Are there security measures against udp hole punching? [closed] - networking

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I want to establish an UDP communication between two peers, say Alice and Bob. Alice is behind a port restricted cone NAT (so that the same internal port gets mapped to the same external port even if the destination is changed), while Bob is behind a symmetric NAT (which means that the external port will change every time a new destination is chosen regardless of the internal port, thus making the external port unpredictable). I have a server in between and I want to make an UDP hole punch.
I implemented the following strategy:
Bob opens a large number of ports and from all of them sends a packet to Alice's external port (he gets to know if through the server).
Alice sends packets to Bob's NAT at random ports until the connection is established.
Having two NATs of those types at hand, I did some experiments. Bob opens 32 ports, and Alice sends 64 packets every 0.1 seconds. The connection is usually established within 1 or 2 seconds, which is more than suitable for my needs.
However, I was wondering if I could get in trouble with some strict NAT routers or firewalls. On example, could it happen that a router won't allow an internal peer to open 32 ports? Or (and this sounds somehow more likely) could it happen that a router that sees a lot of packets incoming on random ports that get dropped will blacklist the ip and drop all its packets for some time? I read that sometimes this could happen in case of a DoS attack but my packet rate is something like 4 to 6 orders of magnitude lighter than a DoS attack.
I am asking about reasonable network configuration: I am pretty sure that in principle it is possible to setup a firewall to behave in that way. I will be targeting mainly users that lie behind standard home connections, so my main target is common internet providers that use NATs.

It's an interesting question.
First of all, I'm not sure anyone has the exact answer you're looking for. Different networks use different equipment and different configuration. Two ISPs can use ten different vendors for their routers, firewalls, NATs, intrusion detection equipment, DPI equipment etc; not to mention the number of possible configurations all of this equipment has.
And while commercial and corporate networks are bad enough, home networks are even worse. Here there are even more vendors selling modems, NAT boxes, and various software that affects network connectivity (such as firewalls and anti-viruses). All of which is in the hands of users who aren't technically savvy that leave it with the default settings, or worse.
Moreover, in both home and commercial networks there might be several layers of NAT. I know of a company that has a NAT for each lab (to isolate it from other labs and the R&D network). Each lab is then connected to the R&D NAT (to isolate it from other departments), which in turn is connected to the company-wide NAT, which, by the way, is also heavily firewalled. Add to that a possible ISP-level (carrier grade) NAT, and you're looking at up to 4 layers of NAT. Hopefully this is an extreme example, but two layers of NAT are quite common nowadays with home NAT and carrier grade NAT.
Given that, how likely it is for a random network to consider this behavior suspicious and limit it? Frankly, I don't know for sure and I don't think anyone else does with a high degree of certainty.
Despite that, my educated guess is that sane default configurations of communication equipment (NATs, routers, etc) should not block such behavior. After all, many applications open several ports; not to mention the fact that the NAT has no way of knowing that the IP sending this traffic isn't itself a NAT device with dozens of computers behind it - each of them with several open ports.
I also guess that simple firewalls should be fine with it as long as UDP itself isn't blocked, and the usage of the various ports is allowed. Firewalls that attempt to block port-scanning, and anti-DDoS equipment, however, might pose a problem as this traffic might seem suspicious to it, so it might depend on the configuration/implementation details of such equipment and software. So unfortunately, the only way to tell how your strategy will behave in the real world it to try it out on a variety of different networks.
Second, I'd like to say a few words about your hole punching strategy. If both Alice and Bob have a shared server, and Alice is behind a cone NAT, I don't see the point in your strategy. A cone NAT is the simplest NAT to overcome. If you want Alice to be able to connect to Bob (which is tricky since he's behind a symmetric NAT), all you really have to do is to get Bob to connect to Alice upon Alice's request.
To do that, both Alice and Bob should always have a long-lasting TCP or UDP connection to the server. The connection shouldn't carry any data for the most part, and should be just kept alive once in a while.
When Alice wants to connect to Bob, it just opens a port (say port X), and connects from that port to the server. The server sees Alice's external port that corresponds to port X - say port Y. At this point, Alice informs the server that she would like Bob to connect to her. Since Bob is connected to the same server, the server informs Bob that it should connect to Alice at at port Y. This should establish a connection between them without the need for any guessing.


