warn:walrus url not configured in eucalyptus centos 6 - centos6

I am installing eucalyptus on centos 6 and while generating administrator credentials on the cloud controller
I am getting the
warning:Walrus url not configured
on running the following commands:
Generate administrator credentials.
/usr/sbin/euca_conf --get-credentials admin.zipunzip admin.zip
Source the eucarc file.
source eucarc
How to remove the error?

It generally means, Walrus is not registered properly or not registered at all.
Also, it looks like you may be using an old version of Eucalyptus, I would recommend to try a newer release of Eucalyptus if it's a fresh installation.


Can't install conan recipe from Artifactory OSS server from Bamboo server

I have JFrog Artifactory Community Edition 7.11.2 for C++ installed on a linux server and from my Windows pc I can successfully install required recipes for a project via the conan install .. command. However when I use the same files and scripts on my Bamboo Server (windows) as a build plan I get the following error:
ERROR: Couldn't read login
Conan suggests:
Try removing 'C:\WINDOWS\system32\config\systemprofile\.conan\.conan.db' file.
This I have done but still get the same error.
The Bamboo server runs using the Local System Account.
Are there recommended practices for using Conan with Bamboo for CI uses?
By default, Anonymous user is disabled, which means, only authenticated users can upload or download packages from Artifactory.
If your Bamboo instance is only downloading, without authentication, so first you need to enable the anonymous user access: https://www.jfrog.com/confluence/display/JFROG/Users+and+Groups#UsersandGroups-ManagingUsers
Only administrator account can do it.
The problem was that I had surplus "'s in the remotes.txt file. I had a line like this...
"conancenter" "https://center.conan.io" true when it should of been
conancenter https://center.conan.io true

Error Installing Silverstripe 4.0.1

Trying a fresh install of Silverstripe 4.0.1 but only gets this far -
Installing SilverStripe...
I am now running through the installation steps (this should take about 30 seconds)
If you receive a fatal error, refresh this page to continue the installation
Setting up /var/www/duonsdev/public_html/index.php
Setting up /var/www/duonsdev/public_html/mysite/_config.php
Setting up /var/www/duonsdev/public_html/mysite/_config/theme.yml
Setting up /var/www/duonsdev/public_html/.env
Setting up /var/www/duonsdev/public_html/.htaccess
Building database schema...
ERROR [Emergency]: Uncaught TypeError: Return value of Symfony\Component\Filesystem\Filesystem::toIterable() must be an instance of Symfony\Component\Filesystem\iterable, array returned IN POST /install.php Line 729 in /var/www/duonsdev/public_html/vendor/symfony/filesystem/Filesystem.php Source ====== 720: } 721: 722
And the error goes on and on. I tried refresh, but same error.
If I try a dev/build instead then it always dies at the point of -
Index File_Versions.OwnerID: created as index ("OwnerID")
Website Error
There has been an error
The website server has not been able to respond to your request
Trying to setup on Ubuntu 16 on local dev machine running Apache virtual host.
Never had this problem before and setup fine with ss4.0.
Any ideas?
I ran into the same issue, and after checking in the official SilverStripe Community's slack channel, they mentioned this is because I was not running PHP 7.1.
Apparently, the official SilverStripe tarball offered in their website was built with PHP 7.1, so Composer added newer Symfony dependencies. They mentioned this would be fixed in newer releases.
Therefore, there are 2 ways you can fix this issue:
Download SilverStripe with Composer:
$ curl -sS https://getcomposer.org/installer | php
$ ./composer.phar create-project silverstripe/installer /var/www/duonsdev/public_html/
Update your PHP version to 7.1.
After doing any of those steps, you will be able to access the web wizard for installing SilverStripe.
NOTE: If you're on a shared hosting, you will need to download SilverStripe on your local machine (ensuring the PHP version matches, at least in the major version, e.g. 7.0), and upload the files that were generated to your public_html directory.
Make sure the module php version of apache in the same version as the cli php version.
Looks like the error was to do with the php version.
I was installing silverstripe through the cli using composer, but running a different version of php in apache.
So in the cli the php version was php 7.1
But in apache the php version was php 7.0.
After changing the apache php to match the cli (because silverstripe was installed using composer in the cli) it worked!

