Rotate 3D vectors on 2D plane - math

I have two Vec3s, Camera Forward and Turret Forward. Both of these vectors are on different planes where Camera Forward is based on a free-look camera and Turret Forward is determined by the tank it sits on, the terrain the tank is on, etc. Turret Up and Camera Up are rarely ever going to match.
My issue is as follows: I want the turret to be able to rotate using a fixed velocity (44 degrees per second) so that it always converges with the direction that the camera is pointed. If the tank is at a weird angle where it simply cannot converge with the camera, it should find the closest place and sit there instead of jitter around indefinitely.
I cannot for the life of me seem to solve this problem. I've tried several methods I found online that always produce weird results.
local forward = player.direction:rotate(player.turret, player.up)
local side = forward:cross(player.up)
local projection = * forward + * side
local angle = math.atan2(forward.y, forward.x) - math.atan2(projection.y, projection.x)
if angle ~= 0 then
local dt = love.timer.getDelta()
if angle <= turret_speed * dt then
player.turret_velocity = turret_speed
elseif angle >= -turret_speed * dt then
player.turret_velocity = -turret_speed
player.turret_velocity = 0
player.turret = player.turret + angle

I would do it differently
obtain camera direction vector c in GCS (global coordinate system)
I use Z axis as viewing axis so just extract z axis from transform matrix
for more info look here understanding transform matrices
obtain turret direction vector t in GCS
the same as bullet 1.
compute rotated turret direction vectors in booth directions
now compute the dot products
a =dot(c,t)
determine turret rotation
if max(a0,a,a1)==a0 rotate(-44.0deg/s)`
if max(a0,a,a1)==a1 rotate(+44.0deg/s)`
this should converge to desired direction
the angle step should be resized to match the time interval used for update this
you can use any common coordinate system for bullets 1,2 not just GCS
in this case the dot product is cos(angle between vectors) because both c,t are unit vectors (if taken from standard transform matrix)
so if cos(angle)==1 then the directions are the same
but your camera can be rotated in different axis so just find the maximum of cos(angle)

After some more research and testing, I ended up with the following solution. It works swimmingly!
function Gameplay:moved_axisright(joystick, x, y)
if not then return end
local turret_speed = math.rad(44)
local stick = cpml.vec2(-x, -y)
local player = self.players[]
-- Mouse and axis control camera view * 18, stick.y * 9)
-- Get angle between Camera Forward and Turret Forward
local fwd = cpml.vec2(0, 1):rotate(player.orientation.z + player.turret)
local cam = cpml.vec2(1, 0):rotate(math.atan2(,
local angle = fwd:angle_to(cam)
-- If the turret is not true, adjust it
if math.abs(angle) > 0 then
local function new_angle(direction)
local dt = love.timer.getDelta()
local velocity = direction * turret_speed * dt
return cpml.vec2(0, 1):rotate(player.orientation.z + player.turret + velocity):angle_to(cam)
-- Rotate turret into the correct direction
if new_angle(1) < 0 then
player.turret_velocity = turret_speed
elseif new_angle(-1) > 0 then
player.turret_velocity = -turret_speed
-- If rotating the turret a full frame will overshoot, set turret to camera position
-- atan2 starts from the left and we need to also add half a rotation. subtract player orientation to convert to local space.
player.turret = math.atan2(, + (math.pi * 1.5) - player.orientation.z
player.turret_velocity = 0
local direction = cpml.mat4():rotate(player.turret, { 0, 0, 1 }) * cpml.mat4():rotate(player.orientation.z, { 0, 0, 1 })
player.turret_direction = cpml.vec3(direction * { 0, 1, 0, 1 })


How to efficiently compute the future position of a point that will move in a box and bounce on its walls (2D)?

