Do I need to maintain the HTTPS (SSL) state after user logged even the data are not sensitive? -

I have a website where users can post ads and view them. I am using build it. So normally site is free for to view ads. But if anybody wants to post an ad he or she needs to be a registered user. So if an user try to Post an ad without logging then he will be redirect to login page. So I want to enable SSL for login page to securely transfer information over the internet.
Here few things you should know.
I just only need to secure the user name and passwords.
Ads post by users are not sensitive data. So it is OK if it transfer through non secure path.
I dont want to enable SSL for every page. Because it will slow down page loading and it is a CPU intense task.
So how to achieve this? Do I need to maintain the HTTPS state after user logged under SSL connection until he post articles and until he log out?
Cant I just secure the login page for authenticate the user and then go with normal pages? Keep in mind that I need to keep the logged information because I saw in an another blog that saying When you go from HTTPS to HTTP all the states are being lost. Is that true?
So Help me here.
Thank you very much.

You should maintain SSL for every page once a user is logged in so that you can use secure cookies for the authentication cookie. This can be set using the requireSSL="true" in the web.config (MSDN doc). You definitely should use secure cookies for authentication, and you'll only be able to utilize that cookie over HTTPS.
Or as Scott Hanselman put it in this seriously old blog post:
In order to prevent Session Hijacking, when you've got a secure site,
it's a good idea to mark your cookies as "secure," meaning that they
can't be accessed over HTTP. This prevents folks from being issued
cookies over HTTPS then switching to HTTP in order to access the
cookie with sniffers or other evil.
This question has also been covered at Information Security Stack Exchange and Programmers Stack Exchange.
More Reading: OWASP Top 10 for .NET developers part 9: Insufficient Transport Layer Protection


Log in through SSL but display account name on non-SSL pages?

I am building a website with user accounts. I want the user's name to be displayed at the top, along with the ability to check their inbox with a dropdown that will be updated and refreshed by AJAX. For a user to log in, they will enter their username and password in another dropdown box powered by AJAX. I will also have a specific page, which could use SSL, which sells items through PayPal and BitPay.
I want to secure this with SSL. However, it's not feasible to make all the pages use SSL because the CDN I plan to use doesn't support SSL at the price I am willing to pay and because I wish to allow users to embed images and YouTube videos, which would be linking to third-party HTTP resources.
So my question: is it possible to allow users to log in through AJAX securely over SSL? (The AJAX request would be secured, but not the page that shows the log in form.) It must then be able to display their account name and edit their account settings over an unsecure connection? How would cookies work with this?
You might get better answers at, but in short: You might have a cookie shared between http and https. But then you should not associate any information to the cookie, which might be abused by an attacker, because the cookie can be sniffed when using http instead of https and then reused by the attacker to hijack the session (and those the identity). So for serious stuff you should have another and different secure (e.g. https-only) cookie. A good source of information is also OWASP, e.g.

Http to Https POST

We are launching a new website(say A) and it has Username/Password to it and ours is a HTTP Site. We are POSTING Username/Password information to another site which is our another internal website(Say B) but that website is HTTPS site. Our 'A' site don’t handle Authorization and Authentication and neither we have Data bases nor their going to be any back communications(for error handling stuff like that) to the 'B' From 'A'. we tranfer them to the B website altogether and no coming back.
My Question is
Is the information I am Posting from HTTP to HTTPS site is secure? If yes How its secure. If No why.
The data will be encrypted from the browser to website B, but the end-user has no assurance that website B is who it claims to be. A "man in the middle" attack could be used which would deliver the secure information to the phony site.
Therefore, your login page should be hosted on website B and delivered using SSL (https).
Provided the user can verify the absence of scripts running on site A, it's possible to ensure that it's secure. What makes it a generally bad practice is that it's vulnerable to an active man in the middle who changes the form target or inserts a malicious script in the context of site A to steal the password and send it away before it gets submitted to the (secure) site B.

How to preserve authentication for ASP.NET Forms authentication cookie, Http to Https (different domains) and back?

We have a non-SSL ASP.NET web app that allows a user to login (ASP forms authentication, inproc).
Once authenticated, we redirect their browser to an external, SSL secured page on another web site / domain altogether that we do not control.
The client is redirected back to a pre-configured url on our original http web app when done.
However, the customer is then asked to "re-login" again on our side which is undesired...
It seems the forms authentication cookie is destroyed when transitioning between HTTP and HTTPS and back again.
How can I keep the forms authentication cookie alive so that the customer does not have to re-authenticate on the round trip?
It's not being destroyed; you're not authenticating on your domain, so the cookie's not being set on your domain, and thus requests on your domain will not contain said authentication cookie.
This is GOOD. If this didn't happen, then every cookie from every domain you ever visited would get sent with every request. Which is obviously 1) crazy and 2) a security hole. Setting a cookie on should never be visible to pages on
If you're using a 3rd party authentication system, like google, facebook, etc, they'll all have some sort of callback token that you'll have to process and set your own cookies.
Consider to set cookie's domain property for your cookies with more specified can be found here or try this code:
Response.Cookies["your_cookie_name"].Domain = "";
You're looking for a Single Sign On solution.
It might be a little overkill for your problem, for which you might just want to get the same domainname. But if that isn't an option you might want to take a look at:
Windows Identity Foundation

