Mobile version elemental theme Concrete5 v 5.7 - css

I am making a website with concrete 5.7. and to edit some things i have copied the Elemental theme and created my theme. But there are two things i don't know how to edit:
1)Is there a way to define how the elements are going to be disposed in mobile version or at least at which size the autonav is going to be changed by the menu button?Also in small screens the logo becomes really small and all the elements appear disordered.(attached file shows those problems)
2) When i change the colors of my website,(settings->design->customize) where does this changes store, because for me it would be easier to use a text editor rather than doing it with the tool. I don't want to create a new color preset, only to know where these changes are stored.
Thanks for everything.!
Photo: The first one is the original and the other is the mobile version.

That's actually a bit complex. In the elemental folder, there's a css folder. Inside that folder there's a bootstrap-modified.css file that is responsible for many things including the grid. As the name suggests, it is minified so hard to read and modify.
You also have a file called main.less and several folders containing a lot of other less files.
main.less gets processed and compiled into a css file on the fly, meaning when the site is visited and the css file was not generated yet or when less files were modified.
Anything you want modified you should modify in the less files.
Look for media queries "#media" to find styles specific to certain screen sizes.

how elements are disposed in mobile version is really something you need to deal with through the use of CSS. It is not really something Concrete5 has control over.
The changes to design made through settings->design->customize are saved in the database.
BUT the things you can modify are defined in the site's css file. You could simply modify the css file directly using any text editor instead of customizing design through the dashboard.


Angular Material 2 themes - output single file or lazy load

Disclaimer: There are a few questions on SO regarding CSS and debates over a single or multiple CSS files but I think this is a bit different
I have a pretty big Angular 7 app using Angular Material 2 and I want to introduce themes. Each theme will be retrieved on user login (the theme is saved on the server and cannot be changed by the user).
The question is mainly regarding whether it would be best to export a single CSS file using top-level classes (body or app container) for each theme, replacing only classes that change for each theme or lazy load a new css file on top of the main css file with only the classes that are getting overwritten.
My biggest concern with the first option is getting a huge single CSS file. The current file is already around 300kb (unminified CSS is about 11k lines of code) and with themes ranging from 200-500 lines each and there could be 10+ themes, the file can easily get double or even triple that amount.
On the other hand, lazy loaded CSS might cause the user to download 2 smaller files but the implications might be worse. For example a lazy loaded CSS file needs to be exported with separate configs in Angular CLI and the name needs to be specific so it can be loaded from Angular on login which means caching might be an issue if something changes and also no versioning (eg. theme-blah-2.17.css) is also not possible in the name of the file. Possibly other implications that I cannot think of at the moment too.
Look at how material handles themes.
Also, take a look at how teradata Covalent handles themes.

Is it good if I split my CSS file into multiple files for each page?

I'm Building a website, and It has a lot of pages approximately like 30 pages, and I linked these pages with one CSS file (the main css files) not to mention the other files such as bootstrap.min.css and other plugins that requires their own css files.
My point is that in all of these I'm using like the same css files, but in some pages I don't need all of the properties and styles in main.css file, so I'm thinking that I split that css file into multiple files, and create file called (global.css) and type in the properties that I'll need in all pages, and make another css file for each individual page.
My question is:-
Is it going to be helpful for the website speed if I split that main css into multiple css files and include only the necessary things for each page?
Ideally you want to abstracts your CSS files into many different SCSS files and then compiles them into one minified master file. One file for the header styling, one for links, one for typography. I was afraid of SCSS but now love it... Nothing changes in production, you are still running off CSS bit in development you are just making your life that little bit more organised.
you better dont want to do that if your code is small like less that 50kb or even 100kb
also if you provide seperate css for each page browser has to download each css file when user visit that page that will cost you one additional request for every single page this will slow down your page and affect your performace
instead I would suggest when your code goes live compress your code or minified it so youll get the more smaller version of your code
I also suggest to leverage browser caching (using .htaccess if you are using linux server)
above are the things which comes under front end performance improvement

Colors in Bootstrap custom download?

So I'm using the Bootstrap Customize and Download page to generate a version of the Bootstrap files with custom colors. I got the idea that I wanted to add some other colors (e.g. #purpleLight) to make upkeep of the site design easier, so I look through the downloaded contents the site generates, and my customizations don't appear to be anywhere, let alone somewhere for me to add others.
Here's what comes in the the site spits out:
...and that's it.
So, no colors anywhere in these files as far as I can tell. No LESS files included in the download. Am I doing something wrong? Is the site doing something wrong? Am I just not seeing something that is in fact there? To the best of my diffing abilities, the downloads seem identical regardless of the customization options I choose...
And, pending whose messing up here, what would be the alternative best way for me to customize a color palette for my Bootstrap site?
You can't add more LESS variables with the custom download tool. You can only redefine the values of the existing variables. Upon download, the tool compiles with those set variables but since you don't get the LESS files, you won't be able to add more variables afterwards, like #purpleLight you mentioned.
If you want to extend Bootstrap with more LESS variables, you have to download the full source and compile your css from the included LESS files. There's a file variables.less in the less/ folder where can add your #purpleLight.

