I'm making a game with meteor and I want certain variables to reset at the end of everyday.. DO you know how I would go about doing that?
Like at the end of everyday the amount of turns goes back to ten.
I recommend you to use momentjs package for this.
First run.
meteor add momentjs:moment
Now you can do the follow
var day = moment().endOf('day').fromNow(),
day1 = moment().startOf('day').fromNow();
console.log("the days ends in " + day)
console.log("the days starts " + day1)
if(day === "in 0 hours"){
alert("The day is over")
if(day1 === "in 24 hours ago"){
alert("The day is over")
Here is the JSFiddle
NOTE: There should be another way, also this take the client time, never trust on the client time, if you want to take the safe time from the server try the mizzao/meteor-timesync package
Try it
meteor add mizzao:time sync
and you can do things like.
var serverTime = TimeSync.serverTime().
serverTime.format(). //for example
In the Firestore project, I have documents in a collection containing data for shops, having fields like shopName, shopAddress, startTime(eg. 10 AM) and closeTime(eg. 10 PM) . (all strings for now)
When the user is browsing the app, i have retrieved the data from Firestore of the shops displayed in the app, now i wanna show that the shop is closed when the device's time is not between the startTime and closeTime of the shop. How do i achieve this?
So far I can detect the device's current time using dart package intl using this code:
It gives output as follows:
I/flutter (14877): 6 PM
This is in DateFormat, and the data types stored in Firestore are strings.. I dont know how to compare them.. Do let me know if i have to change the data types in Firestore too.
Thank You
I think if you use 24 Hour Time Format and convert startTime, closeTime and actualTime to int or double ( if the shop close at 20:30/8:30pm), then you can easily compare them with if. On your firebase server string format is perfect.
For example you make a map and iterate it, and check if the actualTime is higher than startTime and lower than closeTime.
I have never tried this code, but i think it is going to work.
Map map = {'1am': 1, '2am': 2, '3am': 3, ... , '11pm': 23};
map.entries.forEach((e) {
if(e.key == actualTime) {
if(e.value >= startTime && e.value < closeTime) {
By the way, I think you should use UTC, because if you change the time-zone on your device, your app is going to show that the shop is closed, but in fact the shop is open, just you are in a different time-zone. You can easily implement this with this code.
var now = DateTime.now().toUtc();
Maybe you can create a hash map like this:
hashMap=['12 AM', '1 AM', '2 AM', ... , '11 PM', '12 AM'];
After that you can get the positions of startTime, closeTime and actualTime, and see if the actualTime is between start and close times positions.
Let me know if you want to give you a code example.
Trying to create a .ics file which has a VTIMEZONE component, which based on the supplied timezone sets the Standard time and Daylight Savings time dynamically.
Just a sample:
In my attempt to solve this I created a moment.tz.zone(timezone)Object which based on the documentation of moment https://momentjs.com/timezone/docs/#/zone-object/ I assume holds the necessary data untils(should be TZOFFSETFROM, TZOFFSETTO) and offsets(DTSTART).
Yet I can't find a clear documentation on how to extract these data.
Was wondering if there's anyway that one can extract the DTSTART, TZOFFSETFROM and TZOFFSETTO for Standard time and Daylight in moment-timezone.js
You can download pre-made VTIMEZONE components here:
As you already mentioned in the question, you can use the moment.tz.zone(name) method. This will give you a Zone object that contains a list of timestamps in the untils property, then you can apply your logic to get the timestamps you want in the VTIMEZONE (I've used the first timestamps of the untils array in my code sample).
You can use moment.tz and format() on a timestamp to get DTSTART. You can pass ZZ token to format() to get offset for TZOFFSETFROM and TZOFFSETTO.
You can use abbrs values to get TZNAME.
Here a live sample:
const MAX_OCCUR = 2;
const getVtimezoneFromMomentZone = (tzName) => {
const zone = moment.tz.zone(tzName);
const header = `BEGIN:VTIMEZONE\nTZID:${tzName}`;
const footer = 'END:VTIMEZONE';
let zTZitems = '';
for(let i=0; i<MAX_OCCUR && i+1<zone.untils.length; i++){
const type = i%2 == 0 ? 'STANDARD' : 'DAYLIGHT';
const momDtStart = moment.tz(zone.untils[i], tzName);
const momNext = moment.tz(zone.untils[i+1], tzName);
const item =
zTZitems += item;
const result = `${header}\n${zTZitems}${footer}\n`;
return result;
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/moment.js/2.23.0/moment-with-locales.min.js"></script>
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/moment-timezone/0.5.23/moment-timezone-with-data-2012-2022.min.js"></script>
This is a bit challenging to do in a robust way.
Use RRULE to avoid bloating your ics and support long-running or open-ended recurring events.
moment-timezone doesn't expose underlying zoneinfo data any way which would make it easy to build RRULE for a given zone (as far as I can tell).
For one-off events with fixed date, you can just pick the correct interval(s) to include in the ics from moment.tz.zone('America/New_York').untils based on the event date.
As an example: moment.tz.zone('America/New_York').untils includes 235 intervals (DAYLIGHT or STANDARD over the years) from 1918 to 2037.
