covariance formula: multiplying just the weights "in couple" in R - r

ok basically if you look at the covariance formula when weights are involved (look at this picture so everything is clear, I just want to calculate the sum of all the different couples of weights as highlighted in the link of the picture I uploaded.
I absolutely need that specific quantity highlighted in the picture. I have no use of the formulas cor() [i tried but it was useless]
I have tried to use "for" loops trying to following the mathematical formula but came out empty handed.
I am sorry if this post lacks the specificity required for this forum but it was the best way I could think of in order to explain my problem.

sum(outer(w,w), -crossprod(w)) / 2
Z <- outer(a,b) creates a matrix where Z[i,j] = a[i]*b[j]. Plugging in w for both a and b, this is a symmetric matrix.
crossprod(x) calculates the sums of squares of x. This is the sum of the diagonals of the above matrix.
Take the difference, then divide by two because you only want the top half of the matrix.
Alternatively, you could try sum( apply(combn(w,2), 2, prod) ) to explicitly form each pair, multiply them, and sum them up.


Calculate the reconstruction error as the difference between the original and the reconstructed matrix

I am currently in an online class in genomics, coming in as a wetlab physician, so my statistical knowledge is not the best. Right now we are working on PCA and SVD in R. I got a big matrix:
ENSG00000224137 5.326553 3.512053 3.455480 3.472999 3.639132 3.391880 3.282522 3.682531
ENSG00000153253 6.436815 9.563955 7.186604 2.946697 6.949510 9.095092 3.795587 11.987291
ENSG00000096006 6.943404 8.840839 4.600026 4.735104 4.183136 3.049792 9.736803 3.338362
ENSG00000229807 3.322499 3.263655 3.406379 9.525888 3.595898 9.281170 8.946498 3.473750
ENSG00000138772 7.195113 8.741458 6.109578 5.631912 5.224844 3.260912 8.889246 3.052587
ENSG00000169575 7.853829 10.428492 10.512497 13.041571 10.836815 11.964498 10.786381 11.953912
Those are just the first few columns and rows, it has 60 columns and 1000 rows. Columns are cancer samples, rows are genes
The task is to:
removing the eigenvectors and reconstructing the matrix using SVD, then we need to calculate the reconstruction error as the difference between the original and the reconstructed matrix. HINT: You have to use the svd() function and equalize the eigenvalue to $0$ for the component you want to remove.
I have been all over google, but can't find a way to solve this task, which might be because I don't really get the question itself.
so i performed SVD on my matrix m:
d <- svd(mat)
Which gives me 3 matrices (Eigenassays, Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors), which i can access using d$u and so on.
How do I equalize the eigenvalue and ultimately calculate the error?
the decomposition expresses your matrix mat as a product of 3 matrices
mat = d$u x diag(d$d) x t(d$v)
so first confirm you are able to do the matrix multiplications to get back mat
once you are able to do this, set the last couple of elements of d$d to zero before doing the matrix multiplication
It helps to create a function that handles the singular values.
Here, for instance, is one that zeros out any singular value that is too small compared to the largest singular value:
zap <- function(d, digits = 3) ifelse(d < 10^(-digits) * max(abs(d))), 0, d)
Although mathematically all singular values are guaranteed non-negative, numerical issues with floating point algorithms can--and do--create negative singular values, so I have prophylactically wrapped the singular values in a call to abs.
Apply this function to the diagonal matrix in the SVD of a matrix X and reconstruct the matrix by multiplying the components:
X. <- with(svd(X), u %*% diag(zap(d)) %*% t(v))
There are many ways to assess the reconstruction error. One is the Frobenius norm of the difference,
sqrt(sum((X - X.)^2))

