’t mess with the base namespace).
First, you shouldn't be messing around with the base namespace. Cluttering up the base because you don't want to clutter up the global environment is just silly.*
Second, you can use local() as a poor-man's namespacing:
e <- local({
g <- function() "hello"
f <- function() g()
# [1] "hello"
* If what you have in mind is a method for storing package state, remember that (essentially) anything you put in the global environment will be placed in its own namespace when you package it up. So don't worry about cluttering things up.

How to find unreferenced environments?

This is a followup to an answer here efficiently move environment from inside function to global environment , which pointed out that it's necessary to return a reference to an environment which was created inside a function if one wishes to work with the contents of that environment
Is it true that the newly created environment continues to exist if we don't return a reference, and if so how does one track down such an environment, either to access its contents or delete it?
Sure, if it was assigned to a symbol somewhere outside of the function's evaluation environment (as it was in the OP's example), an environment will continue to exist. In that sense, an environment is just like any other named R object. (The fact that unassigned environments can be kept in existence by closures does mean that environments sometimes persist where other types of object wouldn't, but that's not what's happening here.)
## OP's example function
funfun <- function(inc = 1){
dataEnv <- new.env()
dataEnv$d1 <- 1 + inc
dataEnv$d2 <- 2 + inc
dataEnv$d3 <- 2 + inc
assign('dataEnv', dataEnv, envir = globalenv()) ## Assignment to .GlobalEnv
# [1] "dataEnv" "funfun"
## It's easy to find environments assigned to a symbol in another environment,
## if you know which environment to look in.
Filter(isTRUE, eapply(.GlobalEnv, is.environment))
# $dataEnv
# [1] TRUE
In the OP's example, it's relatively easy to track down, because the environment was assigned to a symbol in .GlobalEnv. In general, though, (and again, just like any other R object) it will be difficult to track down if, for instance, it's assigned to an element in a list or some more complicated structure.
(This, incidentally, is why non-local assignment is usually discouraged in R and other more purely functional languages. When functions only return a value, and that value is only assigned to a symbol via explicit assignments (like v <- f()), the effects of executing code becomes a lot easier to reason about and predict. Fewer surprises makes for nicer code!)