You don't want to include them all in your ics.
If you only include the first two in your VTIMEZONE, it won't be valid except for some events in 1918/1919.
var timezoneName = 'America/New_York',
{untils, abbrs, offsets} = moment.tz.zone(timezone);
// 236
console.log(moment.tz(untils[0], timezoneName).format('YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss'));
// 1918-03-31 03:00:00
console.log(moment.tz(untils[untils.length-2], timezoneName).format('YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss'));
// 2037-11-01 01:00:00
// Infinity
You could put all 235 of these intervals into an ICS but it would be really bloated.
The RFC section on VTIMEZONE includes some examples...
This is an example showing time zone information for New York City
using only the "DTSTART" property. Note that this is only
suitable for a recurring event that starts on or later than March
11, 2007 at 03:00:00 EDT (i.e., the earliest effective transition
date and time) and ends no later than March 9, 2008 at 01:59:59 EST (i.e., latest valid date and time for EST in this scenario).
For example, this can be used for a recurring event that occurs
every Friday, 8:00 A.M.-9:00 A.M., starting June 1, 2007, ending
December 31, 2007,
The point is that the VTIMEZONE in the example is using only the "DTSTART" property...and in this case the VTIMEZONE is only valid for event dates covered by the STANDARD and DAYLIGHT intervals explicitly listed in the VTIMEZONE.
Another example from the RFC...
This is a simple example showing the current time zone rules for
New York City using a "RRULE" recurrence pattern. Note that there
is no effective end date to either of the Standard Time or
Daylight Time rules. This information would be valid for a
recurring event starting today and continuing indefinitely.
Note that in this case the presence of an RRULE which explains when these STANDARD and DAYLIGHT intervals reoccur means that we don't have to explicitly add all the specific intervals over the years. You would just need the most recent (before your event) interval where the RRULE changed. If your event is recurring and spans across rule changes, then you have to include a couple more intervals with corresponding rules to cover the events BEFORE the rule change as well as the events AFTER the rule change.
Indeed, inspecting an ICS generated by Apple's macOS calendar app for an event on August 19, 2021 in timezone Europe/Berlin includes the following VTIMEZONE (indented for readability)...
Note that STANDARD has a DTSTART in 1996 and DAYLIGHT has a DTSTART in 1981 despite the event being in 2021. The presence of the RRULE allows them to avoid including many more STANDARD/DAYLIGHT intervals.
Best solution
...is probably to generate RRULE. This allows you to minimize the size of your ics file while supporting recurring events far into the future.
Downside: I can't find any easy way to generate RRULE with moment-timezone... but there appears to be some other libs around that might help (haven't played with them yet).
If anyone has some tips/experience generating RRULEs, it would be great to hear your experience.
Option 2: Work-around for specific use-cases
If you are dynamically generating an ICS file for a single or recurring event where you know the event date (or date range for recurring event), then you can just filter the moment.tz.zone('America/New_York').untils to make sure that you have ALL the STANDARD and DAYLIGHT intervals you need to cover your event date/range.
Downside: for long-running or open-ended recurring events this may not be a good option because too many intervals will have to be included in the ics file (bloat).
However for single, fixed-date events this is probably a fine option.
Quick example for option 2...
I only did a cursory scan of the RFC and to be safe I included the transition FOLLOWING the end date so you will always have at least 2 transitions even when you have an event at a single timestamp. One transition that occurs before the event date and one that occurs after. This may not be necessary.
function generateVTimezone (timezoneName, tsRangeStart, tsRangeEnd) {
var zone = moment.tz.zone(timezoneName),
{untils, abbrs, offsets} = zone,
i, dtStart, utcOffsetBefore, utcOffsetDuring, periodType,
vtz = [
tsRangeStart = tsRangeStart || 0;
tsRangeEnd = tsRangeEnd || Math.pow(2,31)-1;
// https://momentjs.com/timezone/docs/#/data-formats/unpacked-format/
// > between `untils[n-1]` and `untils[n]`, the `abbr` should be
// > `abbrs[n]` and the `offset` should be `offsets[n]`
for (i=0; i<untils.length - 1; i++) {
// filter to intervals that include our start/end range timestamps
if (untils[i+1] < tsRangeStart) continue; // interval ends before our start, skip
if (i>0 && untils[i-1] > tsRangeEnd) break; // interval starts after interval we end in, break
utcOffsetBefore = formatUtcOffset(offsets[i]); // offset BEFORE dtStart
dtStart = moment.tz(untils[i], timezoneName).format('YYYYMMDDTHHmmss');
utcOffsetDuring = formatUtcOffset(offsets[i+1]); // offset AFTER dtStart
periodType = offsets[i+1] < offsets[i] ? 'DAYLIGHT' : 'STANDARD'; // spring-forward, DAYLIGHT, fall-back: STANDARD.
