ReactJS.NET - Bundles - TinyIoCResolutionException: Unable to resolve type: React.IReactEnvironment -

I'm attempting to minify my .JSX files with ASP.NET Minification and Optimization via System.Web.Optimization.React. I've installed the MVC4 React Package as well as the Optimization package, but whenever I try to include a bundle I get the following:
React.TinyIoC.TinyIoCResolutionException: Unable to resolve type: React.IReactEnvironment
The InnerException is always null
My bundles are setup as follows:
bundles.Add(new ScriptBundle("~/Bundle/Scripts/ReactJS").Include(
bundles.Add(new JsxBundle("~/Bundle/Scripts/ReactCalendar").Include(
And included in the view as:
#section scripts{
The error is always thrown on line:
Anyone got any ideas on how to solve / debug this one? Let me know if more info is needed.

I'm not sure if this is the same issue I was facing, but I googled the exact same error, found this SO topic as the first hit, with no definitive answer, so I thought I'd offer my solution.
I'm using .NET 4.5 in an MVC app, and React.Web.Mvc4 v3.0.0.
I managed to work around this issue with the help of this comment on Github.
Here's my entire ReactConfig.cs:
using React;
using React.TinyIoC;
using React.Web.TinyIoC;
namespace NS.Project
public static class ReactConfig
public static void Configure()
private static TinyIoCContainer.RegisterOptions AsPerRequestSingleton(
TinyIoCContainer.RegisterOptions registerOptions)
return TinyIoCContainer.RegisterOptions.ToCustomLifetimeManager(
new HttpContextLifetimeProvider(),
"per request singleton"
Then, I'm callingReactConfig.Configure explicitly from Application_Start.

"Unable to resolve type: React.IReactEnvironment" with no InnerException generally means ReactJS.NET is not initialising properly for some reason. In web apps, ReactJS.NET handles initialisation through the use of WebActivator. Make sure your project is referencing React.Web, React.Web.Mvc4 and WebActivatorEx, and all the corresponding .dll files are ending up in your app's bin directory.
Also, you do not need to (and should not) include JSXTransformer in your JavaScript bundles, as ReactJS.NET does all the JSX compilation server-side.

Something looks like changed from React.Web.MVc4 version 4.0.0. versions before didnt have that problem.
as stated here
Install the React.Web.Mvc4 package through NuGet. You will also need to install a JS engine to use (either V8 or ChakraCore are recommended). See the JSEngineSwitcher docs for more information.
To use V8, add the following packages:
ReactConfig.cs will be automatically generated for you. Update it to register a JS engine and your JSX files:
using JavaScriptEngineSwitcher.Core;
using JavaScriptEngineSwitcher.V8;
[assembly: WebActivatorEx.PreApplicationStartMethod(typeof(React.Sample.Mvc4.ReactConfig), "Configure")]
namespace React.Sample.Mvc4
public static class ReactConfig
public static void Configure()
JsEngineSwitcher.Current.DefaultEngineName = V8JsEngine.EngineName;

If anyone needs this, just install this nuget and it will resolve this issue.


liquibase migration scripts not executed in deploynodes

I have 2 liquibase migration scripts in my workflows/src/main/resources/migration folder. When I run the deployNodes tasks it runs the schema migrations. However, it doesn't execute my scripts (tables are missing afterwards). I also tried to run the run-migration-scripts --core-schemas --app-schemas command manually, but still it doesn't execute the scripts. Any idea what can cause this behaviour? I am using corda 4.6.
I have also set runSchemaMigration = true in the gradle file.
Ashutosh gave the same recommendation that I would have.
That getMigrationResource can be defined with something like this
public class IOUSchemaV1 extends MappedSchema {
public IOUSchemaV1() {
super(IOUSchema.class, 1, ImmutableList.of(PersistentIOU.class));
public String getMigrationResource() {
return "iou.changelog-master";
for anyone finding this later, here's the doc page on it:
Hopefully, that helps to solve the issue for you, good luck

