I would like to create an empty vector and append to it an array in Julia. How do I do that?
x = Vector{Float64}
append!(x, rand(10))
results in
`append!` has no method matching append!(::Type{Array{Float64,1}}, ::Array{Float64,1})
Your variable x does not contain an array but a type.
x = Vector{Float64}
typeof(x) # DataType
You can create an array as Array(Float64, n)
(but beware, it is uninitialized: it contains arbitrary values) or zeros(Float64, n),
where n is the desired size.
Since Float64 is the default, we can leave it out.
Your example becomes:
x = zeros(0)
append!( x, rand(10) )
I am somewhat new to Julia and came across this question after getting a similar error. To answer the original question for Julia version 1.2.0, all that is missing are ():
x = Vector{Float64}()
append!(x, rand(10))
This solution (unlike x=zeros(0)) works for other data types, too. For example, to create an empty vector to store dictionaries use:
d = Vector{Dict}()
push!(d, Dict("a"=>1, "b"=>2))
A note regarding use of push! and append!:
According to the Julia help, push! is used to add individual items to a collection, while append! adds an collection of items to a collection. So, the following pieces of code create the same array:
Push individual items:
a = Vector{Float64}()
push!(a, 1.0)
push!(a, 2.0)
Append items contained in an array:
a = Vector{Float64}()
append!(a, [1.0, 2.0])
You can initialize an empty Vector of any type by typing the type in front of []. Like:
Float64[] # Returns what you want
Array{Float64, 2}[] # Vector of Array{Float64,2}
Any[] # Can contain anything
New answer, for Julia 1. append! is deprecated, you now need to use push!(array, element) to add elements to an array
my_stuff = zeros()
push!(my_stuff, "new element")
I know in Julia, the index of an array begin from 1. Like
b = Array{Float64, 1}(undef, 10)
This array b is a 1d array with 10 elements. The index of b begins from 1.
But, I want an array whose index is from 0 or any integer, how to do that in Julia?
Say, I want the index ranges from 0 to 9, and I tried to do things like
b = Array{Float64, 1}(undef, 0:9)
But obviously it does not work in Julia.
Can Julia easily define an array with arbitrary index range like Fortran?
I googled a little and it seems not easy to do this in Julia, am I missing something?
Is there a generic way in Julia to define arbitrary indexed array? Or do I have to install packages like OffsetArrays?
It seems just not so great that Julia cannot generically define arbitrary indexed array.
In Julia, this is provided by the OffsetArrays package. Try, for example
using OffsetArrays
A = rand(10)
OA = OffsetArray(A, 0:9)
julia> OA[0]
In Julia it is possible to create arrays of any size using the functions zeros(.) or ones(.). Is there a similar function to create an array that is filled with nothing at initialization but also accepts floats? I mean a function like in this example:
a = array_of_nothing(3)
# a = [nothing,nothing,nothing]
a[1] = 3.14
# a = [3.14,nothing,nothing]
I tried to find information on internet, but without success... Sorry, I am a beginner in Julia.
The fill function can be used to create arrays of arbitrary values, but it's not so easy to use here, since you want a Vector{Union{Float64, Nothing}}. Two options come to mind:
A comprehension:
a = Union{Float64, Nothing}[nothing for _ in 1:3];
a[2] = 3.14;
>> a
3-element Array{Union{Nothing, Float64},1}:
Or ordinary array initialization:
a = Vector{Union{Float64, Nothing}}(undef, 3)
fill!(a, nothing)
a[2] = 3.14
It seems that when you do Vector{Union{Float64, Nothing}}(undef, 3) the vector automatically contains nothing, but I wouldn't rely on that, so fill! may be necessary.
I think you are looking for the Base.fill — Function.
fill(x, dims)
This creates an array filled with value x.
println(fill("nothing", (1,3)))
You can also pass a function Foo() like fill(Foo(), dims) which will return an array filled with the result of evaluating Foo() once.
In Julia v1.0 when using keyword arguments the resulting structure in the function will have the type Base.Iterators.Pairs.
julia> foo(;kwargs...) = println(kwargs)
julia> foo(a = 1, b = 2)
What is the difference between Iterators.Pairs and usual Dictionary? Why do we use this specific type?
In Julia 0.7/1.0, keyword arguments were changed to be stored as named tuples instead of dictionaries. The Pairs type is just a wrapper so that iterating gives you key,value pairs (iterating over a named tuple just gives values, like iterating over a tuple).
I have an Array of arrays, called y:
y=Array(Vector{Int64}, 10)
which is basically a list of 1-dimensional arrays(10 of them), and each 1-dimensional array has length 5. Below is an example of how they are initialized:
for i in 1:10
y[i]=sample(1:20, 5)
Each 1-dimensional array includes 5 randomly sampled integers between 1 to 20.
Right now I am applying a map function where for each of those 1-dimensional arrays in y , excludes which numbers from 1 to 20:
map(x->setdiff(1:20, x), y)
However, I want to make sure when the function applied to y[i], if the output of setdiff(1:20, y[i]) includes i, i is excluded from the results. in other words I want a function that works like
setdiff(deleteat!(Vector(1:20),i) ,y[i])
but with map.
Mainly my question is that whether you can access the index in the map function.
P.S, I know how to do it with comprehensions, I wanted to know if it is possible to do it with map.
comprehension way:
[setdiff(deleteat!(Vector(1:20), index), value) for (index,value) in enumerate(y)]
Like this?
map(x -> setdiff(deleteat!(Vector(1:20), x[1]),x[2]), enumerate(y))
For your example gives this:
What I want to do is simple:
collection = {'a':[], 'b':[], 'c':[]}
values = [1,2,3]
I want to make a function that produces the following: (append the values into the list element of the dictionary, the dic and the list are the same length)
{'a':[1], 'b':[2], 'c':[3]}
This is simple enough and I can do it using, a couple of for x in. But I want to do this in one line. (using two loops in the same line) and I can not get the syntax to work.
I have tried some things similar to this, but they all result in syntax error:
collection[c].append(value), for c in d.iteritems(), for value in values
You can't do what you want to do on one line. You can create a new dictionary on one line though:
{k: collection[k] + [v] for k, v in zip(collection.keys(), values)}
>>> collection = {'a':[], 'b':[], 'c':[]}
>>> values = [1,2,3]
>>> {k: collection[k] + [v] for k, v in zip(collection.keys(), values)}
{'a': [1], 'c': [2], 'b': [3]}
This is called a dict comprehension. Like a list comprehension and a generator expression, you can use multiple loops in one of those, but you don't need one here. zip() will pair up the keys from collection with the integers from values.
To modify a dict in-place, you'll have to use 2 lines at least:
for k, v in zip(collection.keys(), values):
Python does accept that on one line, but that goes against just about every styleguide I can look up for you:
for k, v in zip(collection.keys(), values): collection[k].append(v)
Python throws a syntax error because it interprets your line as a tuple of expressions (the commas make it a tuple), and two of your expressions are for statements, which cannot be used in an expression.