I have a simple maths/physics problem here: In a Cartesian coordinate system, I have a point that moves in time with a known velocity. The point is inside a box, and bounces orthognally on its walls.
Here is a quick example I did on paint:
What we know: The red point position, and its velocity which is defined by an angle θ and a speed. Of course we know the dimensions of the green box.
On the example, I've drawn in yellow its approximate trajectory, and let's say that after a determined period of time which is known, the red point is on the blue point. What would be the most efficient way to compute the blue point position?
I've tought about computing every "bounce point" with trigonometry and vector projection, but I feel like it's a waste of resources because trigonometric functions are usually very processor hungry. I'll have more than a thousand points to compute like that so I really need to find a more efficient way to do it.
If anyone has any idea, I'd be very grateful.
Apart from programming considerations, it has an interesting solution from geometric point of view. You can find the position of the point at a specific time T without considering its temporal trajectory during 0<t<T
For one minute, forget the size and the boundaries of the box; and assume that the point can move on a straight line for ever. Then the point has constant velocity components vx = v*cos(θ), vy = v*sin(θ) and at time T its virtual porition will be x' = x0 + vx * T, y' = y0 + vy * T
Now you need to map the virtual position (x',y') into the actual position (x,y). See image below
You can recursively reflect the virtual point w.r.t the borders until the point comes back into the reference (initial) box. And this is the actual point. Now the question is how to do these mathematics? and how to find (x,y) knowing (x',y')?
Denote by a and b the size of the box along x and y respectively. Then nx = floor(x'/a) and ny = floor(y'/b) indicates how far is the point from the reference box in terms of the number of boxes. Also dx = x'-nx*a and dy = y'-ny*b introduces the relative position of the virtual point inside its virtual box.
Now you can find the true position (x,y): if nx is even, then x = dx else x = a-dx; similarly if ny is even, then y = dy else y = b-dy. In other words, even number of reflections in each axis x and y, puts the true point and the virtual point in the same relative positions, while odd number of reflections make them different and complementary.
You don't need to use trigonometric function all the time. Instead get normalized direction vector as (dx, dy) = (cos(θ), sin(θ))
After bouncing from vertical wall x-component changes it's sign dx = -dx, after bouncing from horizontal wall y-component changes it's sign dy = -dy. You can see that calculations are blazingly simple.
If you (by strange reason) prefer to use angles, use angle transformations from here (for ball with non-zero radius)
if ((ball.x + ball.radius) >= window.width || (ball.x - ball.radius) <= 0)
ball.theta = M_PI - ball.theta;
if ((ball.y + ball.radius) >= window.height || (ball.y - ball.radius) <= 0)
ball.theta = - ball.theta;
To get point of bouncing:
Starting point (X0, Y0)
Ray angle Theta, c = Cos(Theta), s = Sin(Theta);
Rectangle coordinates: bottom left (X1,Y1), top right (X2,Y2)
if c >= 0 then //up
XX = X2
XX = X1
if s >= 0 then //right
YY = Y2
YY = Y1
if c = 0 then //vertical ray
return Intersection = (X0, YY)
if s = 0 then //horizontal ray
return Intersection = (XX, Y0)
tx = (XX - X0) / c //parameter when vertical edge is met
ty = (YY - Y0) / s //parameter when horizontal edge is met
if tx <= ty then //vertical first
return Intersection = (XX, Y0 + tx * s)
else //horizontal first
return Intersection = (X0 + ty * c, YY)

Calculating a 3D point infront of a position and rotation

I'm currently working on a game project and need to render a point in front of the current players vision, the game is written in a custom c++ engine. I have the current position (x,y,z) and the current rotation (pitch,yaw,roll). I need to extend the point forward along the known angle at a set distance.
What I Used As A Solution (Its slightly off but that's ok for me)
Vec3 LocalPos = {0,0,0};
Vec3 CurrentLocalAngle = {0,0,0};
float len = 0.1f;
float pitch = CurrentLocalAngle.x * (M_PI / 180);
float yaw = CurrentLocalAngle.y * (M_PI / 180);
float sp = sinf(pitch);
float cp = cosf(pitch);
float sy = sinf(yaw);
float cy = cosf(yaw);
Vec3 dir = { cp * cy, cp * sy, -sp };
LocalPos = { LocalPos.x + dir.x * len, LocalPos.y + dir.y * len,LocalPos.z + dir.z * len };
You can get the forward vector of the player from matrix column 3 if it is column based, then you multiply its normal by the distance you want then add the result to the player position you will get the point you need.
Convert the angle to a directional vector or just get the "forward vector" from the player if it's available in the engine you're using (it should be the same thing).
Directional vectors are normalized by nature (they have distance = 1), so you can just multiply them by the desired distance to get the desired offset. Multiply this vector by the distance you want the point to be relative to the reference point (the player's camera vector I presume), and then you just add one to the other to get the point in the world where this point belongs.

