concise way of making an R formula [duplicate] - r

Suppose I have a response variable and a data containing three covariates (as a toy example):
y = c(1,4,6)
d = data.frame(x1 = c(4,-1,3), x2 = c(3,9,8), x3 = c(4,-4,-2))
I want to fit a linear regression to the data:
fit = lm(y ~ d$x1 + d$x2 + d$y2)
Is there a way to write the formula, so that I don't have to write out each individual covariate? For example, something like
fit = lm(y ~ d)
(I want each variable in the data frame to be a covariate.) I'm asking because I actually have 50 variables in my data frame, so I want to avoid writing out x1 + x2 + x3 + etc.

There is a special identifier that one can use in a formula to mean all the variables, it is the . identifier.
y <- c(1,4,6)
d <- data.frame(y = y, x1 = c(4,-1,3), x2 = c(3,9,8), x3 = c(4,-4,-2))
mod <- lm(y ~ ., data = d)
You can also do things like this, to use all variables but one (in this case x3 is excluded):
mod <- lm(y ~ . - x3, data = d)
Technically, . means all variables not already mentioned in the formula. For example
lm(y ~ x1 * x2 + ., data = d)
where . would only reference x3 as x1 and x2 are already in the formula.

A slightly different approach is to create your formula from a string. In the formula help page you will find the following example :
## Create a formula for a model with a large number of variables:
xnam <- paste("x", 1:25, sep="")
fmla <- as.formula(paste("y ~ ", paste(xnam, collapse= "+")))
Then if you look at the generated formula, you will get :
R> fmla
y ~ x1 + x2 + x3 + x4 + x5 + x6 + x7 + x8 + x9 + x10 + x11 +
x12 + x13 + x14 + x15 + x16 + x17 + x18 + x19 + x20 + x21 +
x22 + x23 + x24 + x25

Yes of course, just add the response y as first column in the dataframe and call lm() on it:
> d2
y x1 x2 x3
1 1 4 3 4
2 4 -1 9 -4
3 6 3 8 -2
> lm(d2)
lm(formula = d2)
(Intercept) x1 x2 x3
-5.6316 0.7895 1.1579 NA
Also, my information about R points out that assignment with <- is recommended over =.

An extension of juba's method is to use reformulate, a function which is explicitly designed for such a task.
## Create a formula for a model with a large number of variables:
xnam <- paste("x", 1:25, sep="")
reformulate(xnam, "y")
y ~ x1 + x2 + x3 + x4 + x5 + x6 + x7 + x8 + x9 + x10 + x11 +
x12 + x13 + x14 + x15 + x16 + x17 + x18 + x19 + x20 + x21 +
x22 + x23 + x24 + x25
For the example in the OP, the easiest solution here would be
# add y variable to data.frame d
d <- cbind(y, d)
reformulate(names(d)[-1], names(d[1]))
y ~ x1 + x2 + x3
mod <- lm(reformulate(names(d)[-1], names(d[1])), data=d)
Note that adding the dependent variable to the data.frame in d <- cbind(y, d) is preferred not only because it allows for the use of reformulate, but also because it allows for future use of the lm object in functions like predict.

I build this solution, reformulate does not take care if variable names have white spaces.
add_backticks = function(x) {
paste0("`", x, "`")
x_lm_formula = function(x) {
paste(add_backticks(x), collapse = " + ")
build_lm_formula = function(x, y){
if (length(y)>1){
stop("y needs to be just one variable")
paste0("`",y,"`", " ~ ", x_lm_formula(x))
# Example
df <- data.frame(
y = c(1,4,6),
x1 = c(4,-1,3),
x2 = c(3,9,8),
x3 = c(4,-4,-2)
# Model Specification
columns = colnames(df)
y_cols = columns[1]
x_cols = columns[2:length(columns)]
formula = build_lm_formula(x_cols, y_cols)
# output
# "`y` ~ `x1` + `x2` + `x3`"
# Run Model
lm(formula = formula, data = df)
# output
lm(formula = formula, data = df)
(Intercept) x1 x2 x3
-5.6316 0.7895 1.1579 NA

