I am using R shiny to build web applications, and some of them are leveraging the great leaflet features.
I would like to create a customed and advanced popup, but I do not know how to proceed.
You can see what I can do in the project I created for this post on github, or directly in shinyapp.io here
The more complex the popup is, the weirdest my code is, as I am sort of combining R and html in a strange way (see the way I define my custompopup'i' in server.R)..
Is there a better way to proceed? What are the good practices to build such popups? If I plan to display a chart depending on the marker being clicked, should I build them all in advance, or is that possible to build them 'on the fly'? How can I do that?
Many thanks in advance for your views on this, please do not hesitate to share your answer here or to directly change my github examples!
I guess this post still has some relevance. So here is my solution on how to add almost any possible interface output to leaflet popups.
We can achieve this doing the following steps:
Insert the popup UI element as character inside the leaflet standard popup field. As character means, it is no shiny.tag, but merely a normal div. E.g. the classic uiOutput("myID") becomes <div id="myID" class="shiny-html-output"><div>.
Popups are inserted to a special div, the leaflet-popup-pane. We add an EventListener to monitor if its content changes. (Note: If the popup disappears, that means all children of this div are removed, so this is no question of visibility, but of existence.)
When a child is appended, i.e. a popup is appearing, we bind all shiny inputs/outputs inside the popup. Thus, the lifeless uiOutput is filled with content like it's supposed to be. (One would've hoped that Shiny does this automatically, but it fails to register this output, since it is filled in by Leaflets backend.)
When the popup is deleted, Shiny also fails to unbind it. Thats problematic, if you open the popup once again, and throws an exception (duplicate ID). Once it is deleted from the document, it cannot be unbound anymore. So we basically clone the deleted element to a disposal-div where it can be unbound properly and then delete it for good.
I created a sample app that (I think) shows the full capabilities of this workaround and I hope it is designed easy enough, that anyone can adapt it. Most of this app is for show, so please forgive that it has irrelevant parts.
ui = shinyUI(
# Copy this part here for the Script and disposal-div
tags$div(id = "garbage"),
# End of copy.
server = function(input, output, session){
# Just for Show
text <- NULL
output$Showcase <- renderText({text})
output$popup1 <- renderUI({
actionButton("Go1", "Go1")
observeEvent(input$Go1, {
text <<- paste0(text, "\n", "Button 1 is fully reactive.")
output$popup2 <- renderUI({
actionButton("Go2", "Go2")
observeEvent(input$Go2, {
text <<- paste0(text, "\n", "Button 2 is fully reactive.")
output$popup3 <- renderUI({
actionButton("Go3", "Go3")
observeEvent(input$Go3, {
text <<- paste0(text, "\n", "Button 3 is fully reactive.")
# End: Just for show
# Copy this part.
output$script <- renderUI({
var target = document.querySelector(".leaflet-popup-pane");
var observer = new MutationObserver(function(mutations) {
mutations.forEach(function(mutation) {
if(mutation.addedNodes.length > 0){
if(mutation.removedNodes.length > 0){
var popupNode = mutation.removedNodes[0].childNodes[1].childNodes[0].childNodes[0];
var garbageCan = document.getElementById("garbage");
garbageCan.innerHTML = "";
var config = {childList: true};
observer.observe(target, config);
# End Copy
# Function is just to lighten code. But here you can see how to insert the popup.
popupMaker <- function(id){
output$map <- renderLeaflet({
leaflet() %>%
addTiles() %>%
addMarkers(lat = c(10, 20, 30), lng = c(10, 20, 30), popup = lapply(paste0("popup", 1:3), popupMaker))
), launch.browser = TRUE
Note: One might wonder, why the Script is added from the server side. I encountered, that otherwise, adding the EventListener fails, because the Leaflet map is not initialized yet. I bet with some jQuery knowledge there is no need to do this trick.
Solving this has been a tough job, but I think it was worth the time, now that Leaflet maps got some extra utility. Have fun with this fix and please ask, if there are any questions about it!
The answer from K. Rohde is great, and the edit that #krlmlr mentioned should also be used.
