Omit disambiguation results from wbsearchentities - wikidata

I'm looking to do a fuzzy text search for entities in wikidata and would like to prevent the "disambiguation" results from being returned by the server.
Is there an undocumented parameter or endpoint better suited to this?

not that I'm aware of, so the solution I use on my project is to filter on the instance of (P31) property.
You may already be doing that, but for the record, that gives the following workflow
find relevant entities with wbsearchentities
find their claims with wbgetentities
keep only entities that don't have Q4167410 (Wikimedia disambiguation page) in their P31 claims
In my case, at 3, I do the opposite: I only keep instances of Q571 (books) or a few other relevant entities


Write OCL restrictions related to associations with other classes

How do you model the following restriction?
A place is popular if it has been bookmarked by 2 or more than 2 users.
Here the corresponding uml diagram:
I tried several ways, for example:
context place inv: place.popular = (>=2)
but nothing worked well...
The constraint that you expressed is an interesting start but does not work because self.user in the place context is a collection. Your expression moreover attempts to use popular as if it were an integer.
If there would be an unambiguous user, you’d just need to check its size():
context place inv:
place.popular = (self.user->size()>1)
Unfortunately, there are two associations with User: one for the favorites (bookmarks) and for for historic (past visits whether they appreciated or not). This makes that expression ambiguous. To disambiguate, in absence of a role name (name at the association end), you’ll need to qualify the user with the association name:
context place inv:
place.popular = (self.favorites::user->size()>1)
(Btw, in case of absence of association name, you'd need to use the default name A_place_user instead of favorites).
See also section 7.5.3 of the OCL specifications for more information about navigating associations.
Edit: more complex navigations**:
You could also navigate to properties of associated classes. It works like the navigation above, but with the help of the collect() operation. You can then perform collection oprations such as sum()
context route inv:
self.totalDistance = self.step->collect(distanceFromPreviousStep)->sum()
Navigating to a specific object in a collection of linked objects is more delicate. In the case of the steps, we see that the association is ordered (by the way, it should be {ordered} and not «ordered»). This allows to use last() to get the last element in the given order:
context route inv:
self.destination::place = self.step->last().place

