Efficient way to analysis neighbours of subsets of nodes in large graph - r

I have a graph of 6 million of nodes such as
# Graph of 1000 nodes
g <- ba.game(1000)
with the following four attributes defined for each node
# Attributes
V(g)$attribute1 <- V(g) %in% sample(V(g), 20)
V(g)$attribute2 <- V(g) %in% sample(V(g), 20)
V(g)$attribute3 <- V(g) %in% sample(V(g), 20)
V(g)$attribute4 <- V(g) %in% sample(V(g), 20)
Among the nodes I have a subset of 12,000 that are of particular interest:
# Subset of 100 nodes
V(g)$subset <- V(g) %in% sample(V(g), 100)
What I want to obtain is an analysis (count) of the neighbourhood of my subset. That is, I want to define
V(g)$neigh.attr1 <- rep(NA, vcount(g))
V(g)$neigh.attr2 <- rep(NA, vcount(g))
V(g)$neigh.attr3 <- rep(NA, vcount(g))
V(g)$neigh.attr4 <- rep(NA, vcount(g))
such that NA is replaced for every node in the subset with the corresponding count of neighbouring nodes with V(g)$attribute{1..4}==TRUE.
I can easily create a list of the neighbourhood of interest with
neighbours <- neighborhood(g, order = 1, V(g)[V(g)$subset==TRUE], mode = "out")
but I can't think of an efficient way to iterate over every neighbours and compute the statistics for each of the four attributes. Indeed the only way I've came up with is a loop which given the size of my original graph takes just too long:
subset_indices <- as.numeric(V(g)[V(g)$subset==TRUE])
for (i in 1:length(neighbours)) {
V(g)$neigh.attr1[subset_indices[i]] <- sum(V(g)$attribute1[neighbours[[i]]])
V(g)$neigh.attr2[subset_indices[i]] <- sum(V(g)$attribute2[neighbours[[i]]])
V(g)$neigh.attr3[subset_indices[i]] <- sum(V(g)$attribute3[neighbours[[i]]])
V(g)$neigh.attr4[subset_indices[i]] <- sum(V(g)$attribute4[neighbours[[i]]])


Extracting simplified graph in igraph

I have a network that looks like this
I run a community detection and the result looks like this
community <- cluster_fast_greedy(kite)
Now I want to extract a network based on the communities. The edge weight should be the number of ties between communities (how strong are communities connected to each other), the vertex attribute should be the number of nodes in the community (called numnodes).
d <- data.frame(E=c(1, 2, 3),
A=c(2, 3, 1))
g2 <- graph_from_data_frame(d, directed = F)
E(g2)$weight <- c(5, 1, 1)
V(g2)$numnodes <- c(4,3,3)
plot.igraph(g2,vertex.label=V(g2)$name, edge.color="black",edge.width=E(g2)$weight,vertex.size=V(g2)$numnodes)
The graph should look like this
One node is larger than the others, one edge has a lot of weight in comparison to the others.
As far as I know, igraph doesn't have method to count edges connecting groups of vertices. Therefore to count the edges connecting communities you need to iterate over each pairs of communities. To count the members for each community, you can use the sizes method.
community <- cluster_fast_greedy(kite)
cedges <- NULL
for(i in seq(1,max(community$membership) - 1)){
for(j in seq(i + 1, max(community$membership))){
imembers <- which(community$membership == i)
jmembers <- which(community$membership == j)
weight <- sum(
mapply(function(v1) mapply(
function(v2) are.connected(kite, v1, v2),
cedges <- rbind(cedges, c(i, j, weight))
cedges <- as.data.frame(cedges)
names(cedges)[3] <- 'weight'
cgraph <- graph_from_data_frame(cedges, directed = FALSE)
V(cgraph)$numnodes <- sizes(community)
vertex.label = V(cgraph)$name,
edge.color = "black",
edge.width = E(cgraph)$weight,
vertex.size = V(cgraph)$numnodes)