Questions about SVD, Singular Value Decomposition

I am not a mathematician, so I need to understand what SVD does and WHY more than how it works exactly from the math perspective. (I understand at least what is the decomposition though).
This guy on youtube gave the only human explanation of SVD saying, that the U matrix maps "user to concept correlation" Sigma matrix defines the strength of each concept, and V maps "movie to concept correlation" given that initial matrix M has users in the rows, and movie (ratings) in the columns.
He also mentioned two concept specifically "sci fi" and "romance" movies. See the picture below.
My questions are:
How SVD knows the number of concepts. He as human mentioned two - sci fi, and romance, but in reality in resulting matrices are 3 concepts. (for example matrix U - that one with blue titles - has 3 columns not 2).
How SVD knows what is the concept after all. I mean, what If i shuffle the columns randomly how SVD then knows what is sci fi, what is romance. I mean, I suppose there is no rule, group the concepts together in the column order. What if scifi movie is the first and last one? and not first 3 columns in the initial matrix M?
What is the practical usage of either U, Sigma or V matrices? (Except that you can multiply them to get the initial matrix M)
Is there also any other possible human explanation of SVD than the guy up provided, or it is the only one possible function? Matrices of correlations.
As was pointed out in the comments you may well get better explanations elsewhere. However since the question is still open, here is my tuppence worth.
Throughout I'll suppose that A is mxn where m>=n, ie that A has more rows than columns.
First of all there are many forms of the SVD, differing in the sizes of the matrices. They all share the fundamental properties that
A = U*S*V'
S is diagonal
U and V have orthogonal columns (ie U'*U = I, V'*V = I)
Perhaps the most useful from a theoretical point of view is the 'full fat' svd where we have that U is mxm, S is mxn and V is nxn. However this has rather a lot of elements that don't really contribute to A. For example S being diagonal we can write
S = ( S1 ) (where S1 is nxn )
( 0 )
If we divide up U into
U = ( U1 U2) (where U1 is mxn and U2 is (mx(m-n)))
Then its straightforward to calculate that
U*S = U1*S1
and so we can throw away the last m-n columns of U and the last m-n rows of S, and still recover A.
Moreover some of the diagonal elements of S1 may be 0; suppose in fact that p<n of them are non zero. Then we can write
S1 = ( S2 0)
( 0 0)
And arguing as above for U and analogously for V' we can in fact throw away all but the first p columns of U and all of S but S2, and all but the first p rows of V, and still recover A.
This latter is the form of SVD ('thin') in your question:
U is mxp
S is pxp
V' is pxm
where p is the number of non-zero singular values of A. This is my answer to your 1.
By convention the elements of S decrease as you move down the diagonal. To achieve this the routine that calculates the svd in effect works with a version of A with shuffled columns. This shuffling is undone by incorporating the shuffle in the U and V' output. This is my answer to your 2: however you shuffle A, it will be in effect shuffled again to ensure that the singular values decrease down the diagonal.
I struggle to answer 3, because I suspect that our ideas of 'practical' are rather different.
One thing that I think practical is to find simpler approximations to A. The reconstruction of A can be written
A = Sum{ 1<=i<=p | U[i]*S[i]*V[i]' }
where the S[i] are the diagonal elements of S, U[i] are the columns of U and V[i] those of V
We might want to use a simpler model for A, for example want to simplify it down to just one term. That is, we might wonder how much we would lose by using fewer 'concepts'. The 'thin' svd above has already done this in the sense that it has thrown away all the coluns that make no contribution to A. In an extreme case, we might wonder what we would get if we reduced to just one concept. This approximation is found by taking just the first term of the sum above. This extends to however many terms -- q say -- we want to allow: we just take the first q terms of the sum above.
I'm sorry, I can't answer 4.

