Session and Cookies -

I was reading an article on session vs viewstate and after reading the article I got a doubt i.e. the article says if I create a session variable i.e.
Session("username")="username" this value is saved on webserver and webserver on start of first request creates a cookie and store it on a client machine and then retrieve the session variables for specific user based on the cookie value stored on client machine.
My doubts are - How and where does the session variables are stored on the server.
My understanding is based on the sessionID i.e. cookie value stored on client machine the webserver created a folder and for all the session variables created it create file and store the data i.e. For all the session variables stored on webserver there will be only one cookie stored on client machine- Please correct me if I am wrong in understanding to what I mentioned above.

ASP.Net allows you to configure where you want your sessions variables stored. The documentation on the different options you can use is available here:
The short version is that session variables are stored in memory with your application by default, but you can also use a separate process or even Sql Server. None of the options uses a folder on your disk, though. That would be slow. If you really want to use a folder on the server, you have to write your own custom provider.


Disadvantage of using session[""] in

In my project I use session to store user information ( username, password, personal image, and gender ) to be used in all pages of my project. I also use two other session to store small strings. Is there any disadvantage of using session ? also is there any risk of using session to store user password ?
Some things to take into account:
Don't store passwords. You should hash the incoming password, validate against the hash in your DB, and not hold on to it afterwards.
You should try to avoid using a write-access Session throughout the application, since you'll end up forcing to serialize incoming requests from the same session. Use read-only Session to avoid that. This could become apparent if you initiate multiple ajax calls simultaneously. More info here:
Storing too much data in the Session could cause scalability issues, since all that information is held in memory on the server. If you switch over to SQL storage for sessions (common in webfarm/cloud deployments), then if the session is large every request on the server will have that Session data going back and forth between the server and the DB.
Content that goes into the session should be Serializable, just in case you decide to move over to a different persistent storage (such as sql server)
Using Sessions to retain information may not go well with stateless REST/WebApi endpoints (if you need to create any in the future)
Excessive use of Session for storage could make unit testing slightly more difficult (you will have to mock the Session)
By "personal image" I assume you are storing a url or such, and not an actual binary image. Avoid storing binary content. Only return the binary image file when the browser requests it, and don't store it in memory, the browser can cache that content easily.
You might also find the references linked in this answer to be useful in providing additional information:
The main problem with using Session and any machine depending properties is the scalability of the web site, so if you wanted to deploy your web site to a farm of servers then you can see the problem with depending on a machine state property since the request may be processed on different machines.
Hope that helps.

how to get value of session from cookies

every one know session value are stored in server and generate key for every session variable that is stored in cookies.This raised two questions in my mind
1. where exactly session variable stored in server.I mean in which file and where is it located in server ?
2. is there any way to get session value from cookies ?
1) where exactly session variable stored in server.
That depends on where you told it to. By default it goes in the memory of your webserver. But you could configure it also to be stored out-of-process or even in SQL server. Take a look at the session state modes. For example if you are running in a webfarm, you definitely don't want your session to be stored in-memory because the nodes of your webfarm won't be able to share this information between them.
2) is there any way to get session value from cookies ?
No, absolutely no. That would completely defeat the whole security of the session (which as you correctly stated is only stored on the server). The cookie value is just a pointer to this information. If you wanted to retrieve some session value from the client side you will have to write an endpoint and explicitly expose it.

Alternative to Session for a per-user variable in ASP.NET MVC

I am working on a MVC 3 application that will be hosted in a web-farm with a multi-worker process setup. There are about a dozen variables that are being stored in Session but are getting lost due to the IIS setup.
By getting lost I mean that when the Logon process succeeds I see through logging that I have set the Session variables but then after the Redirect action and on the landing Controller Action the Session variables are often empty. I'm not sure if this is related but this is in a HTTPS.
We are looking at the possibility of moving our user-specific settings that are stored in Session out to some other mechanism but there is one variable that I won't be able to do that with. Given the above deployment environment I have the following questions.
Are cookies my only (best?) alternative to storing Session variables for user-specific settings?
If so is there a secure mechanism for writing cookies so they cannot be manipulated and can still be read in a multi-server environment?
As I understand it System.Runtime.Caching suffers from the same problem when ran in the above IIS configuration. Is that true?
Are cookies my only (best?) alternative to storing Session variables
for user-specific settings?
No - they are about the worst possible approach. Three reasons that come to mind:
They can be manipulated.
They travel with every request from client to server - inefficient.
They will add more complications to your implementation since you'll have to start thinking about securing them in different ways.
If so is there a secure mechanism for writing cookies so they cannot
be manipulated and can still be read in a multi-server environment?
See answer above.
As I understand it System.Runtime.Caching suffers from the same
problem when ran in the above IIS configuration. Is that true?
True. You should be using any of the State Providers that are out of proc. You can either use Sql Server to store session data -provided your objects are serializable, obviously- or the State server mode mode="stateserver"
Read here for more details