Neighbor groups based on cluster assignment is slow

I am doing some analysis using iGraph in R, and I am currently doing a calculation that is very expensive. I need to do it across all of the nodes in my graph, so if someone knows a more efficient way to do it, I would appreciate it.
I start out with a graph, g. I first do some community detection on the graph
adj_matrix <- matrix(rbinom(10 * 5, 1, 0.5), ncol = 8000, nrow = 8000)
g <- graph_from_adjacency_matrix(adj_matrix, mode = 'undirected', diag = FALSE)
c <- cluster_louvain(g)
Then, I basically assign each cluster to 1 of 2 groups
nc <- length(c)
assignments <- rbinom(nc, 1, .5)
Now, for each node, I want to find out what percentage of its neighbors are in a given group (as defined by the cluster assignments). I currently do this in the current way:
pct_neighbors_1 <- function(g, vertex, c, assignments) {
assignments[membership(c)[neighbors(g, vertex)]] == 1, 1, 0)
)/length(neighbors(g, vertex))
And then, given that I have a dataframe with each row corresponding to one vertex in the graph, I do this for all vertices with
data$pct_neighbors_1 <- sapply(1:nrow(data),
graph = g, community = c,
assignments = assignments)
Is there somewhere in here that I can make things more efficient? Thanks!
This should be faster :
# for reproducibility's sake
# create a random 1000 vertices graph
nverts <- 1000
g <- igraph::random.graph.game(nverts,0.1,type='gnp',directed=FALSE)
# clustering
c <- cluster_louvain(g)
# assignments
nc <- length(c)
assignments <- rbinom(nc, 1, .5)
# precalculate if a vertex belongs to the assigned communities
vertsInAssignments <- membership(c) %in% which(assignments==1)
# compute probabilities
probs <- sapply(1:vcount(g),FUN=function(i){
neigh <- neighbors(g,i)
sum(vertsInAssignments[neigh]) / length(neigh)

How to collapse branches in a phylogenetic tree by the label in their nodes or leaves?

