LinkedIn API - Server 500 Error - linkedin

We are using the LinkedIn connections API to return a list of connections for a user. A specific user has over 2000 connections and we there have to use paging to return connections past 500.
On the third call where my paging is start=800 count=500 we now get a HTTP 500 error
The request is:,first-name,last-name,formatted-name,public-profile-url,picture-url::(original),headline,industry)?oauth2_access_token=**token**&format=json&start=800&count=500
The error return is:
"errorCode": 0,
"message": "Internal service error",
"requestId": "2JBK4Q1PJV",
"status": 500,
"timestamp": 1424849048682
If I change the request to the previous point in the page (i.e. set start=300 and count=500 it works.
This issue has only started in the last few days and I have checked the throttling. It used to work before that.

I got it working again by reducing the number of contacts I am requesting each time from 500 to 250, and do multiple rounds until I get all the contacts.


Getting 400 error while creating "Web Token" when hitting enterprises.webTokens.create endpoint to use iframe in EMM console

We are getting 200 success while hitting endpoints like create signup URL, create enterprise, create enrollment token etc. through API Explorer or Postman. But while we are trying to hit the "create web token" endpoint we are getting 400 error.
We are implementing Google Android Management API. Finally, we are proceeding for implementing iframe which required the web token as it's carrier. But we are failing to do so.
For your reference:
enrollmentTokens.create endpoint Link below:
In the API explorer we are providing
parent = enterprises/LC00x1u8p0 and selecting Google OAuth 2.0 credentials.
With this much information API Explorer giving 200 success message.
enterprises.webTokens.create endpoint Link below:
In the API explorer we are providing
parent = enterprises/LC00x1u8p0 and selecting Google OAuth 2.0 credentials.
With this the same information API Explorer giving 400 error. I have posted the error message and unable to understand where is the error coming.
Is our console cloud project need any special supplement for giving access to web token? or what exactly is the lacking that giving this 400 error?
We are failing to understand the error message. Please check the below response.
"error": {
"code": 400,
"message": "domain: \"gdata.CoreErrorDomain\"\ncode: \"INVALID_VALUE\"\nargument: \"tokenSpec.parent\"\ndebug_info: \"code: INVALID_VALUE\\nhttp status: 400\\narguments: [tokenSpec.parent]\\nvalue: \\ncause: EnterpriseException{httpStatus=400, code=gdata.CoreErrorDomain.INVALID_VALUE, arguments=[tokenSpec.parent]}\\n\\tat$\\n\\tat\\n\\tat\\n\\tat$CreateWebTokenAction.execute(\\n\\tat$Rpc.beforeProceed(\\n\\tat\\n\\tat\\n\\tat\\n\\tat\\n\\tat\\n\\tat\\n\\tat\\n\\tat\\n\\tat\\n\\tat$2.handleRequest(\\n\\tat$RpcApplicationHandlerAdaptor.handleRequest(\\n\\tat\\n\\tat$runRpcInApplication$0(\\n\\tat\\n\\tat\\n\\tat$4.apply(\\n\\tat$4.apply(\\n\\tat$TransformFuture.doTransform(\\n\\tat$TransformFuture.doTransform(\\n\\tat\\n\\tat\\n\\tat$\\n\\tat\\n\\tat\\n\\tat\\n\\tat java.base/java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(Unknown Source)\\n\\tat java.base/java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$ Source)\\n\\tat$InitializingThreadFactory.lambda$newThread$0(\\n\\tat java.base/ Source)\\n\\n\"\n",
Thanks you very much for your attention. Any help to fix the issue is appreciable.
You need to supply the Request body of the enterprises.webTokens.create method. The request body contains an instance of WebToken.
Request body:
"parentFrameUrl": "<the URL of the page that will be hosting the iFrame>",
"enabledFeatures": [
"permissions": [
If successful, the response body contains a newly created instance of WebToken containing the value you need to embed the iFrame on the hosting page.

Fetching messages from empty channel results in 403 in Microsoft Teams

I'm having issues with extracting channel messages from a Microsoft Team. I have a javascript app that crawls through all Teams in a organization and extract the number of messages from all channels in all the teams. It works wonderfully in that it return the correct amount of messages, the problem is that when the app try to fetch a message from a channel where no one have made a message in the channel there is an HTTP error with the ErrorCode 403 (forbidden). Even though the app is successful in that it delivers on what it is supposed to do, I can't have an application that sends 50 angry, red messages every time it makes a http call.
The call I am using is the following{teamID}/channels/{channelID}/messages
Does anyone know if this is solvable? If not is it possible to check if a channel is empty? And if that is not an option; is there anyone to hide those dirty error messages from the console?
Edit #1
To call to the api I used:
let header = new Headers();
header.append("Authorization", "Bearer " + accessToken);
header.append("Content-Type", "application/json");
fetch("", {method:"GET", headers: header})
Edit #2
I response object seems to be correct:
"#odata.context": "$metadata#teams('90baabba-1b5e-471c-a163-8a9b4b680de7')/channels('')/messages",
"#odata.count": 0,
"value": []
The problem is that in when I look in Google Chrome > Dev tools > Console, the fetch still displays the error:
GET 403 (Forbidden)
And when I console log the error it just displays as:
error: {code: "Forbidden", message: "Forbidden", innerError: {…}}
Only team members are allowed to read messages. Admins can do team management i.e. CRUD operations on teams, channels, tabs etc. They however cannot read messages. This is intentional and we do not have plans to change this in near future

How to get access to Google Analytics Real Time Reporting API

I filled the Real Time Reporting API Private Beta request access form many days ago but it seems that I can't access the API.
I sent a request to but I get the following response:
"error": {
"code": 403,
"message": "Requests to this API analytics method analytics.gaapi.v3.AnalyticsDataRealtime.Get are blocked.",
"errors": [
"message": "Requests to this API analytics method analytics.gaapi.v3.AnalyticsDataRealtime.Get are blocked.",
"domain": "usageLimits",
"reason": "rateLimitExceeded"
I know that my access token and credentials are correct because I can get sessions data successfully but I can't use the realtime API. What can I do to be whitelisted by google?
rateLimitExceeded indicates that the project queries per 100 seconds rate limits have been exceeded.
Recommended Action: Retry using exponential back-off. You need to slow down the rate at which you are sending the requests.
Documentation here:

LinkedIn Internal Server Error for page posts and timeline

we are registered with LI for posting on timeline and company pages.
In recent past and present, we have been repeatedly facing the issue of 'Internal Server Error' with post success. And next day it disappears. the behavior of the API's is surprising.
The error is exactly the same:
"errorCode": 0,
"message": "Internal API server error",
"requestId": "0083ZG77NP",
"status": 500,
"timestamp": 1521124204410
We follow and are using{id}/shares?format=json to post into the comapany pages.
Also, haven't observed any new changes to API.
Someone please help me understand what's happening with LI or are we missing something?

linkedin API company stats internal server error

I recieved an error from Linkedin API /company-statistics.
I was using apigee console, launching this API and I get the following response:
"errorCode": 0,
"message": "Internal service error",
"requestId": "3D4B9V007S",
"status": 500,
"timestamp": 1464778594404
Plesa advise as soon as possible
I answered this question here.
This error seems to be related to the "test" company with id
I had the same issue but when i used the same command with my company
ID, I received a well formed JSON in response with all statistics.
