How to o get the Rssi value for a given packet - rssi

How to get the Rssi value for a given packet by using the CC2420Packet.getRssi() method or any method on tinyos 2.0.
I used CC2420Packet.getRssi() but I got this error:
interface CC2420Packet not found


Asynchronous data exchange between tasks

The documentation in the "Tasks in Toit" section indicates that the language has facilities for asynchronous data exchange between tasks. If I understand correctly, then two classes from the monitor package: Channel and Mailbox provide this opportunity. Unfortunately, I didn't find examples of using these classes, so I ask you to give at least the simplest example of the implementation of two tasks:
One of the tasks is a message generator, for example, it sends
integers or strings to the second task. The second task gets these
numbers or strings. Perhaps in this case the Channel class should
be used.
Each of the two tasks is both a generator and a receiver of messages.
Those. the first task sends a message to the second task and in turn
asynchronously receives the messages generated by the second task.
Judging by the description, the Mailbox class should be used in
this case.
Thanks in advance,
Here's an example of the first part, using Channel. This class is useful if you have a stream of messages for another task.
import monitor
// A channel with a backlog of 5 items. Once the reader is 5 items behind, the
// writer will block when trying to send. This helps avoid unbounded memory
// use by the in-flight messages if messages are being generated faster than
// they are being consumed. Decreasing this will tend to reduce throughput,
// increasing it will increase memory use.
channel := monitor.Channel 5
task:: message_generating_task channel
task:: message_receiving_task channel
/// Normally this could be looking at IO ports, GPIO pins, or perhaps a socket
/// connection. It could block for some unknown time while doing this. In this
/// case we just sleep a little to illustrate that the data arrives at random
/// times.
milliseconds := random 1000
sleep --ms=milliseconds
// The message is just a string, but could be any object.
return "Message creation took $(milliseconds)ms"
message_generating_task channel/monitor.Channel:
message := generate_message
channel.send message
channel.send null // We are done.
/// Normally this could be looking at IO ports, GPIO pins, or perhaps a socket
/// connection. It could block for some unknown time while doing this. In this
/// case we just sleep a little to illustrate that the data takes a random
/// amount of time to process.
process_message message:
milliseconds := random 1000
sleep --ms=milliseconds
print message
message_receiving_task channel/monitor.Channel:
while message := channel.receive:
process_message message
Here is an example of using Mailbox. This class is useful if you have a task processing requests and giving responses to other tasks.
import monitor
mailbox := monitor.Mailbox
task:: client_task 1 mailbox
task:: client_task 2 mailbox
task --background:: factorization_task mailbox
/// Normally this could be looking at IO ports, GPIO pins, or perhaps a socket
/// connection. It could block for some unknown time while doing this. For
/// this example we just sleep a little to illustrate that the data arrives at
/// random times.
milliseconds := random 1000
sleep --ms=milliseconds
return (random 100) + 1 // Not actually so huge.
client_task task_number mailbox/monitor.Mailbox:
huge := generate_huge_number
factor := mailbox.send huge // Send number, wait for result.
other_factor := huge / factor
print "task $task_number: $factor * $other_factor == $huge"
// Factorize a number using the quantum computing port.
factorize_number number:
// TODO: Use actual quantum computing instead of brute-force search.
for i := number.sqrt.round; i > 1; i--:
factor := number / i
if factor * i == number:
return factor
// This will yield so the other tasks can run. In a real application it
// would be waiting on an IO pin connected to the quantum computing unit.
sleep --ms=1
return 1 // 1 is sort-of a factor of all integers.
factorization_task mailbox/monitor.Mailbox:
// Because this task was started as a background task (see 'main' function),
// the program does not wait for it to exit so this loop does not need a real
// exit condition.
while number := mailbox.receive:
result := factorize_number number
mailbox.reply result
I'm pretty sure the Mailbox example worked great at the end of March. I decided to check it now and got the error:
In case of Console Toit:
./web.toit:8:3: error: Argument mismatch: 'task'
task --background:: factorization_task mailbox
Compilation failed.
In case of terminal:
micrcx#micrcx-desktop:~/toit_apps/Hsm/communication$ toit execute mailbox_sample.toit
mailbox_sample.toit:8:3: error: Argument mismatch: 'task'
task --background:: factorization_task mailbox
Compilation failed.
Perhaps this is due to the latest SDK update. Just in case:
Toit CLI:
| v1.0.0 | 2021-03-29 |

Why does the Radiohead library's method for receiving an array of characters use pass-by-reference for array length?

