How to create a multi-dimensional array in Common Lisp? - common-lisp

Is it possible to call make-array function with a list as parameter? For example:
(make-array '((length '("a" "b")) (length '("r" "8" "5"))))
#<TYPE-ERROR expected-type: NUMBER datum: (LENGTH '(...
Even if I try to cast the result of length with the following command:
(coerce (length '(1)) 'number)
it works for one dimension array but not for two dimensions.

Is it possible to call make-array function with a list as parameter?
Yes, in fact you always have to pass it a list designator, but it has to be a list (or list designator) of integers. The list '((length '("a" "b")) (length '("r" "8" "5")))) has two lists as its elements, not integers. E.g., if you do (first '((length '("a" "b")) (length '("r" "8" "5"))))), you get (length '("a" "b")), not 2. You'd need to do (make-array (list (length …) (length …)) …) instead.
It's described pretty clearly in the documentation for make-array in the HyperSpec:
make-array dimensions &key element-type initial-element initial-contents adjustable fill-pointer displaced-to
=> new-array
Arguments and Values:
dimensions—a designator for a list of valid array dimensions.
E.g., (make-array '(2 2)) returns a 2 × 2 array. Or, if you need to dynamically compute the dimensions, just list them together. E.g., (make-array (list (length '(a b c)) (length '(d e)))) returns a 3 × 2 array.
Note that the argument is designator for a list. The glossary entry says:
list designator n. a designator for a list of objects; that is, an
object that denotes a list and that is one of: a non-nil atom
(denoting a singleton list whose element is that non-nil atom) or a
proper list (denoting itself).
That means that when you do (make-array 5), the 5 is actually acting as a designator for the list (5). You can really think of make-array always accepting a list as the first argument, but that in the case of a one-element list, you can just pass the single element instead, since it's unambiguous what you'd want.
These are related, but not quite duplicates, since they are about how to create a list to pass to make-array, whereas this question is about whether a list can be passed to make-array.
How to make an array with size received as arguments in a function in LISP?
How to modify this "make-matrix" function?

Simple rule 1: if you quote it, it does not get evaluated.
This is data, not code: '((length '("a" "b")) (length '("r" "8" "5"))).
Why? Because it is quoted.
Simple rule 2: if you want to compute something, then write Lisp code, not literal data.
(list 1 2) -> (1 2)
(list (length '(a b c)) (length '(1 2 3 4))) -> (3 4)

Addressing an unanswered aspect of the subject of the question: much like Common Lisp lists, multidimensional arrays also have a literal representation, which can be convenient in some situations.
(list 'a 'b 'c)
;; is equivalent to
'(a b c)
A vector (single dimensional array) is represented as #[n](foo*) -- n,optional, being the number of elements and foo being the items in the vector, e.g.
(vector 1 2 3 4)
;; is equivalent to
#4(1 2 3 4)
;; or
#(1 2 3 4)
A 'proper' multidimensional array, i.e. an array larger than one dimension, is represented as: #nA<sequence> where n is the number of dimensions and <sequence> has a structure similar to a nested list, e.g.
(make-array '(2 3) :initial-contents '((a b c) (d e f)))
;; is equivalent to the following. Note, the 'inner most' array arrays must have the same number of objects, i.e. lisp won't auto-fill them with nil or anything else.
#2A((A B C) (D E F))
But you don't need to memorize that. Like many other forms, the Lisp reader accepts as input whatever it printed as output of make-array. (Given some caveats that I won't go into, or rather will leave as an exercise for the reader!)


Deriving a (generalized) Sequence from a Proper Sequence

A number of the Common Lisp sequence functions take a proper sequence as an input and return a sequence as output. Starting with a proper sequence, how could the function not return another proper sequence? Example?
(mapcan #'rest (list (list 0 1 2) (cons :a :b)))
=> (1 2 . :b)
... but it is true that most of the time you can expect to have proper sequences as a result; functions might be underspecified for various reasons (cost to implementers, etc).
By the way, notice that NCONC is specified to return a list (at least in the HyperSpec), but the formal definition as given in the same page allows to have non-lists as a result, e.g. (nconc nil 2) is 2. This incomplete over-approximation of the type of result (in the signature, not the actual description of the function) contaminates all other results:
(mapcan #'rest (list (list) (cons 1 2)))
=> 2
See also Proposed ANSI Changes and ANSI Clarifications and Errata.

