Visual Studio 2015 5.0 Dynamic development does not work in debug mode -

So I installed VS2015 CTP6. In the blog of Scott it advertises:
Dynamic Development.
In Visual Studio 2015, we take advantage of dynamic compilation to provide a streamlined developer experience. You no longer have to compile your application every time you want to see a change. Instead, just (1) edit the code, (2) save your changes, (3) refresh the browser, and then (4) see your change automatically appear.
Well, if I do that visual studio kills the browser on the save action.
What am I doing wrong?
Created a new project, 5 and switched runtime to coreclr. Tried IIS express & "web"..

The new edit & continue functionality for Roslyn currently does not work with the debugger attached. This will be fixed in a future release. You can start without debugging (ctrl + F5) if you want edit & continue support.


How to get ASP.NET Web Application (.NET Framework) for c#?

I have just downloaded the VS Community 2019 Version 16.3.9 and I can't seem to find the ASP.NET Web Application(.NET Framework) with the C#. It just only starts with the VB script by default. What should I do to get the same thing with C#.
Probably, you did not download the needed tools after installation.
To download necessary tools, launch the Visual Studio Installer (not the IDE), click on modify, there, you will see myriads of tools, just select the ones you need and download. After successful download, open your IDE and choose your desired framework to work on.
Wish you success.
Sorry for adding this as an answer even though it will help you but nevertheless, I should have added it as a comment but I have less than 50 reputations

BrowserLink MVC 6 - Not Working - No Extra Code Injected

How do I get BrowserLink to work in MVC6 - using RC1 Release 1. Using Visual Studio 2015 Update 1.
Browsers never appear in Browser Link dashboard. No extra js is injected or extra web calls made by site so it just seems to not be adding browser link code.
I have app.UseBrowserLink(). I am running in Development mode, debug. I have tried CoreClr and Full Framework. This happens even with a brand new 5 web template with no changes made to it.
What else do I need to do? Does Browserlink actually work for anyone with ASP.NET 5 RC1?
I would also add I ran older projects based on MVC5 and Browserlink works on them without issue.
Seems to be an issue with the installation of "Microsoft ASP.NET 5 RC1 Update 1". Go into Control Panel > Programs and Features > Click "Microsoft ASP.NET 5 RC1 Update 1" and press Change > Repair.
Fixed it for me on three of my development machines.

Visual Studio 2015 - Opening two projects in debug mode

I'm using Visual Studio Ultimate 2015 CTP (Version 14.0.22512.0 DP), and create two 5 vnext web applications.
When one is running, and I'm starting the second one with the context menu "Debug->Start new instance" option, the IIS Express crashes instantly (Internet Explorer opens firstly the second project, and then instantly closes both, Chrome simply display only that the page doesn't exist).
The only trace that I found is in the Event Viewer, a Warning from IIS Express:
The directory specified for caching compressed content C:\Users\Alek\AppData\Local\Temp\iisexpress\IIS Temporary Compressed Files\Clr4IntegratedAppPool is invalid. Static compression is being disabled.
Any suggestions how to fix this? It's hard to work on a multi-tier project when only one project can be run at a time.
When I created manually above folder, nothing is logged to the event viewer, but the IIS Express still crashes. On Visual Studio 2013 I can run two instances of two Web Applications withtout any problems
It should work if you set your solution to use multiple startup projects and add all the projects you need to debug
Really easy steps to follow here:
Still not as easy as previous versions of visual studio
Maybe not a solution, but a workaround which I found - running two instances of Visual Studio 2015 allow to run two projects.

What sets the type to "Managed" when running web services under IIS Express?

As per the question, how do I configure an ASP.NET MVC project when running from Visual Studio 2013 under IIS Express (x64) to be seen as a "Managed" type in the debugger "Attach to Process" screen?
My solution always used to allow me to debug the web projects when running, and now I can no longer do so as the projects all seem to run as x64 non-managed.
I'm guessing it's something I have changed under the csproj or MSBuild targets / properties.
In the end, it appeared this was a combination of bloated csproj files, coupled with instability in Visual Studio 2013.
If you are using Visual Studio 2013, I highly recommend installing Update 2. It appears to make tasks a lot more reliable.
I never figured out what governs the Managed setting, however I have found the following option:
Click Attach to Process
Underneath Transport/Qualifier/Transport Information, there is a box marked Attach To:
By default, it is set to perform Automatic selection.
Click the Select button.
Toggle from Automatic to "Debug these code types"
Tick one or the other (not both) of the entries for "Managed ([.NET version])"
Click OK
I have had some success in getting the Debugger to attach properly to the IIS Express processes that are running Managed debuggable code that it "automatically" doesn't let me (for seemingly random reasons).

Is There a Visual Studio 2005 ASP.NET debug and release build

Is there a "debug" and "release" build in VS 2005? If so, how do I switch between the two?
Are you working on an ASP.NET web site project?
If so, Visual Studio delegates the build step to the ASP.NET runtime, and the ASP.NET runtime picks up debug versus release in the web.config .
I have a post on the topic that will help: Debug and Release Builds in ASP.NET 2.0
Note that a couple things have changed since that time. Namely, MSFT released two add-ins for VS 2005 - one to add real web application projects that have debug and release settings (for the code-behind and loose c# files), and they also released web deployment projects, which can use the command line compiler. Web App projects became a part of VS2005 in SP1, too.
Use the Configuration Manager. Right-click on your solution in the Solution Explorer, select "Configuration Manager...", and change the active solution configuration.
You can change your project's behavior when in debug or release mode. Bring up your project properties pane, select the appropriate configuration from the dropdowns at top, and change the settings as appropriate. Notice that some changes are made by default for you. For instance, release builds by default are set to optimize code, and debug builds are not.
In the ASP.NET web.config file there is a debug="true" attribute. The first time you run the web application Visual Studio will ask you if you want to turn on debugging, selecting yes will cause Visual Studio to edit the config file for you.
Just remember to make sure you change that back to false for your release builds. For more info click here.
The quick way is to right click on the toolbars and turn on the standard toobar. Then you can quickly change between build targets by choosing the one you want from the solutions configuration drop down.
If you want to change what those configurations do, then follow what Michael Petrotta said in his answer.