I have built a phylogenetic tree for a protein family that can be split into different groups, classifying each one by its type of receptor or type of response. The nodes in the tree are labeled as the type of receptor.
In the phylogenetic tree I can see that proteins that belong to the same groups or type of receptor have clustered together in the same branches. So I would like to collapse these branches that have labels in common, grouping them by a given list of keywords.
The command would be something like this:
./collapse_tree_by_label -f phylogenetic_tree.newick -l list_of_labels_to_collapse.txt -o collapsed_tree.eps(or pdf)
My list_of_labels_to_collapse.txt would be like this:
My newick tree would be like this:
The output image without collapsing is like this:
The output image collapsing should be like this (collapsed_tree.eps):
The width of the triangles should represent the branch length, and the high of the triangles must represent the number of nodes in the branch.
I have been playing with the "ape" package in R. I was able to plot a phylogenetic tree, but I still can't figure out how to collapse the branches by keywords in the labels:
This will load the tree:
cat("((A_1:0.05,A_2:0.03,A_3:0.2,A_4:0.1):0.9,(((B_1:0.05,B_2:0.02,B_3:0.04):0.6,(C_1:0.6,C_2:0.08):0.7):0.5,(D_1:0.3,D_2:0.4,D_3:0.5,D_4:0.7,D_5:0.4):1.2):0.5);", file = "ex.tre", sep = "\n")
tree.test <- read.tree("ex.tre")
Here should be the code to collapse
This will plot the tree:
Your tree as it is stored in R already has the tips stored as polytomies. It's just a matter of plotting the tree with triangles representing the polytomies.
There is no function in ape to do this, that I am aware of, but if you mess with the plotting function a little bit you can pull it off
# Step 1: make edges for descendent nodes invisible in plot:
groups <- c("A", "B", "C", "D")
group_edges <- numeric(0)
for(group in groups){
group_edges <- c(group_edges,getMRCA(tree.test,tree.test$tip.label[grepl(group, tree.test$tip.label)]))
edge.width <- rep(1, nrow(tree.test$edge))
edge.width[tree.test$edge[,1] %in% group_edges ] <- 0
# Step 2: plot the tree with the hidden edges
plot(tree.test, show.tip.label = F, edge.width = edge.width)
# Step 3: add triangles
add_polytomy_triangle <- function(phy, group){
root <- length(phy$tip.label)+1
group_node_labels <- phy$tip.label[grepl(group, phy$tip.label)]
group_nodes <- which(phy$tip.label %in% group_node_labels)
group_mrca <- getMRCA(phy,group_nodes)
tip_coord1 <- c(dist.nodes(phy)[root, group_nodes[1]], group_nodes[1])
tip_coord2 <- c(dist.nodes(phy)[root, group_nodes[1]], group_nodes[length(group_nodes)])
node_coord <- c(dist.nodes(phy)[root, group_mrca], mean(c(tip_coord1[2], tip_coord2[2])))
xcoords <- c(tip_coord1[1], tip_coord2[1], node_coord[1])
ycoords <- c(tip_coord1[2], tip_coord2[2], node_coord[2])
polygon(xcoords, ycoords)
Then you just have to loop through the groups to add the triangles
for(group in groups){
add_polytomy_triangle(tree.test, group)
I've also been searching for this kind of tool for ages, not so much for collapsing categorical groups, but for collapsing internal nodes based on a numerical support value.
The di2multi function in the ape package can collapse nodes to polytomies, but it currently can only does this by branch length threshold.
Here is a rough adaptation that allows collapsing by a node support value threshold instead (default threshold = 0.5).
Use at your own risk, but it works for me on my rooted Bayesian tree.
di2multi4node <- function (phy, tol = 0.5)
