WordPress permalink structure change re-direct htaccess - wordpress

I currently have a website using the permalink structure:
I want to change this to:
So basically giving the default post type a slug rewrite like you can with CPT.
However, as we all know all the indexed pages will 404 so I need to write some HTACCESS to but not sure what I need.
If I use the following then all pages are re-directed too:
RedirectMatch 301 ^/([^/]+)/$ http://xxx.xxx/xxx/$1
Where as I just want the default post type re-directed.

This cannot be done, you need to completed 301 redirects for each post and tag.
Have blogged about my process here: http://www.chewx.co.uk/2015/wordpress-permalink-update-from-postname/
If anyone can think of a better way, let me know.


Redirect /123/POST to just /POST in wordpress using .htaccess Rewrite Rules

I have a website running wordpress with some good amount of posts.
For a specific reason, i setup my wordpress permalinks structure to /%post_id%/%postname%/
Now i want change my permalink structure to /%postname%/ for supporting a plugin Category Subdomain Pro
When i change the change the permalink structure, new links are working but i am getting a 404 error for old urls.
So, i am thinking about redirecting old urls to new urls.
If you know anything about this, please share something and help me resolve this issue.
Sorry for delay, Check this out... Before # BEGIN WordPress in .htaccess file put this code...
Redirect 301 /post_id/postname/ http://example.com/postname/
just replace post_id,postname to your website posts id and post name. Replace example.com with your website name and postname with your postname.
replace for every single post
or you can use plugin Redirection

Wordpress page template rewriting

I want to rewrite a page template url via .htaccess from www.xxx.com/pagename?id=1&name=2 to www.xxx.com/pagename/1/2.
The original URL works but not the rewrite url.
please help
Can you provide what you've tried achieving the task? Otherwise have you tried the permalink in the settings to "Post name".

Redirect Wordpress posts to a new post title

I have a Wordpress blog in which I want to rewrite the post titles. The problem is that the permalinks will change, since they're based on the title, and inbound backlinks that reference the url that was created from the original title won't work.
What I need to do is rewrite the titles, but then create pages with the original permalink urls that redirect the reader to the new title, so that backlinks keep working.
Any ideas how to do this?
The best way I can think to do it is to add rules to your .htaccess or vhost file for Apache (or whatever http server you are using).
You can find many examples on the web using mod_rewrite.
Redirecting and Remapping with mod_rewrite
Doing a quick Google search on "wordpress permalink redirect" also turns up many result so how to handle this type of issue.

Wordpress Permalink Structure 301 Redirect

Currently I am using Wordpress v3.4 and using the following Permalink Custom Structure
Now I want to remove .html from it so I did like this
I want to 301 redirect from old structure to new one.
Does anyone have the solution or suggestion?
Just use Redirection WordPress plugin to manage 301 redirections, keep track of 404 errors, and generally tidy up any loose ends your site may have.
Honestly, you should have never had put the extension, honestly I am surprised that Wordpress allowed this. However, if you change the permalink structure, usually it updates all previous posts and pages. Is that not the case here?

.htaccess rewrite help for wordpress permalink change

I need some help with an .htaccess rewrite.
I have a site that had this permalink:
and changed it to this:
I have tried every single permalink redirect and change plugin - none of them work for this scenario.
The site has 15,000 posts, adding one line 301 redirects in the .htaccess file isn't going to work.
Can someone help me add a rewrite that will redirect all instances of /archive/%post_id to /%postname%/ ?
any help appreciated!
I know you said you tried all the plugins, but just in case, did you try this one:
Looks like it dynamically creates 301s for you without SEO damage. Written in 2006, still working in 2009 - you might be able to tweak the code to get it working how you want.
If that is the 'quick' solution then the 'long' solution would be to write an app to lookup the postname by postid in your mysql db and then change each post URL in your wordpress database with the postname value.
