"Adding" a value to a tuple? - julia

I am attempting to represent dice rolls in Julia. I am generating all the rolls of a ndsides with
sort(collect(product(repeated(1:sides, n)...)), by=sum)
This produces something like:
[(1,1),(2,1),(1,2),(3,1),(2,2),(1,3),(4,1),(3,2),(2,3),(1,4) … (6,3),(5,4),(4,5),(3,6),(6,4),(5,5),(4,6),(6,5),(5,6),(6,6)]
I then want to be able to reasonably modify those tuples to represent things like dropping the lowest value in the roll or adding a constant number, etc., e.g., converting (2,5) into (10,2,5) or (5,).
Does Julia provide nice functions to easily modify (not necessarily in-place) n-tuples or will it be simpler to move to a different structure to represent the rolls?

Tuples are immutable, so you can't modify them in-place. There is very good support for other mutable data structures, so there aren't many methods that take a tuple and return a new, slightly modified copy. One way to do this is by splatting a section of the old tuple into a new tuple, so, for example, to create a new tuple like an existing tuple t but with the first element set to 5, you would write: tuple(5, t[2:end]...). But that's awkward, and there are much better solutions.
As spencerlyon2 suggests in his comment, a one dimensional Array{Int,1} is a great place to start. You can take a look at the Data Structures manual page to get an idea of the kinds of operations you can use; one-dimensional Arrays are iterable, indexable, and support the dequeue interface.
Depending upon how important performance is and how much work you're doing, it may be worthwhile to create your own data structure. You'll be able to add your own, specific methods (e.g., reroll!) for that type. And by taking advantage of some of the domain restrictions (e.g., if you only ever want to have a limited number of dice rolls), you may be able to beat the performance of the general Array.

You can construct a new tuple based on spreading or slicing another:
julia> b = (2,5)
(2, 5)
julia> (10, b...)
(10, 2, 5)
julia> b[2:end]


Guidelines for choosing Array of Struct or Multiple Arrays

This question has been asked for other languages. I would like to ask this in relation to Julia.
What are the general guidelines for choosing between an array of struct e.g.
struct vertex
and multiple arrays.
Are there any performance considerations? Or is it just a style/readability issue.
Your struct as it currently stands will perform poorly. From the Performance Tips you should always:
Avoid fields with abstract type
Similarly, you should always prefer Vector{<:Real} to Vector{Real}.
The Julian way to approach this is to parameterize your struct as follows:
struct Vertex{T<:Real}
Given the above, the two approaches discussed in the question will now have roughly similar performance. In practice, it really depends on what kind of operations you want to perform. For example, if you frequently need a vector of just the x fields, then having multiple arrays will probably be a better approach, since any time you need a vector of x fields from a Vector{Vertex} you will need to loop over the structs to allocate it:
xvec = [ v.x for v in vertexvec ]
On the other hand, if your application lends itself to functions called over all four fields of the struct, then your code will be significantly cleaner if you use a Vector{Vertex} and will be just as performant as looping over 4 arrays. Broadcasting in particular will make for nice clean code here. For example, if you have some function:
f(x, y, gradient_x, gradient_y)
then just add the method:
f(v::Vertex) = f(v.x, v.y, v.gradient_x, v.gradient_y)
Now if you want to apply it to vv::Vector{Vertex}, you can just use:
Remember, user-defined types in Julia are just as performant as "in-built" types. In fact, many types that you might think of as in-built are just defined in Julia itself, much as you are doing here.
So the short summary is: both approaches are performant, so use whichever makes more sense in the context of your application.

Most efficient way to print differences of two arrays?