You can check the package leaps and in particular the function regsubsets()
functions for model selection. As stated in the documentation:
Model selection by exhaustive search, forward or backward stepwise, or sequential replacement


avoid repeatedly writing model formula when fitting a number of linear regression models

I'd like to run a number of similar linear regression models in R, such as
lm(y ~ x1 + x2 + x3 + x4 + x5, data = df)
lm(y ~ x1 + x2 + x3 + x4 + x5 + x6, data = df)
lm(y ~ x1 + x2 + x3 + x4 + x5 + x6 + x7, data = df)
How can I assign part of this to a "base" formula, to avoid repeating it many times? This would be the base:
y ~ x1 + x2 + x3 + x4 + x5
Then how can I do something like the following (obviously not working)?
lm(base + x6, data = df)
Searching on Stack Overflow I realized that I could make a data frame with only variables of interest and use . to shorten the model formula, but I wonder if this could be avoided.
You can update a model formula with update.formula. For example:
base <- y ~ x1 + x2 + x3 + x4 + x5
update.formula(base, . ~ . + x6)
#y ~ x1 + x2 + x3 + x4 + x5 + x6
Here is a strings version if you want to provide new variable name as character:
## `deparse` damp a model formula to a string
formula(paste(deparse(base), "x6", sep = " + "))
In fact, you can even update your model directly
fit <- lm(base, dat); update.default(fit, . ~ . + x6)
This idea that updates the whole model worked the best. Only update() was needed in my case.
I wrote update.default and update.formula so that you know what function to look for when you do ? for the documentation.

Sending variable name vector to glm inside R function [duplicate]

Suppose I have a response variable and a data containing three covariates (as a toy example):
y = c(1,4,6)
d = data.frame(x1 = c(4,-1,3), x2 = c(3,9,8), x3 = c(4,-4,-2))
I want to fit a linear regression to the data:
fit = lm(y ~ d$x1 + d$x2 + d$y2)
Is there a way to write the formula, so that I don't have to write out each individual covariate? For example, something like
fit = lm(y ~ d)
(I want each variable in the data frame to be a covariate.) I'm asking because I actually have 50 variables in my data frame, so I want to avoid writing out x1 + x2 + x3 + etc.
There is a special identifier that one can use in a formula to mean all the variables, it is the . identifier.
y <- c(1,4,6)
d <- data.frame(y = y, x1 = c(4,-1,3), x2 = c(3,9,8), x3 = c(4,-4,-2))
mod <- lm(y ~ ., data = d)
You can also do things like this, to use all variables but one (in this case x3 is excluded):
mod <- lm(y ~ . - x3, data = d)
Technically, . means all variables not already mentioned in the formula. For example
lm(y ~ x1 * x2 + ., data = d)
where . would only reference x3 as x1 and x2 are already in the formula.
A slightly different approach is to create your formula from a string. In the formula help page you will find the following example :
## Create a formula for a model with a large number of variables:
xnam <- paste("x", 1:25, sep="")
fmla <- as.formula(paste("y ~ ", paste(xnam, collapse= "+")))
Then if you look at the generated formula, you will get :
R> fmla
y ~ x1 + x2 + x3 + x4 + x5 + x6 + x7 + x8 + x9 + x10 + x11 +
x12 + x13 + x14 + x15 + x16 + x17 + x18 + x19 + x20 + x21 +
x22 + x23 + x24 + x25
Yes of course, just add the response y as first column in the dataframe and call lm() on it:
> d2
y x1 x2 x3
1 1 4 3 4
2 4 -1 9 -4
3 6 3 8 -2
> lm(d2)
lm(formula = d2)
(Intercept) x1 x2 x3
-5.6316 0.7895 1.1579 NA
Also, my information about R points out that assignment with <- is recommended over =.
An extension of juba's method is to use reformulate, a function which is explicitly designed for such a task.
## Create a formula for a model with a large number of variables:
xnam <- paste("x", 1:25, sep="")
reformulate(xnam, "y")
y ~ x1 + x2 + x3 + x4 + x5 + x6 + x7 + x8 + x9 + x10 + x11 +
x12 + x13 + x14 + x15 + x16 + x17 + x18 + x19 + x20 + x21 +
x22 + x23 + x24 + x25
For the example in the OP, the easiest solution here would be
# add y variable to data.frame d
d <- cbind(y, d)
reformulate(names(d)[-1], names(d[1]))
y ~ x1 + x2 + x3
mod <- lm(reformulate(names(d)[-1], names(d[1])), data=d)
Note that adding the dependent variable to the data.frame in d <- cbind(y, d) is preferred not only because it allows for the use of reformulate, but also because it allows for future use of the lm object in functions like predict.
I build this solution, reformulate does not take care if variable names have white spaces.
add_backticks = function(x) {
paste0("`", x, "`")
x_lm_formula = function(x) {
paste(add_backticks(x), collapse = " + ")
build_lm_formula = function(x, y){
if (length(y)>1){
stop("y needs to be just one variable")
paste0("`",y,"`", " ~ ", x_lm_formula(x))
# Example
df <- data.frame(
y = c(1,4,6),
x1 = c(4,-1,3),
x2 = c(3,9,8),
x3 = c(4,-4,-2)
# Model Specification
columns = colnames(df)
y_cols = columns[1]
x_cols = columns[2:length(columns)]
formula = build_lm_formula(x_cols, y_cols)
# output
# "`y` ~ `x1` + `x2` + `x3`"
# Run Model
lm(formula = formula, data = df)
# output
lm(formula = formula, data = df)
(Intercept) x1 x2 x3
-5.6316 0.7895 1.1579 NA
You can check the package leaps and in particular the function regsubsets()
functions for model selection. As stated in the documentation:
Model selection by exhaustive search, forward or backward stepwise, or sequential replacement

