Is there a bug with flex 4.5.1 form states? - apache-flex

The following code example should produce hello world (in two rows) yet it produces "world hello" instead ...
<s:Application xmlns:fx="" xmlns:s="library://">
<s:State name="state1" />
<s:State name="state2" />
<s:Form excludeFrom="state2">
<s:Label text="hello" />
<s:Label text="world" includeIn="state1" />
Replacing the Form with HGroup of VGroup seems to work as expected...
I know this is not the recommended usage of a Form but I tried to use it only because it supports defaultButton out of the box.
Shouldn't it work?
It seems that BorderContainer has the same issue, but mx:Form seems to work well


adding a background image in flex 4.6

Doing a Flex 4.6 mobile app I am trying to add an asset .png file to be displayed as the background to the application across all the different views and orientations. Has anyone worked out a way to do this yet?
Any help would be appreciated :)
I've been in this hole and I know the way out.
You'll need to create a skin class for your application. It doesn't have to be too complex here's what my file (appSkin.mxml) looks like.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><s:Skin xmlns:fx=""
<!-- states -->
<s:State name="disabled" />
<s:State name="normal" />
<s:BitmapImage source="#Embed('assets/bg.png')" width="100%" height="100%" />
<s:Group id="contentGroup" width="100%" height="100%" minWidth="0" minHeight="0" />
<!-- SkinParts
name=contentGroup, type=spark.components.Group, required=false
Then you'll need to declare that file as your application's skinClass in your application's opening tag…
<s:Application xmlns:fx=""
xmlns:s="library://" applicationDPI="320"
creationComplete="creationCompleteHandler()" xmlns:views="views.*" skinClass="skins.appSkin">
Then you'll have to do one final step. Each of your View components are carrying an opaque background layer so in each of them you'll want to explicitly set that backgroundAlpha value to 0.
<s:View xmlns:fx=""
xmlns:s="library://" title="Start" backgroundAlpha="0">
And that should accomplish your mission of maintaining a common background image for your application across multiple views.
Try something like this:
public var myImage :Class;
<s:Image source="myImage" width="100%" height="100%"/>
Info about Embedding images in Flex
However, I don't expect perfect results. A PNG is a pre-rendered bitmap. Most likely it will not look right across all views and orientations [and resolutions] because elements of the PNG may be skewed, stretched, or compressed, with it is resized on the fly; for example when switching from portrait to landscape.

ItemRenderer Doesn't Resize with DataGrid Column

I have an item renderer tied to an mx:DataGrid column. The renderer used to be inline with the column, but I've moved it out to its own file so I can reuse it across multiple tables.
The problem is that now the renderer doesn't resize (grow/shrink) when the column is resized. So if the user makes the column very small, the contents displayed by the renderer just eat up space and show up over top other columns Any ideas how to make this work?
Code for Item Renderer:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<s:MXDataGridItemRenderer xmlns:fx=""
<mx:HBox verticalScrollPolicy="auto" horizontalScrollPolicy="off" width="100%">
<mx:Spacer top="0" bottom="0" width="4" />
<mx:Image id="typeIcon" buttonMode="false" source="{data.type}" />
Code for column using that renderer:
<mx:DataGridColumn headerText="Type" dataField="type" itemRenderer="com.myCompany.myProject.TypeRenderer" />
Adding width=100% to the MXDataGridItemRender didn't work.
I posted my question on Adobe's flex forum -- the solution was to remove the outer s:MXDataGridItemRenderer and to just let the mx:HBox be the root control (no other changes were necessary.)
Strange that he Flex Builder app doesn't give you the option of defining the outermost control, it just plops an s:MXDataGridItemRenderer on top...

Spark RichEditableText weirdness when heightInLines="1"

Try this:
<s:Application xmlns:fx=""
<s:Panel id="pnl">
<s:RichEditableText id="richEdTxt"
maxChars="100" />
Now set heightInLines="1":
<s:Application xmlns:fx=""
<s:Panel id="pnl">
<s:RichEditableText id="richEdTxt"
heightInLines="1" />
See the problem when you fill up the RichEditableText with characters? Keep typing the word hello until you cross outside of the first visible area of the RichEditableText. things get weird. Try it out. Anyone have any ideas how to prevent the weirdness? (the text starts jumping up and down)
This is a bug that appears to have been fixed in a later SDK - but I can't seem to find the JIRA ticket for it.

Setting background image in Flex 4.5

I have written a custom skin in Flex 4.5, which shows a custom image. I want this to my background image, so how can I set this skin to the application container?
You skin the application like any other component, the skinClass attribute of course! :)
Here is my app.mxml :
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<s:Application xmlns:fx=""
Now, here I make a simple skin with a background image stretched to fit!
Full source of my MyAppSkin.mxml file here (too big to post here):
Here is the important part (only part really customized - rest is standard) :
<s:Group id="backgroundRect">
<s:BitmapImage source="#Embed('beach.jpg')" left="0" right="0" top="0" bottom="0" scaleMode="stretch"/>
What happens when you apply a skin is that it searches for certain elements by id (backgroundRect being the one we're interested in) and applying them. To customize, simply change the parts of the skin you want. I replaced the standard background solid color fill with this group with an image.
Piece of cake sir!
Make sense?
How about this:
<s:BitmapImage source="#Embed('paper1.jpg')"
left="0" right="0"
width="100%" height="100%"
Set background image and add components
<mx:VBox width="100%" height="100%" horizontalAlign="center" verticalAlign="middle">

Height problem with automatic word wrapping in MXTreeItemRenderer in a flex tree

With the default TreeItemrenderer it is possible to enable automatic word wrapping depending on the tree width by setting wordWrap=true and variableRowHeight="true" in the tree control.
I would like to enable this behavior in a MXTreeItemRenderer (a wrapper for using spark components as mx itemrenderer).
I used the MXTreeItemRenderer created by Flexbuilder and added a width of 100% to the label component (see code below).
Word wrapping is working now but in many cases the calculation of the item renderer height is wrong when there are line breaks. It seems to work with a fixed width.
Any idea how to get this right?
<s:MXTreeItemRenderer xmlns:fx=""
<s:State name="normal" />
<s:State name="hovered" />
<s:State name="selected" />
<s:HGroup left="0" right="0" top="0" bottom="0" verticalAlign="middle">
<s:Rect id="indentationSpacer" width="{treeListData.indent}" percentHeight="100" alpha="0">
<s:SolidColor color="0xFFFFFF" />
<s:Group id="disclosureGroup">
<s:BitmapImage source="{treeListData.disclosureIcon}" visible="{treeListData.hasChildren}" />
<s:BitmapImage source="{treeListData.icon}" />
<s:Label id="labelField" text="{treeListData.label}" paddingTop="2" width="100%"/>
Well you should probably file a bug first off ;)
If it's not reporting the height correctly, override the measure(..) method and work out the height yourself, you'll probably have to use line metrics (If they are still around in Spark) to work it out.
I found out that the height is calculated correctly when it is done twice.
So as a workaround for now I listen to changes of the data and the size and call the invalidateList() Method of the tree on a change.
In this blog site, someone pointed me to this site
really nice one, it helped me. I think it works for varying row height. Nodes with wrapping text should work.
