Building ASP.Net Web API RESTful Service -

How to start learning ASP RESTful services?
What do I need to know before start learning RESTful services?
Any suggestions will be grateful.

You should refer to the Microsoft "Guide to Designing and Building RESTful Web Services" which provides a very comprehensive overview of the REST prerequisite knowledge such as HTTP, URI and then reviews REST and finally details WCF support for RESTful services.
After reviewing the Microsoft design guide, you should review the highly rated CodeProject article on REST.


can i use wcf rest service in my 3.5 web application

I heard that rest services are moved from wcf to web api frame work.
Our web application is built on vs 2010 (asp.Net 3.5) .So still i can use wcf rest services in my web application?
Please suggest some alternatives if it is not possible.
WCF can still be used to build RESTful services1, many services are already built with it and it's not going away. What you heard is that most of the new developments in terms of new functionality in the area by Microsoft will be made in the ASP.NET Web API framework, not in WCF. But as all the services out there can attest, WCF for building web services is still a valid alternative, if it does all you need.
1 The official name is actually "WCF Web HTTP Services"; REST is a well-defined set of constraints which need to be implemented, which would give the service some useful properties. There are some people who argue that people should stop using the term REST for all HTTP-based, non-SOAP services.

Building a RESTful API in ASP.NET

I have seen a ton of sites on tutorials and how-to's for building your own RESTFul API using ASP.NET. All of them seem to use MVC though. Is it possible to build my own RESTFul API using ASP.NET and WebForms, without using MVC? If anyone has links to a tutorial or something, that'd be great!
Use ASP.NET Web API. It will be the canonical HTTP API server framework moving forward.

ASP.NET Web API, web service discovery and client creation

I can't find anything on the implementation of service discovery for the ASP.NET Web API. For a new project I need to make a decision between WCF and Web API. The service element will be consumed by a variety of clients, mobile, client-side JavaScript but also an ASP.NET website.
For the website the convenience of being able to generate a client against a WCF service is obviously a plus. I am not that familiar with RESTful web services but I see that there is Web Application Description Language (WADL). Maybe it is my ignorance but surely it is a good thing to be able to advertise the correct way to consume your service?
My main question: is there anything that generates a WADL or similar for WEB API?
Secondary question: this tool looks like it generates a client based on a WADL, is there anything else that makes life easy keeping a client up to date with a RESTful web service?
There is a considerable amount of work going in there. It is not finished but watch the space.
Having a look here (and newer Yao posts):
I blogged an approach to generating WADL with ASP.NET Web API here:

WADL applications?

I have read the book "Restful Web services". In that book it described WADL and it's purpose to describe RESTful web applications.
That book was written in 2007, and at that time there weren't many web applications using WADL.
I wonder if that has changed. How many web applications and which popular web applications are using WADL to describe it's RESTful API?
A wadl works very effective when you want to test your webservices using SoapUI. Just copy paste your wadl and your ready to go.
In my opinion that is very helpful.
There are alot of iPhone apps that talk to wadl based webservices. Most of the time the people that build the webservice need to explain the service to the people that build the iPhone apps. And a wadl helps in those cases
If you do REST properly you really don't need WADL. The API itself should be self-describing. The important thing to document is the media-types and link relations that you use.

Guide for creating ASP.NET MVC RESTful API on Azure

I want to create a simple ASP.NET MVC RESTful API, but I want to create it on Azure.
Any recommendations, tips & tricks, or examples on how to do this?
You may want to look out for this book: Building RESTful Web Applications with Microsoft Azure when it is released.
Also Effective REST Services via .NET has a great section on REST with Azure.