Removing last two elements from a list in Lisp

I need to remove the last two elements from a list in common list, but I can remove only one. What's the way?
(defun my-butlast (list)
(loop for l on list
while (rest l)
collect (first l)))
Simple: reverse, pop, pop, reverse ;-) 1
More efficiently, the following works too:
(let ((list '(a b c d)))
for x in list
for y in (cddr list)
collect x))
This can also be written, for some arbitrary L and N:
(mapcar #'values L (nthcdr N L))
It works because iteration over multiple lists is bounded by the shortest one. What matters here is the length of the second list (we don't care about its values), which is the length of the original list minus N, which must be a non-negative integer. Notice that NTHCDR conveniently works with sizes greater than the length of the list given in argument.
With the second example, I use the VALUES function as a generalized identity function; MAPCAR only uses the primary value of the computed values, so this works as desired.
The behavior is consistent with the actual BUTLAST2 function, which returns nil for N larger than the number of elements in the list. The actual BUTLAST function can also deal with improper (dotted) lists, but the above version cannot.
1. (alexandria:compose #'nreverse #'cddr #'reverse)
2. BUTLAST is specified as being equivalent to (ldiff list (last list n)). I completely forgot about the existence of LDIFF !
There's a function in the standard for this: butlast, or if you're willing to modify the input list, nbutlast.
butlast returns a copy of list from which the last n conses have been omitted. If n is not supplied, its value is 1. If there are fewer than n conses in list, nil is returned and, in the case of nbutlast, list is not modified.
nbutlast is like butlast, but nbutlast may modify list. It changes the cdr of the cons n+1 from the end of the list to nil.
CL-USER> (butlast '(1 2 3 4 5) 2)
(1 2 3)
CL-USER> (nbutlast (list 6 7 8 9 10) 2)
(6 7 8)
The fact that you called your function my-butlast suggests that you might know about this function, but you didn't mention wanting to not use this function, so I assume it's still fair game. Wrapping it up is easy:
CL-USER> (defun my-butlast (list)
(butlast list 2))
CL-USER> (my-butlast (list 1 2 3 4))
(1 2)

Inverting order of multiple values in Common Lisp

I've been thinking about the following problem. Suppose I'm dealing with a function returning multiple values, such as truncate. Is there a clever way to reverse the order of values that get returned? I'm talking about something more clever than e.g.
(multiple-value-bind (div rem) (truncate x y)
(values rem div))
I don't know how clever this is, but here's what you want:
(reverse (multiple-value-list (the-function-that-returns-multiple-values)))
multiple-value-list being the key, here.
To return these again as separate values, use values-list:
(values-list (reverse (multiple-value-list (the-function-that-returns-multiple-values))))
This whole page may be enlightening.
This problem can be solved more cleverly by writing a higher order function whose input is a function that returns some (values a b), and which returns a function which calls that function, but returns (values b a). In other words a value reversing combinator:
(defun val-rev (function)
(lambda (&rest args)
(multiple-value-bind (a b) (apply function args)
(values b a))))
Though inside the definition of this function we are doing the cumbersome thing you don't want (capturing the values with m-v-bind and reversing with values) this is encapsulated in the combinator and just an implementation detail. It's probably more efficient than consing up a value list and reversing it. Also, it specifically targets the first two values. If a function returns four values, A B C D, then reversing the multiple-value-list means that the first two return values will be C D. However, if we just bind the first two and reverse them, then we bet B A. Reversing the first two (or only two) values is clearly not the same as reversing all values.
[1]> (truncate 17 3)
5 ;
[2]> (funcall (val-rev #'truncate) 17 3)
2 ;
Note that in a Lisp-1 dialect, the invocation loses the added noise of #' and funcall, reducing simply to: ((val-rev truncate) 17 3).
val-rev is kind of a dual of the flip higher order function which you see in some functional languages, which takes a binary function and returns a binary function which is that function, but with the arguments reversed.
To have it as clean/consistent as multiple-value-bind, you could define a macro such as this:
(defmacro reverse-multiple-value-bind (args f &rest body)
`(multiple-value-bind ,(reverse args)
Then you have
>> (multiple-value-bind (x y) (floor 3.7) (print x) (print y))
> (reverse-multiple-value-bind (x y) (floor 3.7) (print x) (print y))

