Tracking a clients QR Codes - Google Analytics - google-analytics

We would like to track clicks on QR codes on behalf of a client - they have their own analytics account - but we would like to track the clicks to determine whether a QR code is required on future campaigns.
We initially thought that we would provide a url to a page on our server which would track the click and re-direct to the relevant link - but we have also read about urchin tracking modules and wondered whether these could be used in this scenario instead as a less labour intensive method? Does anyone have any experience with this - if so could you advise on best practice?
Can anybody

You can track that by using a relatively new feature in Google Analytics: the measurement protocol. It allows you to send data straight to GA via HTTP requests.


How to set up conversion tracking to optimize campaigns for approved user?

I'm trying to finish my analytics setup and I've got a bit confused what is the best way forward. The end goal is to have tracking setup that enables me to optimize my Google and Facebook campaigns towards approved users instead of just signed up users. Our product has the following funnel:
User visits our website
He signs up for our product using website lead form (at this moment I have user's email, name, phone number etc.)
Based on our evaluation (that can take hours or days) the user is approved or disapproved in our CRM
I want to provide the advertising systems (mainly Google Ads and Facebook Ads) with an information when the user was approved with all the required ids so the system can trace the event back to the ad the user clicked.
I have the following analytical stack that I am working with:
Website GTM container
Server GTM container (GA4+ UA clients, GA4 + UA + FCAPI tags)
Facebook Conversion API implemented in sGTM
What would be the best way in your opinion to implement the tracking of the event that is fired from our CRM when user is approved? I was thinking about using Measurement Protocol to send the event to sGTM/GA4 or Enhanced conversions for leads for Google Ads but neither solutions seems to fit 100 % to my scenario. What would you recommend? Thank you for any inputs.
GA4 Measurement Protocol or Google Ads API and Facebook Ads APIs are the right way to go.
You'll have to store click & user identifiers ad platforms use (fbclid, fbp, gclid/_ga etc) and then pass them to Google Ads (either through GA4 measurement protocol and GA4-GAds connection or directly to Google Ads API) and Facebook CAPI together with the conversion. There are services like Able CDP that do the entire process - recording ids, getting conversions from CRM, sending them to APIs.
Doing it with sGTM or something like Zapier alone would be significantly limited. They don't remember what click ids, IP address, browser etc the user had when signing up and only around half of the conversions without click/user ids recorded at a lead form submission and sent together with the conversion will be attributed typically (the ones for which ad platforms recognise the users' emails).

How does Google Analytics filters duplicate site entrances

We are implementing a native analytics system and want to apply the same tracking principles Google Analytics uses. We've figured everything out but one thing:
Every time I refresh a page with an url that has utm-parameters attached to it, Google Analytics somehow figures out that it's not actually a visit but the same page that gets refreshed and shows only one visit in its dashboard from that particular source.
Is anybody aware how GA specifically does that so I can replicate it in our system?
I know that I can use
in my JS script, but it doesn't give me desired results.
Any help would be much appreciated.
Attribution in GA happens on the Google servers, so JavaScript will be of limited use. Basically since a reload means that the user has the same client id and no change in the channel (source, medium and campaign are the same as in the previous visit) the existing session will be continued (a change of campaign/source information would trigger a new Google Analytics session).
Google has a very nice chart that explains how campaign information and traffic source information is processed.

Can I push page data into marketo manually

We have a site built where our customers come to buy some digital content. But most of the clients use the digital content for marketing campaigns. And employ marketo and many other automation products to track leads.
We have a custom built web analytics tool for our site,which is not robust enough. But our clients just want to know if any leads visited our website and push this event to marketo or any other marketing automation tool. I was wondering if there is a way to read the marketo cookie and send a very simple "site visited" data to marketo so that the client is aware that the prospective lead has read the digital content they brought from us? Does this require a marketo API Key?
We also want to achieve this without embedding any Marketo Munckin codes in our digital content.
Can this be generalized to include other marketing tools?
If you want to get analytic info on how many visitor reached specific target page, you can use Google Analytics in your site and define targets. It will not identify which lead visited. For that you must implement Munchkin Cookie of Marketo.
I think the way this worked for me .
The idea here is to get a unique Marketo-id from client and use just Munchkin.init to register a 'page visited' for that client , who might have filled a landing page data earlier.
And then goahead and read the marketo cookie for that browser as mentioned in their blog here.
This data can also be pushed from backend server with hardcoded script for marketo. This way you can control what data you can send to Marketo and also correlate the user uniquely from Marketo.

Universal Analytics - Track demographic data on server side

I am using Staccato gem to fire pageview events from server side.
While on client side enabling demographic data tracking is easily added by using
ga('require', 'displayfeatures');
How can I add similar support to server side tracking?
Well, do you really need it? Demographics is collecting info about the user by Google already knowing stuff about the visitor. If I visit your site, Google get a page view for this, and Google know that it's me because of cookies and session data. It will know my gender, age and interests from Google+, Youtube and such (Only Google know for sure).
Even if you know something about the user on the server side, I'm having a hard time believing that you could transfer that knowledge to Google. If you say that this user is on Youtube, Google has no way of knowing if this is true.
If you have gender and age info, you could upload this with the measurement protocol though.

Combining Google Analytics client- and server side tracking

I track my users behavior using Google Analytics client side. At some point the user is redirected to one of my partners and I receive a callback from the partner about the value the user has generated.
The question is: How do I append that value from the callback as a goal with a value to the users session?
The objective is to be able to get insights about which of my traffic sources generate the most value (and not just most conversions - as that could be tracked with event tracking).
The solution might be similar to this one, but I'm not sure it's still the best solution - and there could be others as well.
Using Google Analytics to track the same session in client javascript and server side tracking calls?
Thanks in advance.
So it seems that this is now possible with the new Universal Analytics from Google by saving/syncing the users UUID to the server and then tracking any relevant events.
This package seems like a nice wrapper:
Another option is to use same userId (not clientId). That works for multi-device tracking
Universal-analytics is better in that you can use it for anonymous users as well as signed-in users
But tracking by userId is better in that you can send events even if user is not currently on your website doing http or websocket requests.
