R qqplot argument "y" is missing error - r

I am relatively new to R and I am struggling with a error messages related to qqplot. Some sample data are at the bottom. I am trying to do a qqplot on some azimuth data, i.e. like compass directions. I've looked around here and the ?qqplot R documentation, but I don't see a solution I can understand in either. I don't understand the syntax for the function or the format the data are supposed to be in, or probably both. I First I tried loading the data as a single column of values, i.e. just the "Azimuth" column.
azimuth <- read.csv(file.choose(), header=TRUE)
returns the following error,
Error in sort(y) : argument "y" is missing, with no default
Then I tried including the corresponding dip angles along with the azimuth data and received the same error. I also tried,
but this returned the following error,
Error in xy.coords(x, y, xlabel, ylabel, log) :
'x' and 'y' lengths differ
Dataframe "azimuth":
Azimuth Altitude
23.33211466 -6.561729793
31.51267873 4.801537153
29.04577711 5.24504954
23.63450905 14.03342708
29.12535459 7.224141678
20.76972007 47.95686329
54.89253987 4.837417689
56.57958227 13.12587996
13.09845182 -7.417776178
26.45155154 31.83546988
29.15718557 25.47767069
28.09084746 14.61603384
28.93436865 -1.641785416
28.77521371 17.30536039
29.58690392 -2.202076058
0.779859221 12.92044019
27.1359178 12.20305106
23.57084707 11.97925859
28.99803063 3.931326877
dput() version:
azimuth <-
structure(list(Azimuth = c(23.33211466, 31.51267873, 29.04577711,
23.63450905, 29.12535459, 20.76972007, 54.89253987, 56.57958227,
13.09845182, 26.45155154, 29.15718557, 28.09084746, 28.93436865,
28.77521371, 29.58690392, 0.779859221, 27.1359178, 23.57084707,
28.99803063), Altitude = c(-6.561729793, 4.801537153, 5.24504954,
14.03342708, 7.224141678, 47.95686329, 4.837417689, 13.12587996,
-7.417776178, 31.83546988, 25.47767069, 14.61603384, -1.641785416,
17.30536039, -2.202076058, 12.92044019, 12.20305106, 11.97925859,
3.931326877)), .Names = c("Azimuth", "Altitude"), class = "data.frame", row.names = c(NA, -19L))

with a capital P.

Maybe you want to create the graph.
Have you ever tried?

It seems that the qqplot function takes two input parameters, x and y as follows:
qqplot(x, y, plot.it = TRUE, xlab = "your x-axis label", ylab="your y-axis label", ...)
When you made your call as given above, you only gave one vector, hence R complained the y argument was missing. Check you input data set and see if you can find what x and y should be for your call to qqplot.


R : Plot many boxplot in the same graph using dataframe

Hello everyone and thank you for helping me with R.
i have a 39cols * 168rows matrix which looks like this :
and i want to plot boxplot (1 for each row) in the same graph.
Two hours of intense research on how to make that and i still have no clue.
What i tried (f is the read.csv i got ) :
boxplot(x = as.list(as.data.frame(f)))
qp <- boxplot(x = as.list(as.data.frame(f)))
rn <- as.numeric(rownames(f))
and i've got :
Error in xy.coords(x, y, xlabel, ylabel, log) :
'x' and 'y' lengths differ
even if i do not know if the result of the plot was the thing i wanted.
If you want one box per row, you need to transpose the matrix before passing it to boxplot:
This will then do the right thing — provided you’ve read in your data correctly. In your image, this isn’t the case: the header columns are (incorrectly) part of the data. Be sure to pass header = TRUE to your data reading function to fix this.

How does the curve function in R work? - Example of curve function

How does the following code work? I got the example when I was reading the help line of R ?curve. But i have not understood this.
for(ll in c("", "x", "y", "xy"))
curve(log(1+x), 1, 100, log = ll,
sub = paste("log= '", ll, "'", sep = ""))
Particularly , I am accustomed to numeric values as arguments inside the for-loop as,
for(ll in 1:10)
But what is the following command saying:
for(ll in c("","x","y","xy"))
c("","x","y","xy") looks like a string vector? How does c("","x","y","xy") work inside curve
function as log(1+x)[what is x here? the string "x"? in c("","x","y","xy")] and log=ll ?
Apparently, there are no answers on stack overflow about how the curve function in R works and especially about the log argument so this might be a good chance to delve into it a bit more (I liked the question btw):
First of all the easy part:
c("","x","y","xy") is a string vector or more formally a character vector.
for(ll in c("","x","y","xy")) will start a loop of 4 iterations and each time ll will be '','x','y','xy' respectively. Unfortunately, the way this example is built you will only see the last one plotted which is for ll = 'xy'.
Let's dive into the source code of the curve function to answer the rest:
First of all the what does the x represent in log(1+x)?
log(1+x) is a function. x represents a vector of numbers that gets created inside the curve function in the following part (from source code):
x <- exp(seq.int(log(from), log(to), length.out = n)) #if the log argument is 'x' or
x <- seq.int(from, to, length.out = n) #if the log argument is not 'x'
#in our case from and to are 1 and 100 respectively
As long as the n argument is the default the x vector will contain 101 elements. Obviously the x in log(1+x) is totally different to the 'x' in the log argument.
as for y it is always created as (from source code):
y <- eval(expr, envir = ll, enclos = parent.frame()) #where expr is in this case log(1+x), the others are not important to analyse now.
#i.e. you get a y value for each x value on the x vector which was calculated just previously
Second, what is the purpose of the log argument?
The log argument decides which of the x or y axis will be logged. The x-axis if 'x' is the log argument, y-axis if 'y' is the log argument, both axis if 'xy' is the log argument and no log-scale if the log argument is ''.
It needs to be mentioned here that the log of either x or y axis is being calculated in the plot function in the curve function, that is the curve function is only a wrapper for the plot function.
Having said the above this is why if the log argument is 'x' (see above) the exponential of the log values of the vector x are calculated so that they will return to the logged ones inside the plot function.
P.S. the source code for the curve function can be seen with typing graphics::curve on the console.
I hope this makes a bit of sense now!