attaching NULL environment results in scoping error

I've run into a strange (to me) behaviour in R's lexical scoping that results from first attaching a NULL environment to the search path, as suggested in the help file for attach(), and then populating it using sys.source().
Here is a simplified and reproducible example of the issue. I have 3 functions (f1, f2, and f3) in three separate files I wish to attach into three separate environments (env.A, env.B, and env.C, respectively). Here is the setup function:
setup <- function() {
for (i in sprintf('env.%s',LETTERS[1:3])) if (i%in%search())
detach(i, unload=TRUE, force=TRUE, character.only=TRUE) # detach existing to avoid duplicates
env.A = attach(NULL, name='env.A')
env.B = attach(NULL, name='env.B')
env.C = attach(NULL, name='env.C')
sys.source('one.R', envir=env.A)
sys.source('two.R', envir=env.B)
sys.source('three.R', envir=env.C)
Once this function is called, 3 new environments are created with the functions f1, f2, and f3 contained within each environment. Each function lives in one of 3 separate files: "one.R", "two.R", and "three.R". The functions are trivial:
f1 <- function() {
print('this is my f1 function')
f2 <- function() {
print('this is my f2 function')
f3 <- function() {
print('this is my f3 function')
As you can see, functions f1 and f3 have no dependencies, but function f2 depends on both f1 and f2. Calling search() shows the following:
[1] ".GlobalEnv" "env.C" "env.B"
[4] "env.A" "package:stats" "package:graphics"
[7] "package:grDevices" "package:utils" "package:datasets"
[10] "package:methods" "Autoloads" "package:base"
The Issue:
Calling f2, gives the following:
> f2()
[1] "this is my f1 function"
Error in f2() : could not find function "f3"
Clearly f2 can "see" f1, but it cannot find f3. Permuting the order the attached environments leads me to conclude that the order of the search path is critical. Functions lower down in the search path are visible, whereas functions "upstream" of where the function is being call from are not found.
In this case, f2 (env.B) found f1 (env.A), but could not find f3 (env.C). This is contrary to how I understand R's scoping rules (at least I thought I understood it). My understanding is that R first checks the local environment, then the enclosing environment, then any additional enclosing environments, then works its way down the search, starting with ".GlobalEnv", until it finds the first matching appropriate (function/object) name. If it makes it all the way to the "R_empty_env" then returns the "could not find function" error. This obviously isn't happening in this simple example.
What is happening? Why doesn't R traverse the entire search path and find f3 sitting in env.C? I assume there is something going on behind the scenes when the attach call is made. Perhaps some attributes are set detailing dependencies? I have found a workaround that does not run into this issue, whereby I create and populate the environment prior to attaching it. Using pseudocode:
env.A <- new.env(); ... B ... C
sys.source('one.R', envir=env.A)
This workaround exhibits a behaviour consistent with my expectations, but I am puzzled by the difference: attach then populate vs. populate then attach.
Comments, explanations, thoughts greatly appreciated. Thanks.
The different between the two methods has to do with the parent environment of each of the newly created environments.
When R finds an object, it will then try to resolve all variable in that environment. If it cannot find them, it will then look next in the parent environment. It will continue to do so until it gets all the way to the empty environment. So if a function as the global environment as a parent environment, then every environment in the search path will be searched as you were expecting.
When you create an environment with
env.A <- new.env();
the default value for the parent= parameter is parent.frame() and as such when you call it it will set the value to the current environment() value. Observe
# <environment: R_GlobalEnv>
s a child of the global environment. However, when you do
env.A = attach(NULL, name='env.A')
# <environment: 0x1089c0ea0>
# attr(,"name")
# [1] "tools:RGUI"
You will see that it sets the parent to the environment in the search path that was last loaded (which happens to be "tools:RGUI" for me after a fresh R restart.) And continuing
env.B = attach(NULL, name='env.B')
#<environment: 0x108a2edf8>
#[1] "env.A"
env.C = attach(NULL, name='env.C')
# <environment: 0x108a4f6e0>
# attr(,"name")
# [1] "env.B"
Notice how as we continue to add environments via attach(), they do not have a parent of GlobalEnv. This means that once we resolve a variable to env.B, it does not have a way to go "up the chain" to env.A. This is why it cannot find f3(). This is the same as doing
env.A <- new.env(parent=parent.env(globalenv()));
env.B <- new.env(parent=env.A);
env.C <- new.env(parent=env.B);
with explicit calls to new.env.
Note that if I switch the order of attaches to
env.C = attach(NULL, name='env.C')
env.B = attach(NULL, name='env.B')
env.A = attach(NULL, name='env.A')
and try to run f2(), this time it can't find f1(), again because it can only go one way up the chain.
So the two different ways to create environments differ in the way they assign the default parent environment. So perhaps the attach(NULL) method really isn't appropriate for you in this case.
I agree the answer seems to lie in the default parent assignment differing between attach() and new.env(). I find it a little strange that attach() would assign parentage to the environment second in the search list by default, but it is what it is, there is probably a valid reason behind it. The solution is simple enough:
env.A <- attach(NULL, name='env.A')
parent.env(env.A) <- .GlobalEnv
In the alternate solution using new.env(), there is a small caveat that you didn't run into because you were working directly in the .GlobalEnv, but in the OP, I was working within a temporary environment (the "setup" function). So the parent frame of the new.env() call is actually this setup environment. See below:
setup <- function() {
env.A <- new.env(); env.B <- new.env(); env.C <- new.env()
#<environment: R_GlobalEnv>
#<environment: R_GlobalEnv>
#<environment: 0x2298368>
#<environment: 0x2298368>
#<environment: 0x2298368>
#<environment: 0x2298368>
When setup() is called from the command line, notice its parent is .GlobalEnv, as is the parent frame. However, the parent of environments A-C is the temporary setup environment (0x2298368). When setup() completes, its environment closes and is deleted and env.A-C become orphans. At this point (I assume) R re-assigns parentage to .GlobalEnv and this is why this alternative works.
I think a cleaner way would not to depend on the correct re-assignment to .GlobalEnv and to specify it directly: env.A <- new.env(parent=.GlobalEnv). This works fine in my test case ... we'll see what happens when I scale up to ~750 interdependent functions!
Thanks again for your clear answer, I'd up-vote it but I'm apparently too new to have that privilege.

See if a variable/function exists in a package?

I'm trying to test whether a particular variable or function exists in a package. For example, suppose I wanted to test whether a function called plot existed in package 'graphics'.
The following tests whether a function plot exists, but not what package it comes from:
exists('plot', mode='function')
Or I can test that something called plot exists in the graphics package, but this doesn't tell me whether it's a function:
'plot' %in% ls('package:graphics')
Is there a nice way to ask "does an object called X exist in package Y of mode Z"? (Essentially, can I restrict exists to a particular package?)
(Yes, I can combine the above two lines to first test that plot is in graphics and then ask for the mode of plot, but what if I had my own function plot masking graphics::plot? Could I then trust the output of exists('plot', mode='function')? )
Background: writing tests for a package of mine and want to test that various functions are exported. I'm using package testthat which executes tests in an environment where I can see all the internal functions of the package, and have been stung by exists('myfunction', mode='function') returning true, but I've actually forgotten to export myfunction. I want to test that various functions are exported.
Oh, I found it.
I noticed that in ?ls it says that the first argument ('package:graphics' for me) also counts as an environment. exists' where argument has the same documentation as ls' name argument, so I guessed 'package:graphics' might work there too:
exists('plot', where='package:graphics', mode='function')
[1] TRUE # huzzah!
<environment: namespace:graphics>
#[1] "package:base"
#[1] "package:graphics"
find('plot', mode="function")
#[1] "package:graphics"
All the answers proposed previously walk environments, not namespaces. Their behavior will therefore differ depending on whether the target package was loaded with library(), and in what order.
Here is an approach with utils::getFromNamespace():
function_exists <- function(package, funcname) {
utils::getFromNamespace(funcname, package)
}, error = function(...) { FALSE })
