Measurement Protocol HTTP Batch event POST instead of POST per event? - http

I want to batch my requests to the Google Analytics Measurement Protocol
POST /collect HTTP/1.1
I'm developing in Unity 3D, but mainly I was curious if anyone had ideas so I can reduce the number of http requests from the client.
NOTE: I have no plans to use Googles Analytics SDK for Unity. Please do not suggest. I want to use the Measurement Protocol API.
NOTE: multipart/mixed might be a good solution, but I suspect the API needs to support it. Not sure if that is the case (at least not documented).
Seems like this should be a common problem though.

Google Analytics Measurement Protocol Batch Requests
You can batch multiple requests into a single post request.


Google analytics measurement protocol authentication

I do not understand the reason for not having OAuth flow while using the measurement protocol. The user needs the track-id for sending the request, and there are possibilities of ghosting as well. So why is OAuth process not being used for authentication in Google Analytics. Could anybody help me in understanding this?
The measurement protocol is an http request to a URL with querystring parameters. It does not require authentication. I agree that the data can get dirty, however its operation is that.

HTTP Batch Request Google Analytics Not Working

As per Google Documentation for batch request for Google Analytics, has been used for sending multiple hits as a single request.
I have tried the URL using an resteasy client but it not works
only a single hit has been registerd in google analytics server.
My question is how to form HTTP Batch request for Google analytics Batch Hit?.
POST /batch HTTP/1.1
I have tried normal Batch Request for google also, still no luck
Little correction, actually batch was working, you can check in the Realtime->Screens->Last 30 mins. There you can find the list of Activities send. :-)

How is Google Analytics Measurement Protocol different?

I was checking GA Measurement Protocol to send data to GA from backend.Which is working fine.Url i am using is:
(Please replace UA-XXXXXXX-1 with your own tracking id.)
Now i have a website which is GA enabled using javascript way.I checked in Chrome inspect that it sends information to google through url:
I can use this url too to send information to google from backend. What's special and new in Measurement Protocol because using this url too i can send data to google for analytics purposes?
I need to send data from backend to GA so please guide.
The measurement protocol is now the "backbone" for data collection for Universal Analytics for all versions (web, mobile etc). Unlike the gif-method it is well documented and it can be called from every device/programming language that can send http requests (it will still return a transparent gif, though).
The main reason for using the measurement protocol is that everything else is deprecated and Google has announced that support for older tracking methods will be dropped. It looks like your second example uses an older version of the Analytics tracking code, current versions send their calls to the endpoint. You should not invest a lot of effort in developing solutions based on deprecated technology, especially if it offers no advantages over the current versions.
Google measurement protocol is very useful when implementing distributed solution of a service like restful APIs.
The client is not known by the server, each client world wide can call the rest API so no javascript code is possible to be injected at the client.
Measurement protocol enabled us to track which kind of devices are calling our API, how many requests per endpoint, etc...

Which technology is used in Google Analytics?

I am wondering which technology is used by Google in Google Analytics.
When i checked my website's in Google Analytics real time overview, i find out that there is no http request in network monitor.
Can any one tell me which technology is this..
Thanks in Advance..
Every part of the Google Analytics collection is based upon HTTP requests with the Measurement Protocol.
POST /collect HTTP/1.1
You are likely using Analytics.js which collects information from the user agent and sends hits to

Measurement protocol Usage

I am completely new to the Google Analytics Measurement protocol.
Trying to fetch the results and load it in iframe of an registered tid domain.
My query string looks something like this:"
But i get the response as : GIF89aÿÿÿÿ,D;
What am I doing anything wrong? I also tried passing domain name with it and its title. Still no success.
And also do I need to call this get or post from the origin domain or can I do it from Postman-Rest client?
I think your having an issue with understanding what the Measurement Protocol is.
You said:
Trying to fetch the results and load it in iframe of an registered tid
What the measurement protocol is for:
Measurement Protocol Overview
The Google Analytics Measurement Protocol allows developers to make
HTTP requests to send raw user interaction data directly to Google
Analytics servers.
The measurement protocol is for sending hits to Google Analytics, If you want to get your Google Analytics data out you use the Reporting API
The response you are getting back from the measurement protocol is good it means it recorded your message. GIF89aÿÿÿÿ,D;
What you're seeing is the content of the 1x1 GIF pixel that Google Analytics uses, which you can safely ignore. As long as the response code of your request is 200, you should be fine.
The origin domain of the request doesn't matter; you can—for instance—also send Measurement protocol requests from server-side scripts and it still works.
