Inserting an image in GUI using QT Designer - qt

I am new to QtDesigner. I wanted to know how to insert an image in the GUI using QT Designer. I am trying to add a logo. Help would be appreciated.

You can start inserting a label. Next, you right click on it an then click "change rich text...". A new window will pop-up.
Click on the figure Icon "Insert figure".
Now, you have to create a resource file. Click on the Pencil button.
Next, click on the "New resource file" button.
Choose a name and a folder (your working directory would be a good choice) to save it.
Now, click on the "Add prefix" button.
Choose a name for it.
Then, click on the "Add file" button.
And there you go! Click "OK" and you figure should be there.
Just be aware that you should resize your figure to a proper size before using it.
Hope it helps!

The easiest way I've seen so on :
You drag and drop your Label on your window, select the Label, you'll see on the right side of your screen the 'Property Editor' frame and the 'QLabel' menu, you click on pixmap => Choose File..., select a file and that's it.
Make sure you have resized it before, you won't be able to do so in QtDesigner.
Just for you to know I'm just a beginner on PyQT5 / QtDesigner, so that may not be the proper way to do it.
Hope it helps


How do I rearrange menu bar options in Qt Designer 5?

I have been unable to figure out how to easily rearrange the menu bar selections that I have created in Qt Designer. Older documentation indicates that I can press the left click mouse button on a selection and then drag and drop it into a new location but this feature does not seem to work in this version.
I am trying to move "Load Database" above the "Exit" option. I would imagine I could just delete the "Exit" menu selection and add it again but I was hoping there would be an easier option in case this happens again.
To do so you need to go in the ui editor.
Then click on File. Press and hold on the item you want to move. Move it.
Below you can see the exact same thing done in QT 4.12.3 and Window 10.
Press file
Press and hold on the desired item
Drag the selected item where you want
Now the 'Save as' is above 'Save'
Select your action in Designer
Press Ctrl + Up/Down
Ctrl + Up/Down is working for me (Qt desinger 5.15.0)

Which class generate right click menu?

I would like to check about right menu
I need to give info about View details menu. Which class or form manage the menu?
-> I need to find label (sys or similar) behind View details button , and I would like to check about how generate this tight click menu.
Which class or form manage the menu? A kernel method.
The labels for menu is placed here:
C:\Program Files\Microsoft Dynamics AX\60\Server\AOS-name\bin\AxSysEN-US.ktd
or wherever your AOS bin directory is placed. Do not mess with the kernel text files.
How to get a "View details", formerly "Go to main table" item is covered in this SO answer.
See also this forum answer.

QDockWidget form in Qt Creator Designer

I'm using Qt Creator 4.5.0 and am trying to create a QDockWidget that I could modify in the builtin designer (I do this all the time with QDialogs and QMainWindows, so this is the first time trying with a QDockWidget). But I'm having no luck with being able to add any widget elements of any kind to the QDockWidget.
Here are the steps I've taken
In the Projects tree on the left, right click on the project and select "Add New..."
In the window that pops up select "Qt" on the left side, then select "Qt Designer Form Class", then select "Choose"
On this page expand the section for "Widgets", then select "QDockWidget", then select "Next"
On this page give the class a name (for me it's "ImageFilesDockWidget"), then click "Next"
On this page select "Finish" to add the files to the project.
From here the "ImageFilesDockWidget.ui" file will automatically show up, so I tried to add some widgets to the view, but nothing would get added. For example, if I clicked and dragged a pushbutton into the center of the dockwidget, then it displayed a red circle with a line through it to indicate I couldn't add the item.
If anyone has run into this problem and knows how to make it work, then that'd be an immense help to me.
Thanks in advance.
Currently I'm able to use the designer to customize a standard QWidget object (call it "ImageFilesWidget.ui"). So at the moment my solution is to add a standard QDockWidget to my QMainWindow in the designer, then (still in the designer) I promote the dockWidgetContents from a standard QWidget to my ImageFilesWidget class.
It seems like the problem is when qtcreator 4.5 creates the dockwidgets ui file for you, it doesn't include the "dockWidgetContents" widget that is included in previous versions. Just manually put <widget class="QWidget" name="dockWidgetContents"/> under the "windowTitle" property of the dockwidget and you'll be able to add ui elements to it.

Binary field in openerp

I want to create Upload document in my module. I am creating Upload process using Binary type field. It is showing three buttons (select, save as, clear). Those three buttons are executing same process (upload documents only). "clear" buttons should be clear Field. What do i do?
'file_upload': fields.binary('Documents')
<field name="file_upload"/>
These three button are doing only upload process.
I want it are doing separate process.
can anyone help me.
Try to move on to the 'Save As' Button by pressing TAB. Then press ENTER.
It seem's that the buttons are doing their jobs correctly, but the 'Save As' Button is not touchable for your mouse pointer.
We have found that there is an unvisible element that obviously shall overlaying the 'Select' Button only, but it covers the 'Save As' Button as well. So you are always clicking on this unvisible tag.

Editing Build Settings in xcode 4

I have been unable to work out how to edit build settings using the pop-up shown below.
I can enter multiple lines in the pop-up by clicking the '+'. My questions are :-
What is the checkbox next to the setting used for?
Once I have entered one or more settings in the pop-up, how do I make them transfer to the setting I am editing. There isn't a 'Save' button, and clicking off the pop-up closes it but doesn't seem to save the entered data.
To delete, check the checkbox and click "-".
To make a new one, click "+".
To save, click "Done".
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