Multiple procedures in IDL program - idl-programming-language

I've written a procedure in IDL which performs some calculations on data and outputs an array of values. The calculations take about 2 minutes to run.
I need to then perform analysis on these results, and ideally I would like not to have to perform the initial calculations each time I want to perform some different analysis.
Is the best way to achieve this to save the output from the calculation to a data file and then read this in from a different program? Or is there a less cumbersome way to go about this?
Thanks in advance for any help

Yes, saving to a file is the easiest way to save the results from your first program for later use in the second (assuming you quit IDL between the two). There are may ways to save the data, depending on it's type and your preferences.
Easiest Way:
An IDL .sav file created by the SAVE command can store any kind of data, IDL variables, and even the whole state of your IDL session. Unfortunately, it only works for IDL (no other languages), and it can need to be re-generated if you upgrade IDL version. You read these files with RESTORE, which even remembers the names of the variables.
my_variable = 'Some data here.'
SAVE, my_variable, FILENAME='myfile.sav' ; save variable(s)
... IDL opened and closed here ...
RESTORE, 'myfile.sav' ; read variable(s) from file
print, my_variable
Some data here.
Most Portable Way:
For simple tabular data, CSV has the advantage of being highly portable and human readable. However, it's also slow, since numbers are stored in ASCII. Use WRITE_CSV to write, and READ_CSV to read.
Most Portable Binary Formats:
For complex data that needs to be read by multiple languages, consider the HDF5 or NetCDF libraries. Both of these are binary formats that can store most types of IDL-supported data. Note that NetCDF is actually an easier-to-use subset of HDF5.
Simplest Binary Format:
Another option for tabular data is a simple binary dump. Use WRITEU to write to a normal file opened for writing. Use READU to read from a normal file open for reading.

Assuming that your data calculations will only change very rarely, then, yes, your best solution is to just save the calculations to an output file, and then read them back into your analysis program. You don't say what kind of data this is, so it's hard to give a more specific answer. Assuming that you have a two-dimensional array of data, you could just write the results as a "flat" binary file:
pro perform_calculations
; assume mydata is a float array of dimensions [m,n]
openw, 1, 'results.dat'
writeu, 1, mydata
close, 1
Then, in either the same file or preferably a different .pro file:
pro perform_analysis
mydata = fltarr(m, n)
openr, 1, 'results.dat'
readu, 1, mydata
close, 1
Hope this helps.

Saving is a good way to do it, but if you run in the same session and your second program won't mess up the data from the first one, you can just call one and then pass the result to the second one.
pro do_calculations,result1,result2,result3
pro use_calculations,result1,result2,result3,result4
IDL> do_calculations,result1,result2,result3
IDL> use_calculations,result1,result2,result3,result4
If you edit use_calculations, you can go again by:
IDL> use_calculations,result1,result2,result3,result4
Because the earlier results will stay in memory unless use_calculations does something bad to them.
You could also set up the second procedure to check to see if it has valid results from the first one and call it as needed.


In R and Sparklyr, writing a table to .CSV (spark_write_csv) yields many files, not one single file. Why? And can I change that?

I'm doing some data manipulation (joins, etc.) on a very large dataset in R, so I decided to use a local installation of Apache Spark and sparklyr to be able to use my dplyr code to manipulate it all. (I'm running Windows 10 Pro; R is 64-bit.) I've done the work needed, and now want to output the sparklyr table to a .csv file.
The Problem
Here's the code I'm using to output a .csv file to a folder on my hard drive:
spark_write_csv(d1, "C:/d1.csv")
When I navigate to the directory in question, though, I don't see a single csv file d1.csv. Instead I see a newly created folder called d1, and when I click inside it I see ~10 .csv files all beginning with "part". Here's a screenshot:
The folder also contains the same number of .csv.crc files, which I see from Googling are "used to store CRC code for a split file archive".
What's going on here? Is there a way to put these files back together, or to get spark_write_csv to output a single file like write.csv?
A user below suggested that this post may answer the question, and it nearly does, but it seems like the asker is looking for Scala code that does what I want, while I'm looking for R code that does what I want.
I had the exact same issue.
In simple terms, the partitions are done for computational efficiency. If you have partitions, multiple workers/executors can write the table on each partition. In contrast, if you only have one partition, the csv file can only be written by a single worker/executor, making the task much slower. The same principle applies not only for writing tables but also for parallel computations.
For more details on partitioning, you can check this link.
Suppose I want to save table as a single file with the path path/to/table.csv. I would do this as follows
table %>% sdf_repartition(partitions=1)
spark_write_csv(table, path/to/table.csv,...)
You can check full details of sdf_repartition in the official documentation.
Data will be divided into multiple partitions. When you save the dataframe to CSV, you will get file from each partition. Before calling spark_write_csv method you need to bring all the data to single partition to get single file.
You can use a method called as coalese to achieve this.
coalesce(df, 1)