Secure login with additional context information passed through (which also needs to be secure)

My web application will be launched through existing thick client applications. When launched, an HTTP POST request will be generated including information like the userID and additional context information (basically stuff like the target user's name, birthday, etc.).
My plan for authentication is for there to be a look-up table in the database. If the username is already there, automatically login the user, but if there is no entry in the database, redirect the user to an initial login page which will be used to create that database entry.
My question is how to secure this against MITM and other security holes. How can the request generated through the thick client be on an SSL connection? Doesn't an SSL connection have to be authenticated with the username (and password) first? And if so, will the additional context information be publicly exposed until the user is logged in?
Sorry if this is a basic security 101 question. References on where to read up on security basics would also be greatly appreciated.
No, SSL does not require any username or password to work. SSL only encrypts the data between the client and the server. You could serve an entirely anonymously accessed site via SSL. Most of the time, people equate SSL and logins because you want to encrypt your login credentials and any of the information accessed using those credentials.
If you want to use your method, simply post the User ID and other information to your SSL site. The post and any response will be encrypted. If using a web page, it would look something like this.
<form method="POST" action="">
Generating from an application, just use the https:// when creating your URL to post to.
Regarding any other security concerns, we do not have enough information to speak about the overall security of your planned deployment, but the above should take care of your initial questions about SSL and encryption.

web application with secured sections, sessions and related trouble

I would like to create web application with admin/checkout sections being secured. Assuming I have SSL set up for I would like to make sure that all that top-secret stuff ;) like checkout pages and admin section is transferred securely. Would it be ok to structure my application as below?
Users would access my web application via http as there is no need for SSL for homepage and similar. Checkout/admin pages would have to be accessed via https though (that I would ensure via .htaccess redirects). I would also like to have login form on every page of the site, including non-secure pages. Now my questions are:
if I have form on non-secure page e.g and that form sends data to, is data being send encrypted as if it were sent from I do realize users will not see padlock, but browser still should encrypt it, is it right?
EDIT: my apologies.. above in bold I originally typed http but meant https, my bad
2.If on secure page loginPage.php (or any other accessed via https for that instance) I created session, session ID would be assigned, and in case of my web app. something like username of the logged in user. Would I be able to access these session variable from to for example display greeting message? If session ID is stored in cookies then it would be trouble I assume, but could someone clarify how it should be done? It seems important to have username and password send over SSL.
3.Related to above question I think.. would it actually make any sense to have login secured via SSL so usenrame/password would be transferred securely, and then session ID being transferred with no SSL? I mean wouldnt it be the same really if someone caught username and password being transferred, or caught session ID? Please let me know if I make sense here cause it feels like I'm missing something important.
EDIT: I came up with idea but again please let me know if that would work. Having above, so assuming that sharing session between http and https is as secure as login in user via plain http (not https), I guess on all non secure pages, like homepage etc. I could check if user is already logged in, and if so from php redirect to https version of same page. So user fills in login form from homepage.php, over ssl details are send to backend so probably https://.../homepage.php. Trying to access http://.../someOtherPage.php script would always check if session is created and if so redirect user to https version of this page so https://.../someOtherPage.php. Would that work?
4.To avoid browser popping message "this page contains non secure items..." my links to css, images and all assets, e.g. in case of should be absolute so "/images/image1.jpg" or relative so "../images/image1.jpg"? I guess one of those would have to work :)
wow that's long post, thanks for your patience if you got that far and any answers :) oh yeh and I use php/apache on shared hosting
If the SSL termination is on the webserver itself, then you'll probably need to configure seperate document roots for the secure and non-secure parts - while you could specify that these both reference the same physical directory, you're going to get tied in knots switching between the parts. Similarly if your SSL termination is before the webserver you've got no systematic separation of the secure and non-secure parts.
Its a lot tidier to separate out the secure and non-secure parts into seperate trees - note that if you have non-SSL content on a secure page, the users will get warning messages.
Regards your specific questions
NO - whether data is encrypted depends on where it is GOING TO, not where it is coming from
YES - but only if you DO NOT set the secure_only cookie flag - note that if you follow my recommendations above, you also need to ensure that the cookie path is set to '/'
the page which processes the username and password MUST be secure. If not then you are exposing your clients authentication details (most people use the same password for all the sites they visit) and anyone running a network sniffer or proxy would have access.
Your EDIT left me a bit confused. SSL is computationally expensive and slow - so you want to minimise its use - but you need to balance this with your users perception of security - don't keep switching from SSL to non-SSL, and although its perfectly secure for users to enter their details on a page served up by non-SSL which sends to a SSL page, the users may not understand this distinction.
See the first part of my answer above.
