Grunt Pleeease: Extend existing source map - gruntjs

I write Sass and use grunt-pleeease to inline #includes etc.
Unfortunately pleeease inlines its source map and ignores the existing one.
The source map file from sass is in the same folder as the css I pass to pleeease (main.css and
Is there a way to tell pleeease to use the existing source map and extend it?

I've also run into this problem. Currently, the pleeease grunt task doesn't write out the external source map even if you select the correct options. You can edit the task to make it do this anyway. I've submitted a pull request to the project on GitHub for this fix.
Note that I still had to specify the in and out options (pleeease gets the location of the original source map from the css file's sourcemap comment; you can specify this manually also using the prev option for sourcemaps, just note that you have to set that option to the contents of the sourcemap file, not the path of the sourcemap will be of use there):
pleeease: {
dist: {
options: {
in: 'build/styles/styles.css',
out: 'public/styles/styles.min.css',
sourcemaps: {
map: {
inline: false,
sourcesContent: true
files: {
'public/styles/styles.min.css': 'build/styles/styles.css'
Until this fix is implemented into the master branch and published on NPM, you can use the GitHub address of my pull request branch in your package.json to get the fix (please note that I will eventually remove this branch if my pull request is accepted or the fix is achieved in some other way):
"grunt-pleeease": "zeorin/grunt-pleeease#sourcemap-external",


How do I change sass output directory?

I have this folder structure:
I want the sass output to go to the css folder, but each time I run sass watcher it creates a new css file within the sass directory among sass files.
Thx for information about using 'Live SASS Compiler' in VS Code.
To set special otuput pathes to your project you need to add the settings for output pathes to the settigns.json of your project:
File: `projectDIR/.vscode/settings.json'
Example for setting the save pathes to output directory:
"settings": {
// output: generate files to ...
// ~ = path starts relative from scss-file
"format": "expanded",
"extensionName": ".css",
"savePath": "~/../assets"
// ad a compressed version
"format": "compressed",
"extensionName": ".min.css",
"savePath": "~/../assets"
// optional: add more outputs ...
See also official example in web:
Additional hint:
The actual commmon used Extension Live Sass Compiler is not longer supported (for years now). It uses an outdated SASS Version. The most recent features like #use are not supported in that version. You use that outdated version if author is 'Ritwick Dey'.
But there is an active supported fork with same name 'Live SASS Compiler' build by 'Glenn Marks'. As fork it works the same way and the settings are almost the same. Or you can use another actual compiler which is faster as you can use an direct installed SASS Version on your system. In that case you need to change the settings for your project.
Information about that you will find here:
Updated: Correction name of author of supported extension 'Live SASS Compiler' to correct identification of extension.
Go to path: C:\Users\your user\AppData\Roaming\Code\User\settings.json
and change there the "liveSassCompile.settings.formats" section
for example:
the parameter : "savePath": "/Python/CSS",

Grunt , Babel setup for Es6 with external helper

Hi there I have been forced to come here due to every resource out there on the topic is very poor and incomplete.
Not only on the babel site but every single post out there is not complete and informative enough.
I tried to reach out at the babel forum and no replies.
I am trying to convert my prototype libraries to Es6 and convert to the most leanest possible code. So no bloaty duplicated generated code and if possible no bloaty requirejs and whatever browserify generates.
I have tried to make a project with grunt and babel directly, configure the external-helpers plugin according to the babel documentation.
It fails to include the relevant helper code and fails to include the import module code altogether.
ie a babel config like
options: {
sourceMap: false,
presets: ['es2015'],
"plugins": ["external-helpers"]
dist: {
files: {
'build/<%= %>.js': ['src/<%= %>.js']
The main project file has an import like
import Button from './ui/buttons/Button';
The module code looks like this as if the export is placed underneath extra code is generated for that.
export default class ShareButton {}
produces an output like this
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", {
value: true
var _Button = require('./ui/buttons/Button');
var _Button2 = babelHelpers.interopRequireDefault(_Button);
No source of the module or the helper object is included.
I searched hard for how to deal with external-helpers and it suggests it has to be imported into a separate file ie something like this to generate only the helper functions needed
babel-external-helpers -l createClass > src/helpers.js
But any resource regards to this fails to go as far as to how to import that into the project.
If I use the transform-runtime plugin, it produces a massive polyfill that cannot be disabled so a bug and not so useful for what I need.
"plugins": [
["transform-runtime", { "polyfill": false, "regenerator": false }]
If I use browserify / babelify it makes a royal mess and duplicates code still.
A config like
options: {
"transform": [["babelify", {
"presets": ["es2015"],
"plugins": ["external-helpers"],
sourceMap: false
dist: {
files: {
'build/<%= %>.js': ['src/<%= %>.js']
Produces code like this still with the external helper missing and duplicated code not relevant to the helper. ie
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", {
value: true
Is within every module in the generated file.
If I export the classes like this at the bottom of every file
export default class {}
Duplicated code is generated like
var _class = function _class() {
babelHelpers.classCallCheck(this, _class);
exports.default = _class;
In terms of filesize that doesn't include bloaty wrapping code like
It seems concatting all the prototype classes files together to bundle in one file is the winner still.
So trying to port the library but keep it similar and bundle it together into one file.
Hopefully this is concise enough and there is a simple solution.
FYI browsers do not understand tabs and 4 spaces. I had to edit this post in my editor to get the code blocks working ! It would be nice to have a markup like other places like "```" ?
Let me know thanks.
I'm using rollup with babel now. Rollup produces a clean output as umd mode. Browserify is really bloaty in itself.
There is just a problem with polyfills being converted. I have to concat external ones in like for WeakMap.
I had a problem trying to use the generated Iterator and finding a polyfill for that so I have to code loops a particular way it doesn't generate Iterators.
The polyfill generation in babel is still too bloaty and crazy. It's pretty terrible. So I concat in minified polyfills that are very small and it's used globally.
I was running into something very similar. Was tired of trying to do it the "right way" and ended up just creating which simply manipulates the string output.