How to output a list of dataframes, which is able to be used by another user

I have a list whose elements are several dataframes, which looks like this
Because it is hard for another user to use these data by re-running my original code. Hence, I would like to export it. As the graph shows, the dataframes in that list have different number of rows. I am wondering if there is any method to export it as file without damaging any information, and make it be able to be used by Rstudio. I have tried to save it as RData, but I don't know how to save the information.
Thanks a lot
To output objects in R, here are 4 common methods:
dput() writes a text representation of an R object
This is very convenient if you want to allow someone to get your object by copying and pasting text (for instance on this site), without having to email or upload and download a file. The downside however is that the output is long and re-reading the object into R (simply by assigning the copied text to an object) can hang R for large objects. This works best to create reproducible examples. For a list of data frames, this would not be a very good option.
You can print an object to a .csv, .xlsx, etc. file with write.table(), write.csv(), readr::write_csv(), xlsx::write.xlsx(), etc.
While the file can then be used by other software (and re-imported into R with read.csv(), readr::read_csv(), readxl::read_excel(), etc.), the data can be transformed in the process and some objects cannot be printed in a single file without prior modifications. So this is not ideal in your case either.
save.image() saves your entire workspace (objects + environment)
The workspace can then be recreated with load(). This can be useful, but you are here only interested in saving one object. In that case, it is preferable to use:
saveRDS() which allows to write one object to file
The object can then be re-created with readRDS(). This is the best option to save an R object to file, without any modification and then re-create it.
In your situation, this is definitely the best solution.

Can SAS still read or create the combination of {.dat fixed-column ascii data file, .sas syntax file}, or is it obsolete?

In the past I have used the excellent SAScii package in R to read in this type of data: {.dat fixed-column data file + the corresponding .sas "syntax" file}. I want to be quite precise about that because there is no end of ambiguity surrounding phrases like "SAS file". These .dat files contain only integers, and the .sas files specify both the way to parse the columns and the way the integers represent the values in the actual data (this feature is sometimes called the "codebook".) I have found very good data in that format (i.e. in the form of the pair of files {.dat, .sas}) from places like Minnesota Population Center's IPUMS, and built up a lot of tools to analyze it using R and SAScii.
Now I have access to SAS itself, and but would still like to re-use some of my tools and techniques. However I can find no reference in SAS to data like that {fixed-column data in .dat, syntax file in .sas}. Has that format been entirely superseded within SAS (perhaps by the SAS7BDAT format)? Or perhaps the {.dat,.sas} format was never used within SAS?? The reason I ask is, now that I have access to SAS and so much data in SAS7BDAT format, I would like to be able to export some of it in {.dat, .sas} format for use with my own tools.
Thanks very much, and cheers - Ed
I don't think this is something built into SAS. You could, however, write such a program pretty easily.
First off, Chris Hemidinger has written something that basically does this (it creates datalines, not .dat file, but that shouldn't be too hard to modify if you know .NET and/or to modify the R module to accept). That is discussed and available here. The title of the post is "Turn your data set into a data step program". This is roughly equivalent to the SQL Server task that creates "Create Table" code out of a table. This would only work in Enterprise Guide, although you should be able to do roughly the same thing in a standalone .NET program.
Second, you can easily write something like this in Base SAS. Creating the datalines is easy, numerous ways to write out to a file.
For a CSV, for example, you can do this.
ods csv file="c:\temp\mydata.csv";
proc print data=mydata;
ods csv close;
If you're going to write a flat file, you might as well make the input/output .sas first - after all it can be almost the same code. You can query dictionary.columns to generate the code, both the input and output code. Create a table with the variable names, lengths, and formats for each variable, then process it in a data step advancing the start variable by the length of each variable (so it moves to the next position after the last one finished). If you need formats for your R project, then proc format cntlout=<datasetname> will generate a dataset that contains those formatted value translations, and you can write that out in whatever format you need as well.