Turn rate on a player's rotation doing a 360 once it hits pi

Making a game using Golang since it seems to work quite well for games. I made the player face the mouse always, but wanted a turn rate to make certain characters turn slower than others. Here is how it calculates the turn circle:
func (p *player) handleTurn(win pixelgl.Window, dt float64) {
mouseRad := math.Atan2(p.pos.Y-win.MousePosition().Y, win.MousePosition().X-p.pos.X) // the angle the player needs to turn to face the mouse
if mouseRad > p.rotateRad-(p.turnSpeed*dt) {
p.rotateRad += p.turnSpeed * dt
} else if mouseRad < p.rotateRad+(p.turnSpeed*dt) {
p.rotateRad -= p.turnSpeed * dt
The mouseRad being the radians for the turn to face the mouse, and I'm just adding the turn rate [in this case, 2].
What's happening is when the mouse reaches the left side and crosses the center y axis, the radian angle goes from -pi to pi or vice-versa. This causes the player to do a full 360.
What is a proper way to fix this? I've tried making the angle an absolute value and it only made it occur at pi and 0 [left and right side of the square at the center y axis].
I have attached a gif of the problem to give better visualization.
Basic summarization:
Player slowly rotates to follow mouse, but when the angle reaches pi, it changes polarity which causes the player to do a 360 [counts all the back to the opposite polarity angle].
dt is delta time, just for proper frame-decoupled changes in movement obviously
p.rotateRad starts at 0 and is a float64.
Github repo temporarily: here
You need this library to build it! [go get it]
Note beforehand: I downloaded your example repo and applied my change on it, and it worked flawlessly. Here's a recording of it:
(for reference, GIF recorded with byzanz)
An easy and simple solution would be to not compare the angles (mouseRad and the changed p.rotateRad), but rather calculate and "normalize" the difference so it's in the range of -Pi..Pi. And then you can decide which way to turn based on the sign of the difference (negative or positive).
"Normalizing" an angle can be achieved by adding / subtracting 2*Pi until it falls in the -Pi..Pi range. Adding / subtracting 2*Pi won't change the angle, as 2*Pi is exactly a full circle.
This is a simple normalizer function:
func normalize(x float64) float64 {
for ; x < -math.Pi; x += 2 * math.Pi {
for ; x > math.Pi; x -= 2 * math.Pi {
return x
And use it in your handleTurn() like this:
func (p *player) handleTurn(win pixelglWindow, dt float64) {
// the angle the player needs to turn to face the mouse:
mouseRad := math.Atan2(p.pos.Y-win.MousePosition().Y,
if normalize(mouseRad-p.rotateRad-(p.turnSpeed*dt)) > 0 {
p.rotateRad += p.turnSpeed * dt
} else if normalize(mouseRad-p.rotateRad+(p.turnSpeed*dt)) < 0 {
p.rotateRad -= p.turnSpeed * dt
You can play with it in this working Go Playground demo.
Note that if you store your angles normalized (being in the range -Pi..Pi), the loops in the normalize() function will have at most 1 iteration, so that's gonna be really fast. Obviously you don't want to store angles like 100*Pi + 0.1 as that is identical to 0.1. normalize() would produce correct result with both of these input angles, while the loops in case of the former would have 50 iterations, in the case of the latter would have 0 iterations.
Also note that normalize() could be optimized for "big" angles by using floating operations analogue to integer division and remainder, but if you stick to normalized or "small" angles, this version is actually faster.
Preface: this answer assumes some knowledge of linear algebra, trigonometry, and rotations/transformations.
Your problem stems from the usage of rotation angles. Due to the discontinuous nature of the inverse trigonometric functions, it is quite difficult (if not outright impossible) to eliminate "jumps" in the value of the functions for relatively close inputs. Specifically, when x < 0, atan2(+0, x) = +pi (where +0 is a positive number very close to zero), but atan2(-0, x) = -pi. This is exactly why you experience the difference of 2 * pi which causes your problem.
Because of this, it is often better to work directly with vectors, rotation matrices and/or quaternions. They use angles as arguments to trigonometric functions, which are continuous and eliminate any discontinuities. In our case, spherical linear interpolation (slerp) should do the trick.
Since your code measures the angle formed by the relative position of the mouse to the absolute rotation of the object, our goal boils down to rotating the object such that the local axis (1, 0) (= (cos rotateRad, sin rotateRad) in world space) points towards the mouse. In effect, we have to rotate the object such that (cos p.rotateRad, sin p.rotateRad) equals (win.MousePosition().Y - p.pos.Y, win.MousePosition().X - p.pos.X).normalized.
How does slerp come into play here? Considering the above statement, we simply have to slerp geometrically from (cos p.rotateRad, sin p.rotateRad) (represented by current) to (win.MousePosition().Y - p.pos.Y, win.MousePosition().X - p.pos.X).normalized (represented by target) by an appropriate parameter which will be determined by the rotation speed.
Now that we have laid out the groundwork, we can move on to actually calculating the new rotation. According to the slerp formula,
slerp(p0, p1; t) = p0 * sin(A * (1-t)) / sin A + p1 * sin (A * t) / sin A
Where A is the angle between unit vectors p0 and p1, or cos A = dot(p0, p1).
In our case, p0 == current and p1 == target. The only thing that remains is the calculation of the parameter t, which can also be considered as the fraction of the angle to slerp through. Since we know that we are going to rotate by an angle p.turnSpeed * dt at every time step, t = p.turnSpeed * dt / A. After substituting the value of t, our slerp formula becomes
p0 * sin(A - p.turnSpeed * dt) / sin A + p1 * sin (p.turnSpeed * dt) / sin A
To avoid having to calculate A using acos, we can use the compound angle formula for sin to simplify this further. Note that the result of the slerp operation is stored in result.
result = p0 * (cos(p.turnSpeed * dt) - sin(p.turnSpeed * dt) * cos A / sin A) + p1 * sin(p.turnSpeed * dt) / sin A
We now have everything we need to calculate result. As noted before, cos A = dot(p0, p1). Similarly, sin A = abs(cross(p0, p1)), where cross(a, b) = a.X * b.Y - a.Y * b.X.
Now comes the problem of actually finding the rotation from result. Note that result = (cos newRotation, sin newRotation). There are two possibilities:
Directly calculate rotateRad by p.rotateRad = atan2(result.Y, result.X), or
If you have access to the 2D rotation matrix, simply replace the rotation matrix with the matrix
|result.X -result.Y|
|result.Y result.X|