plotting DCC results with R

I have been running a dcc garch on R; the results is presented as matrix
I would like to extract the second column as a vector to plot, with date on the x-axis.
For the moment, if I define
DCCrho = dccresults$DCC[,2]
then head(DCCrho) yields this:
1 0.9256281
2 0.9256139
3 0.9245794
any help to redefine this as a simple vector of numerical values?
any other option to graph the results of dcc with date on the x-axis?
Thanks a lot!
While trying this
x <- cbind(DCCrho, com_30[,2])
and this:
matplot(DCCrho ~ x[,2], x, xaxt = "n", type='l')
yields the following error message:
"Error in array(x, c(length(x), 1L), if (!is.null(names(x))) list(names(x), :
invalid first argument"
Apparently it was a matter of length of the vector; the Date and the DCC results need to be vectors of same length.
One also needs to plot both date and DCCrho as shown below.
matplot(com_30$date, DCCrho, xaxt = "n", type='l')
axis(1, com_30$date, format(com_30$date, "%y"), cex.axis = .7)
I'm assuming that when you said, "I would like to extract the second row..." that you actually meant "column", because you did the following: dccresults$DCC[,2] Also, as pointed out by a previous comment, the code isn't reproducible, so it's difficult to propose and answer with certainty. However, I'll do my best.
You said you wanted DCCrho to be a "simple vector of numerical values". I'm assuming that this is largely a matter of the way that the values are displayed. Does DCCrho = as.vector(dccresults$DCC[,2]) look better?.
As for the error message, I think that it's b/c in matplot(x,y, ...), x can't be a formula. Try matplot(DCCrho, x[,2]).
If you just want to plot the DCCrho value across some index, you could try something like the following:
Y <- as.vector(dccresults$DCC[,2])
X <- seq_along(Y)
Does that work? Aside from the arbitrary time index, what did you intend to reference as "time"? I don't see a part of the code that you supplied (e.g., a column in dccresults$DCC) that would be an obvious candidate for use as a "date".

Manipulate graphics within an R package (eRm)

I am using the eRm package to run the dichotomous Rasch model. My problem is that I can not manipulate the length of the x axis on the person-item map.
The description for the plotPImap command says to use xrange= to specify the range, but when I do so, I get the following error:
Error in xy.coords(x, y, xlabel, ylabel, log) :
'x' and 'y' lengths differ
Here is my code:
Model2 <- RM(EBL_MC)
plotPImap(Model2, xrange=c(-5:5), latdim = "Writing Achievement", main="Person-Item Map (EBL)")
This is just a shot in the dark, since you haven't provided a reproducible example, but generally when functions in R ask for an axis range argument, they are looking for only two values, the low and high. Try xrange = c(-5,5).

error labelling axis of plot using Ecdf

I am attempting to plot a graph using the code below:
Ecdf(ceac_primary,xlab="axis label",xlim=c(5000,50000),q=c(0.9,0.1),
ylab="Probability of Success",main="CEAC")
Where ceac_primary is a data frame with 1 variable of 90k observations.
When I include the 'xlab="axis label"' I keep getting the following error:
Error in Ecdf.default(v, group = group, weights = weights, normwt = normwt, :
formal argument "xlab" matched by multiple actual arguments
However if I exclude the x axis label part of the code, it plots the graph fine.
Is this a known problem, and if so, are there alternative ways to plot an x axis label?
Digging around in the source code for Ecdf.data.frame (the method that is called when passing a data.frame to Ecdf), it looks like that function creates an object that is later passed to the xlab argument. Therefore, xlab is not expected as a user-supplied argument when running Ecdf with a data.frame. Here's the code that creates the object lab that gets passed to xlab within Ecdf.data.frame:
lab <- if (vnames == "names")
else label(v, units = TRUE, plot = TRUE, default = nam[j])
Then Ecdf is called with xlab = lab, but also any arguments in the elipses of Ecdf.data.frame are also passed to Ecdf. Since xlab is not a formal argument of Ecdf.data.frame, this is why you get your error.
To get around it, try either of the following:
Convert your data.frame to a vector of the appropriate class (numeric, I presume), and then run
Ecdf(ceac_primary_Vec, xlab = "axis label")
Or, you can create a label for the one column in your data.frame using the label function in the Hmisc package. If that column is called myCol, you can run
label(ceac_primary$myCol) <- "axis label"
And that should get your axis label printing correctly.