Writing client-server application in global network

I know, how to write a C# application that works through a local network.
I mean I know, how to make my client-side application access my server-side application in a single local network.
But I wonder: How do such apps, as Skype, TeamViewer, and many other connect via global network?
I apologise, if this question is simple or obvious, but I couldn't find any information about this stuff.
Please, help me, I'll be very grateful. Any information is accepted - articles, plain info, books,and so on...
Question is very wide and I try to do short overview.
Following major difference between LAN (Local Area Network) and WAN (Wide Area Network):
Network quality:
LAN is more or less stable, WAN can be with network issues like:
Packet loss (you need use loss-tolerant transport like TCP or UDP with retransmits or packet loss concealment)
Packet jitter (interpacket intervals may differ a lot from sending part). Most common thing is packets bursts.
Packet reordering
Packet duplication
Network connectivity
WAN is less stable than LAN. So you need properly handle all things like:
Connection stale
Connection loss
Errors in the middle of the connection (if you use UDP for example)
In WAN you deal with different network equipment between client and server (or peers in case of peer-to-peer communication). You need to take in account:
NATs - most of the clients are behind NAT and you need to pass them through. According technics are called "NAT traversal"
Firewalls - may ISP has own rules what client can do or can't. So if you do something specific like custom transport protocol you may bump into ISP firewalls.
Routing - especially multicast and broadcast communication. In common case multicast is not possible to route. Broadcasts are never routed. So you need to avail this type of communication if you want to use WAN.
May be I forgot something. But these points are major. You can read many articles about any of them.

Locate Computer in Network topology

I ask myself that for some days now, and couldn't find a clear answer.
Imagine a network with several rooms, each room with it's own (Layer 2) Switch.
Those are then connected in star topology to another switch which is then connected to the router.
All Clients get IPs from the same range, all clients are in the same subnet and in the same VLAN.
Do you know a way how to determine, which client is connected to which switch, without involving the switch. E.g only with technologies and mechanisms taking place on the client.
The goal would be to be able to draw automated maps of the client distribution in the network, but, as I said, without involving the switch (for example access it's API or somethign like that).
I am afraid that you are right: In general, in a "normal" Network (which means: In a Network with just Standard Switches and Routers), there is no way to do so.
Only if the Switches were managed, you could write a script which polls the arp-tables from the Switches, but of course this doesn't work with unmanaged Switches.
I realised that there is no way to do this.
The problem is, that a normal network switch, which works on Layer 2 of the OSI model, is not "visible" for tools like traceroute or such.
If you want to traceroute to, lets say:, your traceroute application sends a packet with a TTL of 1 to your default gateway. Your default gateway then decreases the TTL and discards the package, because it has reached a TTL of 0.
Because of that, it answers to your computer and your computer can record, from where it received the first answer.
It then sends again a package to, but this time with a TTL of 2, and the process begins from start.
Now you can't do with switches what you can do with routers, because (normal layer 2) switches do not know about IP...
Cisco offers a layer2 traceroute utility, but this is limited to the cisco ecosystem and only works with cisco hardware.
So, I fear the answer is, that it is not possible in general.

What's so hard about p2p Hole Punching? [closed]