ASP.Net Session State

I was wondering whether it would be possible to change the sqlConnectionString used for SessionState in based upon the domain an application is running on?
A scenario; We have 20 sites running from one application all talking to different databases depending which domain (site) they are browsing from.
When browsing the application talks to the database 'db1'. The site on the other hand talks to the database 'db2' etc, thus selecting the relevant content and also spreading the load to each database rather than using one master database to handle all connections for the sites.
An issue that has arisen though - for this setup we use SqlServer mode for the SessionState so all users to all sites sessions are stored in 1 aspstate database, now as the sites get busier / number of sites increase this database comes under increasing strain to handle all the session requests for all the sites and we are starting to get some timeout errors where the connections to this database are bottlenecking.
We can seperate out the sites to from their own application and set up different applications with the same code but within each application set a different Session database in each Web.Config and thus lightening the load. This task would be quite time consuming though and would result in more management in the long term. SO.. I would love to know if it's possible to modify within the code the sqlConnectionString used for SessionState, based upon a domain, before the session object is created? Can we inherit from System.Web.HttpApplication and use the Application_AcquireRequestState event to create the required setup of the HttpSessionState object?
Hopefully this makes sense and that someone can provide some pointers and prove to me that this isn't a pipe dream!
I think you are missing a big point--putting things in separate databases on the same server isn't going to help things at all if the bottleneck is sql server--it is either SQL running out of headroom or the network running out of bandwidth. I'd try and figure out which one it was before doing anything.
Your issue isn't so much that the connections to the database are bottlenecking, its that you are overwhelming the network connection to the database with data from all of the sessions.
By default, the Sql Server state provider simply serializes your data and ships it to the database. This is VERY inefficient and takes a LONG time to transfer on a fast network.
We solved this problem by going to a custom provider, like DOTSS that compresses session content before shipping it to the database. The compression rates we see are 80%-90% and the compression time is less than 10ms.
You can implement a custom session state provider. See MSDN for details. I've never done it, but with a little luck you can wrap the SqlServer session state module and redirect it based on the domain
First of all, I don't see there is advantage of "I would love to know if it's possible to modify within the code the sqlConnectionString used for SessionState, based upon a domain, before the session object is created" compared to set this in web.config.
Secondly, I think you need change that connection string setting in App_Start, so all the request will use that changed settings.Application_AcquireRequestState probably too late for this.
Why not split up the sites into sperate web applications and use hostheader to differentiate between the web sites. That way you could easily configure which session database you want your web application to use since each web application would have a seperate web.config file.
You could partition your session across different databases by implementing IPartitionResolver, and using a different partition for each domain.
Here's an example showing how to implement a custom partition resolver. (The example partitions by session ID, but it would be trivial to change it to partition by domain instead.)
We have several dozen development sites whose database connections are handled via the project's main Web.Config.
There is a separate configuration section corresponding to each URL on our intranet (e.g. http://development11, http://development12). We have SQL instances with a similar naming convention (DEVDB1\SQL1, DEVDB1\SQL2).
Based on the URL configured on the intranet IIS server, the app grabs the appropriate config. For testing we can easily modify the user, the database server or individual databases utilized for a particular site.

Basic: How is the session id created?

Does IIS create the session id when a request is received and where is that saved (client or server)?
How does server recognize that the request is coming from the same user/session?
The answer to your first question is Yes -- if sessions are used, and Both.
A cookie is a short bit of text passed back and forth between client and server with every request/response.
IIS generates a session id, saves it, and any associated data, and passes the in a cookie to the client (browser).
When the client makes another request, it sends the cookie, containing the sessionID back to the server. The server can then look at the cookie and find the session (and the associated data) which is saved on the server.
In, there are multiple places for the session to be saved, but it's always within the server infrastructure.
The default is the memory of the IIS Process. This means: if you reset IIS (or the whole PC) or even just the application pool within IIS, all sessions are deleted, and the session data is lost forever. Also, if you have a LOT of sessions and store a lot of data in each session, the process will require a lot of memory, which can be a problem. This is called "In-Proc" Sessions.
The main alternative is a SQL Server Database. That way, sessions are kept even after a restart and it does not really matter how large each session is. The main downside is the added latency: Fetching data from a database is slower that the In-Proc solution of course.
There are also some other methods how to store sessions (including the option to write a completely new session provider), but the two common ones are "The Memory of the Server" and "A MS SQL Database".