Linear regression of same outcome, similar number of covariates and one unique covariate in each model

I want to run linear regression for the same outcome and a number of covariates minus one covariate in each model. I have looked at the example on this page but could that did not provide what I wanted.
Sample data
a <- data.frame(y = c(30,12,18), x1 = c(7,6,9), x2 = c(6,8,5),
x3 = c(4,-2,-3), x4 = c(8,3,-3), x5 = c(4,-4,-2))
m1 <- lm(y ~ x1 + x4 + x5, data = a)
m2 <- lm(y ~ x2 + x4 + x5, data = a)
m3 <- lm(y ~ x3 + x4 + x5, data = a)
How could I run these models in a short way and and without repeating the same covariates again and again?
Following this example you could do this:
lapply(1:3, function(i){
lm(as.formula(sprintf("y ~ x%i + x4 + x5", i)), a)

How to predict with multinom() in R

I'm trying to calculate predicted probabilities using specific values, but R shows the following error:
Error in model.frame.default(Terms, newdata, na.action = na.omit, xlev = object$xlevels) :
variable lengths differ (found for 'x')
In addition: Warning message:
'newdata' had 1 rows but variable(s) found have 513 rows
This is what I was trying to do: x1 is a factor with 12 levels, and x2 is also a factor with 3 levels.
res4 <- multinom(y ~ x1 + x2 + x3 + x4 + x5 + x6 + x7 + x8 + x9 - 1, data=dta, Hess=T)
nd <- data.frame(x11=0.10331384, x12=0.07992203, x13=0.06237817, x14=0.03313840, x15=0.12280702, x16=0.07407407, x17=0.07407407, x18=0.10331384, x19=0.08966862, x110=0.07017544, x111=0.15009747, x112=0.03703704, x22=1, x23=0, x3=1, x4=1, x5=mean(x5), x6=mean(x6, na.rm=T), x7=mean(x7), x8=mean(x8), x9=mean(x9))
predict(res4, type="probs", newdata=nd)
Any help?
You nd data.frame should have nine variables, one for each of your x's.
res4 <- multinom(y ~ x1 + x2 + x3 + x4 + x5 + x6 + x7 + x8 + x9 - 1, data=dta, Hess=T)
nd <- data.frame(x1=0.10331384, x2=0.07992203, x3=0.06237817, x4=0.03313840, x5=0.12280702, x6=0.07407407, x7=0.07407407, x8=0.10331384, x9=0.08966862)
predict(res4, type="probs", newdata=nd)

How to succinctly write a formula with many variables from a data frame?