vtz.push(`DTSTART:${dtStart}`); // local date-time when change
vtz.push(`TZOFFSETFROM:${utcOffsetBefore}`); // utc offset BEFORE DTSTART
vtz.push(`TZOFFSETTO:${utcOffsetDuring}`); // utc offset AFTER DTSTART
return vtz.join('\r\n'); // rfc5545 says CRLF
function formatUtcOffset(minutes) {
var hours = Math.floor(Math.abs(minutes) / 60).toString(),
mins = (Math.abs(minutes) % 60).toString(),
sign = minutes > 0 ? '-' : '+', // sign inverted, see https://momentjs.com/timezone/docs/#/zone-object/offset/
output = [sign];
// zero-padding
if (hours.length < 2) output.push('0');
if (mins.length < 2) output.push('0');
return output.join('');
function test() {
var timezone = 'America/New_York',
startTS = moment.tz('2013-11-18 11:55', timezone).unix()*1000,
endTS = moment.tz('2013-11-18 11:55', timezone).unix()*1000;
console.log(generateVTimezone(timezone, startTS, endTS));
produces output...
I am trying to calculate the number of days between two dates using moment js.
function (value) {
var expiration= moment(value).format('DDMMYYYY');
var today = moment().format('DDMMYYYY');
var dayToExpiration = moment(expiration- today).format('D[days] ,H[hours]');
console.log(today + " : " + expiration
The result is:
11102018 : 28102020 //--> 11.10.2018 : 28.10.2018
1 days ,6 hours //why only one day??
Because your dayToExpiration variable should be a moment.Duration object, not a string.
The difference between two datetimes is a duration, not a datetime.
Short answer:
As John Madhavan-Reese stated in his answer, you have to use moment Duration to represent the diffecence between two moments in time.
Issue in the code sample:
In your code you are creating a moment object from the difference between expiration and today. This value is interpreded by moment as the number of milliseconds since the Unix Epoch (see moment(Number)), so you are creating a moment object for a random day around the 1st January 1970 (see the output of moment(expiration- today).format() ). The D token in format() stands for Day of Month, so it gives an "incorrect" output.
My suggested solution:
You can calculate difference using momentjs' diff() then you can create a duration using moment.duration(Number).
Finally you can get your desired output using moment-duration-format plug-in (by John Madhavan-Reese :D)
Here a live sample:
function getDiff(value) {
var expiration= moment(value); // Parse input as momement object
var today = moment(); // get now value (includes current time)
// Calculate diff, create a duration and format it
var dayToExpiration = moment.duration(Math.abs(today.diff(expiration))).format('D[days], H[hours]');
console.log(today.format('DDMMYYYY') + " : " + expiration.format('DDMMYYYY'));
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/moment.js/2.22.2/moment.min.js"></script>
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/moment-duration-format/2.2.2/moment-duration-format.min.js"></script>
I am getting errors. this one works for me:
moment.duration(expiration.diff(today))._milliseconds / (1000*60*60*24));
I'm trying to get the difference in minutes between two timestamps
I have a timestamp that looks like this to begin with
And when I want to find the time elapsed I create a new moment timestamp
var currentTimestamp = Moment(new Date()).format('HH:mm:ss');
Which returns this
I then attempt to get the difference like so
var duration = Moment.duration(Moment(currentTimestamp,'HH:mm:ss').diff(Moment(userTimestamp,'HH:mm:ss')));
And then attempt to get it in minutes
var elapsedTime = duration().asMinutes();
But in the console when I log it I get this error
var elapsedTime = duration().asMinutes();
TypeError: object is not a function
I got most of this code from this stackoverflow
You can get the diff by using the moment constructor properly.
First, when you initialize your time stamp, you should use the following format:
var timestamp = moment('15:44:06','HH:mm:ss');
Second, when you want to use the diff function with the current time you should user it like so:
Then, the given number can be converted to minutes with .asMinutes() (the first )
for further information you should read the official docs here.
You can also try this with the lastest moment.js
var start = moment('15:44:06','HH:mm:ss');
var minutesPassed = moment().diff(start, 'minutes');
This question is getting a little bit old, this answer just bring the state up to date with a solution the question was looking for:
const startDate = moment();
elapsedDuration = moment.duration(moment().diff(startDate));
//in minutes
As per documentation about diff
and display duration in minutes
I'm setting up a simple interface where the user can view the time of a scheduled webinar in their time zone by selecting it from a dropdown menu. The start time of the webinar will update dynamically based on the timezone the user has selected. I'm using this script with moment.js and moment-timezone.js:
var timestamp = $('.overview .date').data('timestamp');
var utcDate = moment.unix(timestamp).utc();
$('.modal.timezone select').on('change', function(){
var timezone = $(this).val();
var tzDate = utcDate.tz(timezone);
var formattedTime = tzDate.format("h:mm A");
var formattedTimezone = tzDate.format("z");
$('.modal.timezone .time').html("<strong>" + formattedTime + " </strong>" + formattedTimezone);
This works well; the time is updated to the selected timezone. But what I'm wondering is will this still work when DST kicks in, or will the webinar times display one hour off?
You aren't doing anything here that uses the current time, so there's nothing that would change on its own.
Even then, you are feeding a UTC value into moment-timezone which uses the DST rules corresponding to that time zone - not your own.
So you should be fine. If you are unsure, you can always test it out by changing your local computer's clock to just before the DST change for wherever you're located and see what happens.