Excel data organized in multiple nested rows, can R read it?

Please see the picture. I've started using R, and know how/that it can read files from Excel, but can it read something formatted like this?
(my apologies, upload was not working for me)
Elaborating on some of what's in the comments:
If you load the file into Excel, you can save it as a fixed-width or comma-delimited text file. Either should be easy to read into R.
The following may be obvious to you already.
(First, a question: Are you sure that you can't get the data in a format that has one set of data per line? Is it possible that the file you're getting was generated from a different file format that is more conducive to loading the data into R?)
Whether you should start rearranging the data in R or instead manipulate the raw text depends on what comes naturally to you (or to people you have around who can help). For me, personally, I would rearrange the text file outside of R before loading it into R. That's what's easiest for me. Perl is a great language for this purpose, but you could also do it with Unix shell scripts if that's accessible to you, or using a powerful editor such as Vim or Emacs. If you have no preference, I'd suggest Perl. If you have any significant programming experience, you'll be able to learn what you need. On the other hand, you're already loading it into R, so maybe it would be better to process the data there.
For example, you could execute a loop that goes the text file line by line and does something like this:
while (still have lines to read) {
read first header line into an vector if this is the first time through the loop
otherwise, read it and throw it away
read data line 1 into an vector
read second header line into vector if this is the first time
otherwise, read it and throw it away
read data line 2 into an vector
read third header line into vector if this is the first time
otherwise, read it and throw it away
read data line 3 into an vector
if this is first time through, concatenate the header vectors; store as next row
in something (a file, a matrix, a dataframe, etc.)
concatenate the data vectors you've been saving, and store as next row in same thing
write out the whole 2D data structure
Or if the headers will never change, then you could just embed them literally into the script before the loop, and throw them out no matter what. That will make the code cleaner. Or read the first few lines of the file separately to get the headers, and then have a separate script to read the data and add it to the file with the headers in it. (The headers will probably be useful in R, so I would suggest preserving them at the top of the text file.)

Reading in only part of a Stata .DTA file in R

I apologize in advance if this has a simple answer somewhere. It seems like the kind of thing that would, but I can't seem to locate it in the help files, by searching SO, or by Googling.
I'm working with some datasets that are several GB right now. It's enough to fit in memory on one of the cluster nodes I have access to, but takes quite a bit of time to load. For many debugging/programming activities with this data, I don't need the entire file loaded, just the first few thousand observations to have a dataset on which to test code. I can of course just read the whole file in and subset, but I was wondering if there's a way to tell read.dta() to only read in the first N rows? This would of course be much faster.
I could also use a proper format like .csv and then use read.csv()'s nrows argument, but then I'd lose the factor labels in the Stata dataset (and have to recreate quite a few GB of data from someone else's code that's feeding in to this project. So a direct solution on .dta files is preferred.
Stata's binary files are written row-by-row, so you could change the R_LoadStataData function in stataread.c to limit the number of rows read in. However, this will only work if you do not need the value labels because they are written at the end of the file and would require you to read the entire file--which wouldn't save any time.
That's going to be a difficult one, as the do_readStata function under the hood is compiled code, only capable of taking in the whole file. I believe that in general binary files are hard to read line by line, and .dta is a binary format. Also the native binary format of R doesn't allow to select a number of lines from the dataset while reading in.
In my humble opinion, you can better just create a set of test files from within Stata ( eg the Stata code sample 1000, count will give you a sample of 1000 observations from the loaded dataset), and work with them. And if you have no access to Stata, someone else in the project should be able to do that for you.
To follow up on Joris Meys: For this kind of thing, I use a "test" data set and the "real" data set, each in separate folders. I keep a macro at the top of the .do file (with if/then statements below) to (1) take a sample of the data and (2) point input/output to the right folder containing one or the other. I probably do it different for every project, but something like this:
data creation .do file
blah blah blah
save using data/myfile.dta
save if uniform()<.05 using test_data/myfile.dta // or bsample, then save for panel data
analysis .do file
local test = "test_"
// when you're ready to run the file with all the data, use the following
// local test = ""
use `test'data/myfile.dta
blah blah blah
outreg2 ... using `test'output/mytable.txt