Recently, a colleague of mine asked me how he could test the equalness of two arrays. He had two sources of Address and wanted to assert that both sources contained exactly the same elements, although order didn't matter.
Both using Array or like List in Java, or IList would be okay, but since there could be two equal Address objects, things like Sets can't be used.
In most programming languages, a List already has an equals method doing the comparison (assuming that the collection was ordered before doing it), but there is no information about the actual differences; only that there are some, or none.
The output should inform about elements that are in one collection but not in the other, and vice-versa.
An obvious approach would be to iterate through one of the collections (if one of them is), and just call contains(element) on the other one, and doing it the the other way around afterwards. Assuming a complexity of O(n) for contains, that would result in O(2n²), if I'm correct.
Is there a more efficient way for getting the information "A1 and A2 isn't in List1, A3 and A4 isn't in List2"? Are there data structures better suited for doing this job than lists? Is it worth it to sort the collections before and using a custom, binary search contains?
The first thing that comes to mind is using set difference
In pseudo-python
addr1 = set(originalAddr1)
addr2 = set(originalAddr2)
in1notin2 = addr1 - addr2
in2notin1 = addr2 - addr1
allDifferences = in1notin2 + in2notin1
From here you can see that set difference is O(len(set)) and union is O(len(set1) + len(set2)) giving you a linear time solution with this python specific set implementation, instead of quadratic as you suggest.
I believe other popular languages tend to implement these type of data structures pretty much the same way, but can't really be sure about this.
Is it worth to sort the collection [...]?
Compare the naive approach O(n²) to sorting two lists in O(n logn) and then comparing them in O(n) - or sorting one list in O(n logn) and iterating over the other in O(n)

Operations on Clojure collections

I am quite new to Clojure, although I am familiar with functional languages, mainly Scala.
I am trying to figure out what is the idiomatic way to operate on collections in Clojure. I am particularly confused by the behaviour of functions such as map.
In Scala, a great care is taken in making so that map will always return a collection of the same type of the original collection, as long as this makes sense:
List(1, 2, 3) map (2 *) == List(2, 4, 6)
Set(1, 2, 3) map (2 *) == Set(2, 4, 6)
Vector(1, 2, 3) map (2 *) == Vector(2, 4, 6)
Instead, in Clojure, as far as I understand, most operations such as map or filter are lazy, even when invoked on eager data-structures. This has the weird result of making
(map #(* 2 %) [1 2 3])
a lazy-list instead of a vector.
While I prefer, in general, lazy operations, I find the above confusing. In fact, vectors guarantee certain performance characteristics that lists do not.
Say I use the result from above and append on its end. If I understand correctly, the result is not evaluated until I try to append on it, then it is evaluated and I get a list instead of a vector; so I have to traverse it to append on the end. Of course I could turn it into a vector afterwards, but this gets messy and can be overlooked.
If I understand correctly, map is polymorphic and it would not be a problem to implement is so that it returns a vector on vectors, a list on lists, a stream on streams (this time with lazy semantics) and so on. I think I am missing something about the basic design of Clojure and its idioms.
What is the reason basic operations on clojure data structures do not preverse the structure?
In Clojure many functions are based on the Seq abstraction.
The benefit of this approach is that you don't have to write a function for every different collection type - as long as your collection can be viewed as a sequence (things with a head and possibly a tail), you can use it with all of the seq functions. Functions that take seqs and output seqs are much more composable and thus re-usable than functions that limit their use to a certain collection type. When writing your own function on seq you don't need to handle special cases like: if the user gives me a vector, I have to return a vector, etc. Your function will fit in just as good inside the seq pipeline as any other seq function.
The reason that map returns a lazy seq is a design choice. In Clojure lazyness is the default for many of these functional constructions. If you want to have other behavior, like parallelism without intermediate collections, take a look at the reducers library: http://clojure.com/blog/2012/05/08/reducers-a-library-and-model-for-collection-processing.html
As far as performance goes, map always has to apply a function n times on a collection, from the first to the last element, so its performance will always be O(n) or worse. In this case vector or list makes no difference. The possible benefit that laziness would give you is when you would only consume the first part of the list. If you must append something to the end of map's output, a vector is indeed more efficient. You can use mapv (added in Clojure 1.4) in this case: it takes in a collection and will output a vector. I would say, only worry about these performance optimizations if you have a very good reason for it. Most of the time it's not worth it.
Read more about the seq abstraction here: http://clojure.org/sequences
Another vector-returning higher order function that was added in Clojure 1.4 is filterv.

