meteor restivus how to read multiple queryParams - meteor

I am building an API with Restivus in Meteor.
In a custom route I would like to have multiple values as queryParams like this (e.g. value1 and value2):
How do I get them in endpoint function?
When I try this I get undefined:
var query = this.queryParams.key // result: 1234
var value1 = this.queryParams.value1 // result: undefined
This is my new fresh code with the same result.
Use a standard Meteor project. Meteor version
// Create collection
Posts = new Mongo.Collection("posts");
if (Meteor.isServer) {
Meteor.startup(function () {
// Global configuration
useAuth: false,
prettyJson: true
// Given the url: "/posts?key=1234&value1=10"
Restivus.addRoute('posts', {
get: function () {
var key = this.queryParams.key;
var value1 = this.queryParams.value1;
console.log("key: " + key); // result: 1234
console.log("value1: " + value1); // result: undefined

This is the solution to the problem. Taken from here:
You're using curl to test, right? Well apparently (and don't feel bad for not knowing this, because neither did I), the & symbol means that the previous command will be run in the background, so the query params were just being truncated once the curl command reached the & for the second query param. All you have to do is wrap the URL in quotes, and voila! Try this command instead:
curl ""
That should work. So if you had just punched that URL into a browser or used a mored advanced REST client, you would have seen the extra query param defined. I got the answer from this StackOverflow question.


Fullcalendar, Resources as function don't work

I'm working with Fullcalendar and I'm trying to get resources as function
resources: function(callback){
var manageEvent = new ManageEvent();
var request = manageEvent.getEmployees();
request.always(function (param) {
var list = [];
var emp;
for (var elem in param) {
emp = param[elem];
'id': emp['cp_collaboratore'],
'title': emp['cognome_col']
var t = JSON.stringify(list);
request.catch(function (param) {
I checked the variable 't' through log and it shows the following result:
but it don't works and shows the following error message:
Uncaught TypeError: is not a function
at ResourceManager.setResources
You just need to write
t in your code is a string, because you converted your list array into a string using JSON.stringify(). But fullCalendar expects an actual array, not a string. It can't run functions or read individual properties from a string.
You can remove the line var t = JSON.stringify(list); completely, it's not needed.
Generally the only reason you'd use stringify() is if you wanted to log the value to your console for debugging, or convert the array into JSON if you wanted to send it somewhere else using AJAX. It makes no sense to pass arrays and objects around inside JavaScript as serialised strings, when you can just use the objects themselves.

Cannot encode type ([object Object]) to a Firestore Value error while attempting pagination

So here I have my code
notifull.get('/getNote', (request, response) => {
// START Get variables
var requestData = {
// location properties
subject: request.query.subject,
category: request.query.category,
subcategory: request.query.subcategory,
// easy way to get full reference string
referenceString: function() {
return `${this.subject}/${this.category}/${this.subcategory}`;
// pagination properties
pagePosition: Number(request.query.pagePosition),
// easy way to get limit number
paginationNumber: function() {
return (this.pagePosition - 1) * 2;
// DEBUG_PURPOSES response.send(requestData.referenceString());
// END Get variables
// START Construct index
var first = admin.firestore().collection(requestData.referenceString())
// DEBUG_PURPOSES response.send(first)
// END Construct index
// START Paginate
return first.get().then(function (documentSnapshots) {
// Get the last visible document
var lastVisible =[];
console.log("last", lastVisible);
// Construct a new query starting at this document,
// get the next 25 cities.
var next = admin.firestore().collection(requestData.referenceString())
As you can see, I am attempting to Paginate using Cloud Firestore. If you'll notice, I've divided the code into sections, and the previous testing shows me the Construct Index and Get variables sections work. However, when I pulled the Paginate example from Firebase's own docs, adapted it to my code, and then tried to run, I was met with this error.
Cannot encode type ([object Object]) to a Firestore Value
UPDATE: After more testing, it seems that if I remove the startAfter line, it works fine.
According to firebase documentation, Objects of custom classes are not supported so in some languages like PHP, C++, Python and Node.js.
So, I can advise to encode your objects to json and be decoding them to your custom classes when you download them from firebases.