ASP.NET Themes - Should They Be Used?

I'd been reading up on themes in my ASP.NET book and thought that it could be a very handy solution, then I met some problems.
The theme picks up every single CSS file in the folder
If you want to use reset styles (where ordering is important) the order of imported stylesheets is not guaranteed
Your master page would not explicitly indicate what style is being used, only the rendered page can tell you that unless you dig into your web.config
Styling web controls using the theme file is... well... stupid? You can simply do this in your stylesheet. Granular control should be at the HTML level, should it not?
How do you specify print stylesheets without having all styles in a single stylesheet?
I'm wondering as to whether they're actually worth using at all. Is there any benefit? Are there any major sites using them?
Just to clarify slolife's last point. If I had two stylesheets, one called print.css and one called main.css and I used ASP.NET themes, how would it know that print.css was a print stylesheet? In regular HTML you use the media type in the tag itself (i.e. <link rel= ...>) but the themes wouldn't know this, so it would just get included as a regular stylesheet.
I like using themes, but as Raj pointed out in his answer, URL rewriting can cause problems. My search for some solutions to that is what led me to your question. But I'll add my opinions in anyway.
I'll address some of your bullets from above as to why I think themes are good:
- The theme picks up every single CSS file in the folder
I guess you are looking to apply only certain stylesheet files to certain pages. Yes, themes takes the shotgun approach here, so that's a problem. But you don't have to put all stylesheets in the the theme folder. Put your specialized ones outside of it and they won't be included automatically. But I think it is nice feature to have the common/site wide ones included automagically.
- If you want to use reset styles (where ordering is important) the order of imported stylesheets is not guaranteed
I think you can guarantee the order by the way you name the files, so they are numerically and alphabetically ordered. Maybe not an elegant solution, but not horrible.
Personally, I have a build step that combines and compresses all of the *.css files in my theme folder into one single style.css file, and since I control that build step and the order that the files are combined, that doesn't affect me.
- Your master page would not explicitly indicate what style is being used, only the rendered page can tell you that unless you dig into your web.config
You can change the theme via code and in the <%#Page directive
- Styling web controls using the theme file is... well... stupid? You can simply do this in your stylesheet. Granular control should be at the HTML level, should it not?
I agree that applying style attributes to controls via the theme doesn't seem to be a best practice. But I love the fact that I can define image skins in the theme's skin files and don't have to cut and paste Width,Height,AlternativeText,Align attributes for common images that I use lots of places throughout the site. And if I ever change one of those images, I can fix the attributes in one place, rather than all over. I also can created skinned controls with a certain list of css classes applied, which seems handy to me.
- How do you specify print stylesheets without having all styles in a single stylesheet?
I have a Print.css file that starts with #media print and that defines print styles for my site. Why do you need to put them in one stylesheet?
IMHO, themes are absolutely USELESS
try implementing url rewriting with an app which uses themes and see them break straight away
basically, you can achieve the same thing writing few lines of code in and multiple css folders. i am yet to come across any developer / company who has been using themes
when 2.0 was launched, there was a big hype around themes but my personal opinion is its simply not worth it :-)
Use themes to change control attributes ONLY.
They were bad designed for working with css.

How should I organize my ASP.Net themes and common CSS files

I am currently working on a project where a programmer who fancied themselves a graphic designer attempted their hand at ASP.Net themes. The CSS is pretty bad, but that is another question altogether.
What I really need help with is the best way to organize ASP.Net Themes and the CSS that lies within them. Imagine that there is a directory structure that looks something like this:
Theme A
Theme B
Theme C
Each theme has a common stylesheet in it. Unfortunately the author of those style sheets managed to change only a few things here and there in each copy of Common.css. Eventually I will evaluate whether or not those changes are even necessary, but some major cleanup needs to happen first. For now just assume that the changes, ever so small, are necessary for things to look right with each theme.
I would like to know what the best practices are for using themes while also needing some common styles across your application. I want to minimize the number of AppTurns in the page load, but I really want to consolidate common styles into one place in a way that maintains the ease of themes.
You should just include the standard/common css in the website and include it in the head of the masterpage instead of placing it in themes.
I have written a small article about that:
I'll complete it with more information later
Yes, just reference the common CSS file directly instead of putting it in the theme folders.
But what if you have a webpage in a sub folder that uses the masterpage? Won't the page to the css file be wrong then?
