Web page's text is cutting off in browser - css

I recently imported CSS Bootstrap into my website, so that I could add a toolbar to it. All went well, except that the text of my website now cuts off at the bottom. I set the overflow of the body to scroll, to no avail. The website scrolls a little bit, but then the scroll bar stops before the end of the content. If you zoom out on the browser, you can see all of the content.
The home page is a fairly long chunk of code, especially if I include the bootstrap, so I am not inclined to copy it here. Have any of you encountered this, and do you remember / can you suggest how to rectify it?
Some of you suggested a link, and you're right. Here is the page in question: http://www.zipcodeconquest.com/home.php

In your CSS, try changing your body height to "auto". Just a guess without seeing your code or a screenshot...

look for a white-space:nowrap or white-space:pre property. Your container might have one of these styles and forces your text content to be displayed in a way that overlap it.


Plain simple scrollbar in CSS for a webpage

I searched this site and google and found no way to simply add a plain simple scrollbar to my webpage. Is there no such way? I'm rendering a web page and there is no scrollbar. Can't understand why the default behavior is faulty. Default is you want a scrollbar for overflow but no, with CSS everything has to be tricks and workarounds.
Are you probably looking for a way to always have a scrollbar present, also if the page is short enough to not have one?
Then, yes there is a way. You might wanna do:
html {
overflow-y: scroll;
I understand why one would do so.
It prevents jumps when navigating between pages, which have enough content to show a scrollbar and pages which do not.

Bootstrap navbar moves when I change to another section

I made my first Wordpress for learning purposes. I have downloaded Themekraft, and I added my own customized bootstrap header navbar, because I want to customize as much as I can.
I have some sections (only "inicio" and "articulos" are working), but when there is an article with photo (sometimes without photo happens the same), I have realised that blue navbar moves.
I tried to fix it in many different ways (adding a max width for the body
and navbar, deleting a lot of margins and/or paddings...), but I have only discovered that it is a problem of paddings... I think.
I mean, when I add, for example, a padding-top:10px for the body, everything seems to be ok... until I have an article or two. When it happens, it seems i have to add more padding-top on the body in order to "fix" the problem.
I have searched on SO suggestions, looking for some clues, but I found nothing.
Bootstrap navbar moves right on scroll
Bootstrap navbar covers top of section when linked
What could I do? I have uploaded the site to a server so you can check it.
As far as I can see it the issue is not any of your padding. Its the scroll bar that is causing the problem as the content moves somewhat to the left. If your page has lesser content without vertical scrolls you will not see the nav moving.
Is there any other problem that you see apart from horizontal movement?

YUI CSS template class .yui-t7 gap at top of page

Hoping someone who is familiar with YUI's CSS templates can help me debug a CSS problem. I'm using a free html resume template I found on the net, and I want to print it on paper via the browser's print function. I am not publishing this on the web. My problem is that there's about a 75-pixel gap between the top of the first div and the browser's display area that I can't figure out how to get rid of. Looking at the image below, there is a red arrow that points it out.
YUI CSS gap between top of screen and div
The template can be found hosted at this location.
What I've done:
Open the element inspector in the browser. Looks like the gap is between the <body> and first <div>.
Downloaded the YUI CSS file to look at. Checked out all the div selectors, nothing interesting.
Looked at the .yui-t7 class, nothing interesting there either.
My suspicion is that some of the float and clear are adding up and causing the space, but this is outside my expertise.
I was looking for height values or padding that would clue me in on how to change it, but honestly I don't see heights anywhere in either css file. I admit that I am not strong in CSS at all. I'm open to other solutions too, just enough to get the thing printed so I can send it out!
This BR Adds a little space
The margin on this div adds the rest of the space

responsive not full width when loading single page

I am trying to make a responsive website, but I am stumbling upon a weird problem. When I am looking on the desktop page, everything is in the right position. There are no pixels left.
However, when I am loading the responsive version on my mobile, I see some pixels left (just scroll to the left or the right and you will see what I mean). The problem gets bigger when there is content like a single post or page.
The website is here: http://FavoriteFM.com.
I can provider the CSS code, but it will be a lot of lines. I am suspecting something in the content is 'sticking out'. But I am not sure of a tool that can see such problems.
Today I have disabled every div by div. I figured out the problem is with the sidebar. I still had: 'left: 8px;' on. Removing it did the trick for me. So if you have this problem, check if something of your content is 'sticking' outside your wrapper. Even if you can't see it, it still can be there.

Issue with Div inside a div and page going to bottom

I have gone thru the site and searched for the last two hours and am trying to get a wordpress site to work correctly. Everything is working except the white box that holds the content will not go to the bottom no matter what I try. I have tried all the options here but I think it may be that I do not understand enough about css or the divs are all messed up from the template. Can someone please help out with what I have crossed. My page is located at http://craftedimages.com/AA/aae-events/ and you will see the white box on the right that does not extend down. I got this template and have been modifying it of which there were already lots of problems. Thanks for your time ahead of time.
Try adding
..to the css - the sidebar is this height and although it is auto that is the given height
Hope this helps
Using chrome inspect element. I can see that your <div id="wrapper"></div> has the style
set it to
That should fix it. Only do that for this page. The other pages are set to auto because it forms to their content. This page doesn't have enough content to reach the bottom like the rest of the pages.