eigen() and the correct eigenvectors

My problem is the following:
I'm trying to use R in order to compute numerically this problem.
So I've correctly setup the problem in my console, and then I tried to compute the eigenvectors.
But I expect that the eigenvector associated with lambda = 1 is (1,2,1) instead of what I've got here. So, the scaling is correct (0.4082483 is effectively half of 0.8164966), but I would like to obtain a consistent result.
My original problem is to find a stationary distribution for a Markov Chain using R instead of doing it on paper. So from a probabilistic point of view, my stationary distribution is a vector whose sum of the components is equal to 1. For that reason I was trying to change the scale in order to obtain what I've defined "a consistent result".
How can I do that ?
The eigen vectors returned by R are normalized (for the square-norm). If V is a eigen vector then s * V is a eigen vector as well for any non-zero scalar s. If you want the stationary distribution as in your link, divide by the sum:
V / sum(V)
and you will get (1/4, 1/2, 1/4).
ev <- eigen(t(C))$vectors
ev / colSums(ev)
to get all the solutions in one shot.
C <- matrix(c(0.5,0.25,0,0.5,0.5,0.5,0,0.25,0.5),
ee <- eigen(t(C))$vectors
As suggested by #Stéphane Laurent in the comments, the scaling of eigenvectors is arbitrary; only the relative value is specified. The default in R is that the sum of squares of the eigenvectors (their norms) are equal to 1; colSums(ee^2) is a vector of 1s.
Following the link, we can see that you want each eigenvector to sum to 1.
ee2 <- sweep(ee,MARGIN=2,STATS=colSums(ee),FUN=`/`)
(i.e., divide each eigenvector by its sum).
(This is a good general solution, but in this case the sum of the second and third eigenvectors are both approximately zero [theoretically, they are exactly zero], so this only really makes sense for the first eigenvector.)

Is it impossible to do PCA on the data whose # of variables are bigger than that of individuals?

I am a new user of R and I try to do PCA on my data set using R. The dimension of data is 20x10000, i.e. # of features is 10000 and # of individuals is 20. It seems that prcomp() cannot handle the data exactly, because the dimension of calculated eigenvectors and new data is 20x20 and 10000x20 instead of 10000x10000 and 20x10000. I tried FactoMineR library also, but the results looked like that it looses some dimension, too. Is there any way to doing PCA on the data like this? :(
By reading the manual, it looks like no components are omitted by default but check the tol argument. The problem is with negative eigenvalues that may bet there (and often are) when you have less cases than individuals. (I think with 10000 cases and 20 individuals you will always have many negative eigenvalues.) See a simplified version of PCA I'm sometimes using that computes "PC loadings" the way they're usually used in psychology.
PCA <- function(X, cut=NULL, USE="complete.obs") {
if(is.null(cut)) cut<- ncol(X)
The "loadings" are, basically, eigenvectors multiplied by the square root of eigenvalues -- but there's a problem here if you have negative eigenvalues. Something similar may happen with prcomp.
If you just want to reconstruct your data matrix exactly (for whatever reason), you can easily use svd or eigen directly. /My example used correlation matrix but the logic is not confined to this case./

multivariate skew normal in R

I'm trying to generate random numbers with a multivariate skew normal distribution using the rmsn command from the sn package in R. I would like, ideally, to be able to get three columns of numbers with a specified variances and covariances, while having one column strongly skewed. But I'm struggling to achieve both goals simultaneously.
The post at skew normal distribution was related and useful (and the source of some of the code below), but hasn't completely clarified the issue for me.
I've been trying:
a <- c(5, 0, 0) # set shape parameter
s <- diag(3) # create variance-covariance matrix
w <- sqrt(1/(1-((2*(a^2)/(1 + a^2))/pi))) # determine scale parameter to get sd of 1
xi <- w*a/sqrt(1 + a^2)*sqrt(2/pi) # determine location parameter to get mean of 0
apply(rmsn(n=1000, xi=c(xi), Omega=s, alpha=a), 2, sd)
colMeans(rmsn(n=1000, xi=c(xi), Omega=s, alpha=a))
The columns means and SDs are correct for the second and third columns (which have no skew) but not the first (which does). Can anyone clarify where my code above, or my thinking, has gone wrong? I may be misunderstanding how to use rmsn, or the output. Any assistance would be appreciated.
The location is not the mean (except when there is no skew). From the documentation:
Notice that the location vector ‘xi’ does not represent the mean
vector of the distribution (which in fact may not even exist if ‘df <=
1’), and similarly ‘Omega’ is not the covariance matrix of the
And you may want to replace Omega=s with Omega=w.
And this is supposed to be a variance matrix: there should be no square root.