I'd like to offer two small improvements over the code that K. Rohde provided (full credit still goes to K. Rohde for coming up with the hard stuff!). Here is the code, and the explanation of the changes will come after:
ui <- fluidPage(
tags$div(id = "garbage"), # Copy this disposal-div
div(id = "Showcase")
server <- function(input, output, session) {
# --- Just for Show ---
output$popup1 <- renderUI({
actionButton("Go1", "Go1")
observeEvent(input$Go1, {
insertUI("#Showcase", where = "beforeEnd",
div("Button 1 is fully reactive."))
output$popup2 <- renderUI({
actionButton("Go2", "Go2")
observeEvent(input$Go2, {
insertUI("#Showcase", where = "beforeEnd", div("Button 2 is fully reactive."))
output$popup3 <- renderUI({
actionButton("Go3", "Go3")
observeEvent(input$Go3, {
insertUI("#Showcase", where = "beforeEnd", div("Button 3 is fully reactive."))
# --- End: Just for show ---
# popupMaker is just to lighten code. But here you can see how to insert the popup.
popupMaker <- function(id) {
output$map <- renderLeaflet({
leaflet() %>%
addTiles() %>%
addMarkers(lat = c(10, 20, 30),
lng = c(10, 20, 30),
popup = lapply(paste0("popup", 1:3), popupMaker)) %>%
# Copy this part - it initializes the popups after the map is initialized
'function(el, x) {
var target = document.querySelector(".leaflet-popup-pane");
var observer = new MutationObserver(function(mutations) {
mutations.forEach(function(mutation) {
if(mutation.addedNodes.length > 0){
if(mutation.removedNodes.length > 0){
var popupNode = mutation.removedNodes[0];
var garbageCan = document.getElementById("garbage");
garbageCan.innerHTML = "";
var config = {childList: true};
observer.observe(target, config);
shinyApp(ui, server)
The two main changes:
The original code would only work if the leaflet map is initialized when the app first starts. But if the leaflet map is initialized later, or inside a tab that isn't initially visible, or if the map gets created dynamically (for example, because it uses some reactive value), then the popups code won't work. In order to fix this, the javasript code needs to be run in htmlwidgets:onRender() that gets called on the leaflet map, as you can see in the code above.
This isn't about leaflet, but more of a general good practice: I wouldn't use makeReactiveBinding() + <<- generally. In this case it's being used correctly, but it's easy for people to abuse <<- without understanding what it does so I prefer to stay away from it. An easy almost drop-in replacement for that can be to use text <- reactiveVal(), which would be a better approach in my opinion. But even better than that in this case is instead of using a reactive variable, it's simpler to just use insertUI() like I do above.
I added the button but the values will automatically change before I hit "Update Order", I don't know how to fix it. Should be like this:enter image description hereBelow is my code:
ui <- fluidPage(
titlePanel("My Simple App"),
helpText("Controls for my app"),
label = "Choose a fruit",
choices = list("Apples",
selected = "Percent White"),
label = "Order Amount:",
min=0, max = 100, value=20),
actionButton ("Update","Update Order")
helpText("Fruit Chosen:"),
helpText("Order Amount"),
# Define server logic required to draw a histogram
server <- function(input, output) {
SelectInput <- eventReactive (input$Update , {
output$fruit = renderText(input$fruitchoice)
output$amt = renderText(input$amt)
# Run the application
shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)
I will show you, how to rewrite your code to get this update behavior, however I would like to also get you know that this part of code:
SelectInput <- eventReactive (input$Update , {
Is wrong for three reasons: (1) object amt do not exists, you probably want input$amt; (2) even if you change amt to input$amt code won't work and you will get error; (3) now you are not using SelectInput in any place in your application, so there is no reason for this part to exists, however as I don't know what is your aim and how will look the final app, I'm not saying this is generally wrong.