AngularFire extending the service issue

I've been looking at the documentation for Synchronized Arrays and
I'm using Firebase version 2.2.7 and AngularFire version 1.1.2
Using the code below, I'm having trouble recognizing $$removed events.
.factory("ExtendedCourseList", ["$firebaseArray", function($firebaseArray) {
// create a new service based on $firebaseArray
var ExtendedCourseList= $firebaseArray.$extend({
$$added: function(dataSnapshot, prevChild){
var course = dataSnapshot.val();
var course_key = dataSnapshot.key();
console.log("new course");
return course;
$$removed: function(snap){
return true;
return function(listRef) {
return new ExtendedCourseList(listRef);
.factory("CompanyRefObj", function(CompanyRef) {
//CompanyRef is a constant containing the url string
var ref = new Firebase(CompanyRef);
return ref;
.factory('CourseList', function (localstorage,$rootScope,ExtendedCourseList,CompanyRefObj) {
var companyID = localstorage.get("company");
$rootScope.courseList = ExtendedCourseList(CompanyRefObj.child(companyID).child("courses"));
If I run this code, only the $$added events will be triggered. To simulate the remove events I use the web-interface at Firebase to display data, where I press the remove button and accept the data being deleted permanently.
Additionally, if I delete the $$removed function, the extended service still won't synchronize when a record is deleted.
If I modify my code to use the $firebaseArray instead of extending the service (as seen above) both add and remove events will be recognized.
.factory('CourseList', function (localstorage,$rootScope,$firebaseArray,CompanyRefObj) {
var companyID = localstorage.get("company");
$rootScope.courseList = $firebaseArray(CompanyRefObj.child(companyID).child("courses"));
Finally, are there any bad practices I've missed that can cause some of the extended functions to not work?
$$added: function(dataSnapshot, prevChild){
var course = dataSnapshot.val();
var course_key = dataSnapshot.key();
//Modified below
course.$id = course_key;
//End of modification
console.log("new course");
return course;
After posting about the issue at firebase/angularfire github I received an answer that solved my issue. When $$added got overridden by the code provided, the $firebaseArray also lost its internal record $id.
Adding this line of code: course.$id = course_key; before returning the course, made AngularFire recognize when the record was removed from the server.

Web sql/Sql Lite and Binding to Row in Angular

This is for a phonegap angular app. I would have thought binding to the db query return, result.rows in my case would be possible but it seems like it is not. The only way I could get this to work was with the commented out code where I manually push the data into an array row by row. Is this the only way?
The actually error received by binding to .rows is: Error: Duplicates in a repeater are not allowed. Repeater: item in items key: undefined:undefined
The service:
// only portion of code shown
query: function (q) {
var d = $q.defer();
var db = this.getDb();
db.transaction(function (t) {
t.executeSql(q, [], function (tx, results) {
}, function (err) {
}, function (err) {
return d.promise;
The controller is like this:
Sql.query('select * from DEMO').then(function (data) {
//$scope.items = [];
//for (i = 0, l = data.rows.length; i < l; i++) {
$scope.items = data.rows; // this errors out
The repeater is just a simple:
<div ng-repeat='item in items'>{{}} {{}}</div>
Based on the error message it looks like you have more than one undefined item in the data.rows array.
Your working code uses data.rows.item(i) is that creating an new empty object instead of undefined? Try changing data.rows.item(i) to data.rows[i] in your working code does that break as well?
Assuming you are using angular 1.1.5 here are some options:
Use your current workaround
Downgrade to 1.1.4 or to the current stable 1.0.7. I think 1.1.4 will work based on a broken version with 1.1.5 and a working version with 1.1.4.
Remove any duplicate undefined rows from data.rows
Note: For others having a similar type of error Angular generates a $$hashKey to objects when doing an ng-repeat. This error indicates the same object is in the array (with the same $$hashKey) and is not allowed in 1.1.5 (and later?).
See this blog post and google groups post for more info. Also this pull request looks related so I'm not sure if this behavior is intended going forward though it appears to have been fixed in the past.

How to parse url with Meteor

I'm using Meteor with another CMS, and am creating a url with the variables I need to run Meteor (ex. How to I make those variables usable, and get Meteor to ignore it as a location? When I load the url like that, my app doesn't load correctly, presumably because it thinks I'm requesting a different location.
Using iron router, if there is a query string or hash fragment in the url, you can access those using the query and hash properties of the this.params object.
// given the url: "/post/5?q=s#hashFrag"
Router.route('/post/:_id', function () {
var id = this.params._id;
var query = this.params.query;
// query.q -> "s"
var hash = this.params.hash; // "hashFrag"
Use of the querystring in Meteor should have no effect unless you're using eg. Meteor Router to invoke different methods depending on the current URL.
If you want to parse the querystring, just parse it by hand with eg. (in coffeescript)
querystring: ->
qs = {}
for pair in"?", "").split "&"
[k, v] = pair.split("=")
qs[k] = v
Which will return an object like:
{ "a": "flash", "b": "hash" }
