How to call non-crud Stored Procedure from Entity Framework Code First - ef-code-first

I have a simple stored procedure that takes no parameters and returns zero for success.
How do I wire that up using Code First so that I can call it from the Context?
When using an edmx (Database First) you can use the wizard to import a function and then call it on the Context:
Is there a way to do this with Code First?
I have found many examples but they are all CRUD type of stored procedures.

While I thought that there would be a specific mapping for a stored procedure on the context, the following is the only way I could find for Code First Development:
Context.Database.ExecuteSqlCommand("EXEC ClearLog");


Web2py: insert server concept of datetime

How do I get web2py to insert the current time as understood by the DB server into a datetime field. If I simple use it will insert the client time. In mySQL I would use "NOW()" to get the server time: is there a DAL shortcut for this?
It's for using inside an update_or_insert() statement, if that makes any difference.
I don't think you can directly pass a SQL function to the DAL .insert or .update_or_insert methods, as whatever values are passed will end up being quoted. Instead, you will have to use the .executesql() method and pass it the SQL to be executed. If you want help generating the SQL, you can use the ._insert method to generate a string, and then remove the quotes around the "NOW()" function:
query = db.mytable._insert(mytime='NOW()').replace("'NOW()'", "NOW()")
Of course, you won't be able to use the .update_or_insert method with this approach, but its logic is not complicated, so you could easily implement your own helper to handle the .update_or_insert logic as well as the above logic.

Entity Framework for Multi-tenant architecture - filterings single table by tenant ID

We are looking for a way of automatically filtering all CRUD operations by a tenant ID in Entity Framework.
The ideas we thought of were:
Using table valued user defined functions
Using stored procedures (but we don't really want to, as we're using an ORM to avoid doing so)
Some how modifying the templates used to generate the SQL to add a where clause on each statement.
Some how modifying the templates used to generate the LINQ in the controllers (we may use MVC).
Any tips?
Using table valued user defined functions
Table valued function are only available in .NET 4.5 Beta (and not available in code first). Using them will still not help you because you will have to use the function in every LINQ query so it is the same as using where clause.
Using stored procedures (but we don't really want to, as we're using an ORM to avoid doing so)
It can be useful for some special complex queries but generally it is not what you want.
Some how modifying the templates used to generate the SQL to add a where clause on each statement.
Too complex and on completely different level of abstraction.
Some how modifying the templates used to generate the LINQ in the controllers (we may use MVC).
Close to ideal solution. You simply need to wrap access to your entity set into some code which will look like:
public class MultiTenantAccess<T> where T : IMultitenant
private IDbSet<T> set;
public IQueryable<T> GetQuery(int tenantID)
return set.Where(e => e.TenantID == tenantID);
Sometimes this is core for something called Generic repository but it is really just a wrapper around EF set. You will always use GetQuery to query your data store instead of using DbSet directly.
you may also separate the tenants data into different databases
or into same database, but with different schemas? You can read more about this in an old MSDN article called "Multi-Tenant Data Architecture"

How to override record table naming to access existing data in Orchard CMS

I need to access data from pre-existing tables. I've started working my way through creating a module to display the data etc. However, Orchard is prefixing the table commands with the 'Table_Prefix' and 'Module Name'.
Is there any way I can specify what table to bind the model, so that I can use the existing IRepository
I'm trying to steer clear of modifying the core code, or implement my own IRepository ( which I've got a feeling is what I'm going to have to do.)
Thanks in advance.
You can create custom table naming convention (so that it would fit your current naming) by altering the core code, in three ways:
Record name mapping is created in BuildRecord method of
CompositionStrategy class
(Orchard.Framework/Environment/ShellBuilders/CompositionStrategy), so you can simply modify the code here.
By altering the Apply method of Orchard.Data.Conventions.RecordTableNameConvention class. This is where the record table name mappings (built in point 1.) get pushed to NHibernate.
Create your own implementation of FluentNHibernate.Conventions.IClassConvention (similar to RecordTableNameConvention mentioned above and replace the default one used by AutoMap in Orchard.Data.Providers.AbstractDataServicesProvider's CreatePersistenceModel(...) method with it.
You could also create your own IDataServicesProvider implementation, but that would surely be an overkill if you only need to change the table naming convention.
I was modifying CompositionStrategy and discovered that you have to modify the following
1. SetupService.cs (Modules\Orchard.Setup\Services):
Tables hardcoded in the Setup method are
"Orchard_Framework_DataMigrationRecord" and
2. InfosetController.cs (Modules\Upgrade\Controllers):
Multiple tables were hardcoded in this class which need to be updated.
3. DataMigrationManager.cs (Data\Migration):
Replace the SchemaBuilder parameters to the contructor.

ASP.NET MVC - getting started with Linq and SQL procedure

Today is my first day using ASP.NET MVC, and I'm finding it very intriguing. I only just started learning
So basically I'm trying to call a procedure from an MSSQL database, and with it I need to send a paramater "PlaceID", which is an integer. This procedure basically just picks out a number of columns from different tables in the database. Here is the Linq to SQL code
The ultimate goal is to be able to retrieve all the information and return it as JSON with a function that will be available for a javascript.
I'm wondering what is the best way to proceed from here. I know I have to create a view, but I'm still unclear exactly on how I can call the procedure and make it store all the information. I could really use some help on this, some code examples would be excellent. I already wrote a function to convert a datatable to JSON using a stringbuilder, but I get the feeling there is a smarter way to do things.
Any help is very appreciated.
Might I suggest going through the example first. I really think that you may have started down the wrong road and it would be worth backing up and doing some review first. For one thing, you probably don't want to be mixing DataTables and LINQ, typically you'd work with strongly-typed models and have your data context/repository return IQueryable/IEnumerables of the model instead of a DataTable. For another, there is a controller method that is able to turn a model into JSON for you. Generally, you should need to write your own JSON serialization.
Declare a list and serialze it into json.
Here Lstcustomeris a genric list of class type customer
I Assign values to class varable and then insert this class in list of Lstcustomer
Dim js As New System.Web.Script.Serialization.JavaScriptSerializer
Return js.Serialize(Lstcustomer)

How to call stored proc from ASP.Net MVC stack via the ORM & return them in json?

i'm a total newbie with mvc and here's my jam:
i have a 3 level list box which selection on box A shows options on box B and selection on box B will show the options for box C.
I'm trying to do the whole thing in MVC and what i see is that the nerd dinner tutorial uses the ORM method.
so i created a dbml to the database and drag the stored proc inside.
i create a datacontext object but i don't quite know how to connect the result from the stored proce which should be multiple rows of data and make it into a json.
so i can keep all the json data inside the html page and using jquery i could make the selection process faster.
i don't expect the data inside the three boxes to change so often thus i think this method should be quite viable.
So how do i get the stored proc part
to return the data as json?
i've noticed some tutorial online
that the json return result part is
at the controller and not at the
model end.
Why is that?
FYI, i find what i mostly wanted to do here.
For the json part, i referenced here.
Return a JsonResult from your controller action. You may need to coerce the result from your stored procedure into a C# class serializable to Json.
Json conversion should be done in the controller because it's not really part of the domain. More a DTO in the MVVM (Model-View-ViewModel) style.