Ok, so now about this update button. We will focus on this code:
output$fruit = renderText(input$fruitchoice)
output$amt = renderText(input$amt)
Here you instruct program to (re)render text when input$fruitchoice or (in second line) when input$amt change, but you want to (re)render text only when user clicks the button, so you need two things - first, be sure that user clicked the button and do not (re)render text when one of input$ changes. This will work:
output$fruit = renderText({
output$amt = renderText({
If I understand Shiny correctly, isolate() makes sure that text is not (re)rendering when input$ changes (however it has internally the new values) and req() makes sure that the input$Update was clicked; and when is clicked again, Shiny recomputes [(re)renders] text. It recomputes, because we didn't use isolate() on input$Update I think.
There's a few things wrong in your code. I will give a bit of explanation for each one:
You are initializing with reactive inputs. By using renderText(input$...) you create a text output that updates automatically when your input updates. Automatically is the problem here, you don't want that. We are going to write an alternative method that stores the inputs in a separate variable that we only allow to be updated when the button is pressed. We initialize that variable like so:
rv <- reactiveValues(fruit = "Apples",
amt = 20)
EventReactive creates a reactive variable that can later be used in the code. Generally speaking what you want to use in these kind of scenarios is observeEvent. You can do so like this:
observeEvent (input$Update , {
rv$fruit <- input$fruitchoice
rv$amt <- input$amt
We now have a list of variables under the name "rv" and an observeEvent that updates this variable every time the button gets pressed. All that is left to do is create the renderText which you can do like so:
output$fruit <- renderText(rv$fruit)
output$amt <- renderText(rv$amt)
I have downloaded and would like to incorporate in my R Shiny app the following JavaScript library: GitHub link
As you can see in the snippet below, I have incorporated the sequence-viewer.min.js file in the head of the UI. Additionally, using the tags$div(id="sequence-viewer") I am able to see the corresponding <div> tag in the source of the web page, so up to this point I think everything is fine.
Using the following code, I construct and render a sample Datatable with sequences. From the link of the last column, I would like to dynamically change the value of the var seq=new Sequence(''); with the sequences of the Datatable and draw the result in the sequence-viewer div every time a link is clicked.
ui <- fluidPage(
theme = shinytheme("yeti"),
tags$head(tags$script(src = "handlebars.js"),
tags$script(src = "sequence-viewer.min.js")),
mainPanel( DT::dataTableOutput("DTtable"),
server <- function(input, output) {
exp1 <- reactive({
names(tbl) <- "Sequence"
tbl$link <- createLink(tbl$Sequence)
createLink <- function(val) {
link <- paste0("<a href='#' onclick='var seq=new Sequence('",val,"'); seq.render('#sequence-viewer');'>Show seq</a>", sep="")
output$DTtable <- DT::renderDataTable({ exp1()
}, escape = FALSE, options = list(scrollX = TRUE, dom = 'lfrtip', pageLength = 10,
lengthMenu=c(10, 25, 50, 100)), rownames = FALSE)
# Run the application
shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)
I have read many threads and tutorials on how to run custom javascript code in R Shiny, but all the examples that I've found make the call in the ui , not in the server side, could you please advice me how to get the desired output?
NOTE: According to the instructions on github page, the dependencies jquery, handlebars and bootstrap.min.css are required. I suppose that only the handlebars.js has to manually be added given that R Shiny comes already with bootstrap and jquery?
UPDATE 1: Ok, I think I'm now almost there. Thanks to the comments of #YBS I managed to get the idea of how to work with external javascript libraries. The code below works fine if I click the actionLink but it does not work when clicking the custom links inside the Datatable that I create using the createLink function. I get the following exception in the console of the browser: Uncaught ReferenceError: js$seque is not defined. Any ideas why this is happening?