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Closed last month.
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I am trying to experiment with some p2p networking. Upon doing some research, one of the biggest obstacle I learnt is "What if a client is behind a NAT/Firewall", later on I discovered about Hole Punching but that it is not always guaranteed to work.
As far a I understand, I don't understand why it might fail, This is what I know so far:
Based on the diagram above, this is how I understand how a successful connection can be established.
Alice joins the network (1) by creating connection to a directory-server. When this happens, Alice's NAT creates a mapping from her public ip to her local ip.
The directory server receives the connection and store Alice's public ip:port in the directory
Bob does the same (2), Joins the network and publishes his ip:port in the directory
Alice wants to communicate with bob. So she looks up Bob's ip:port from the directory. (3)
Alice sends data on Bob's ip:port which she got from the server. (5)
Since Bob also has a mapping from is ip:port to his local ip:port, the NAT simply forwards any data received on Bob's public ip:port to his computer.
Same works for Alice
I hope I was clear in my explanation of what I understand. My question is, what is so hard or unreliable about this? i must be clearly missing something. Can you explain me what it is?
One problem is that the NAT mappings in Alice's NAT server may time out, either after a fixed time, or after a period of inactivity.
A second potential problem is that the NAT server could make the restriction that Alice's NAT mapping is only "good" for TCP connections established by Alice, or connections between Alice and the initial IP "she" connected to. (In other words, direct communication between Alice & Bob may be blocked.)
And so on.
The problem is that the behaviour of a NAT server is highly dependent on how the managing organization's configuration / policy decisions. Many of these decisions could mean that your particular P2P usage pattern won't work reliably ... or at all.
So then is my whole idea about hole punching wrong?
No. It just means that it won't always work.
Possibly the biggest problem in NAT holepunching is lack of port consistency. For your implementation to work, at least one of the two NATs must support it.
Port consistency is where the same (local ip, local port) is mapped to the same (external ip, external port) regardless of the target (destination ip, destination port). Without this, the port seen by the directory server is not helpful to the client since it will not be the same port the clients will need to talk to each other.
(Note that this is a weaker requirement than port preservation, where external port == local port.)
Unfortunately for P2P communication, most NATs are some flavor of Symmetric NAT and do not have consistent port mappings.
Firewalls are typically stateful. Bob (2) establishing communications with the outside directory server sets up a rule in his NAT server that allows Bob and the directory server to communicate. When the NAT server sees packets from Alice, it rejects/drops them because it hasn't seen Bob establish communications with Alice.
First of all there are 2 types of hole punching
1.UDP hole punching
2.TCP hole punching
UDP hole punching success rate is 82%
TCP hole punching success rate is 64%
I have done many UDP hole punching experiments and they were mostly all successful but not same in the case of TCP hole punching.
The reason behind the failure of TCP hole punching is only the router NAT table. I will try to explain my best:
Client 1 --> connect(client2) --Internet-- connect(client1)<-- Client 2
Now if Client1 **SYN Packet**** reaches to the client2 and **client2 **SYN packet wasn't released** , the ROUTER of client2 can do 2 things:
1. send RST packet back as connection refused to client1.
2. drop packet immediately and no reply send to client1.
If this happens no connection will be established.
I can only suggest a solution that time difference between connect call from both the client should be very less. The connect call difference should be in milli-seconds
TIP: if you are in local network , put disable your firewall
for ubuntu user : sudo ufw disable
I think understanding how the Hole Punching really works would assist to get into why it may fail.
It was first explored by Dan Kagel, read here. In this technique, both peers are generally
assumed to be behind two different NATs. Both peers must be connected to an
intermediate server called a Rendezvous/Signaling server; there are many well-known Rendezvous protocols and SIP (RFC 3261) is the most famous one. As they are
connected to the server, they get to know about each other’s public transport
addresses through it. The public transport addresses are allocated by the NATs
in front of them. The Hole Punching process in short:
Peer 1 and Peer 2 first discover their Public Transport Addresses using
STUN Bind Request as described in RFC 8589.
Using a signaling/messaging mechanism, they exchange their Public Transport Addresses. SDP(Session Description Protocol)[16] may be used to
complete this. The Public Transport Address of Peer 1 and Peer 2 will be
assigned by NAT 1 and NAT 2 respectively.
Then both peers attempt to connect to each other using the received Public
Transport addresses. With most NATs, the first message will be dropped
by the NAT except for Full Cone NAT. But the subsequent packets will
penetrate the NAT successfully as by this time the NAT will have a mapping.
NAT can be of any type. If the NAT is, let's say, Symmetric NAT RFC 8489, Hole Punching won’t be possible. Because only an external host that receives a packet from an internal host can send a packet back. If this is the case, then the only possible way is Relaying.
Learn more about the current state of P2P communication: read RFC 5128.

How is source port for HTTP determined? Is there ever collision in NAT? [closed]