Nexus3 OSS: Installing Multiple Instances on Windows

This is actually an informational post to show some undocumented abilities of the windows nexus.exe. If anyone wants to provide some other useful information about Nexus3 OSS installation and/or configuration on Windows that is not readily available in the online books/documentation, that would be great!
I needed to install Nexus3 along side our current Nexus2.x to take advantage of the new repository formats, but Nexus2.x is already running under the default service name of "nexus". How can I provide the service name that Nexus3 will run under on Windows?
Nexus 3 Documentation as of 2017/09/12
The documentation now includes instructions to clarify how to install multiple instances for Nexus 3:
Nexus 2 Documentation as of 2017/09/12
In order to install Nexus3 under a different service name on windows, you will need to use the archive(zip file) download for windows instead of the windows executable installer. Then you simply provide the name you want the service to have as the last parameter of the normal install command.
More specific instructions:
Unpack the zip file into the desired location.
Open a command prompt with elevated permissions (run as administrator) and navigate to the bin directory of the unpacked nexus3 folder.
To create the service:
nexus.exe /install YourUniqueServiceName
To remove the service:
nexus.exe /uninstall YourUniqueServiceName
Note: Creating/Removing the service this way will not delete the nexus installation nor data files; they only affect the windows service. Conversely the windows installer provides an uninstaller executable that will delete the installation files and optionally will also delete the data directory.
Here is some other useful configuration options for changing the port and the data directory location, which you will want to do when installing multiple instances (as in the use case above). Be sure to stop the service if you've already installed it.
To change the port:
Navigate to the "etc" directory under the nexus installation location, and open the "org.sonatype.nexus.cfg" configuration properties file.
Change the "application-port" property to the desired port value.
To change the Data Directory and/or the java.io temporary directory:
Add or modify the following commandline arguments to the "nexus.vmoptions" file in the bin directory:

Correct way to setup Virtualbox 4.3 to use symlinks on guest (for meteor)

I use Windows 8 and installed Virtualbox so i can access to a Linux (Ubuntu) System.
The most i still did to do this - so at this moment i have a working Virtualbox with Ubuntu 14.04 LTS.
In my case i need this Virtualbox with Linux for meteor.
The problem:
meteor uses nodejs and so i need to have symlinks access (i think its symlinks - i read a few about it)
Reference: How to run meteor app inside an Ubuntu VrtualBox and edit using an editor on a Windows host?
He describes the same problem i have now:
Error: EROFS, read-only file system '/media/sf_Shared/Dropbox/dev_uhurajr/chat/.meteor/local/.build320446.build/programs/server/npm/logging/main/node_modules'
So i tried to enabled Symlinks on my host (windows) this way:
VBoxManage setextradata YOURVMNAME VBoxInternal2/SharedFoldersEnableSymlinksCreate/YOURSHAREFOLDERNAME 1
Reference: http://www.ahtik.com/blog/fixing-your-virtualbox-shared-folder-symlink-error/
This works fine! When i check the extradata for my VM the field SharedFoldersEnableSymlinksCreate is on 1
I set this value for 2 folders. The shared folder on Windows and also the name of the shared folder on my Linux VM.
But .. the same problem. The following error occurs everytime meteor tries to write symlinks:
Error: UNKNOWN, unknown error '/media/Projekte/test/.meteor/local/.build320446.build/programs/server/npm/logging/main/node_modules'
So whats the right way to get this working ?
Guessing you were using Virtualbox version after 4.0, please:
Enable symlinks VBoxManage.exe setextradata YOUR_VM VBoxInternal2/SharedFoldersEnableSymlinksCreate/YOUR_SHARED_FOLDER 1
Run VirtualBox 'as admininstrator' on Windows.
Replace the YOUR_VM and YOUR_SHARED_FOLDER with your own value. You can check the value via VBoxManage.exe getextradata YOUR_VM enumerate
VirtualBox enabled symbolic for shared folder since 4.0, it's Windows permissions blocking you. You can either enable the permission for user or simply run VirtualBox as an administrator.
Please to refer the Virtualbox documentation:
Doc updated, please refer to the doc Shared Folders:
Starting with version 4.0, VirtualBox shared folders also support symbolic links (symlinks), under the following conditions:
The host operating system must support symlinks (i.e. a Mac, Linux or Solaris host is required).
Currently only Linux and Solaris Guest Additions support symlinks.
I made a development vm with setup and run scripts.
Just put your meteor app in the app directory and follow the instructions in the readme.md

Drupal 7 configuration error with Postgresql in Mac OS 10.6.5

I am trying to configure Drupal 7 with Postgres. At the database setup step, I get the following error.
Warning: PDO::_construct(): [2002] No such file or directory (trying to connect via unix:///var/mysql/mysql.sock) in DatabaseConnection->_construct() (line 300 of /Users/shamod/Sites/drupal/7/includes/database/database.inc).
In order for Drupal to work, and to continue with the installation process, you must resolve all issues reported below. For more help with configuring your database server, see the installation handbook. If you are unsure what any of this means you should probably contact your hosting provider.
Failed to connect to your database server. The server reports the following message: SQLSTATE[HY000] [2002] No such file or directory.
Is the database server running?
Does the database exist, and have you entered the correct database name?
Have you entered the correct username and password?
Have you entered the correct database hostname?
NOTE: I am trying to connect to Postgresql but it fails on var/mysql/mysql.sock error. I have setup the database connection string in settings.php for Postgresql. It still does not work.
Any idea?
Evidently you are trying to connect to a MySQL database instance, so you should review your database driver and connection configuration.
Just came up against this error myself when trying to use the web installer - might come down to a similar issue.
On the install page I wasn't given an option to use Postgres driver so I assumed I needed to use the "Mysql (or other)" option. However, looks like the Drupal install script checks which database drivers are compiled into PHP and only offers you what is available - my system didn't have php-pgsql installed by default.
So I needed to install the postgresql drivers to PHP first, reload apache then try the install again.
On CentOS-5:
sudo yum install php-pgsql
sudo service httpd restart
Then reload the install page and all worked fine.