jsCode = '
shinyjs.seque = function(params) {
var defaultParams = {
params = shinyjs.getParams(params, defaultParams);
var seq=new Sequence(params.seq);
ui <- fluidPage(
extendShinyjs(text = jsCode, functions = c("seque")),
tags$head(tags$script(src = "handlebars.js"),
tags$script(src = "sequence-viewer.min.js")
mainPanel( DT::dataTableOutput("DTtable"),
actionLink(inputId = "action",
label = "action"),
server <- function(input, output) {
exp1 <- reactive({
names(tbl) <- "Sequence"
tbl$link <- createLink(tbl$Sequence)
createLink <- function(val) {
link <- paste0("<a href='#' onclick='js$seque(",val,")' id='",val,"' class='action-button shiny-bound-input'>Show sequence</a>", sep="")
observeEvent(input$action, {
output$DTtable <- DT::renderDataTable({
}, escape = FALSE, options = list(scrollX = TRUE, dom = 'lfrtip', pageLength = 10,
lengthMenu=c(10, 25, 50, 100)), rownames = FALSE)
# Run the application
shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)
After many hours of debbugging I managed to solve the issue by replacing the onclick='js$seque(",val,")' event of the button in the createLink function with the following: onclick='shinyjs.seque(\"",val,"\")' - or alternatively even clearer onclick='shinyjs.seque(JSON.stringify(val))'
In short, the js$seque call was incorrect at this point, I had to replace this line with shinyjs.seque, namely with the actual name of the function in JS. On the other hand, a typical R actionButton element requires js$seque. I will try to write a clear MRE code and provide it as an answer of this thread.
The usage of shinyjs is an overkill in your case, because you do not want to call the JS function from R but anyways through the client. Thus you can simply use plain JavaScript like in this toy example:
js <- HTML("seque = function(seq) {
ui <- fluidPage(tags$head(tags$script(js)),
tags$a(hreg = "#", onclick = "seque('test message')",
"Click me to send test message"))
server <- function(...) {}
shinyApp(ui, server)
Don't get me wrong shinyjs: has its merits, but the typical use case is that you want to trigger JavaScript code from the R side like in this example:
js_code <- HTML("shinyjs.seque = function(par) {
var def_par = {seq: 'test message'};
par = shinyjs.getParams(par, def_par);
ui <- fluidPage(useShinyjs(),
extendShinyjs(text = js_code, functions = "seque"),
actionButton("click", "Click me to send message"))
server <- function(input, output, session) {
observeEvent(input$click, {
js$seque("test message from R")
shinyApp(ui, server)
In this example I use shinyjs to call JS directly from R, while in the previous example the JS is called via the onclick.
For your example you could use an actionLink in your table and add an observer and in this you call js$queue but since you will have one link per line this may be tricky (yet not impossible) to code (basically you need dynamic listeners),
Thus, relying on pure JS (onclick) as in your example may be the better option, but then you don't need shinyjs.
I have a small shiny app for annotating text files.
The UI provides fileInput to select .txt files. One of the files is the default when the app is launched.
Next, Previous buttons allow user to display the contents of the file, one sentence at a time.
User may select any text within a sentence and click the Add Markup button to annotate the sentence. The Action Button triggers javascript function addMarkup().
The sentence is displayed after being marked up.
I am only posting the shiny app code here. Complete code of the app is available on github repository
ui <- fluidPage(
titlePanel("Corpus Annotation Utility"),
fileInput('fileInput', 'Select Corpus', accept = c('text', 'text','.txt')),
actionButton("Previous", "Previous"),
actionButton("Next", "Next"),
actionButton("mark", "Add Markup")
tags$h1("Sentence: "),
tags$h1("Sentence marked up: "),
server <- function(input, output) {
sourceData <- reactive({
corpusFile <- input$fileInput
corpus <- reactive({sourceData()})
values <- reactiveValues(current = 1)
if(values$current >=1 & values$current < length(corpus())){
values$current <- values$current + 1
if(values$current > 1 & values$current <= length(corpus())){
values$current <- values$current - 1
output$sentence <- renderText(corpus()[values$current])
shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)
readCorpus() function looks like this:
readCorpus <- function(pathToFile){
con <- file(pathToFile)
sentences <- readLines(con, encoding = "UTF-8")
My question is how can I persist the sentences to a file after they have been annotated?
I have gone through Persistent data storage in Shiny apps, and hope that I will be able to follow along the documentation regarding persistent storage. However I am still unsure how to capture the sentence after it has been marked up.