Error: Can't load metadata reference from the entry assembly. Make sure PreserveCompilationContext is set to true in *.csproj file

This problem is specific to RazorLight.
Can't load metadata reference from the entry assembly. Make sure
PreserveCompilationContext is set to true in *.csproj file
This error pops up only after we deploy to AWS. On the local machine things work fine. I've already added PreserveCompilationContext to the *.csproj file.
We use circleci for deployments. The API that's having this problem is hosted in AWS Lambda.
private async Task<string> GenerateText(string template, ProseModel model)
var engine = new RazorLightEngineBuilder()
// ERROR thrown on next line
var result = await engine.CompileRenderAsync(Guid.NewGuid().ToString(), template, model);
return result;
catch(Exception e)
Logger.LogError("Error generating template", e);
throw e;
I found that people are getting this same error in Azure Functions. Is that similar to Lambda's and maybe requires a similar fix? If yes, how can I fix this in a Lambda?
I've also tried to set SetOperatingAssembly(Assembly. GetExecutingAssembly())
I ran into the same issue but the fix that you posted for the Azure Function hack worked for me. You must make sure to replace the "RazorLight" package with the "RazorLight.Unofficial" package version beta1.3. Then it should work.
The problem is that the entry assembly when running on Lambda is called:
Bootstrap, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null
Which I'm assuming isn't compiled to preserve the compilation context.

PaxExam tests configured with wrappedBundle()

For the configuration in PaxExam (version 4) we're using wrappedBundle() as you can see here:
Because we want to create an OSGi bundle out of an ordinary jar.
Then in order the wrap mechanism can be used we have to install the wrap feature:
features(karafStandardRepo, "wrap"),
The problem is when it comes to install wrappedBundle() the wrap feature is not yet there. How can I assure in the PaxExam configuration wrappedBundle() is executed only after the wrap feature is there and ready for use? The Karaf distribution we are using in this test is version 4.0.7.
Thanks for help,
Yes, indeed we had to wrap the WireMock bundle generation by the PaxUrl Wrap mechanism into a separate feature file:
<features name="wiremock-${project.version}" xmlns="">
<feature name="wiremock" version="${project.version}">
<feature prerequisite="true">wrap</feature>
Very important is here to configure the XML namespace properly, namely to address version v1.4.0 otherwise prerequisite is of no use. A further pitfall I stepped in before was not taking the standalone version of WireMock.
Then in the PaxExam configuration I have just installed the feature:
features(maven().groupId("").artifactId("wiremock-feature").type("xml").classifier("features").version("1.0.0-SNAPSHOT"), "wiremock"),
When it comes to initialize the WireMockServer in your tests, in order the resources in the new generated WireMock-Bundle can be loaded via ClassLoader.getResource() (internal stuff of that library), you have to do this here in your test otherwise the Bundle-Classloader of that WireMock-Bundle is not used:
public static void setup() {
ClassLoader savedClassLoader = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader();
try {
wireMockServer = new WireMockServer(options().dynamicPort());
} finally {
public static void end() {
You could put this in a JUnit #ClassRule for encapsulation.