# Adapted di2multi function from the ape package to plot polytomies
# based on numeric node support values
# (di2multi does this based on edge lengths)
# Needs adjustment for unrooted trees as currently skips the first edge
if (is.null(phy$edge.length))
stop("the tree has no branch length")
if (is.na(as.numeric(phy$node.label[2])))
stop("node labels can't be converted to numeric values")
if (is.null(phy$node.label))
stop("the tree has no node labels")
ind <- which(phy$edge[, 2] > length(phy$tip.label))[as.numeric(phy$node.label[2:length(phy$node.label)]) < tol]
n <- length(ind)
if (!n)
foo <- function(ancestor, des2del) {
wh <- which(phy$edge[, 1] == des2del)
for (k in wh) {
if (phy$edge[k, 2] %in% node2del)
foo(ancestor, phy$edge[k, 2])
else phy$edge[k, 1] <<- ancestor
node2del <- phy$edge[ind, 2]
anc <- phy$edge[ind, 1]
for (i in 1:n) {
if (anc[i] %in% node2del)
foo(anc[i], node2del[i])
phy$edge <- phy$edge[-ind, ]
phy$edge.length <- phy$edge.length[-ind]
phy$Nnode <- phy$Nnode - n
sel <- phy$edge > min(node2del)
for (i in which(sel)) phy$edge[i] <- phy$edge[i] - sum(node2del <
if (!is.null(phy$node.label))
phy$node.label <- phy$node.label[-(node2del - length(phy$tip.label))]
This is my answer based on phytools::phylo.toBackbone function,
see http://blog.phytools.org/2013/09/even-more-on-plotting-subtrees-as.html, and http://blog.phytools.org/2013/10/finding-edge-lengths-of-all-terminal.html. First, load the function at the end of code.
library(phytools) #phylo.toBackbone
, file = "ex.tre", sep = "\n")
phy <- read.tree("ex.tre")
groups <- c("A", "B|C", "D")
# tip.label clade.label N depth
# 1 A_1 A 10 0.2481818
# 2 B_1 B|C 6 0.9400000
# 3 D_1 D 5 0.4600000
par(fig=c(0,0.5,0,1), mar = c(0, 0, 2, 0))
plot(phy, main="Original" )
par(fig=c(0.5,1,0,1), oma = c(0, 0, 1.2, 0), xpd=NA, new=T)
makebackbone <- function(groupings,phy){
listofspecies <- phy$tip.label
listtopreserve <- character()
newedgelengths <- meandistnode<- lengthofclades<- numeric()
for (i in 1:length(groupings)){
bestmrca<-getMRCA(phy,grep(groupings[i], phy$tip.label) )
mrcatips<-phy$tip.label[unlist(phangorn::Descendants(phy,bestmrca, type="tips") )]
listtopreserve[i] <- mrcatips[1]
meandistnode[i] <- mean(dist.nodes(phy)[unlist(lapply(mrcatips,
function(x) grep(x, phy$tip.label) ) ),bestmrca] )
lengthofclades[i] <- length(mrcatips)
provtree <- drop.tip(phy,mrcatips, trim.internal=F, subtree = T)
n3 <- length(provtree$tip.label)
newedgelengths[i] <- setNames(provtree$edge.length[sapply(1:n3,function(x,y)
provtree$tip.label)[provtree$tip.label[grep("tips",provtree$tip.label)] ]
newtree <- drop.tip(phy,setdiff(listofspecies,listtopreserve),
trim.internal = T)
n <- length(newtree$tip.label)
y=newtree$edge[,2])] <- newedgelengths + meandistnode
trans <- data.frame(tip.label=newtree$tip.label,clade.label=groupings,
N=lengthofclades, depth=meandistnode )
rownames(trans) <- NULL
backboneoftree <- phytools::phylo.toBackbone(newtree,trans)
EDIT: I haven't tried this, but it might be another answer: "Script and function to transform the tip branches of a tree , i.e the thickness or to triangles, with the width of both correlating with certain parameters (e.g., species number of the clade) (tip.branches.R)"
I think the script is finally doing what I wanted.
From the answer that #CactusWoman provided, I changed the code a little bit so the script will try to find the MRCA that represents the largest branch that matches to my search pattern. This solved the problem of not merging non-polytomic branches, or collapsing the whole tree because one matching node was mistakenly outside the correct branch.