You have two issues here - persisting the changes, and then saving the output. I solved the problem using a bit of JS and a bit of R code. I'll do a pull request on Github to submit the broader code. However, here's the core of it.
In your Javascript that you use to select things, you can use Shiny.onInputChange() to update an element of the input vector. Doing this, you can create a reactiveValues item for the corpus, and then update it with inputs from your interface.
Below, you'll notice that I switched from using a textnode to using just the inner HTML. Using a node, and firstChild, as you had it before, you end up truncating the sentence after the first annotation (since it only picks the stuff before <mark>. Doing it this way seems to work better.
window.onload = function(){
document.getElementById('mark').addEventListener('click', addMarkup);
function addMarkup(){
var sentence = document.getElementById("sentence").innerHTML,
selection = window.getSelection().toString();
else if(document.selection && document.selection.type != "Control"){
selection = document.selection.createRange().text;
if(selection.length === 0){
marked = "<mark>".concat(selection).concat("</mark>");
result = sentence.replace(selection, marked);
document.getElementById("sentence").innerHTML = result;
Next, I've tried to simplify your server.R code. You were using a reactive context to pull from another reactive context (sourceData into corpus), which seemed unnecessary. So, I tried to refactor it a bit.
ui <- fluidPage(
titlePanel("Corpus Annotation Utility"),
fileInput('fileInput', 'Select Corpus', accept = c('text', 'text','.txt')),
actionButton("Previous", "Previous"),
actionButton("Next", "Next"),
actionButton("mark", "Add Markup"),
downloadButton(outputId = "save",label = "Download")),
tags$h1("Sentence: "),
server <- function(input, output) {
corpus <- reactive({
corpusFile <- input$fileInput
if(is.null(corpusFile)) {
} else {
values <- reactiveValues(current = 1)
values$corpus <- corpus()
output$sentence <- renderText(values$corpus[values$current])
if(values$current >=1 & values$current < length(corpus())) {
values$current <- values$current + 1
if(values$current > 1 & values$current <= length(corpus())) {
values$current <- values$current - 1
values$corpus[values$current] <- input$textresult
output$save <- downloadHandler(filename = "marked_corpus.txt",
content = function(file) {
writeLines(text = values$corpus,
con = file,
sep = "\n")
Now, the code has a few changes. The loading from file is basically the same. I was right about my skepticism on isolate - replacing it with an observe accomplishes what I wanted to do, whereas isolate would only give you the initial load. Anyway, we use observe to load the corpus values into the reactiveValues object you created - this is to give us a place to propagate changes to the data.
We keep the remaining logic for moving forward and backward. However, we change the way the output is rendered so that it looks at the reactiveValues object. Then, we create an observer that updates the reactiveValues object with the input from our updated Javascript. When this happens, the data gets stored permanently, and you can also mark more than one sequence in the string (though I have not done anything with nested marking or with removing marks). Finally, a save function is added - the resulting strings are saved out with <mark> used to show the marked areas.
If you load a previously marked file, the marks will show up again.
I have created an application using R and Shiny and want to output everything that happens in the console to a special status window in the Shiny app.
Here is how the skeleton of the function called by Shiny application looks.
myfunction = function(x,y,path....){
cat("Reading Database\n")
df = read.csv(...)
I want a status bar that shows the progress of the called function by viewing the cat(...) console outputs.
If yes, can it be done without making any changes to the original function (making changes only in server.R and/or ui.R)?
Unfortunately I don't know how to do this with the normal Shiny approach of using reactivity. I tried getting it to work with textOuput+printText but I was unable. I'd love to see other solutions, but here is my solution that uses shinyjs package to update the element instead of using reactivity. I hope this works for you, it's pretty simple.
calculate <- function() {
lapply(1:5, function(x) {
ui = fluidPage(
shinyjs::useShinyjs(), br(),
actionButton("btn","Click me"), br(), br(),
tags$pre(id = "progress")
server = function(input,output, session) {
observeEvent(input$btn, {
shinyjs::text("progress", "")
message = function(m) {
shinyjs::text(id = "progress", text = m$message, add = TRUE)
Note : I have read almost all the discussions on this object in shiny googlegroups and here in SO.
