PayFlowPro: 57 Terminal is not programmed for this service - paypal-sandbox

In paypalfunctions.asp, I set Env = "pilot" to test some code changes.
Got this error on an authorize "57 Terminal is not programmed for this service".
My live account has been up and running for years. I'm recoding to work with "paypalfunctions.asp" instead of the old .NET .dll.
Do I need to request or enable the Sandbox with Paypal somewhere?
Most of the demos I've seen to get the sandbox talk about registration as a new customer; but I'm an existing customer.
This Paypal Page says:
**API Endpoint**: When testing, you must submit all API requests, including CREATESECURETOKEN calls, to the endpoint
That's the URL that gets used when the variable ENV is set to "PILOT".

I ran into this issue and according to this site
This error means that your merchant services account does not accept the credit card type that was entered by your customer.
So I believe it could be a matter of trying to submit (for example) an American Express or Discover card while your account is not set up to accept those card types.


Kusto.Explorer - Authentication Trouble

I'm having trouble adding a connection in the Kusto.Explorer desktop app I can login via Web UI but in the desktop app it gives me this error:
This normally represents a permanent error, and retrying is unlikely to help.
Please provide the following information when contacting the Kusto team # :
In other applications such as the Kuskus VSCode extension or even the Web UI, the problem seems to be that it uses the "common" tenant/authority id as a default. Is there a way to specify the tenant id when adding the connection? It says you can import an .xml file but I'm not sure where or how this can be generated.
Please try approach described at:
The default security model for new connections is AAD-Federated
security. Authentication is done through the Azure Active Directory
using the default AAD user experience.
If you need finer control over the authentication parameters, you can
expand the "Advanced: Connection Strings" edit box and provide a valid
Kusto connection string value.
For example, users with a presence in multiple AAD tenants sometimes
need to use a particular "projection" of their identities to a
specific AAD tenant. Do this by providing a connection string, such as
the one below (replace words IN CAPITALS with specific values):
Data Source=;Initial Catalog=DATABASE_NAME;AAD Federated Security=True;Authority Id=AAD_TENANT_OF_CLUSTER;User=USER_DOMAIN

Scopus api wrong

I use this to test if I can retrieve references from a paper using doi from rscopus package
I use this:
object_retrieval("10.1109/ISCSLP.2014.6936630", ref = "doi")
but I receive this error:
Error in get_api_key(api_key, error = api_key_error) :
API key not found, please set option('elsevier_api_key_filename') or option('elsevier_api_key') for general use or set environment variable Elsevier_API, to be accessed by Sys.getenv('Elsevier_API')
Why do I receive it?
Please follow the steps I outlined in the section of
Which is posted below:
In order to use this package, you need an API key from You should login from your institution and go to Create API Key. You need to provide a website URL and a label, but the website can be your personal website, and agree to the terms of service.
Go to Login or create a free account.
Click "Create API Key". Put in a label, such as rscopus key. Add a website. is fine if you do not have a site.
Read and agree to the TOS if you do indeed agree.
Add Elsevier_API = "API KEY GOES HERE" to ~/.Renviron file, or add export Elsevier_API=API KEY GOES HERE to your ~/.bash_profile.
Alternatively, you you can either set the API key using rscopus::set_api_key or by options("elsevier_api_key" = api_key). You can access the API key using rscopus::get_api_key.
You should be able to test out the API key using the interactive Scopus APIs.
A note about API keys and IP addresses
The API Key is bound to a set of IP addresses, usually bound to your institution. Therefore, if you are using this for a Shiny application, you must host the Shiny application from your institution servers in some way. Also, you cannot access the Scopus API with this key if you are offsite and must VPN into the server or use a computing cluster with an institution IP.

Inconsistent Cognos errors

I am trying to do a couple of things within Cognos:
Load Framework Manager and view/modify SQL behind existing models and create new models
Modify existing reports through Report Studio via Cognos Connection
I was given an account on the Cognos application server and I installed Framework Manager. I was given the gateway URL and dispatcher URL from the System Admin and then transferred all of the project files to the server so that I could load the project in question. I'm able to open the .cpf file; however, when going into any models, I get the error:
Unable to access service at URL:
Please check that your gateway URI information is configured correctly and that the service is available.
For further information please contact your service administrator.
I then contacted the system admin and he indicated that the URL was correct.
Furthermore, now when I try to access Cognos Connection (which worked fine last week), I receive the error:
Content Manager returned an error in the response header. The error "cmAuthenticateFailed CM-CAM-4005 Unable to authenticate. Check your security directory server connection and confirm the credentials entered at login." can be found in the response SOAP header.
The odd thing is, another member of my team receives this error:
The function call to 'Method.invoke(cmServiceInstance, queryRequest)' failed.
CM-SYS-5192 An error occurred with Content Manager.
I've done some research (I'm not really familiar with Cognos or even networking) and found that these errors (the ones that I receive) are usually received when trying to run a single report; however, I can't even access FM models or Cognos Connection in general. I also don't understand how we can receive 2 different errors when accessing the same URLs from the same network.
Any guidance would be greatly appreciated. We are using Cognos 10.2.2.
One possible reason is that the user does not have the required "Import relational metadata" capability.
Or maybe it is something to do with the registry
Note: Make sure you backup the registry before making any changes.
Open cmd and type "regedit".
Navigate to [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main\FeatureControl.
Right click "BMT.exe" = dword:00002af9.
Re-launch Framework Manager.

