How to zoom in Rstudio help window? [duplicate] - r

This is not a question about changing the font size in graphs produced using RStudio. I already know how to do that.
I use RStudio under Linux on a MacBook Pro with a 'retina' display. I use KDE as my window manager. I can (and do) enlarge the default font size in the user interface of other programs in KDE. I increase the font size for the user interface in Firefox and Thunderbird using program specific tools.
How do I increase the font size in the user interface - not the console, which is easy [Options -> Appearance -> font size], but, for example, the help text, the keyboard shortcuts list, and so on. At the moment I find these very hard to read. I've fiddled with everything I can fiddle with, but had no joy.
All help gratefully appreciated!

As some people pointed out, by clicking the ctrl & + together, you can enlarge the font size for everything including for the console & code script. (You will have to do it with a help page pop up as suggested by user3619015.) Then go to the global option and resize the fonts. That changes the font size for everything except the help page. So you will have larger fonts for the help page but everything else in your normal preferred font size.

On a Mac you can do it by going to: view -> actual size or just with the key combo: cmd+= (not cmd++) to zoom in (bigger), cmd+- or zoom out or cmd+0 (zero) to go back to the actual size.

Rstudio doesn't support changing fonts yet, at least for Linux server. However, one can change fonts in browser for a specific page. At least in chrome, you can customize fonts using an extension called font changer. I think it is packed with all GNU free fonts for legal issues. But, since you have the font files in the OS, like consolas, you can practically change to whatever font and size you like. Just play with it.

I had the same problem here using a MacBook Pro although not with KDE, but you could try on the menu of RStudio:
View -> Actual size
After a couple of days struggling to read the help, this worked: increased the size of letters in all windows of RStudio.

Help, Files, Packages can be opened in a new browser window where zoom in and out options are possible. Even a selected specific package can be opened in a new window for clear view

While this is quite an old question, you can now also change your font size under Linux like that:
Tools -> Global Options... -> Appearance -> Editor font size

Here's how I got around the problem:
Simply copy and paste into your word processor or text editor. Text will be pasted in the default text.
I'm using Windows 8.1, Office 2013 and R 64 bit. Not optimal but it works.


How to change the font size of only the console panel in RStudio?

I have found other posts showing how to change the font size of only the Help panel, and I know how to Zoom In and Out via keyboard shortcuts, or by using the long way.
I also know that you can change the font size of the editor in the Appearances option.
However, I would like to reduce the font size of only the console panel.
I would like to keep my editor font nice and big, but the console one is mostly for checking out quick data.frames so the smaller the better.
I tried fiddling around the source code of Rstudio to no avail.
Thank you in advance!

How can I compensate for fonts rendering differently on windows on a web page

I have a web page with text and an image. I want to place the text very precisely over the image.
I have discovered that with the font I am using, when viewing the page on windows, everything gets shifted down by about 4px. On Mac, iphone and android, it is placed correctly.
This does not happen if I use Courier New as the font, so I know that the problem is the font, however I have no choice but to use this font.
Is there a way to compensate for this purely in CSS, or do I need a javascript callback to detect windows and add a class so I can deal with it?
first of all, I would try tuning ling height, if that did not work, then I think you need to edit the font itself, you can do that using this site:, uploading your font file and convert it to the formats you use and the important point is to check this toggle button, it adjusts some properties in the font so it has similar experience on different operating systems
if that did not work, there is a program called fontforge it gives you the ability to change font metrics, for more info you could check this question
Font Rendering / Line-Height Issue on Mac/PC (outside of element)

Change Arch Linux Gnome Desktop Default Icon Size

So I've done some searching around and all I can find is how to change the size one at a time (right click on file, click change icon size, drag from one corner to adjust the size). I also could only find stuff with Nautilus and one for Ubuntu. And that gets a bit annoying since the default icon size is way to big. Is there a way to set the default size for the desktop icons? I'm using Arch Linux OS with gnome and gnome extra. It took me a while to figure out how to get the icons to show up on the desktop but I think they're way to big.
This worked for me:
gsettings set org.gnome.nautilus.icon-view default-zoom-level 'small'

gulp-iconfont: Iconfont rendering wildly different on Windows

I can't for the life of me figure out why the same font that I build using gulp-iconfont renders so wildly different on Windows vs. basically all other OSes, including mobile OSes. I've tested practically all of them through Browserstack, and consistently all browser running on Windows render the font with a massive amount of space above/below each icon while all other platforms render as expected.
I highlighted the elements using the inspector for the following screenshots:
I think I have narrowed it down to be the font rendering, as when I change the font-family in the css, the spacing around the characters evaporates. I have messed around with the gulp-iconfont options (fontHeight is set to 1024 and font is being normalized) without success.
Is my only option to let go of compiling my own iconfont and just using svg's, or does anyone know what I might be doing wrong? I feel the stench of defeat upon me so any faint scent of hope would make me simmer with joy.

Xcode 4 Source Editor Not Displaying Text Properly

My Xcode has suddenly began to display unreadable text in the source editor. No other apps are affected. It is most notable with white/bright-colored text on a black background but it occurs in every theme.
The text looks like the the background is bleeding through the foreground text characters. It doesn't really look like "the jaggies" that you used to see with bitmapped fonts.
Here is s side by side comparison between Xcode and the terminal using the same orange on black theme, at the same font of Menlo 12. Even in the reduced resolution screen shot, the difference is obvious. On screen, the terminal text display is crisp and easily readable while the Xcode text is barely readable and, as a practical matter, useless.
I don't know when the problem may have started because I haven't been working in Xcode recently. The only change is that I added a second monitor to my dev box but removing the monitor did not resolve the problem.
I tried using the defaults to set the anti-aliasing of Xcode to 24 point but that too had no effect.
I'm stumped. My next step will be to reinstall Xcode but I was hoping someone else may have hit this problem before and has a neater resolution.
A reinstall of Xcode resolved the issue. Haven't the foggiest why.
This answer over at Ask Different might be relevant as well.