Suppose I have a response variable and a data containing three covariates (as a toy example):
y = c(1,4,6)
d = data.frame(x1 = c(4,-1,3), x2 = c(3,9,8), x3 = c(4,-4,-2))
I want to fit a linear regression to the data:
fit = lm(y ~ d$x1 + d$x2 + d$y2)
Is there a way to write the formula, so that I don't have to write out each individual covariate? For example, something like
fit = lm(y ~ d)
(I want each variable in the data frame to be a covariate.) I'm asking because I actually have 50 variables in my data frame, so I want to avoid writing out x1 + x2 + x3 + etc.
There is a special identifier that one can use in a formula to mean all the variables, it is the . identifier.
y <- c(1,4,6)
d <- data.frame(y = y, x1 = c(4,-1,3), x2 = c(3,9,8), x3 = c(4,-4,-2))
mod <- lm(y ~ ., data = d)
You can also do things like this, to use all variables but one (in this case x3 is excluded):
mod <- lm(y ~ . - x3, data = d)
Technically, . means all variables not already mentioned in the formula. For example
lm(y ~ x1 * x2 + ., data = d)
where . would only reference x3 as x1 and x2 are already in the formula.
A slightly different approach is to create your formula from a string. In the formula help page you will find the following example :
## Create a formula for a model with a large number of variables:
xnam <- paste("x", 1:25, sep="")
fmla <- as.formula(paste("y ~ ", paste(xnam, collapse= "+")))
Then if you look at the generated formula, you will get :
R> fmla
y ~ x1 + x2 + x3 + x4 + x5 + x6 + x7 + x8 + x9 + x10 + x11 +
x12 + x13 + x14 + x15 + x16 + x17 + x18 + x19 + x20 + x21 +
x22 + x23 + x24 + x25
Yes of course, just add the response y as first column in the dataframe and call lm() on it:
> d2
y x1 x2 x3
1 1 4 3 4
2 4 -1 9 -4
3 6 3 8 -2
> lm(d2)
lm(formula = d2)
(Intercept) x1 x2 x3
-5.6316 0.7895 1.1579 NA
Also, my information about R points out that assignment with <- is recommended over =.
An extension of juba's method is to use reformulate, a function which is explicitly designed for such a task.
## Create a formula for a model with a large number of variables:
xnam <- paste("x", 1:25, sep="")
reformulate(xnam, "y")
y ~ x1 + x2 + x3 + x4 + x5 + x6 + x7 + x8 + x9 + x10 + x11 +
x12 + x13 + x14 + x15 + x16 + x17 + x18 + x19 + x20 + x21 +
x22 + x23 + x24 + x25
For the example in the OP, the easiest solution here would be
# add y variable to data.frame d
d <- cbind(y, d)
reformulate(names(d)[-1], names(d[1]))
y ~ x1 + x2 + x3
mod <- lm(reformulate(names(d)[-1], names(d[1])), data=d)
Note that adding the dependent variable to the data.frame in d <- cbind(y, d) is preferred not only because it allows for the use of reformulate, but also because it allows for future use of the lm object in functions like predict.
I build this solution, reformulate does not take care if variable names have white spaces.
add_backticks = function(x) {
paste0("`", x, "`")
x_lm_formula = function(x) {
paste(add_backticks(x), collapse = " + ")
build_lm_formula = function(x, y){
if (length(y)>1){
stop("y needs to be just one variable")
paste0("`",y,"`", " ~ ", x_lm_formula(x))
# Example
df <- data.frame(
y = c(1,4,6),
x1 = c(4,-1,3),
x2 = c(3,9,8),
x3 = c(4,-4,-2)
# Model Specification
columns = colnames(df)
y_cols = columns[1]
x_cols = columns[2:length(columns)]
formula = build_lm_formula(x_cols, y_cols)
# output
# "`y` ~ `x1` + `x2` + `x3`"
# Run Model
lm(formula = formula, data = df)
# output
lm(formula = formula, data = df)
(Intercept) x1 x2 x3
-5.6316 0.7895 1.1579 NA
You can check the package leaps and in particular the function regsubsets()
functions for model selection. As stated in the documentation:
Model selection by exhaustive search, forward or backward stepwise, or sequential replacement