I need an indicator that shows the shiny server is busy. I have tried shiny-incubator, however, the problem is that I can't set a max for progress bar.
I don't want something like this : https://shiny.rstudio.com/gallery/progress-bar-example.html
What I need is something that:
shows a busy indicator message and bar (i.e just a simple animated bar, do not need to show a filling bar) as long as the server is calculating
it is shown in no matter which tab you are viewing. (not only in the related tab, but on top of the tabset)
Update 2018: Currently there is a great package to help you display loaders: shinycssloaders (source: https://github.com/andrewsali/shinycssloaders)
I've been looking for this as well. Most people suggest a conditional panel like so:
You could always give yourself more control and create the conditional handling (maybe depending on more stuff) like this in your ui.R:
div(class = "busy",
p("Calculation in progress.."),
where some JavaScript handles the showing and hiding of that div:
if ($('html').attr('class')=='shiny-busy') {
} else {
with some extra css you could make sure your animated busy image gets a fixed postion where it will always be visible.
In any of the above cases i found that the "shiny-busy" condition is somewhat imprecise and unreliable: the div shows for a split second and disappears while computations are still going on...
I found a dirty solution to fix that problem, at least in my apps. Feel free to try it out and maybe someone could give an insight to how and why this solves the issue.
In your server.R you'll need to add two reactiveValues:
shinyServer(function(input, output, session) {
# Reactive Value to reset UI, see render functions for more documentation
uiState <- reactiveValues()
uiState$readyFlag <- 0
uiState$readyCheck <- 0
then, in your renderPlot function (or other output function where computations go on), you use these reactive values to reset the function:
output$plot<- renderPlot({
if (is.null(input$file)){
if(input$get == 0){
# Everytime "Get Plot" is clicked we get into this function
# In order for the ui to be able show the 'busy' indicator we
# somehow need to abort this function and then of course seamlessly
# call it again.
# We do this by using a reactive value keeping track of the ui State:
# renderPlot is depending on 'readyFlag': if that gets changed somehow
# the reactive programming model will call renderPlot
# If readyFlag equals readyCheck we exit the function (= ui reset) but in the
# meantime we change the readyFlag, so the renderHeatMap function will
# immediatly be called again. At the end of the function we make sure
# readyCheck gets the same value so we are back to the original state
if (uiState$readyFlag == uiState$readyCheck) {
uiState$readyFlag <- uiState$readyFlag+1
isolate({plot <- ...})
# Here we make sure readyCheck equals readyFlag once again
uiState$readyCheck <- uiState$readyFlag
Alternatively, you can use shinycssloaders package https://github.com/andrewsali/shinycssloaders
ui <- fluidPage(
plotOutput("Test") %>% withSpinner(color="#0dc5c1")
server <- function(input, output, session) {
data <- eventReactive(input$plot,{
output$Test <- renderPlot({
shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)
Using waiter
ui <- fluidPage(
server <- function(input, output, session) {
w <- Waiter$new(id = "Test")
data <- eventReactive(input$plot,{
output$Test <- renderPlot({
shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)
I found using fadeIn() as opposed to show() helps mitigate this blinking occurence:
if ($('html').attr('class')=='shiny-busy') {
setTimeoutConst = setTimeout(function(){
}, delay);
} else {
clearTimeout(setTimeoutConst );
The busy div also appears for split seconds for the latest versions of shiny, even though no apparent calculations are going on (it was not an issue in older versions). Shiny seems to be regularly in its busy-mode for a short time. As a solution (complementing the above discussion), one can include another 2nd delayed validation of the shiny-busy html class for the conditional handling. The JavaScript-part would look something like that (example also includes check for two different div.busy-states depending on the reactive textit):
if( ($('html').attr('class')=='shiny-busy') ){
setTimeout(function() {
if ($('html').attr('class')=='shiny-busy') {
if($('#textit').html()!='Waiting...' ){
} else {