InvalidOperationException: Could not find 'UserSecretsIdAttribute' on assembly

After deploying ASP.NET Core app to azure and opening the site, I get the following error:
InvalidOperationException: Could not find 'UserSecretsIdAttribute' on
assembly '******, Version=, Culture=neutral,
The exception details also include that the error happens at Startup.cs on this line of code:
Thank you
There was an update to the user secrets module just recently. Version 1.0.1 and up now requires you specify an assembly-level attribute for the id of the user secrets, or as a fallback, the way it was previously in project.json.
Here is the announcement on GitHub:
You can define the secrets id in the .csproj like this:
This generates the following assembly-level attribute. Alternatively, instead of adding it in the .csproj file, you can of course add it yourself e.g. to Startup.cs:
[assembly: UserSecretsId("aspnet-TestApp-ce345b64-19cf-4972-b34f-d16f2e7976ed")]
Also, you should use:
It will search for that attribute in the assembly of the given type, in this case I used the Startup class.
Note: this will be deprecated in 2.0: (1.0.2 and 1.1.1 have marked it obsolete)
I checked the source code for the user secrets configuration, and calling AddUserSecrets() without the type does this:
var attribute = entryAssembly.GetCustomAttribute<UserSecretsIdAttribute>();
if (attribute != null)
return AddUserSecrets(configuration, attribute.UserSecretsId);
// try fallback to project.json for legacy support
var fileProvider = configuration.GetFileProvider();
return AddSecretsFile(configuration, PathHelper.GetSecretsPath(fileProvider));
{ }
// Show the error about missing UserSecretIdAttribute instead an error about missing
// project.json as PJ is going away.
throw MissingAttributeException(entryAssembly);
It's trying to find the UserSecretsId attribute on your assembly, and failing that, checking if it could find it in project.json. Then (as commented) returns an error about the missing attribute as they wouldn't want to complain about project.json anymore as it is being deprecated.
I want to add to this answer, for those in my situation.
I am writing a .NET Core console app, trying to use the secrets manager (not sure it's meant for console apps). The only way I was able to rid myself of the error was using the assembly level attribute on the assembly where I was using the secrets manager.
As I said, I am not sure if the secrets manager is meant for console apps. So maybe there is an issue with .xproj files vs. .csproj files.
My .NET Core 3.1 Worker Service required additional setup (more than a Web project).
In Program.cs in the CreateHostBuilder method I needed this:
.ConfigureAppConfiguration((ctx, builder) =>
// enable secrets in development
if (ctx.HostingEnvironment.IsDevelopment())
But (unlike my Web project) I explicitly needed to add this nuget package:
install-package Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.UserSecrets
After that I could access secrets.

GWT DevMode don't reload changes on css files

i've set up a GWT project using Gradle as build management and everything is fine.
I can deploy my project to my local tomcat in eclipse and the application runs as intended.
But if I start the DevMode and change something in my css resources (which are bound as CssResource classes with an #Source annotation), the GWT DevMode doesn't catch it and the css changes are not taken into account.
Am I missing something? I would expect the DevMode to detect changes in .css files during development without having to run a gwt compile again.
Here is an example of how i am using the css resources:
public interface XOFooterPanelResource extends FooterPanelResource, ClientBundle {
XOFooterPanelStyle style();
#ImageOptions(repeatStyle = RepeatStyle.Horizontal)
ImageResource footerPanelBackground();
#ImageOptions(repeatStyle = RepeatStyle.Horizontal)
ImageResource footerPanelBackgroundEndUser();
ImageResource footerDelimiter();
public interface XOFooterPanelStyle extends FooterPanelStyle, CssResource {
As you can see i have my XOFooterPanelStyle interface which extends CssResource. It is used in the XOFooterPanelResource - which extends ClientBundle - by using the #Source annotation with the name of my CSS file.
And here is the part of my gradle build file which is responsible for starting the DevMode:
javaexec {
main = ''
jvmArgs = ['-Xmx2048M', '-XX:MaxPermSize=1024M']
classpath {
// Java source
// Generated resources
// Generated classes
sourceSets.main.compileClasspath // Deps
args = [
ext.gwtModules.each {
args += it
As mentioned before i'm using tomcat inside eclipse to run the application, so the -noserver option is set.
Unless you are directly changing the css file that tomcat is referencing, you will not see the changes in dev mode. I believe that when you deploy via tomcat in eclipse, your code is not referenced directly from the eclipse project workspace, a copy is moved to the tomcat webapps folder.
I'm not sure what the standard way around this is. I feel like there has to be an option to refresh static resources to the tomcat instance from eclipse, but I haven't looked into it.
Here are two ways i've gotten around the issue when I needed to:
1) You can put CSS code in your ui.xml files, and that should get picked up by devMode.
Tutorial on how to add css to your ui.xml
2) You could also modify the css file in the webapps folder directly, then migrate any changes you made back to the workspace version.