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Closed 2 years ago.
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I know that when a HTTP request is made, packets are sent from a seemingly-random high-numbered port (e.g. 4575) on the client to port 80 on the server. Then the server sends the reply to the same high-numbered port, the router knows to route that to the client computer, and all is complete.
My question is: How is the return port (4575 in this example) determined? Is it random? If so, within what range? Are there any constraints on it? What happens, for example, if two computers in a LAN send HTTP requests with the same source port to the same website? How does the router know which one to route to which computer? Or maybe this situation is rare enough that no-one bothered to defend against it?
The NAT is going to decide/determine the outbound port for a NATed connection/session, via it's own internal means. Meaning, it will vary according to the implementation of the NAT. This means any responses back will come back to that same outbound port.
As for your question:
What happens, for example, if two computers in a LAN send HTTP
requests with the same source port to the same website?
It will assign different outbound ports for each. Thus, it can distinguish between the two in responses it receives. A NATs would create/maintain a mapping of translated ports, creating new outbound port numbers for new sessions. So even if if there were two different "internal" sessions, from two different machines, on the same port number, it would map to two different port numbers on the outgoing side. Thus, when packets came back in on the respective ports, it would know how to translate them back to the correct address/port on the inside LAN.
It depends on the NAT and on the protocol. For instance I'm writing this message behind a full cone NAT and this particular NAT is configured (potentially hard-wired) to always map an UDP private transport address UDP X:x to the public transport address UDP Y:x. It's quite easy to shed some light on this case with with a STUN server (google has some free stun servers), a cheap NAT, 2 laptops, wire shark and a really really light STUN client which uses a hard coded port like 777. Only the first call will get through and it will be mapped on the original port, the second one will be blocked.
NAT's are a hack, some of them are so bad that they actually override on return the public transport address not only in the header but even in the transported data which is kinda crazy.
ICE protocols has to xor the public address to bypass this issue.

Creating a TCP connection between 2 computers without a server

2 computers are in different subnets.
Both are Windows machines.
There are 2-5 IGMP-ready routers between them.
They can connect each other over multicast protocol (they have joined the same multicast group and they know about each other's existance).
How to establish a reliable TCP connection between them without any public server?
Programming language: C++, WinAPI
(I need a TCP connection to send some big critical data, which I can not entrust to UDP)
You haven't specified a programming language, so this whole question may be off-topic.
Subnets are not the problem. Routability is the problem. Either there is routing set up or there isn't. If they are, for example, both behind NAT boxes, then you're at the mercy of the configuration of the nat boxes. If they are merely on two different subnets of a routed network, it's the job of the network admin to have set up routing. So, each has an IP address, and either can address the other.
On one machine, you are going to create a socket, bind it to some port of your choice, and listen. On the other, you will connect to the first machine's IP + the selected port.
I'm going to try again, but I feel like there's a giant conceptual gap here.
Once upon a time, the TCP/IP was invented. In the original conception, every item on the network has an IPV4 address, and every machine could reach every other machine, via routing, except for machines in the 'private' address space (10.x, etc).
In the very early days, the only 'subnets' were 'class A, class B, class C'. Later the idea of subdividing a network via bitmasks was added. The concept of 'subnet' is just a way of describing a piece of network in which all the hosts can deliver packets to each other by one hop over some transport or another. In a properly configured network, this is only of concern to operating system drivers. Ordinary programs just address packets over the network and they arrive.
The implementation of this connectivity was always via routing protocol. If you have a (physical) ethernet A over here, and a (physical) ethernet B over there, connected by some sort of point-to-point link, the machines on A need to know where to send packets for B. Or, to be exact, they need to know where to send 'not-A' packets, and whatever they send them needs to know where to send 'B' packets. In simple cases, this is arranged via explicit configuration: routing rules stuffed into router boxes or even computers with multiple physical interfaces. In more complex cases, routing boxes intercommunicate via protocols like EGP or BGP or IGMP to learn the network topology.
If you use the Windows 'route' command, you will see the 'default route' that the system uses to send packets that need to leave the local subnet. It is generally the address of the router box responsible for moving information from the local subnet to everywhere else.
The whole goal of this routing is to arrange that a packet sent from a.b.c.d to e.f.g.h will get there. TCP is no different than UDP, except that you can't get there by multicast or broadcast: you need to know the exact address of your correspondent.
DNS was invented to allow hosts to learn each other's IP addresses without having human being send them around in email messages.
All this stops working when people start using NAT and firewalls to turn off routing. The whole idea of NAT is that the computers behind the NAT box are not addressable at all. They all appear to have one IP address. They can send stuff out, but they can only receive stuff if the NAT box has gone to extra trouble to map them a port.
From your original message, I sort of doubt that NAT is in use here. I just don't understand your comment 'I don't have access to the network.' You say that you've sent UDP packets here and there. So how did you do that? What addresses did you use?