pattern matching

Suppose I have a set of tuples like this (each tuple will have 1,2 or 3 items):
Master Set:
{(A) (A,C) (B,C,E)}
and suppose I have another set of tuples like this:
What I want to do is to extract all subsets of Tuples from the Real Set where the tuple members can be substituted to become the same as the Master Set.
In the example above, two sets would be returned:
Its sort of pattern matching, sort of combinatorics I guess. I really don't know how to classify this problem and what common plans of attack there are for it. What would the stackoverflow experts suggest?
Seperate your tuples into sets by size. Within each set, create a data structure that allows you to efficiently query for tuples containing a given element. The first part of this structure is your tuples as an array (so that each tuple has a cannonical index). The second set is: Map String (Set Int). This is somewhat space intensive but hopefully not prohibative.
Then, you, essentially, brute force it. For all assignments to the first master set, restrict all assignments to other master sets. For all remaining assignments to the second, restrict all assignments to the third and beyond, etc. The algorithm is basically inductive.
I should add that I don't think the problem is NP-complete so much as just flat worst-case exponential. It's not a decision problem, but an enumeration problem. And it's fairly easy to imagine scenarios of inputs that blow up exponentially.
It will be difficult to do efficiently since your problem is probably NP-complete (it includes subgraph isomorphism as a special case). That assumes the patterns and database both vary in size, though. How much data are you searching? How complicated will your patterns be? I would recommend the brute force solution first, then test if that is too slow and you need something fancier.

The difference between MapReduce and the map-reduce combination in functional programming

I read the mapreduce at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MapReduce ,understood the example of how to get the count of a "word" in many "documents". However I did not understand the following line:
Thus the MapReduce framework transforms a list of (key, value) pairs into a list of values. This behavior is different from the functional programming map and reduce combination, which accepts a list of arbitrary values and returns one single value that combines all the values returned by map.
Can someone elaborate on the difference again(MapReduce framework VS map and reduce combination)? Especially, what does the reduce functional programming do?
Thanks a great deal.
The main difference would be that MapReduce is apparently patentable. (Couldn't help myself, sorry...)
On a more serious note, the MapReduce paper, as I remember it, describes a methodology of performing calculations in a massively parallelised fashion. This methodology builds upon the map / reduce construct which was well known for years before, but goes beyond into such matters as distributing the data etc. Also, some constraints are imposed on the structure of data being operated upon and returned by the functions used in the map-like and reduce-like parts of the computation (the thing about data coming in lists of key/value pairs), so you could say that MapReduce is a massive-parallelism-friendly specialisation of the map & reduce combination.
As for the Wikipedia comment on the function being mapped in the functional programming's map / reduce construct producing one value per input... Well, sure it does, but here there are no constraints at all on the type of said value. In particular, it could be a complex data structure like perhaps a list of things to which you would again apply a map / reduce transformation. Going back to the "counting words" example, you could very well have a function which, for a given portion of text, produces a data structure mapping words to occurrence counts, map that over your documents (or chunks of documents, as the case may be) and reduce the results.
In fact, that's exactly what happens in this article by Phil Hagelberg. It's a fun and supremely short example of a MapReduce-word-counting-like computation implemented in Clojure with map and something equivalent to reduce (the (apply + (merge-with ...)) bit -- merge-with is implemented in terms of reduce in clojure.core). The only difference between this and the Wikipedia example is that the objects being counted are URLs instead of arbitrary words -- other than that, you've got a counting words algorithm implemented with map and reduce, MapReduce-style, right there. The reason why it might not fully qualify as being an instance of MapReduce is that there's no complex distribution of workloads involved. It's all happening on a single box... albeit on all the CPUs the box provides.
For in-depth treatment of the reduce function -- also known as fold -- see Graham Hutton's A tutorial on the universality and expressiveness of fold. It's Haskell based, but should be readable even if you don't know the language, as long as you're willing to look up a Haskell thing or two as you go... Things like ++ = list concatenation, no deep Haskell magic.
Using the word count example, the original functional map() would take a set of documents, optionally distribute subsets of that set, and for each document emit a single value representing the number of words (or a particular word's occurrences) in the document. A functional reduce() would then add up the global counts for all documents, one for each document. So you get a total count (either of all words or a particular word).
In MapReduce, the map would emit a (word, count) pair for each word in each document. A MapReduce reduce() would then add up the count of each word in each document without mixing them into a single pile. So you get a list of words paired with their counts.
MapReduce is a framework built around splitting a computation into parallelizable mappers and reducers. It builds on the familiar idiom of map and reduce - if you can structure your tasks such that they can be performed by independent mappers and reducers, then you can write it in a way which takes advantage of a MapReduce framework.
Imagine a Python interpreter which recognized tasks which could be computed independently, and farmed them out to mapper or reducer nodes. If you wrote
reduce(lambda x, y: x+y, map(int, ['1', '2', '3']))
sum([int(x) for x in ['1', '2', '3']])
you would be using functional map and reduce methods in a MapReduce framework. With current MapReduce frameworks, there's a lot more plumbing involved, but it's the same concept.
