Prove of the farthest pair - graph

For a graph G = (V, E) we denote the length of the shortest path between
vertices u, v ∈ V by dG(u, v). The diameter of G is defined as ∆(G) = maxu,v∈V dG(u, v). A pair of vertices (u, v) that realizes the diameter is called a farthest pair.
Let u be any vertex of G and let v be a vertex that is farthest away from u
in G (i.e. maximizes dG(u, v)). Prove that, if G is an undirected tree, then v is part of a farthest pair of G.
That is the question and I have to do the prove. I assumed that there is a existence of a farthest pair (x, y) such that dG(u, v), dG(x, v), and dG(y, v) are smaller than dG(x, y). I'm trying to find a contradition out of it, by assuming that v is not a farthest pair of G.
If v is part of the farthest pair of G:
There exist a v' such that Dg(v, v') >= Dg(X, Y)
If v is not part of the farthest pair of the, we negate the statement above. Using De Morgan, we get:
For all v': not( Dg(v, v') >= Dg(X, Y) ).
For all v': Dg(v, v') < Dg(X, Y).
So now I have three statements
(x,y) is the farthest pair.
For all v': Dg(v, v') < Dg(X, Y).
v is the furthest from u.
How do I continue with the prove to prove what has to be proven?
(if G is an undirected tree, then v is part of a farthest pair of G.)

Your question is actually an exact duplicate of


How do you find the concavity of all points in a concave polygon?

I have an array of vertices that together form a polygon which can either be a convex or concave polygon. Each vertex obviously has x and y values. Knowing the leftmost vertex (which as I understand would always be a concave point), how can I iterate through the remaining points to determine whether each is convex or concave?
A leftmost point must be convex.
Call that vertex V, the previous one is U and the next one is W.
Find the vectors a = U - V and b = W - V. Now compute z = ax * by - ay * bx
and note the sign of z.
(This is the z component of the cross product [a 0] X [b 0]. The sign says whether going from U to V to W is a "left turn" or "right turn" in the 2D plane.)
Then continue around the polygon. At each vertex do the same computation where V is the current vertex, U the previous one, and W the next. If the result has the same sign as the first, it's concave, else convex.

Boolean formula for graph 3color

For a given undirected graph G=(V,E) I'm trying to construct a Boolean polynomially computable formula ϕ with the following property: ϕ is satisfiable iff vertices of G can be colored in 3 colors with the following condition: For any edge (u, v) ∈ E, if u and v have different colors, then there exists w ∈ V such that (u, w) ∈ E, (v, w) ∈ E, and w has the third color (different from both u and v). Here it is ok
that two vertices of the same color may be connected by an edge.
So I need that all nodes must get a color (3 expression) + no nodes can get more than one color (9 expressions) + ... here I'm in trouble. Thank you for your help.

Proving the edit distance between graphs with no edges is a metric

The problem is finding the minimum edit distance between two graphs with no edges, considering there might be different costs for adding, removing or replacing vertices.
I was told this distance is a metric, and there is a easy way to prove it. Is it so? How it can be done?
I will call the distance between two graphs G and H, d(G, H).
For any graph G, d(G, G) = 0. As long as all the costs are strictly positive, then for any G != H, d(G, H) > 0. So non-negativity is satisfied.
As long as the cost of removing a vertex is the same as the cost of adding a vertex, for any two graphs G, H, d(G, H) = d(H, G). So symmetry is satisfied.
Finally, for any three graphs G, H, K, d(G, K) is at most d(G, H) + d(H, K) because one could edit G to K by first editing it to H.
The above criteria define a metric.

Implementing Finite (Directed) Graphs In Idris

I'd like to implement finite, directed graphs in Idris. Also I want to work with vertex maps f : V -> X from the vertex set to some other type / set. Which would be the most natural approach here?
One option is to always chose Fin n for the vertex set. This way, a graph can be straightforwardly implemented as its adjacency matrix, i.e. Graph n = Vect n (Vect n Bool), and any vertex map as vector of type Vect n a.
On the other hand, I like the idea of defining Graph a = SortedMap (a, a) Bool. This way, a few constructions seem more straightforward, e.g. the graph product of type Graph a -> Graph b -> Graph (a, b).
But it is possible then to construct maleficent graph instances, where e.g. (x, y) is a key of g but (y, x) is not. Also, if I want to write a function which takes a graph and a compatible vertex map, I don't know how to specify that the domains of both objects have to coincide. Possibly f : (g : Graph a) -> (m : SortedMap a b) -> {auto p : vertexList g = keys m} -> ... where the functions vertexList and keys have to be written first?
A third definition would be Graph a = (a, a) -> Bool where a is supposed to be some finite type like Fin n or (Fin m, Fin n). Then vertex maps would simply be of type a -> b.

Definition of a vertex cover

Could someone explain to me the following definition of a vertex cover??
A vertex cover of G=(V,E), an undirected graph, is a subset $S\subseteq V$ such that each edge of G is incident upon some vertex in S.
You can think of a vertex cover as a set of vertices S so that every edge e in E has an endpoint in S (that's just rephrasing the definition). As an example, if your graph is a star (one central vertex v, and n leaves, w_1, w_2, ..., w_n) with edges {v, w_i} for i from 1 to n. A vertex cover could be any of the following:
S_1 = {v} because every edge contains v
S_2 = {w_1, w_2, ..., w_n}
S_3 = V
or just any subset of vertices containing v.