In addition, I included a parameter that represents the limit for the pattern abundance ratio in a given branch, so we can select and collapse/group branches that have at least 90% of its tips matching to the search pattern, for example.
find_best_mrca <- function(phy, group, threshold){
group_matches <- phy$tip.label[grepl(group, phy$tip.label, ignore.case=TRUE)]
group_mrca <- getMRCA(phy,phy$tip.label[grepl(group, phy$tip.label, ignore.case=TRUE)])
group_leaves <- tips(phy, group_mrca)
match_ratio <- length(group_matches)/length(group_leaves)
if( match_ratio < threshold){
#start searching for children nodes that have more than 95% of descendants matching to the search pattern
mrca_children <- descendants(as(phy,"phylo4"), group_mrca, type="all")
i <- 1
new_ratios <- NULL
nleaves <- NULL
names(mrca_children) <- NULL
for(new_mrca in mrca_children){
child_leaves <- tips(tree.test, new_mrca)
child_matches <- grep(group, child_leaves, ignore.case=TRUE)
new_ratios[i] <- length(child_matches)/length(child_leaves)
nleaves[i] <- length(tips(phy, new_mrca))
i <- i+1
match_result <- data.frame(mrca_children, new_ratios, nleaves)
match_result_sorted <- match_result[order(-match_result$nleaves,match_result$new_ratios),]
found <- numeric(0);
for(line in 1:nrow(match_result_sorted)){
if(match_result_sorted$ new_ratios[line]>=threshold){
found <- 1
add_triangle <- function(phy, group,phylo_plot){
group_node_labels <- phy$tip.label[grepl(group, phy$tip.label)]
group_mrca <- getMRCA(phy,group_node_labels)
group_nodes <- descendants(as(tree.test,"phylo4"), group_mrca, type="tips")
names(group_nodes) <- NULL
x1 <- max(x[group_nodes])
x2 <-max(x[group_nodes])
x3 <- x[group_mrca]
y1 <- min(y[group_nodes])
y2 <- max(y[group_nodes])
y3 <- y[group_mrca]
xcoords <- c(x1,x2,x3)
ycoords <- c(y1,y2,y3)
polygon(xcoords, ycoords)
cat("((A_1:0.05,E_2:0.03,A_3:0.2,A_4:0.1,A_5:0.1,A_6:0.1,A_7:0.35,A_8:0.4,A_9:01,A_10:0.2):0.9,((((B_1:0.05,B_2:0.05):0.5,B_3:0.02,B_4:0.04):0.6,(C_1:0.6,C_2:0.08):0.7):0.5,(D_1:0.3,D_2:0.4,D_3:0.5,D_4:0.7,D_5:0.4):1.2):0.5);", file = "ex.tre", sep = "\n")
tree.test <- read.tree("ex.tre")
# Step 1: Find the best MRCA that matches to the keywords or search patten
groups <- c("A", "B|C", "D")
group_labels <- groups
group_edges <- numeric(0)
edge.width <- rep(1, nrow(tree.test$edge))
count <- 1
for(group in groups){
best_mrca <- find_best_mrca(tree.test, group, 0.90)
group_leaves <- tips(tree.test, best_mrca)
groups[count] <- paste(group_leaves, collapse="|")
group_edges <- c(group_edges,best_mrca)
#Step2: Remove the edges of the branches that will be collapsed, so they become invisible
edge.width[tree.test$edge[,1] %in% c(group_edges[count],descendants(as(tree.test,"phylo4"), group_edges[count], type="all")) ] <- 0
count = count +1
#Step 3: plot the tree hiding the branches that will be collapsed/grouped
last_plot.phylo <- plot(tree.test, show.tip.label = F, edge.width = edge.width)
#And save a copy of the plot so we can extract the xy coordinates of the nodes
#To get the x & y coordinates of a plotted tree created using plot.phylo
#or plotTree, we can steal from inside tiplabels:
#Step 4: Add triangles and labels to the collapsed nodes
for(i in 1:length(groups)){
text_coords <- add_triangle(tree.test, groups[i],last_phylo_plot)
text(text_coords[1],text_coords[2],labels=group_labels[i], pos=4)
This doesn't address depicting the clades as triangles, but it does help with collapsing low-support nodes. The library ggtree has a function as.polytomy which can be used to collapse nodes based on support values.
For example, to collapse bootstraps less than 50%, you'd use:
polytree = as.polytomy(raxtree, feature='node.label', fun=function(x) as.numeric(x) < 50)