Admin role is not recognized in Facebook app in R with the Rfacebook package

I have created my first Facebook app in R. Its purpose is solely to retrieve marketing data from my Facebook pages. So far I have created this (no authentication problems):
## Start retrieving insight from VivaraDE
rawinsightsDE<-getInsights(object_id= "my_id", token = fb_oauth,
metric="page_impressions", period = "days_28", version="2.6")
When running this, R does return:
Error in FUN(X[[1L]], ...) :
No data available. Are you the owner of this page? See ?getInsights.
I have an administrator role in my app (obviously) and an admin role on the page desginated by my_id.
I suspect I will have to alter some config somewhere. What am I missing?
You need read_insights permission from the page admin (you in this case), before you can access these metrics.
Any more common permissions I need to include, so I won't stumble upon some more rejections?
Nah, don’t ask for permissions “just to be on the safe side” – that will only give problems in review (if the app is supposed to be used by the general public at one point?), if they see you asking for permissions without actually using them.
I’d rather suggest you use Graph API Explorer first to test out the request you want to make; its debug feature usually displays a message in such cases as to what permission is missing to get the requested data.

NotificationHub Push Notification returns : The Token obtained from the Token Provider is wrong

I have Wp8.1 Silverlight app that receives push notification (WNS) from Mobileservice (the old azure service).
I therefore wanted to update to the new service because of the new features. I have now created/upgraded a new server to use App Service - Mobile App. And tested push notification with the sample app from azure (everything works).
Going back to my app WP8.1 -> Adding the new package Microsoft.Azure.Mobile.Client through NuGet (2.0.1), there is the issue that the Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Mobile.Ext does not contain the 'GetPush' extension. It seems like it is missing it? looking to the WP8 version, it only registers to MPNS, and I need WNS. So I do not know if any other assembly could be used.
Can I add another assembly reference?
The following code lets me register the device on the server, and I can see the device register correctly. where the channelUri and the installationInformation are retrieved by the client and send to the server.
Installation ins = new Installation();
ins.Platform = NotificationPlatform.Wns;
ins.PushChannel = uTagAndChan.ChannelUri;
ins.Tags = uTagAndChan.Tags;
ins.InstallationId = uTagAndChan.installationInformation;
await hubClient.CreateOrUpdateInstallationAsync(ins);
Sending a test toast-notification to the registered tags, results in the following error :
The Token obtained from the Token Provider is wrong
Searching on this issue I found Windows Store App Push Notifications via Azure Service Bus. Which the proposed solution says to register to the notification hub directly from the app, I would rather not have the app to have directly access to the hub. But is this the only way? (mind you the answer was not accepted, but I will try it all though it is not a desired solution)
Registering for notifications via client (WP8.1 Silverligt), makes a registration to MPNS, which I do not want.
The snippet on the server registers a WNS, the two registrations can be seen here:
The URI retrieval is done using
var channel = await Windows.Networking.PushNotifications.PushNotificationChannelManager.CreatePushNotificationChannelForApplicationAsync();
which in the description states it returns a WNS. This seems to infer that the registration I am doing on the server (code snippet in the top) is correct and the registration on the client is faulty.
But the registration on the image seems wrong. Shouldn't the PNS Identifier be different for the two registrations? also expiration date seems wrong ?
How to mend this since the GetPush() (which was available in the sample registered the client correctly for notifications) does not exist in the NuGet package?
I read one place that deleting and recreating the NotificationHub could help. I will try this today. Even IF it works, it would be more desirable to have the solution, and to know if the registrations are done correctly?
Temporary solution:
Deltede, recreated, inserted Package SID and Secret. And it works again (strange)!
Still interested in the underlying issue!
Deleted and recreated the service, setting all the same settings made it work again.
I had same issue with my UWP. But in my case I had issue with self signed certificate.
When I set the AppxPackageSigningEnabled property to True (in .csproj) then notifications stopped working and I got "The token obtained from the Token Provider is wrong" (Test send from Azure Portal).
The certificate must have same issuer as Publisher in Identity element in .appxmanifest file.