How to calculate the winding number of a facet's points?

I have a flat square in 3D space made of 4 points, each made of (x,y,z) values. I have rotated this square and converted it to 2D points, so it is now made of (x,y) values.
I know that if the square is facing away from me I should not render it (it is actually the backside of a cube) and that this can be calculated by finding the "winding number" of the points which make up the 2D square.
I have the code below in Lua which almost works, but is hiding facets when they are not quite facing "away" from me. What is wrong with it? Have I missed something?
local function isPolygonClockwise( pointList )
local area = 0
for i = 1, #pointList-1, 2 do
local pointStart = { x=pointList[i].x - pointList[1].x, y=pointList[i].y - pointList[1].y }
local pointEnd = { x=pointList[i + 1].x - pointList[1].x, y=pointList[i + 1].y - pointList[1].y }
area = area + (pointStart.x * -pointEnd.y) - (pointEnd.x * -pointStart.y)
return (area < 0)
Being Lua, the pointList is 1-based, not 0-based.
Here is a list of points which cause the front face of the cube to be rendered when it is pointing almost to the right but very definitely still facing away:
That list started original as winding anti-clockwise as a simple list of values of -100 or 100 for the x and y values of each corner.
Just realised that the increment value was wrong because it was counting every value in the point list which means the x and y values were being counted twice after index 1...
local function isPolygonClockwise( pointList )
local area = 0
for i = 1, #pointList-1, 2 do
local pointStart = { x=pointList[i].x - pointList[1].x, y=pointList[i].y - pointList[1].y }
local pointEnd = { x=pointList[i + 1].x - pointList[1].x, y=pointList[i + 1].y - pointList[1].y }
area = area + (pointStart.x * -pointEnd.y) - (pointEnd.x * -pointStart.y)
return (area < 0)

Estimated position of vector after time, angle and speed

How to calculate 3D vector position after some time of movement at given angle and speed?
I have these variables available: current position, horizontal angle, vertical angle and speed.
I want to calculate position in the future.
Speed is defined as:
float distMade = this->Position().GetDistanceTo(lastPosition);
float speed = (distMade / timeFromLastCheck) * 1000; // result per sec
// checking every 100ms
Vertical angle coordinate system:
Facing 100% down -PI/2 (-1.57)
Facing 100% up PI/2 (1.57)
Horizontal angle:
Radian system, facing north = PI/2
Facing west = PI
Position 3d vector: x, y, z where z is height level.
It looks like you are trying to predict a future position based on current position and previous position, and know the duration between them.
In this case, it seems like you don't need the angular directions at all. Just keep your "speed" as a vector.
speed = (position() - lastPosition) / (time-last_time);
future_position = position()+(future_time-time)*speed;
If your vector objects don't have operators overloaded, look for some that do or perform the calculation on each x,y,z component independently.
This is, of course, does not take into account any acceleration, just predicts based on current velocity. You could also smooth it out by averaging over the last 5-10 speeds to get a slightly less jittery prediction. If you want to account for acceleration, then you'll have to track last_speed in the same fashion you are tracking last_position currently, and acceleration is just speed-last_speed. And you'd likely want to do an average over that as well.
in that case your speed is cartesian speed
get point positions in cartesian space in different time
P0=(x0,y0,z0); - last position [units]
P1=(x1,y1,z1); - actual position [units]
dt=0.1; - time difference between obtaining P0,P1
compute new position in time pasted from obtaining P1
if you need angh,angv,dist (and origin of your coordinate system is (0,0,0)
then you use this or modify it to your coordinate system:
dist = |P|=sqrt(x*x+y*y+z*z)
this is for: Z axis = UP, Y axis = North, X axis = East
if origin is not (0,0,0) then just substract it from P before conversion
If your horizontal angle is azimuthal angle, and vertical angle is elevation,
X = X0 + V * t * Cos(Azimuth) * Cos(Elevation)
Y = Y0 + V * t * Sin(Azimuth) * Cos(Elevation)
Z = Z0 + V * t * Sin(Elevation)
