WKInterfaceGroup bottom corner radius - watchkit

I am trying to set the corner radius for the bottom left and bottom right corners for a WKInterfaceGroup. I was able to set only one single radius value and that would change it for all the corners. I couldn't find a way to access the CALayer to specify it there either.
Is there a way this can be done?
(The group would contain 2 labels and would be in contact with the sash in the dynamic notification interface.)

You asked about WKInterfaceGroup, but from your response to #BalestraPatrick it sounds like you are specifically trying to achieve bottom corner rounding in the long-look notification, correct?
If so, it's a bug in the current beta.
Assuming you can sign in, here's a developer forum describing the bug: https://devforums.apple.com/message/1098796
The gist is: there used to be a boolean on the Category (where sash color is) to offset content (that's what Apple's Documentation is referring to here https://developer.apple.com/library/prerelease/ios/documentation/General/Conceptual/WatchKitProgrammingGuide/BasicSupport.html) but they took it out of Beta 5. Now, you are supposed to be able to set the background color of the notification controller itself and it will do the rounding for you. Just doesn't work yet.
I've logged a bug with Apple and had it closed as a "duplicate" - which means it's a bug and they know about it. Feel free to log again - it increases the priority of the bug in their queue :)

I hope this answer is what you're looking for.
After thinking about it for some time, I came up with a solution. There is no solution in code. I think this is how Apple is doing the same effect for the calendar notification view.
You need to make the main group's backgroundColor white. Then in the top group set the background color to some other color (like red in my case). Then add another group with the same background color as the container group.
The result should be like this in the Apple Watch Simulator.


Qt 3D Studio Animating only one element in a slide, while keeping other elements stay where they are

I am working on a project with Qt 3D Studio, I have a concern regarding animating single objects in slide, while rest of the objects are not effected.
To explain, let's consider three Slides "MoveCarRight", "MoveCarCenter" and "SignNoRight". (Please see attached picture to give you idea about my scene.)
"MoveCarRight" is used for moving car to right, "SignNoRight" is used for animating traffic sign on the Z axis so that it enters the scene.
I control those slides from QML side by entering:
However, inevitably I can't control the objects seperately. When I go to slide "SignNoRight", I want the car to stay the same, if it was previously moved to center, it should stay at the center, if it was previously moved to right, it should stay right. Right now, when I enter "SignNoRight" it is always centered.
I would think there would be a simple solution to this, yet I couldn't find it. Any help is greately appreciated. Thanks in advance.
I have solved my problem with the introduction of data input controllers. See example: https://doc.qt.io/qt3dstudio/openglruntime/qtstudio3d-qmldatainput-qml-qmldatainput-main-qml.html

awesomeWM: transparent wibar?

I use awesomewm and have a small conky configuration on top of my wallpaper with transparent background. Now i have the idea to change the behaviour of awesomewm to let this small area untouched. So when maximising a window (client?) or when arranging them, this small area must be completely free. I tried to add a second wibar on the right side, changed the width and made it transparent. But all i got was a transparent sidebar which shows the background but not the informations comming from conky.
Is it possible to stack two transparent components over the wallpaper? which configuration whould be the best? Is there a better way to reach my goal?
I use Manjaro with awesomewm. I can post configs if needed.
Thanks, Andreas
If you want "true transparency", you need to run a composite manager like xcompmgr, compiz or compton/picom. These are just random examples and all links point to the arch wiki. On Xorg#Composite, it also lists unagi as a possibility, but the wiki does not have a page for it.
Without a composite manager, "fake transparency" is used. Transparency is simulated by taking the wallpaper and drawing that as the background of the wibox. From your description, it sounds like this is what you are seeing.

How to get text popups on an image using CSS3 animations?

I'm looking for guidance here:
I have an image of a band about halfway down my page. When the user scrolls to it I'd like the band name to appear on top of it and then each member's heads get circled and their names popup next to each circle.
Hopefully that's clear -- it is in my head at least.
I'm thinking this could be accomplished using CSS animations, but I unsure. There's probably more than one way to skin this cat. Looking to be pointed in the right direction.
Thanks in advance.

How to make a Mobile Substrate tweak (Slide from top) Notification Center

I'm a whited00r developer and i'm creating an tweak for iPhone 2g/3g WHITED00r users a notification system (NS) ive already made one (NSCENTER) but it isnt really an tweak...
I want to make a mobile substrate tweak that if you slide from top it would show the tweak (activator) but I dont know how to do this. Could somebody help? or sample? or text help?
Assuming I understand you correctly, you're basically looking to replace the Notification Center swipe gesture action to present your tweak, correct? If that's the case, SBBulletinListController has the methods you're looking for:
-(void)handleShowNotificationsGestureChangedWithTouchLocation:(CGPoint)touchLocation velocity:(CGPoint)velocity;
-(void)handleShowNotificationsGestureEndedWithVelocity:(CGPoint)velocity completion:(id)completion;
There are also corresponding methods in Springboard that you could try:
-(void)_showNotificationsGestureChangedWithLocation:(CGPoint)location velocity:(CGPoint)velocity;
-(void)_showNotificationsGestureEndedWithLocation:(CGPoint)location velocity:(CGPoint)velocity;
-(void)_hideNotificationsGestureEndedWithCompletionType:(int)completionType velocity:(CGPoint)velocity;
Try hooking those using MobileSubstrate. I haven't tried this myself, but it should point you in the right direction.

should I use Navigator or View State?

Hi I want to create an application has this sort of function:
In this application when you click the button (or some tilelist) on the right the model on the left update accordingly. I wonder how they achieve this. Originally i think it's some sort of image-only pop-up window but then pop-up window seems to update the entire view.
Then I think it might be only change view state, but then I still confused how it can be done using view state.
Flex expert please give me some hint !
Looks like transparent images drawn on Canvas. Each piece must have predefined offset and draw order.
Probably just images placed on one or more Canvas, with the z-order controlled for depth.
The body stays the same, so shirts probably have their own placement properties, as do skirts, underwear, hosiery, etc. as well as backgrounds, faces, etc.
