jfxtras - CalendarPicker change button color - javafx

How can I change the color of every toggle button of a CalendarPicker?
For instance, one button "red", one button "yellow" and so on.

You should be able to, if you can create a CSS rule for it. The toggle buttons are just toggle buttons, so they have the same CSS styleable features. So a "#mypicker .toggle-button" css rule should select them.
However, selecting individual buttons would require the use of something like "nth-child", but I believe JavaFX does not support that. There is a backdoor; the day togglebuttons get an id assigned, "day0", "day1", ... This is irrespective of whether the button is hidden or not.
https://github.com/JFXtras/jfxtras/blob/8.0/jfxtras-controls/src/main/java/jfxtras/internal/scene/control/skin/CalendarPickerControlSkin.java line 366
But this is a shaky dependency. If you have a good use case, I can of course assign a special unique style class to each button.


How to wrap text in Button and change Button color on click in Google App Maker?

Haven't coded in years, and started to play around with Google App Maker last week. As the title suggests, I have a couple questions.
I'm trying to figure out if there's a way to dynamically change the color of a button upon click. Right now I have the button changing enabled status to false on click, and using CSS style to change the color of disabled buttons to gray. Is there a way to do this without disabling the button?
Is there a way to wrap text in a button? Right now I am overlaying a Label on the button with the correctly styled font, but would ideally like to have that text be from the Button, as the space the label takes up is not clickable.
Thanks in advance for any help!
add some lines to your page or global styles this
this should let you wrap text.
.app-Button {
white-space: pre-wrap;
Say you want to change your button blue when a Boolean value gets changed to "true" in your data source.
add a class to your styles
background: blue;
then select your button and in the property editor>Display>styles click the drop down and select binding
set the binding to
=#datasource.item.**YourBooleanItem** === true? ['blue']:[]
Clarification there are two steps
Define a CSS class
Add the Class to the "styles" property of
your widget.
The Answer above uses a "binding" but also means that you've got to have an Item with this binding which you may not want.
I wanted a 'decimal' button to be orange when it was active. So on the Page I created a DecimalActive property. I used the onAttach event to set this property to false.
I created a CSS Class (local to the page) named Orange and Normal
.Orange {background:orange};
.Normal {background:white};
Then the following is my onClick
widget.root.properties.DecimalActive = !widget.root.properties.DecimalActive;
widget.styles = widget.root.properties.DecimalActive ? ['Orange'] : ['White'];
The challenge was figuring out exactly what AppMaker wanted in the styles []. I don't think it puts applied styles in this array. At least they didn't show up when I console.log(JSON.stringify(widget.styles);
I have verified that this does work (Dec 2019)
I think this answer is clearer and if someone wants to bind it the color change they still can.

Firemonkey how to change a style property in a Stylebook

I have created a Stylebook component that has a toolbarstyle. All toolbars in my app have this stylelookup. This style consists of a TLayout filled with a TRectangle that has the stylename "background" that has the color red by default.
I want to let the user set the color of the toolbar with a TComboColorBox.
So when they choose a Color I want all the toolbars to change to the color they have picked.
Now I already know how to change the style for a single toolbar, but I don't want to set the property for each individual toolbar. With the code below I can change the style color for a single toolbar.
ToolBar1.StylesData['background.Fill.Color'] := ComboColorBox1.Color;
How can I do the same for all my toolbars at once? I gues change the StyleBook but how. Also the stylebook from my MainForm get's loaded in all my other forms too, so I also don't need to change it on every form.

Button highlighted after click

I want my application's buttons to be green only when I hover over them. Currently, they are green after I click one of them, until I click something else.
For instance, this button is green after clicking on it and before clicking somewhere else.
What's the name of this effect?
I am now looking over my css files, trying to find this effect and replace it with hover so that the buttons are green only when I hover over them.
My guess is that it is applying the style to the :focus pseudo-class.
The :focus CSS pseudo-class is applied when an element has received
focus, either from the user selecting it with the use of a keyboard or
by activating with the mouse (e.g. a form input).
Alternately, the style might be applied by JavaScript in response to click/focus events, either directly to the element, or by adding a class to the element.
As mentioned in the comments by #AdrianoRepetti, use dev tools to help identify how the style is being applied.

Displaying a QStandardItem with its foreground color in a QTreeView even when it is selected

Using Qt 4.6.3 on Linux/X11.
I have a QTreeView widget which uses a QStandardItemModel as its model, with 4 columns and hundreds of rows. Most of the items in the list are to be displayed with a standard color, but a few need to be of a different color. I can change the colors of those few items easily with QStandardItem::setForeground().
However, that only affects the color of the item when it is not selected. When I select a colored item, its background color changes to blue (which is ok), and the text color changes to white (which is not ok). I tried using a stylesheet to affect the foreground color of selected items (with selector QTreeView::item:selected), but it affects all items.
I would like items for which I called item->setForeground(Qt::red) to remain red even when they are selected, and other items to use the default set of colors (which they already do). How can that be done?
The colors being used are (I assume) those for the QPalette's Hightlight and HighlightedText roles. Unfortunately, I don't know of any way to set those on an individual standard item.
However, since standard items are used in the model/view framework, you have another option. You should be able to create a delegate to paint the view however you want to. I would recommend inheriting from the styled delegate, and calling the parent class's functionality as much as possible. Likely, you'll only need to change a few parameters in the cases where an item is selected and has a non-standard foreground color.

Flex LinkBar: how to set a selected button's background color?

I was able to set the text color of a selected LinkBar button by "disabledColor" style of LinkBar. Accordingly, I expect to set the background color of the selected button by "backgroundDisabledColor" style, however, it didn't work; and except "backgroundDisabledColor", I didn't see any other style that could possibly achieve this. Please help. Thanks.
The problem is probably that you're setting the style on the LinkBar itself - try setting the LinkBar's linkButtonStyleName style to a different style selector that contains all of the styles you need for your button. You should be able to set the fillColors style of the buttons themselves there - this will change the default look of the button.
If you need to adjust the "selected" color or if you need something more advanced than just skinning the button background you'll need to write a custom skin class. This isn't too difficult - the Button class has a whole set of "Selected" styles - selectedDownSkin, selectedUpSkin, selectedDisabledSkin, etc. IMO the best practice is to set your button skin to a custom skin class that sets the different individual styles based on state.
David Flately illustrates this method here. Check out his source - that should get you what you need. A good book on this topic that has this sort of thing along with lots of other examples is Juan Sanchez and Andy McIntosh's Creating Visual Experiences with Flex 3.0. I can't post a link to it because my reputation isn't high enough here yet, but you can find it on amazon or barnes and noble or any other online bookstore.
FYI - answer here....
Haha, was looking for same thing, you can see on the source code of LinkBar:
// Hilite the new selection.
child = Button(getChildAt(selectedIndex));
child.enabled = false;
Which is clever!!! Rather than set selected to true, they disable the selected button ... why not ;-( Took me half an hour to understand the Flex team logical ...
eBuildy, Flex Specialists
