Office 365 app inside iframe? -

OK, guys need some advice with runing ASP.Net app inside iframe.
I have a CMS and ASP.Net app which talks to Office 365.
Because I couldn't integrate my app into CMS (authentication issue) I am calling my office app using jQuery Window
Plugin which has two advantages:
I styled the window to look as though its part of the CMS
It has onClose event which I was able to use as a trigger that I need to update UI
Everything works great. Only issue is when user goes to sign in. Because Office API call a remote service it redirects my office app to the authentication page. And this breaks the iframe. Leaving user to stare at a blank dialog window till they get bored.
Prior to discovering that plugin I used normal javascript which opened up a new browser window for me where everything works fine. But the biggest problem for me is that inside CMS context I can't tell when/if user has finished using my office app. Therefore I have no hooks I can rely on to trigger UI update leaving user to just refresh the page.
Is there anything I can do to get around my problem (apart from integrating my office app with CMS)?
My office is basically sending HTTP messages across the web to CMS in order to do what needs to be done.
My office app in turn uses latest Office 365 API to talk to its services.

Apologies guys. Just confirmed that Office 365 is configure not to display inside iframes.
That pretty much leaves only two options:
running a separate browser window
tighter integration with CMS (ideal)


Embedded website showing in msteams webapp but not desktop app

I am building a custom ms teams application with tab capability. And I am embedding a work website inside the tab. The website loads fine in the web app. However it doesn't show in the desktop app. There is one hack to it though. If I switch to developer mode on the desktop app, it is loading the website. My website is SSO enabled for login, so it is redirecting to Idp site. One thing I have understood is, the Idp site doesn't allow their content to be loaded in an iframe, and ms teams uses iframe to load webcontent. But then I am wondering what is different for a developer mode. Why does it work there? Also since it works fine in the browser app, shouldn't it work in desktop app too. I mean the behaviour should be consistent. Any pointers?
could you please follow this document and you need to use microsoftTeams.authentication.authenticate() to show the popup.

Can I use Firebase Dynamic Links for a web app?

I don't see any option for Web under "receiving dynamic links" in Firebase Dynamic links page.
Without the SDK, there's no way to connect a post-install user with a pre-install click.
I have a desktop app that runs on node.js like a web app, using nw.js. What I'm trying to do is create referral links for users. After someone clicks a referral link, I need to be able to track his referrer. But the problem is that link is only going to take him to the download page, after he downloads and opens up the app for the first time, how can I reach his referrer info? The desktop app has no connection with the website that users download from.
I understand that this can be done with Dynamic Links SDK but can I use that SDK in a web app?(desktop app actually but runs with HTML/node.js)
The post-install deeplinking in Dynamic Links is just for Android and iOS - so there isn't an equivalent for a desktop app.

Navigation to and search a string in an aspx page and show the whole process to the user in the browser

Is it possible to navigation to any website like using Webbrowser or any other .net technology like silverlight, html5 etc. in a webpage and programmatically enter in textbox "stackoverflow" and then click search button and then get the results back to save in the database. But most importantly show the whole process of navigation and textbox filling and button click and results to the user in the browser window and webpage.
It can be easily done by putting a webbrowser control in a windows form in windows .net assembly so that user also sees it. But I was wondering if this can be done in a web based way. User must be able to see everything in the browser page in the same way it happens in a windows form with the webbrowser control.
I want to develop a web-based software that does web automation and also show it to the users as it is happening without user downloading any exe etc. Just web based.
Actually it can be done to some extend. But to show the entire process to the user, its another issue. How do you want to share the screen ?
there are a lot of 'browser automation' tools like watin or selinium, where you can 'make' the browser execute actions which are pre-defined.
Again where do you want to 'execute' these all ? In clients browser or on server ? If you do in server, you can share the screen via some streaming API's to the client via flash or silverlight.

Show Visualforce page in an iframe on page

Can anyone tell me process of embedding Salesforce Visualforce page on ASP.NET page under an iFrame or through any other way, if you have.
SalesForce doesn't support CORS or JSONP. This is deliberate because they want you to use their stuff:
Connected Apps: for communicating with "headless" applications (web services).
Salesforce Canvas: for embedding external applications within a VisualForce page. I am not sure if this works the other way around. Communication (events) between your SalesForce app and your external app is done via JavaScript XHR proxies. I believe this means you may have to modify your existing app to include their JavaScript library.
Both Connected Apps and Canvas apps require security setup and authentication.
I am still trying to figure this out too. The SalesForce Canvas tutorials use applications hosted on Heroku (they acquired Heroku so they push it whenever they can)... although this makes the examples close-ended, it also adds extra steps.
check this out!
there's something called frontdoor.jsp

Is it possible to launch an aspx ( ) page by clicking on a ribbon button?

Can I have a ribbon button launch an aspx ( ) page? The aspx page needs to inherit authentication and authorization as the logged in Dynamics user.
You can execute custom JavaScript from a ribbon button allowing you to spin up a new browser window pointing at whatever you like.
To inherit security credentials you need to look at setting up federated authentication across both the CRM server and the custom website hosting the ASPX. As you can probably imagine this isn't a trivial task.
You could also look at dropping your website into the custom ISV folder as was the case with CRM 4. However, this approach has been deprecated in CRM 2011 and AFAIK is therefore no longer supported.
As #Konrad pointed out you won't be able to use the Data Service REST API (OData) from your custom web pages as the service is only accessible from web resources hosted within the CRM environment. Server-side you'll be fine against the Org Service.
If you can get away with doing what you need in a web resource I'd highly recommend it as it's a whole lot less work.
I'm not sure you can do that. A while ago, I put in an iframe that I linked to an outside web page and it worked as supposed to except for connecting to the organization data. I just couldn't make that work (I got impatient, to be honest and didn't try all too hard).
The resolution I deployed in the end was to run a web resource, which was run internally on the server, that communicated the data to an outside service.
I'm assuming that the same behavior will follow if you try to open windows/convey data in to/out from the CRM.