oData v4 - ordering outer entity on property in related one-to-many entities

I have an oData model with a couple of one-to-many relationship, say person->addresses and person->driving-licences. I would like to be able to sort the result set based on properties in the address entity and driving licence entity. As there could be more than one address, I would initially select a single item from the addresses set, based on a property called IsPrimary. As there could be more that one driving licence, I would select the 'UK' driving licence. Is this possible?
I was hoping I could do something like:
/people?$expand=addresses($filter=isPrimary eq true),drivinglicences($filter=country eq 'UK')&$orderby=addresses/postcode,drivinglicences/active
Unfortunately I get the following error:
"The query specified in the URI is not valid. The parent value for a property access of a property 'isPrimary' is not a single value. Property access can only be applied to a single value."
Does anyone know if what I'm trying to do is supported by the spec? Or whether it is an issue with my query? Or whether it is an issue with the .NET library.
I'm using:
Microsoft.AspNet.OData - 7.2.3
Many Thanks.
What you see here is by design, or rather not supported by the specification, the error message even highlights the only type of expressions supported:
The query specified in the URI is not valid. The parent value for a property access of a property 'isPrimary' is not a single value. Property access can only be applied to a single value.
So the simplest solution is to modify the API either to include a Function bound to the people collection that applies the $filter or $order directly, or a Function that returns the data in a new shape, one that only has perhaps a singleton PrimaryAddress property. How you include driving license in this result is up to you, it could even be a parameter to the function, perhaps your people controller has a queryable function with this signature:
public IHttpActionResult WithLicences(string countryCode)
However that is out of the scope of OPs question about specific syntax support
Although it seems like an important feature, we must remember that $select (Projection) and $filter are evaluated at different points in time, OData queries follow a similar execution sequence to SQL however the filter criteria and $orderby are evaluated separately, and the projection of the resultset is the last evaluation to be applied.
Due to $filter and $orderby being applied independently, neither concept is even aware of the other and as such neither can reference or assume to be applied before the other.
You can prove this by specifying a field in the $orderby and/or $filter that is not included in the $select, you can even reference singleton navigation fields that are not included in an $expand and the query will evaluate correctly.
The OData spec is similar to a law document, in that to properly understand and apply it we need to understand the original intent of the authors. We can get an initial understanding from the early listing of Addressing Entities
Addressing Entities describes functions that can be bound to collections or entities that return either a single entity or a collection of entities
By allowing special provision of custom functions to be applied the authors are encouraging API designers to provide natural extensions to their resource endpoints that can facilitate the execution of pre-determined queries that may be otherwise complex or problematic to express in pure OData query syntax.
In other words, we are encouraged to customise our APIs to make them easier for the end process to consume, and to guide the consuming developer to make the best use of the API, they shouldn't have to discover everything from first principals.
To achieve OPs type of query in pure SQL would still require either a nested lookup, CTE or self join... advanced syntax. In OData v4, the specification does not provide a syntax for targeting specific items within a collection for path expressions (of which $orderby derives from) Path Expressions
Properties and navigation properties of the entity type of the set of resources that are addressed by the request URL can be used as operands or function parameters, as shown in the preceding examples.
Properties of complex properties can be used via the same syntax as in resource paths, i.e. by specifying the name of a complex property, followed by a forward slash (/) and the name of a property of the complex property, and so on,
Properties and navigation properties of entities related with a target cardinality 0..1 or 1 can be used by specifying the navigation property, followed by a forward slash (/) and the name of a property of the related entity, and so on.
If a complex property is null, or no entity is related (in case of target cardinality 0..1), its value, and the values of its components, are treated as null.
RE: I couldn't find anything explicit in the spec. :)
That is the very thing about the OData specification,the specification does not list what is not supported, only what should be supported. So by omission, if you cannot find a reference to how to do something, then that something is not required to be supported.
Introduction ... This specification defines a set of recommended (but not required) rules for constructing URLs to identify the data and metadata exposed by an OData service as well as a set of reserved URL query string operators, which if accepted by an OData service, MUST be implemented as required by this document.
This has been on ongoing discussion held in may threads, recently
Many people complain that this is surely a fundamental feature of a data access platform, however it is important to respect the original intent of the OData platform and keep our APIs simple by providing customised endpoints to suit our business domain.

Adding a callback when reading from an object in Twig

Let's say I have a basic entity called Entity which is mapped to a database table. This entity has got two properties: propertyA and propertyB.
One particularity of this entity is, although we may store whatever we want in these properties, when using the value of propertyB on a Twig template with entity.propertyB we want to systematically truncate the value to 100 characters.
Now, this is perfectly doable in several ways:
Truncate the value directly in the getPropertyB() method;
Register a Twig extension and create a dedicated filter;
Add a lifecycle callback on the entity to truncate the value before the object is actually created.
As this is strictly a display rule, and not a business rule on our entity, the second solution seems to be the best IMHO. However, it demands we apply the filter every time we need to use the value of propertyB in a template. Should an unaware developer come by, the value may not be truncated.
So my question is: is there a way to register some kind of callback, strictly restricted to the view model wrapping our entity, which would allow us to apply some filters on the fly on some of its properties ?
Since you never need to access anything beyond 100 characters, you can truncate the property in its setter. This doesn't really pollute Entity code, because this is some logic inherent to it.