Why is a macro necessary for assigning a symbol's value? [duplicate]

(setf list (loop for i from 1 to 12 collect i))
(defun removef (item seq)
(setf seq (remove item seq)))
CL-USER> (removef 2 list)
(1 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12)
CL-USER> (removef 3 list)
(1 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12)
Why doesn't removef really modify the variable?
In Common Lisp, parameters are passed "by identity" (this term goes back to D. Rettig, one of the developers of the Allegro Common Lisp implementation). Think of pointers (to heap objects) being passed by values, which is true for most Lisp objects (like strings, vectors, and, of course, lists; things are slightly more complicated, since implementations might also have immediate values, but that's beside the point here).
The setf of seq modifies the (private, lexical) variable binding of the function. This change is not visible outside of removef.
In order for removef to be able to affect the surrounding environment at the point of the call, you need to make it a macro:
(defmacro removef (element place)
`(setf ,place (remove ,element ,place)))
You might want to take at look at setf and the concept of generalized references. Note, that the macro version of removef I provided above is not how it should actually be done! For details, read about get-setf-expansion and its ugly details.
If all you want to do is to destructively modify the list, consider using delete instead of remove, but be aware, that this might have unintended consequences:
(delete 2 '(1 2 3 4))
is not allowed by the ANSI standard (you are destructively modifying a literal object, i.e., part of your code). In this example, the mistake is easy to spot, but if you are 7 frames deep in some callstack, processing values whose origin is not entirely clear to you, this becomes a real problem. And anyway, even
(setf list (list 1 2 3 4))
(delete 1 list)
might be surprising at first, even though
(setf list (list 1 2 3 4))
(delete 2 list)
seems to "work". Essentially, the first example does not work as intended, as the function delete has the same problem as your original version of removef, namely, it cannot change the caller's notion of the list variable, so even for the destructive version, the right way to do it is:
(setf list (delete 1 (list 1 2 3 4)))
Here is an example of an implementation of removef that is "able to affect the surrounding environment at the point of the call", as stated by #Dirk.
(defmacro removef (item place &rest args &key from-end test test-not start end count key &environment env)
(declare (ignore from-end test test-not start end count key))
(multiple-value-bind (vars vals store-vars writer-form reader-form)
(get-setf-expansion place env)
(assert (length= store-vars 1) ()
"removef only supports single-value places")
(let ((v.args (make-gensym-list (length args)))
(store-var (first store-vars)))
(once-only (item)
`(let* (,#(mapcar #'(lambda (var val)
`(,var ,val))
vars vals)
,#(mapcar #'(lambda (v.arg arg)
`(,v.arg ,arg))
v.args args)
(,store-var (remove ,item ,reader-form ,#v.args)))
The utilities length= , make-gensym-list and once-only are available at Project Alexandria.
BTW exists at Alexandria a removef definition that uses define-modify-macro but requires an auxiliary definition. This version does not requires an auxiliary defintion.

comparison between 2 vectors (equal (vector 2 3 4) (vector 2 3 4)) = NIL

in common lisp, we have:
(equal (vector 2 3 4) (vector 2 3 4)) = NIL
(equal (cons 1 2) (cons 1 2)) => T
Why first one is false and second is true?
From the Common Lisp Hyperspec:
For conses, equal is defined recursively as the two cars being equal and the two cdrs being equal.
Two arrays are equal only if they are eq, with one exception: strings and bit vectors are compared element-by-element (using eql).
vector creates an array, but it's not a string or bit vector. Since the two arrays are not eq, they aren't equal.
If you want a comparison predicate that treats arrays as equivalent if they have all the same elements, use equalp
