dexterity related items - browse for items has no content - plone

I'm having an issue with the "browse for items" overlay for the default widget for z3c.relationfield, which I believe is using plone.formwidget.contenttree. I've created a custom field using this but get the same problem using the IRelatedItems behavior - the overlay has no browsable content. I am still able to use the autocomplete component of this widget, and can set relations programmatically with no problem, so I don't believe there is a problem with the intids utility. I've also tested on my local machine and on a dev server and everything works perfectly, just not in production (of course).
I apologize for the vague nature of this question, but I'm stumped. Are there any common pitfalls I could look for here? Any configuration step I might be overlooking?

Take a look at the Dexterity documentation and note the following:
Relation support no longer included by default
Content tree and Autocomplete widgets no longer included by default
So maybe you need to install the widget packages manually.


Context Menu on right click

We have been using vSphere, and through that we discovered Clarity, which we are migrating our Angular projects over to.
Something I've noticed in vSphere is - when you right click something in the tree view (to the right), a context menu comes out. Is there any support or tips for creating a context menu? I couldn't see anything in the documentation
Clarity itself does not support this, and it is generally against our recommendations due to changing the default browser behaviors. If you decide to use a feature like this you'll have to include or create a different Angular module for it.
I think I found the solution myself - looks like it's a telerik context menu

SilverStripe GridFieldExtension module GridFieldRequestHandler

The GridFieldExtension module comes with a GridFieldRequestHandler class which would enable extending the default GridField detail view (eg adding tabs or breadcrumbs). Unfortunately this feature is not included in the module's documentation.
Q: Can this class be used to add the following functionality to the GridField detail view?
Back Button
Save & Close
Userfriendly breadcrumbs
I'm familiar with the module BetterButtons that includes all these features, but it would be unnecessary to install yet another mod it if this mod already enables these features.
In this case I would suggest using the Better Buttons module instead of using GridFieldRequestHandler. The Better Buttons module is well maintained, full of features and works right out the box.
I don't believe it's worth writing all the code needed to use GridFieldRequestHandler to reproduce the Better Buttons functionality. I think Better Buttons is the right tool for this job and it warrants being installed even if we already have the GridFieldExtension module installed.

How to make MultiValueField with Composite Fields and i18n enabled work properly?

Have anyone tried to have a form with MultiValueField in Magnolia having Composite fields with i18n enabled and is working properly?
Currently, I'm encountering some weird behaviour when adding items to English then switching to other language and adding items again then switch back to English with items all gone. In one JIRA post it said it was already fixed but I still encounter this issue. Also encountered issues in sorting which apparently not supported by the DelegatingMultiValueTransformer.
If so, can you please show me the configuration you use to make this work properly? If needed customisation, can you give me ideas on how to do it?
Would really appreciate any help on this.
Btw, I'm using the latest release 5.4.6 now.
Maybe you don't want to put two questions in one request in the future ;)
Re language issue:
did you check that you have i18n enabled also on the subfields, since you are using deletage transformer? AFAIK with delegate you need to have them enabled on all fields in the hierarchy.
Re transformer & ordering:
IMO the only way out is to write custom transformer. Look at source code of MultiValueTransformer and in the part of the code where it goes just two levels down when checking child values, you need to go deeper.
You would also need to define different structure storage for your values there since one used by the MultiValueTransformer would not suffice for multiple levels.
Perhaps you can extend one of the more specialized MultiValue*Transformer or perhaps you try MultiValueJSONTransformer if storing all values in json array is enough for you (you would still need to extend it and to repopulate values back into dialog when opening dialog for editing).

How edit and save the tridion default templates (TBB's)?

How to edit and save back the default tridion template building blocks say for Ex(Default Finish Actions) provided by SDL?
Where can i found the soucre of default TBB's? After locating and editing the TBB's, how to save back in TCM?
Editing default templates provided by SDL is not supported. They are stored in DLL and there's no way you can customize it. Maximum you can do is to disable some of the templates from being created. Alternatively you can can create your own set of default templates.
You can use the Template Builder to assemble and (test) run Compound Templates (Page and Component Templates). You can access the Template Builder from the Tools tab in the Ribbon.
The default TBBs should not be changed.
.NET TBBs are either C# fragments with the code directly accessible, or classes that implement the ITemplate interface.
Please see the following blog post to get you started:
The code for (an older version of) most of the Default Template Building Blocks can be found on the Tridion forum (
(I don't have access anymore, but maybe somebody can edit my answer and provide the link)
As others have said though, you risk getting into support trouble if you simply modify and replace them. It might be better to:
take the code from the forum as a starting point
create your own variant, making the modifications you need
compile this into a new TBB
replace the standard TBB in the Default Finish Actions with your own variant
That way you can accomplish most things, without risking support problems. When they doubt whether you broke is, you can just swap out your own variant for the original and prove them wrong.

Drupal: create content in popup/lightbox?

In Drupal, is there a way to create new content (based on a content type that uses CCK) in a popup or lightbox or similar technique?
There are at least two worlds that I know of: which uses
and which uses
Both of these are about creating the node in a modal in order to reference it via a node reference field. There might be ones for more general purposes, or you could probably adapt one of those. I've been enjoying noderelationships lately. Haven't tried the other recently.
The projects sprugman refers to are useful when you need to create a referenced node while you're adding another node. If you simply want to make the /node/add/[contenttype] link to open in a lightbox, try the Lightbox2 module.
There is a great module in Drupal automodal that works with Modal Frame API. What you need to do is simply add a new class 'automodal' to your links... and the magic is done for you.
Another one is the Modal Nodereference module. Here is a quote about it (from the module's project page):
... turns the nodereference widget into a modal popup allowing new linked nodes to be created on the fly. Because it uses an iframe, it should support even Javscript and file uploads within the sub-node.
The big feature: It should work with editors, image fields, and all of those other JavaScripting things. We built it precisely to meet those needs. We started with modalframe, instead of one of the other popup libraries, because we knew that we could make this work with TinyMCE, CKEditor, and ImageField -- libraries that have difficulties dealing with other popup APIs.
It depends on the Automodal module, as well as the excellent Modal Frame API module.