Creating custom objects for wcf

I have an existing web application that uses EF and POCO objects. I want to improve the client experience by exposing some of my objects through WCF(JSON). I have this working fine but where I am unsure is how to handle derived objects(not sure if that is the correct term) or IEnumerable anonymous objects if you will.
Let's say I have 3 tables structured like so:
This is obviously a one-to-many type relationship. I have my navigation properties setup correctly and getting strongly typed object properties works great. However, how do I send serialized anonymous type object(s) over the wire. Like an object that sends all instances that are equal to groupid=1 and include the names of the template and the object.
Am I missing something or do I have to create another class object for WCF that would look like this:
WCF Object
I guess I could alter my tables to account for this but that seems wrong too. I know that IEnumerable objects can't be serialized and I know that throw away objects are probably not the way to go either. I want to do this the right way but I am not sure how to go about it.
Your suggestions are appreciated.
Based on what you're doing, I'd suggest looking at OData with WCF Data Services. You state that you want to be able to send all instances where the groupid=1 - OData is great at this type of filtering.
If you're want to stick with your current approach and not use OData, then my first question is why are you sending back anonymous types at all? You can do what you are seeking (all instances with a groupid=1) without sending back an anonymous type. In your select clause you just create new instances of your concrete objects rather than newing up anonymous types. If your query is really just filtering and not executing any meaningful projection with the selct to anonymous type, then I don't see any reason to send back your anonymous type at all.

Looking for a good technique for storing email templates

I am building a site in which we are making moderate use of email templates. As in, HTML templates which we pass tokens into like {UserName}, {Email}, {NameFirst}, etc.
I am struggling with where to store these, as far as best practice goes. I'll first show the approach I took, and I'd be really excited to hear some expert perspective as a far as alternate approaches.
I created HTML templates in a folder called /Templates/.
I call a static method in my service layer, which takes in the following arguments:
TemplatePath ("~/Templates")
Email Subject
Within the service layer I have my static method SendUserEmail() which makes use of a Template class - which takes a path, loads it as a string, and has a AddToken() Method.
Within my static SendUserEmail(), I build the token list off of the method signature, and send the email.
This makes for a quite long method call in my actual usage, especially since I am calling from the web.config the "TemplatePath", and "Email Subject". I could create a utility that has a shorter method call than the ConfigurationManager.AppSettings, but my concern is more that I don't usually see method signatures this long and I feel like it's because I'm doing something wrong.
This technique works great for the emails I have now, which at the most are using the first 3 tokens. However in the future I will have more tokens to pass in, and I'm just wondering what approach to take.
Do I create methods specific to the email needing to be sent? ie. SendNewUserRegistration(), SendMarketingMaterial(), and each has a different signature for the parameters?
I am using ASP.NET Membership, which contains probably the extend of all the fields I'll ever need. There are three main objects, aspnet_User, aspnet_Mebership and aspnet_profile. If it was all contained in one object, I would have just passed that in. Is there performance concerns with passing in all 3, to get all the fields I need? That is versus just passing in aspnet_User.UserID, aspnet_User.Email, etc?
I could see passing in a dictionary with the token entries, but I'm just wondering if that is too much to ask the calling page?
Is there a way to stick these in a config file of it's own called Templates.config, which has tags like -
<EmailTemplate Name="New User Registration">
<Message Subject="Hi welcome...">
Hi {UserName}...
I guess the main reason I'm asking, is because I'm having a hard time determining where the responsibility should be as far as determining what template to use, and how to pass in parameters. Is it OK if the calling page has to build the dictionary of TokenName, TokenValue? Or should the method take each in as a defined parameter? This looks out of place in the web.config, because I have 2 entries for and , and it feels like it should look more nested.
Thank you. Any techniques or suggestions of an objective approach I can use to ask whether my approach is OK.
First of all I would like to suggest you to use NVelocity as a template engine. As for main problem I think you can create an abstract class MailMessage and derive each one for every needed message (with unique template). So you will use this like following:
MailMessage message = new UserRegistrationMessage(tokens);
//some code that sends this message
Going this way you force each concrete XXXMessage class to be responsible for storing a template and filling it with the given tokens. How to deal with tokens? The simpliest way is to create a dictionary before passing it to the message, so each concrete message class will know how to deal with passed dictionary and what tokens it should contain, but you also need to remember what tokens it should contain. Another way (I like it more) is to create a general abstract type TokenSet and a derived one for every needed unique set of tokens. For example you can create a UserMessageTokenSet : TokenSet and several properties in it:
etc. So using this way you will always know, what data you should set for each token set and
UserRegistrationMessage will know what to take from this tokenSet.
There are a lot of ways to go. If you will describe you task better I think I will try suggest you something more concrete. But general idea is listed above. Hope it helps =)