I am using the Radiohead library in an Arduino sketch for sending and receiving transmissions at 433.92 MHz. The sketch I am using works and I am able to send and receive sensor data (temperature, humidity) embedded in character strings "on air". However, I am puzzled by an implementation detail.
The recv() method of the RH_ASK class for receiving messages takes two arguments. The first is a pointer to an array of characters. This is understandable as messages are sent and received as character arrays. The second is the length of the array. This is an integer-valued number which is also passed as a pointer. Isn't it more convenient to send the integer-valued number itself i.e. pass-by-value instead of pass-by-reference?
Here is the relevant code snippet modeled on the article here.
Include the library, create an instance of the receiver object and initialize it.
// Include RadioHead Amplitude Shift Keying Library
#include <RH_ASK.h>
// Create Amplitude Shift Keying Object
RH_ASK rf_driver;
// Initialize ASK Object
Receive a stream of characters into buffer, convert to string and parse for sensor readings.
// Set buffer to size of expected message
uint8_t buf[11];
uint8_t buflen = sizeof(buf);
// Check if received packet is correct size
if (rf_driver.recv(buf, &buflen)) // Why &buflen and not simply buflen?
// Message received with valid checksum
// Get values from string
// Convert received data into string
str_out = String((char*)buf);
// Thereafter, parse the string to extract sensor readings,
// and print them out.
I'd appreciate any help understanding the concept behind passing a perfectly good integer by reference instead of value.
Because the function needs to change the integer to the length of the received data.

Trying to identify and range (with BLE) an iPhone transmitting as a peripheral *in the background8.

When an app running on iOS8 is backgrounded, all uniquely identifiable information appears to be scrubbed from the Bluetooth advertising package., peripheral.identifier, etc. It all goes away as soon as the app is backgrounded.
The only workaround I have discovered - to identify and range multiple bluetooth-emitting apps - is to scan and connect with a set of known devices (iPhones).
My app transmits as a peripheral, with a service that has a characteristic whose value is a unique identifier. This works.
Where I fall down is once I have read the characteristic (and identified the device) I need to range it. In the delegate call for did get RSSI, I get a peripheral object, but due to the asynchronous nature of the delegate pattern I don't know which of the discovered peripherals I am getting the RSSI signal for. Peripheral appears to remain anonymous, even after connected!
-(void) peripheral:(CBPeripheral *)peripheral didUpdateValueForCharacteristic:(CBCharacteristic *)characteristic error:(NSError *)error {
if (error == nil) {
NSString *valueString=[[NSString alloc] initWithData:characteristic.value encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding];
NSLog(#"The new value=%#",valueString);
peripheral.delegate = self;
[peripheral readRSSI];
-(void) peripheral:(CBPeripheral *)peripheral didReadRSSI:(NSNumber *)RSSI error:(NSError *)error {
NSLog(#"Got RSSI update in didReadRSSI : %4.1f", [RSSI doubleValue]);
// but which peripheral (and associated id) did we get back??
This is either a limitation of Apple's spec, or something wrong with my expectations. One central to many peripherals, unlike the original Bluetooth architecture of one-to-one.
Any ideas how I can identify and range an app broadcasting as a peripheral while backgrounded? Huge thanks if so!
The CBPeripheral object itself should be unique. You can keep a dictionary of your discovered / connected peripherals along with the custom identifier from your characteristic. When the didReadRSSI delegate is called, you can check against your 'known' collection of devices to identify a specific device.

DirectShow transform filter - how to get source filter IBaseFilter that connected to my filter input pin?

I want to check how to get source filter IBaseFilter that connected to my filter input pin?
In CheckInputType method I can allow or deny connection by media type, but I need to know more information about source filter.
Transform filter is simple, 1 inout pin and 1 output pin, based on CTransformFilter.
You derive from CTransformFilter, from there:
m_pInput is your input pin
m_pInput->m_Connected is your input pin's connected peer
IPin::QueryPinInfo gets you pin data including IBaseFilter pointer you are looking for
I've found a correct way.
In CheckConnect method you can return E_FAIL to deny connection.
You can get IBaseFilter interface from IPin using PIN_INFO struct.

QT - Understanding following lambda expression for a SLOT

I am currently trying to understand the new QT5 signal/slot syntax
connect(sender, &Sender::valueChanged, [=](const QString &newValue) {
receiver->updateValue("senderValue", newValue);
Now my question is where is the address of the receiver SLOT in the above expression ? I wanted to know this because what happens if a signal is in threadA and the slot is in thread B and I wanted it to be a queued connection ?
A slot is a piece of code, it doesn't "live" in a thread - a thread might run it or not, but the code itself doesn't belong to any thread. (If the slot is a member function, then the Qt object defined as the receiver belongs to a Qt thread - that's a property of the object, not the function.)
In the code you have above, the compiler generates an object that:
captures receiver by value ([=])
has a function-call operator that can be called with a reference to a const QString.
That object is passed to connect along with the other two arguments. It's not a QObject, so it doesn't have an owning thread in the Qt sense. What you need to make sure of is that:
what receiver points to stays alive for as long as that signal is connected
receiver->updateValue(...) is thread-safe - it will be called in sender's context/thread.
If receiver->updateValue needs to be called in receiver's thread/context, then do not use that syntax for the connect call, use the one where you specify both sender and receiver, and the connection type.
