Twigmo custom style files - css

did anyone ever customize the Twigmo addon basic theme for cs-cart? I am trying to write custom css files for font size and color. What I tried:
Using the visual Editor: after working for like 2 hours changing the styles, I tried saving and apparently my current subscription doesn't allow me to do custom files using visual editor
I tried searching for other solutions: fell on this twigmo skin editing which basically tells me to create a custom css file called custom{theme-name}.css. I did but i still can't figure out what classes the twigmo for what. Does anyone know where i can find this? i am also posting a question on the forum to see if they can help me.
Thank-you in advance. hope my question is clear enough.

The free "Starter" Twigmo subscription plan doesn't provide an ability to customize CSS. You have to subscribe for any paid plan. In this case the visual editor will be available for you. Also you will be able to write your custom CSS code in the visual editor.
Regarding your second solution - it is for old version and doesn't work for the Twigmo 3.x.
Hovewer you can modify the design/themes/[your_theme]/templates/addons/twigmo/mobile_index.tpl file. You can add your CSS code there. It is not the most convenient way, but it is free.


CSS live editing - Play framework

i have made a webpage and now it is "feature-complete".
As a next step i want to put some style to it.
The project is based on the Play framework and i choose SCSS as my CSS alternative (with an SBT plugin to convert SCSS -> CSS).
Every time i change some CSS i have to reload the page in the browser, which takes a while, see if i like it and keep or revert. Then start over.
This workflow does not seem right to me. How do you style a webpage built with Play (specifically: i use Play templates, so i cannot just copy every piece of HTML into a CSS editor and style everything from there)?
The best way that i found is to change the CSS directly in Chrome, remember the changes and apply them to the source file later on.
Is there a more "automatic" way of doing things? Any nice editors or browser plugins that change the source file directly? What am i missing?
What are other people, using Play framework (or other templating systems) doing?
Thank you!
Maybe you can download an extension that automatically refresh's your page every ... seconds. On this way you only have to "Alt-tab" between your code and your page.
BTW: I couldn't comment this, I need 50 reputation. Otherwise I wouldn't have commented it because this isn't really an answer but this is just my advice.

How to style Directory Listings XAMPP

So using XAMPP, it shows a list of folders and files that are hosted locally on my machine. So far, it shows all of these directories in a simple, plain list. What I'd like to do is to be able to use CSS to style it. This may sound confusing so here's some images explaining what I am trying to accomplish.
It is possible to do this because I downloaded a theme for it a while back, I am having trouble trying to find it again so I was windering, if someone out there knows where it is, it would be much appreciated if you would send me the link :)
Here is a tutorial devoted to customizing directory listings:
It shows exact what actions to perform in order to customize it. So shouldn't be too hard to follow.
Sadly, I'm unable to find the style you provided. So I will update this reply in-case I have.
Here are some other nice directory listing styles:
You can use the built-in functionality of Apache’s mod_autoindex module to style and enhance your default directory views.
You can go through this link
It has a very detailed description for changing and customizing the views the way you want them to be.
You can customize the icons as well as the css.

Do I have to Upgrade WordPress to "pro" if I want to edit the CSS?

I started using WordPress just a few hours ago because I need to develop a couple of blogs to a client. I understand that WordPress is the best solution if you want something fast but flexible. But, the first thing that I wanted to do was just change the font of the post and I didn't find how to do it (for all the posts, because I changed it on this one using the HTML editor). I've read something about editing the CSS, but it turns that I need to buy the Pro upgrade to be able to use the custom design.
Is this the same if I use WordPress in my server?
I need someone to guide me on this one. I need WordPress as customizable as it can be. But, I prefer not to pay! :) Unless that's the only way to do it.
If you use WordPress on your own server, you can do anything you like to it - it's open source. The "Pro" upgrade is just for WordPress blogs hosted on the commercial platform.
Do note that running your own installation means you're responsible for adding plugins, themes, keeping the code up-to-date, etc. That has a cost too, even if it's not money directly out of your pocket.
If you are using wordpress on your own server - you are free to do anything with it. The best way to customize your site then is using a child theme. It will contain your customization, overriding styles from previously loaded parent theme (and/or adding some scripts). You will be able to upgrade parent theme then without loosing your customization (until parent theme owners deprecate something you use, but it must not happen often). There are some plugins for simplifying working with it as well. There are also some easier customization ways, if you want just minor changes - such as Custom CSS in Jetpack plugin, which works in similar way, as far as I know.
If you're using a account, you have less freedom in modifying things, consider using paid custom CSS plugin maybe. Or maybe mentioned above jetpack will do.
Also, as mentioned in other answers - there are wordpress codex, forums, and wordpress stackexchange, they seem to be better place for such questions.
In your wordpress admin section of your site (usually on the left hand side nav bar, you will find a section called "appearance", if you expand this and click "editor" you can edit all of the files that your current theme uses. A quick warning, if you are doing this on a live server, the changes you make are live as soon as you save them!!
Hope this helps
I'm pretty sure you do not have to pay to customize CSS. Check your server installation... particularly in the folder $wordpress_install_home/wp-content/themes/default.
You should have access to all the CSS files in there.

Does anyone know where ASP themes are?

Does anyone know where I can go to get some ASP themes for Visual Studio? I've Googled it, but it doesn't seem that there are many out there. I was hoping someone here knew something that I don't. Thanks
Visual Studio has nothing to do with it. The CSS for a custom theme will have rules that are applied to the HTML elements rendered to the page. The structure of your HTML can vary greatly; every developer/designer have their own preferences about whether to place certain parts of the page on a form or on a master page. There is no standard way of doing this and each project will have its own set of requirements in this regard.
There really is nothing to learning how to create an ASPNET theme. If it's the CSS part that is causing you difficulty then your best bet is to install the Web Developer Toolbar in Firefox and view some CSS galleries. This tool will then allow you to investigate how some really professional sites are put together.
i think you must have to create your own CSS.

Custom Wordpress Editor?

After looking around for hours I couldn't see anything even close to what I saw here:
As you can see, they created a custom editor for Wordpress (not just some edits to TinyMCE), its a whole different editor even with an option to switch back to TinyMCE.
Does anyone know how to create custom editors for wordpress without altering the core files and just via a custom theme? I am starting to think its a custom meta box...but I am not sure.
Any clue will be much appreciated!
I suggest to use a plugin to extend the default tinymce WP uses.. Take a look at this plugin:
If you really want a completely different editor, ckeditor is quite ok.. There is a plugin too:
Always use or write a plugin an don't change any core files is indeed the way to go!
Please let me know what you think!