grunt-wiredep - Want to get dependencies written into file

The common use of grunt-wiredep is to scan through your given HTML and inject the relevant dependencies into that HTML.
I'm looking to instead get the JS & CSS dependencies, in the order as determined by wiredep, concat them into a single JS and single CSS file and write those files.
I can see that wiredep itself is happy to return an object with an ordered list but the syntax for getting Grunt to write these into files is beyond me.
Does anyone know if this is possible and what the syntax would be? The first thing that all grunt-wiredep tasks start with is a source HTML file and that's not what I'm looking to do.
Any advice appreciated!
Thanks for your solution!
I've added some extra details, so it works out of the box:
//Put all bower files in one file
grunt.registerTask('bower-bundler', function() {
//Point to the file which source you need to bundle
var result = require('wiredep')({
src: ['index.html']
//Set grunt config for concat task based on result.js and add an output file
grunt.config.set('concat.withWiredepJS', {
src: [
dest: 'build/lib_min.js'
//Run the task right away'concat:withWiredepJS');
So the way I finally overcame this with a colleague is remarkably simple.
I set up a new Grunt task to get the object I needed from the node Wiredep process as here:
grunt.registerTask('bower-bundler', function () {
var result = require('wiredep')();
grunt.config.set('concat.wiredepCSS.src', result.css);
grunt.config.set('concat.wiredepJS.src', result.js);
The grunt.config.set() allows you to set a task's source outside of it's config block.

Concatenate/relocate CSS files with Gulp

I'm looking for a plugin chain to use with Gulp that provides:
source map support
URL replacement (rebase) to address relocation/concat
I currently have the first four, but I can't find a combination of existing plugins that will give me the last (URL rebasing) also. I've not found any URL rebasing plugins that emit sourcemaps.
Just to be clear, my issue is that when I compile multiple small CSS files from my project development folders, and output them into a common folder, the move resulting from concatenation breaks relative URLs, such as those for background images.
It sounds like the tool chain I currently use is already intended to solve this problem. So, that's ostensibly the answer. However, that raises another question, how the required syntax is supposed to work.
That question theoretically has lots of duplicates out there:
clean-css #152: Rebasing functionality very frustrating
clean-css #195: root option on Windows
clean-css #263: How to get relativeTo option working with CSS files in different paths
Grunt cssmin rebasing a relative URI?
Unfortunately no answers actually explain the syntax, they just demonstrate voodoo; so I don't know why the following isn't working. If I can get it resolved I'll come back here and flag this accepted to indicate this tool chain does actually do what I need.
The source files:
styleInput1.less "url(../site/logo.png)"
styleInput2.less "url(../site/background.png)"
The gulp task:
gulp.task(filename, function () {
return gulp.src(files)
.pipe(minifyCss({ relativeTo: './compiled' }))
The output, with broken URLs. Note the multiple defects. Although the CSS is raised a directory level relative to the required assets, an additional parent directory has been added (!). Also, one of the URLs has had a hard asset folder name changed (!). Very strange:
styleOutput1.css "url(../../compiled/logo.png)"
styleOutput2.css "url(../../site/background.png)"
My apologies for continuing the voodoo, but here is my working gulp pipe:
.pipe(minifyCss({ relativeTo: './compiled', target: './compiled' }))
And the correct output:
styleOutput1.css "url(../assets/site/logo.png)"
styleOutput2.css "url(../assets/site/background.png)"
I personally use gulp-minify-css and specify the relativeTo attribute.
gulp.task('css', function() {
// Here I specify the relative path to my files
.pipe(minifyCSS({keepSpecialComments: 0, relativeTo: './assets/css/', processImport: true}))
browsers: ['last 2 versions'],
cascade: false
"title": "Should I Go?",
"subtitle": "Gulp Process",
"message": '<%= file.relative %> was successfully minified!',
"sound": "Pop",
"onLast": true
If that doesn't work for you, they have a lot of other parameters to rebase URLs :
rebase - set to false to skip URL rebasing
relativeTo - path to resolve relative #import rules and URLs
restructuring - set to false to disable restructuring in advanced
root - path to resolve absolute #import rules and rebase relative

Can an assemble target be silenced if there are no matching files? (Without using --force)

I have this assemble grunt target:
docs: {
files: {'<%= site.tmp %>/': ['<%= site.pages %>/**/*.html'] }
If there is no matching content, it complains, saying "Warning: Source files not found. Use --force to continue". The task then aborts. I don't mind the warning but I would like the option to configure the task to continue rather than having to use "--force" on the command line. Is this possible?
ps. The reason why this task is now failing is that I have converted the content to markdown. I am trying to build a scaffold that allows users to use markdown, hbs or html in any combination.
Based on what you are saying, you can use a little unix trick here.
docs: {
files: {'<%= site.tmp %>/': ['<%= site.pages %>/**/*.{html,hbs,md}'] }
That code basically looks for anything ending in .html, .hbs, or .md.
Since this is really a Grunt error, you would need to simply write your file object to allow for more possibilities.
For example, the above would only work if the location actually has files. If Grunt looks in that location and doesn't see any of the acceptable files, it will display the error you are getting now.