Find previous node in tree

I've got the following code:
df <- read.table(text='verkoop V621
verkoopcode V62123
verkoopcodenaam V6212355
verkoopdatum V621335
verkoopdatumchar V62133526
verkooppr V6216
verkoopprijs V62162
verkoopsafdeling V621213452
verkoopsartikel V62126324')
# use igraph package
# create adjacency matrix
adj <- nchar(sapply(df$V1, gsub, x=df$V1, replacement=''))
adj[!sapply(df$V1, grepl, x=df$V1)] <- 0
# name adjecency matrix
colnames(adj) <- df$V2
# original graph
gr <- graph.adjacency(adj, mode='directed', weighted=TRUE)
layout(matrix(1:2, ncol=2))
# minimum spanning tree
mst <- minimum.spanning.tree(gr)
shortest.paths(mst, to="V621", weights=rep(1, ecount(mst)))
Now I get for every node the depth in the tree. I want to determine now which node comes before a specific node. For example, for 'verkoopdatumchar' I want to find 'verkoopdatum'.

Algorithm for automating pairwise significance grouping labels in R

After struggling with this problem for a while, I am hoping to get some advice here. I am wondering if anyone is aware of an automated method for determining pairwise grouping labels based on significance. The question is independent of the significance test (e.g. Tukey for parametric or Mann-Whitney for non-parametric) - given these pairwise comparisons, some boxplot-type figures often represent these groupings with a sub-script:
I have done this example by hand, which can be quite tedious. I think that the sequence of labeling in the algorithm should be based on the number of levels in each group - e.g. those groups containing single levels that are significantly different from all other levels should be named first, then groups containing 2 levels, then 3, etc., all the while checking that new groupings add a new needed grouping and do not violate and differences.
In the example below, the tricky part is getting the algorithm to recognize that level 1 should be grouped with 3 and 5, but 3 and 5 should not be grouped (i.e. share a label).
Example code:
n <- 7
n2 <- 100
mu <- cumsum(runif(n, min=-3, max=3))
sigma <- runif(n, min=1, max=3)
dat <- vector(mode="list", n)
for(i in seq(dat)){
dat[[i]] <- rnorm(n2, mean=mu[i], sd=sigma[i])
df <- data.frame(group=as.factor(rep(seq(n), each=n2)), y=unlist(dat))
bp <- boxplot(y ~ group, df, notch=TRUE)
kr <- kruskal.test(y ~ group, df)
mw <- pairwise.wilcox.test(df$y, df$g)
mw$p.value > 0.05 # TRUE means that the levels are not significantly different at the p=0.05 level
# 1 2 3 4 5 6
text(x=1:n, y=bp$stats[4,], labels=c("AB", "C", "A", "D", "B", "D", "E"), col=1, cex=1.5, pos=3, font=2)
First let me restate the problem in the language of graph theory. Define a graph as follows. Each sample gives rise to a vertex that represents it. Between two vertices, there is an edge if and only if some test indicates that the samples represented by those vertices could not be distinguished statistically. In graph theory, a clique is a set of vertices such that, between every two vertices in the set, there is an edge. We're looking for a collection of cliques such that every edge in the graph belongs to (at least? exactly?) one of the cliques. We'd like to use as few cliques as possible. (This problem is called clique edge cover, not clique cover.) We then assign each clique its own letter and label its members with that letter. Each sample distinguishable from all others gets its own letter as well.
For example, the graph corresponding to your sample input could be drawn like this.
3---1---5 4--6
My proposed algorithm is the following. Construct the graph and use the Bron--Kerbosch algorithm to find all maximal cliques. For the graph above, these are {1, 3}, {1, 5}, and {4, 6}. The set {1}, for example, is a clique, but it is not maximal because it is a subset of the clique {1, 3}. The set {1, 3, 5} is not a clique because there is no edge between 3 and 5. In the graph
/ \
3---5 4--6,
the maximal cliques would be {1, 3, 5} and {4, 6}.
Now search recursively for a small clique edge cover. The input to our recursive function is a set of edges remaining to be covered and the list of maximal cliques. Find the least edge in the remaining set, where, e.g., edge (1,2) < (1,5) < (2,3) < (2,5) < (3,4). For each maximal clique that contains this edge, construct a candidate solution comprised of that clique and the output of a recursive call where the clique edges are removed from set of edges remaining. Output the best candidate.
Unless there are very few edges, this may be too slow. The first performance improvement is memoize: maintain a map from inputs to outputs of the recursive function so that we can avoid doing the work twice. If that doesn't work, then R should have an interface to an integer program solver, and we can use integer programming to determine the best collection of cliques. (I'll explain this more if the other approach is insufficient.)
I thought I would post the solution that I was able to derive with additional help from the following question:
n <- 7
n2 <- 100
mu <- cumsum(runif(n, min=-3, max=3))
sigma <- runif(n, min=1, max=3)
dat <- vector(mode="list", n)
for(i in seq(dat)){
dat[[i]] <- rnorm(n2, mean=mu[i], sd=sigma[i])
df <- data.frame(group=as.factor(rep(seq(n), each=n2)), y=unlist(dat))
bp <- boxplot(y ~ group, df, notch=TRUE)
#significance test
kr <- kruskal.test(y ~ group, df)
mw <- pairwise.wilcox.test(df$y, df$g)
#matrix showing connections between levels
g <- as.matrix(mw$p.value > 0.05)
g <- cbind(rbind(NA, g), NA)
g <- replace(g, is.na(g), FALSE)
g <- g + t(g)
diag(g) <- 1
rownames(g) <- 1:n
colnames(g) <- 1:n
# Load data
same <- which(g==1)
topology <- data.frame(N1=((same-1) %% n) + 1, N2=((same-1) %/% n) + 1)
topology <- topology[order(topology[[1]]),] # Get rid of loops and ensure right naming of vertices
g3 <- simplify(graph.data.frame(topology,directed = FALSE))
# Plot graph
# Calcuate the maximal cliques
res <- maximal.cliques(g3)
# Reorder given the smallest level
res <- sapply(res, sort)
res <- res[order(sapply(res,function(x)paste0(sort(x),collapse=".")))]
ml<-max(sapply(res, length))
reord<-do.call(order, data.frame(
lapply(res, function(x) c(sort(x), rep.int(0, ml-length(x))))
res <- res[reord]
lab.txt <- vector(mode="list", n)
lab <- letters[seq(res)]
for(i in seq(res)){
for(j in res[[i]]){
lab.txt[[j]] <- paste0(lab.txt[[j]], lab[i])
bp <- boxplot(y ~ group, df, notch=TRUE, outline=FALSE, ylim=range(df$y)+c(0,1))
text(x=1:n, y=bp$stats[5,], labels=lab.txt, col=1, cex=1, pos=3, font=2)
Cool code.
I think you need to quote the function order() when calling do.call:
reord<-do.call("order", data.frame(
lapply(res, function(x) c(sort(x), rep.int(0, ml-length(x))))
